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Rated: GC · Other · Activity · #2006114
Blaze, who lost control of her Reaper powers, is pointing her pistols at the townspeople.
The monstrously Reaperfied Blaze, with the loss of control over her Reaper powers, points her two heavily charged and Reaperfied pistols at the townspeople with her fingers on the triggers. A crackling sphere of Reaper energy floats right in front of each pistol's barrel. In her hands is enough power to destroy the entire planet.

Suddenly, Ryan runs up to her, standing in front of her pistols.

“Blaze... Think about what you're doing! You're not a monster... you have to come back! We're all your friends!” Ryan pleads. Blaze just stares at him, cocking her head to the side as if she can't understand a word he's saying. “If you hurt these people now, there's no going back. If you hurt these people, you'd be just as bad as the Crystalanians!”

Blaze starts pulling the triggers of her pistols.

That's when Blaze points both of her pistols straight at her own head, and fires them.


The explosion is unimaginable, as all that stored up Reaper energy shoots straight up through Blaze's head and into space. The blasts of Reaper energy from her pistols are huge.

The smoke clears.

Blaze's Reaper mask is completely destroyed, thus de-Reaperfying her, but not before her head regenerates. Her Reaper armor disappears into thin air. She falls to her knees. Her eyes, now black with white irises, are opened very wide in surprise. Her mouth is in a gasp. Her skin has turned pure white, and her hair turns from purple flames back to her original white hair in a ponytail. She falls face first into the sand.

Blaze wakes up with a start.

“Are the Crystalanians dead?!” she shouts at the person sitting next to her bed.

“Blaze, you're awake! And what happened to your Southern drawl? And your flaming hair?” Ryan questions.

“Tell me what happened to the Crystalanians!” she snaps.

“You killed them. All three of them. You're the first person in known history to actually kill a Crystalanian, let alone three. Now tell me what's going on with you,” Ryan orders sternly.

“Fine, you fucking got me,” Blaze admits. “My real name is Alice Hamanaka. My daughter was killed by Crystalanians. I'm traveling throughout the universe to find enough power to kill off the entire Crystalanian race. Once I have that power and find the Sword of Eons, which will allow me to go back in time before my daughter was killed, I'll go back in time and kill every Crystalanian in existence so none of them can ever kill her.”

“Well, I guess you've got that power now!” Ryan says, a bit confused but excited for Alice. “While you were out, I hunted down the one that killed my family, and killed off his entire little gang with the flame powers you gave me.”

“Fuck yeah, that's what I like to hear! And no, my power hasn't grown enough to go head to head against the Crystalanian's entire planet at once, not yet. How long was I out for?” Alice asks.

“Three months and seven days. Most of the town thought you were dead because you didn't have a heartbeat.”

“Shadow entities don't have heartbeats,” Alice informs. “Well, I'll be off, then. It was nice meeting all you guys.”

“Do you really have to go?” Ryan questions.

“I really do. I got all the power I'm going to get here, at least that's what I feel. I need to go out and look for the Sword of Eons. By the way, give me my fucking necklace back!” she laughs. Ryan reluctantly hands it over, and Alice puts it back on. She then Flame Steps to the bathroom, and pulls her original black wife-beater type tank top, black leggings, and black combat boots out of one of her pocket dimensions. She has the ability to create small alternate dimensions that she can store anything she likes in, and can open a portal to any of them just by willing it to open. She takes off her Sheriff Blaze clothes, and puts her normal clothes on. She makes her purple bladed katana appear in her right hand from the ring on her right pointer finger, and puts it on her left hip, tying the strings of the scabbard around her waist. She picks up the derringer the mayor gave her, and slid it into the right side of her right boot. She looks in the mirror, and notices something peculiar. She sees that the whites of her eyes are black as usual, but her irises are white instead of purple. The irises of my eyes are now white, huh? Guess I really hit a fucking milestone with that last Reaperfication. She walks back out of the bathroom and Ryan gives a whistle.

“So this is what you really look like, huh?” he smiles.

“You're cool and all, but I don't date humans,” Alice laughs.

“Well will you at least say goodbye to everyone? They would want to see you off.”

“Will they really? After I fuckin'... you know, pointed ultracharged Reaperfied pistols at them and almost blew up the whole planet?” Alice uncertainly asks.

“Of course they will, if it wasn't for you losing control, the Crystalanians would have killed off the whole town!” Ryan reassures. “At least most of us survived.”

That's it! Alice realizes. To defeat monsters, you have to become one... I need to embrace my Reaper powers and develop them further.. They're the key to defeating the Crystalanians. I need to find an abandoned planet and see how far I can push my Reaper powers after I leave this one.

“Yeah, I guess you're right,” Alice agrees as they exit the Sheriff's station. When the townspeople see Alice, they start cheering even harder than they did when Alice first arrived. She smiles and waves as the people crowd around her.

“Sheriff Blaze? Is that you?” the mayor dumbfoundedly asks her.

“Uhh, about that.. I kind of lied to you guys,” Alice sheepishly says, rubbing the back of her neck. “My real name is Alice, and I really need to leave. Got some shit I got to take care of,” she adds.

“Well, that's okay. I'm sure you had your reasons for lying. But the whole town has agreed to present you with a gift for saving us!” the mayor pulls something out of his coat pocket, and holds it out to Alice.

In his hand is a shining, sawn off double barreled shotgun. It's beautifully made out of fine white and gunmetal-gray metal. Alice's face lights up when she sees it. She snatches it out of the mayor's hand with a giggle. She holds it in her hand, resting her finger on the double triggers. Spinning the shotgun around her finger, she stores the gun in the ring on her left pointer finger with a purple flash of light.

“Thanks, I love it!” she says with a smile. Suddenly, the town saloon catches her eye. “You know, I could stay for a couple more hours... RYAN!” she shouts. She drags Ryan to the saloon, quite literally, and they both sit down in the dark, dingy saloon. “I'll have a Molinari Sambuca in a tall glass, and give the man a glass of whiskey.”

“Coming right up!.. Wait, thats Ryan, he's underage. I'm not gonna serve him.” the bartender argues.

Alice stands up. Well, this is it.. time to see if I can do that slicing Reaper Step I was doing when I lost control. She puts her right hand on her sword.


She Reaper Steps, cutting the glass in the bartender's hand so quickly that nobody can even see that she moved. Reaper Stepping is quite similar to the Crystalanian's instant teleport attack.

The glass in the bartender's hand falls into two pieces, cleanly cut down the middle.

“Give. The man. A glass. Of whiskey.” Alice orders, her hand still on her sword.

“C-c-coming right up,” the bartender stutters in fear and surprise.

Heh... I can Reaper Step even if I'm not Reaperfied! Wow.. I didn't think that would actually work, Alice thinks in surprise.

“You know what we're gonna do, Ryan?” Alice asks Ryan as the bartender puts their drinks in front of them. “We're gonna get fucking shitfaced, that's what we're gonna do!”

“I've never drank anything before,” Ryan nervously admits.

“WHAT! I was drinking heavily since I was like 17,” she says with a laugh. “Just try it, you'll love it.” She sips her Molinari Sambuca.

Ryan looks unsurely at the tall glass of whiskey in front of him. He picks it up and sips at it lightly.

“Hey, this stuff isn't bad.”

“I told you so!” Alice giggled, taking a big gulp of sambuca.

“So... do all shadow entities have those white energy powers? What do you call them, Reaper powers?” Ryan converses, copying Alice and taking a big gulp of whiskey.

“Nope. As far as I know, I'm the first ever shadow entity/Reaper hybrid.”

“Were you born like that?”

“Hell no, haha. The Reapers are extinct as far as I know, and I know next to nothing about them. The way I got my powers was this: The year was 2031,” Alice began.

“How old are you?!” Ryan shouts in surprise.

“I'm 1021, now stop interrupting my fucking story! Now, a Reaper appeared and went up to my family, saying how we were getting too powerful or some shit like that. Me, being a cocky bitch, told him to hit me first with everything he's got because he'd be too pathetic to put a scratch on me. What he did was enter my body and possess me,” Alice takes another big gulp of sambuca. “What he essentially did was fuse our bodies and fuse our souls. But he had control over my actions and powers. For some reason, Reaper powers are much stronger in a shadow entity's body than in a Reaper's body (at least that's my theory), so he was itching for a chance to possess one. Anyway, he was controlling me and formed half a Reaper mask on my face, and forced me to kill random people and destroy most of the town. Finally, my sister Shinda had to rip the Reaper's soul out of my body and destroy it. Aaaaand that's where my Reaper powers came from!”

“How could you survive getting your soul ripped in half? Anyway, that was interesting. What about your flame powers?” Ryan asks, finishing his whiskey.

“Bartender, get this guy another whiskey! And get me another sambuca! Ah, the fucking flame powers! Now that's a long story, you're gonna learn why I chose to call myself Blaze when I first got here. So, I was at my daughter Alicia's house, in the year 3032. I went to bed normally, but I woke up in a fuckin' castle,” Alice gulps down her sambuca as the bartender hands her another one. “Turns out, a shadow entity named Malia from the past who has the power of time travel pulled me out of the year 3032 and put me in the year 1025. There was an army of powerful shadow entities coming to destroy her castle, and she needed my help to fight them off. That's when I met her. The defender of the castle, Blaze. She was inhumanly beautiful. She was a Legendary, which is a shadow entity that has special hereditary powers unique to their bloodline. Her power was flames. She had purple flaming hair and wore a purple suit of armor, minus the helmet. She carried a purple flaming sword called the Sword of Flames, that's the sword I used when I fought the Crystalanians here. She wanted to train me in using flame powers, so she gave me the purple flame necklace I wear. It allows shadow entities (and I guess humans too, because it worked for you) that aren't part of Blaze's bloodline to use a slightly weakened form of the flame powers. She taught me how to Flame Step, how to shoot fireballs, how to grab an enemy by the throat and burn them alive. Fun fact, the Irish riverstomp dancing actually is based on the way Blaze Flame Stepped. To Flame Step, she would cross her legs and strike her heels together to create a spark. She was pretty famous back then, she was considered a merciful hero.” Alice gulps her sambuca, really starting to feel dizzy as Ryan does the same. “We went into battle against that army. Blaze got killed but I managed to kill the rest of the army. When she was dying she actually asked me to absorb her body, she wanted me to be even more powerful and gain her powers. That's why I still wear the necklace, even though I don't need to. I do like to think, though, that the necklace amplifies my flame powers. After all that was over, Malia sent me back to the present.”

“Wow.. Blaze sure sounds like she was amazing,” Ryan says in awe. Then he starts laughing because of all he's drank.

“Hey, what the fuck is so funny?” Alice laughs along with him. “Well this has been fun, but I really got to get going. I have Crystalanians to kill.”

“How will you leave the planet without a ship?”

“I flew here, motherfucker!” Alice shouts in pride. “I can fly and breathe in space.”

“Uh.. are you sure you're okay to.. fly?”

“Oh I fly drunk all the time! Hold up do you have a cell phone?” Alice asks, pulling her phone from one of her pocket dimensions. They exchange phone numbers. Alice puts her phone in the waistband of her leggings. She pays the bartender.

“See ya!” Alice winks as she walks out of the saloon, and starts flying straight up into the sky. As she clears the atmosphere, she looks down at the town of Flatstone as a last goodbye.

After several hours of flying, Alice comes across an unusual sight. There's a planet that's unusually close to a star, but the planet is somehow covered in ice.

That has to be the work of a Legendary! Alice realizes, as she flies full speed to the ice planet.
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