A piece of history. Black. Permafrosted lampshades turned back on time. Gruesome deranged sociopaths corroborate undesirable testimonies of simple destruction against faded blue manifolds of nature. The light from the lamps was yellow and shadowed trees stood black against the blameless colored sky. Who knows to fumigate the apartment for roaches tomorrow before the time runs out and all insect dreams sit motionless on a pier jutting out into the silent water flows backwards into a dream. Who says nighttime can't be territorial and deliberate manifestations of psychotic pain killers ecstasy hitting itself in the flowered moonlight station rocks pete sands time frost cannon stripes ding watch fate malign traffic sees happy monsieur kill ecstasy how. A word to the dark street. Turn and face the mad killer. I forgot to turn off the coffeemaker but no one will ever notice. How appropriate. Utter and dry. Mean sticks to the contrary expect markets to close around five. Unsupportable face smile transplant to one meteor dance hypo excrete sunrise terrible attic base seven contrary face extort mania time deranged mad pervert can't expect to know a place forever after dream of face hypo excrete mulatto black sunrise seven state face dream can't depend major color dry person mouth hollow market time close after hours. Space hit seven lucky numbers I can't see the lucky numbers exchange media dream fortune hunt by way of mouth targets the market close. After hours speech arrive at seven and take the stand for lucky number seven times I made the elect see by faith way to heal the poor. Obviate the necessary mistake behind seeds fame and dirty money strike behind the passion bicycle street orange trip through hell. Shoelace grass outdoors fire wood coal ember mistake. Tent seven play dice around mental ward special hour forsake the bike and run past trees and down into the grass outdoors lie in dust behind the air conditioner and count dust trials meet for good hour sake tempest suck dry on faith? Arrive in tinsel greet mass choir sing dust follow can't stir grass fields brown fallow dust cry dust face mistake car rush sand beach waves like time. Under after breast signal face dry grass brown stick to the skin face disturb sleep face out pass down street make wash be in can't see dark sky face time. Weather face try smile day face mate cry slick try doom can't cry see disturb money tree past sting face mike love wash car mike see fairy dance skip time wash. Abbot cry make time wash face dry. Elk horn take shelf try buy coin face might sky past time fly face love cry car wash why mike skip by leash dog can food mike. Sorry sign post nail cry face talk day light car mike eye port basketball ground try like face cry love talk. Money had mace cry love talk cry night face talk dry height skate by car wash dream try star light be bright hi life might talk dry fight hair light float by mad walk try talk cry night by post nail full fright by night all talk face cry dry ground full light. Face talk by light all call talk right sky light fall flight mask right by night be. Cool night full bright star light full sight cool ground bounce right breast sky home light by fight bike tight cool light dream tight make right be bright all night see flight attic door empath see light call night. Dog tight see fence sky right by light post cable lost host might full bright seem tight seem right breast follow fake talk attic light car pass water right night light have fine jean sight. Fine jean past post pocket scream night mist season fast high spot tight yellow brick light dream sight.
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