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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2007091
Niic and Elijah are men who are walking separate paths down the roads of the old world.
Walking the Old World Roads

A collaborative work written by Tristin Baumann and Hunter Gilpin

April 11th, 2152

  Elijah’s POV:

  The sun hadn’t started rising over the horizon yet, but the sky was already taking on a brighter hue signaling the coming of dawn. I hadn’t slept at all in the night, too many things that could get you if you let your guard down. I made my camp a little alcove of rubble where a suburban house used to to stand, and sat facing the opening, rifle in hand, ready for anyone or anything that might try to use the same shelter I had.

  I rolled up my unused bedroll and stuffed it in my travel pack. I got out of the rubble and checked my compass hanging from my belt. I knew the old highway was about 20 minutes to the east, so I found the right direction and started walking. I reached it in about the amount of time I expected, though I couldn’t be sure since the minute hand on my watch was broken. I went northwards on the highway, hoping to reach a settlement in Chicago I had heard about.

  It took me most of the day, but by the time dusk came I could see the hazy outline of a city in the far distance. It might take another day or two, but within 48 hours I’d definitely be in the city.

  Niic’s POV:

  I awoke with a shudder. I was having a nightmare about the tribals that took my camp and are hunting me. The camp was doing really well and we were well equipped with food, weapons, shelter and defenses. It was right outside of the ruins of New York City on Long Island. People there said something about a new camp at Chicago. We were talking about it if this camp was overrun. Then, the camp was raided. A lot of time seemed to pass since I lost my camp, but being alone for the past weeks has been as fun as it could be. Two days ago, I found a book. It was written by a fellow named Stephen King. The title was illegible, but no pages were missing. I also recently found a dog wandering around my newly found camp. No other people, just me. I made friends with the dog and I named it Milo. He is my new best friend in this wasteland. Those are hard to come by in this world.

  When I got up, I heard a strange noise coming from outside my shack. I grabbed my tire iron and waited for the creaky door to slowly open, but it didn’t. The noise continued for many hours and I was getting a major leg cramp being crouched that long. Finally, the sound went away. I waited fifteen minutes and then went outside. Nothing was changed except for caravan wheels going north. Hmmm. Maybe I should follow it. I pondered for awhile, then grabbed Milo and my tire iron and headed north. I walked for an hour and a half. I looked at the sun and guessed it was 2 o’clock. I have been following this caravan for hours. It had not stopped and I couldn’t see it in the horizon. Finally, it stopped near an old Wal-Mart. I waited behind a blockade of shopping carts. When the caravan driver went in the building, I sprinted to the caravan and...well... stole it. It had battle armor, food, purified water, and miscellaneous items. Jackpot.

April 12th, 2152

Elijah’s POV:

  I had slept in a ditch off the side of the road overnight, I didn’t mean to fall asleep, but I was truly exhausted, and it was the best night of sleep I had had in awhile. Dawn hadn’t broken yet but the hour hand of my watch hovered around 5, so I knew it would be best to get an early start if I wanted to get to Chicago in decent time.

  By about noon, the silhouette of the city had grown, and I could faintly see the ruins of buildings in the distance. Wanting to make up some better ground, I set a well paced run for myself and continued on down the road. By the time night had fallen, I had reached the outer limits of the city. Tomorrow I would enter it and try and find the settlement I heard about. For once, I had a little bit of hope.

Niic’s POV:

  Another day has passed and I was well on my way to Bloomington. I thought I had about 20 miles or so, but I was way off. I was driving the caravan and I heard voices. Then, a shot from some sort of marksman rifle. I got off the caravan, with almost nothing, and ran for my life. I ran to a nearby ruined phonebox. I was frightened that those were the people hunting me, so I waited till dawn and continued my travels. It was really dark when I caught a glimpse of the sign. It said ‘Bloomington 15 miles.’ Finally, the next town! I thought, That’s closer to Chicago. I was so excited that I ran into the sign at full sprint.

April 13th, 2152

Elijah’s POV:

  Chicago was a very large city. And somehow I think the fact that it was in ruins made it look even bigger. I entered the city through a small bridge that led into an expanse of fallen skyscrapers and buildings from the old world. I turned the first corner of an open street that I saw, and then just like that, I had found the settlement.

  Or what was left of it.

  The front gate was leveled to the ground, now a pile of rubble amongst piles of rubble. I ventured through the gate, and it was Texas all over again. There were bodies strewn everywhere. It was massacre. Some were filled with bullet holes, and others looked like they had been ripped apart by some kind of monster. I couldn’t bear to look at it for any longer. Down the street from the gate an old parking garage still stood, which made sense due to the fact that those were built very well in the years before the nuclear fire scorched the earth.

  I walked up to the top platform through the levels of the parking garage. Just about now the sun was starting to set, and so I made my camp next to one of the ledges where I would have a good vantage point if anyone or anything decided to come looking for a snack.

  As the last pale light in the west set over the horizon, I layed back on my bedroll, and fell asleep under the stars.

Niic’s POV:

    I don’t know what happened after that, but I woke up next to the sign. Milo was barking and I was still dazed from hitting the sign. It was morning and I needed to get to Bloomington. I got up from my dirt bed and headed up on the interstate. I made making it to Bloomington my necessity. I walked for a few minutes, when Milo ran off barking at something. I ran to catch up but he came running back with his tail between his legs.

    “What is it boy,” I asked him.

    He was really scared of something. I grabbed my tire iron and walked over to the edge of the interstate and I saw nothing. Then I heard it. It was a landmine! I dove backwards and seized Milo. It didn’t explode. Must’ve been a dud, I thought. To be safe, I walked on the opposite side of the landmine. It was a moderately safe journey to Bloomington. Well, untill I got there.

  When I finally entered Bloomington, it was about 8 o’clock. I crouched. There was a huge fire in the middle of the suburb with some tribals dancing around the fire in some sort of ritual. I have to get a safe place, I thought. I snuck around them, almost disturbing one in his sleep. I got to an abandoned subway terminal and made camp for the night.

April 14th, 2152

Elijah’s POV:

  I woke up with a strange feeling. I sat up and looked out over the edge, and there in the darkness was a shadowy figure moving towards the garage, followed by a slightly smaller shadowy figure. So I slowly got up and creeped down the ramp to the the fourth level of the garage. I could hear the faint sound of footsteps echoing up the rows of abandoned and useless cars. I ducked between two cars, pistol in hand. I cocked it and waited.

  The footsteps got closer, and closer. Until I had to hold my breath so as not to give away my position. I saw the shadow take a step in front of the space between the cars, so I jumped out, grabbed and spun the figure and put the pistol to it’s head. “Wait! Don’t shoot! I haven’t done anything!” he cried out. And I as I looked over the top of his head I saw the other figure step into the moonlight. And it was a dog.

Niic’s POV:

  I was walking along Interstate 55 when suddenly I paused. Chicago was very close. I adjusted my gear (which was very light considering I lost most of it) and started to run. Before the night, I wanted to get into Chicago and scout out the settlement. I was still being careful about snipers, tribals, and landmines. Never know what you’ll run into out here. Milo was trotting along and I was at a medium fast jog. We were going to make it to Chicago before 6.

  I was right outside the city when it was about 7:41 pm. Milo and I were both excited to finally be where we needed to be. We both walked to the first corner and was horrified with what I saw. There were mangled bodies that were ripped apart, twisted, and mostly shot. I wanted to cry, but I couldn’t. I should have known it was a lie.

  “I came all this way for a giant lie?” I whispered to myself.

  I saw a parking garage and made my way towards it. I figured it would be a perfect place for the night. I walked through the entrance of the building and went up three levels. When I got up the fourth level ramp, I walked a few car lengths and something, persay someone, grabbed me and put a gun to my head.

  “Wait! Don’t shoot! I haven’t done anything!” I cried out.

  The figure shifted and I saw Milo emerge up the ramp growling. Thank the Lord. I thought to myself.

  The two drifters sat around the small campfire that Elijah had made on the top of the parking garage. “So where are you from?” Elijah asked Niic.

  “New York,” Niic replied.

  “I’m from Texas. Grew up on a military camp there. Then something happened. People got hurt. I had to leave.”

  “Oh, well how long have you been on the road?”

  “Three months, maybe four. I’m not sure. I can barely keep track of the time of day. I thought I’d just find my way up here. I heard about a camp here in Chicago. But it looks like someone found them first.”

  “So did I. Heard it from a kid in our camp. The camp was going really well, then… well… it was raided. I was one of the few who got out. I decided to come up here… for a lie,” Niic explained, “I should have never listened to that kid.”

  “Well it’s probably good you did. Traveling together is dangerous, but going it alone is suicide. Now that I’ve seen what happened here. I think I’ll go West. See if there’s anything on the coast. Maybe something there. What about you?”

  “Don’t know, can’t stay here, can’t go back to New York, might as well follow you. I have no idea what’s out there.”

  “Yeah, sounds like a plan. There stuff out there, and things...” said Elijah as glanced out across the dark expanse of the west.”

  “Stuff and things?” Niic asked with a mocking smile.

  “Shut up,” replied Elijah, “you know what I meant. But if we’re serious about this, let’s start tomorrow, bright in early. Hopefully before sun up.”

  “Really, before the sun comes up? No sleeping in?”

  “No sleeping in. We want to have all day. You should probably get some rest.” And with that Elijah laid down and fell asleep.

And just like that, a new adventure had begun...

© Copyright 2014 Tristin Baumann (nukacolaclear at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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