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Years after the final war was over we meet the savior who will saves us all |
Wake up Hero "Noah, it's time to wake up or you'll be late for school." Noah rolls over until he fell off the bed and slammed into the floor. He pulls himself up opening his eyes and approaching the window. Noah opens it wide feeling the calm soothing breeze of the small town air and taking a deep breath and speaking out, "Another great day on planet Hope." "Noah quit slacking and get moving. You don't want to be late do you?" Noah hurries preparing himself for another day a school. He was an average boy about the age of fourteen; he was not the biggest or the smallest, with orange eyes, and black hair that was covered by a red cap with a power button. He rushes downstairs to the kitchen where his dad and grandmother were waiting for him. "Another great dream I presume", his dad asked. "You know it, but it was about a man flying from a planet in a rocket with a box at his side." "You don't say. Did you see what was inside?' "I wish but that was the same time grandma woke me up." "Enough dilly dally Noah. You and your father need to get moving today or you'll be late." "Right sorry grandma, I guess I'll be going then. See you later guys." Noah grabs his bag and steps outside through the door, but as he crosses the street he sees a moving truck next door to his house. "Hmm, looks like we have new neighbors. I hope these people are interesting." He walks down the street to the bus stop just as the bus was pulling up to the curb. "Morning Noah, just on time for once I see." The driver laughs as Noah climbs aboard but just as the door closes a voice yells out from the distance. "Wait please! I can't be late on my first day of school." Noah looks out the window and was shocked to see a pretty girl no older than he was with long orange hair, blue eyes, and wearing a green beret. Noah sticks his hand before the door allowing the girl to board the bus. "Thank you for waiting for me." "Not a problem. Normally Noah here is the one who is constantly late, but I'm surprised that someone else is falling behind today. "Sorry about that. I'm new here and I'm still getting use to the schedule for the bus." She bows politely and takes a seat next to Noah. Noah blushes from the sight of her being right by him and tries not to show interest in her, but the sight of her was too hard to refuse. He hardly said a word on the ride to school until he finally decides to break the ice, "You said you just move here. Do you live in the house with the moving truck parked out front?" "Actually yes, oh so you're the person who yelled "another great day on planet Hope" am I right?" "Yeah sorry about that, I didn't mean to wake up a pretty girl." Noah froze at the words he said and began to panic. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to come on strongly; I was just being honest and polite." She giggled at the moment and slowly blushes at the sound of his response. "It's okay, I needed a wakeup call and besides not a lot of boys are honest to me upfront. They usually flirt with me for a short while then they become...well...never mind. Oh by the way my name is Snow and your name is Noah right? "Right and it's a pleasure to be friends with a lovely girl. Aw man not again!" "Tell me Noah, are you always this polite and honest or is it just your way of a first impression?" "To be honest I was taught by my dad and grandmother to always be courteous and polite to others especially to girls." "Wow you must be a real ladies man then." "Not really. Around here the girls normally go for a more dangerous type of guy rather than someone who is mild and pathetic like I am." "Truthfully I like guys who are polite, kind, honest, and in your case very sweet. The other girls are missing out if they prefer anything but a gentle person. By the way I was wondering do you mind showing me around when we get to school." "Not at all, but may I see your schedule?" He took a quick glance and after a few minutes a smile came to his face. "You're in luck. We have the same classes throughout the day so this will be easy." "Thanks Noah." Snow gave Noah a hug making his face completely red as she whispers in his ear, "Even though it's my first day I would have rather met you first over anyone else." The bus finally stops in front of the school and the students cleared out until Noah was the last person off and the driver yells out, "Go get her lover boy!" Noah face goes red again as he walks into the building. The morning went by smoothly for Noah and Snow. He would introduce her to the class and the class would proceed as planned until lunch came about, Snow and Noah would grab their lunches and sit together at a table with very little attention to the people talking behind their backs. "What a hottie, I can't believe she would be with that weirdo over a real man." "Wow such a pretty girl could have any man so why would she want a weak loser like that nobody?" Eventually the noise settles down and after a brief silence Noah questions Snow about the current situation. "Hey Snow, everyone has been talking about us as if we are a couple or something. Do you think we should be honest with them?" Snow puts down her fork and answers, "Well to be honest I rather...", But before she could finish, a large and muscular upper classman approaches their table with a look of charm on his face. He takes a seat on the table between them blocking Snow's view of Noah and moving closer to her. "Hey pretty lady. How about you join us real men at my table and ditch this pathetic excuse for a rodent?" He pushes Noah knocking him down on the floor with such ease. "Observe our muscularity over that mediocre weenie, he can't fight let alone please a woman such as myself." "Thanks anyway but I would rather dine with a pacifist than with a rat like you in a dumpster you call your table." The people awed at the response and Snow rises up to help Noah when she was wrapped around by the brute's arms. He caresses her slowly and tears began to run down Snow's face as his hands move along her body. "Leave her alone you filthy lummox! I know I'm not strong but that doesn't mean that I won't stop you. She deserves better than people like you!" "Shut up pint size!" He knocks Noah down with one of his lumbering arms and resumes his violating actions as he whispers, "Oh you will be mine and I like to see someone stop me." Suddenly a large lump of food was splattered all over his face and Noah took Snow's hand making a run for the door. Noah yelled out as they escaped, "Not bad for a mediocre weenie huh you oversized pervert!" As they made their escape the brute wipes the food away from his face only to find that the only person standing in front of him was the principal as he glares angrily with rage in his eyes. "Son, you just landed in a massive heap of trouble." He grabs him by the arm and escorts him to his office meanwhile Noah and Snow made their way to the school's attic, Noah locks the door behind them and the two took a seat on some old chairs nearby. "That was close call back there. I thought I would be in my grave by now luckily nobody knows about this room but me." He looks at Snow giving her a tissue from his pocket as he asks, "Snow I'm sorry about what happened back there, are you okay?" "I'm fine it's just another close encounter with a scumbag like him, this is exactly what I was trying to tell you at lunch. Guys like him have always try to take advantage of me and it's always a teacher or an adult who stop them but no one else, no other student has try to do something they just stop and watch the show. You're the first person who's actually done something even though you knew what would happen, that's why I didn't mind if people see us as a couple, it would keep them away from me and I wouldn't have to worry." Noah looks down to the floor with a face of disappointment as he listens. "Still he does have a point. I am weak, if I was stronger I could have protected you and people wouldn't see me as a worthless loser or your charity case. I know I can do something, I just don't know what to do, my dad and grandma always told me that violence is never an answer and I believe that strongly." "Noah, you never had to fight to help me back there. You used quick thinking and non-violence to save me and to be honest, rumors or not, I think we should be together. I want someone who would care for others the way you do." She hugs Noah and he hugs her back submitting to the truth that being a kind person is always better than being violent. The bell rings and the two returns to class for the remainder of the day. With the remainder of the day passing by fast and quiet Noah and Snow stay close together but the look of disappointment on Noah's face still remains. By the time the bus came to their street Noah escorts Snow to her new home as she tries to find the right words to revive his spirits. As they walk up the drive way Snow runs up to the garage door and yells out from the bottom of her lungs, "Another great day has passed on planet Hope!" Noah stares at her for a moment before laughter bursts out. He laughed so hard he fell to the ground into the grass causing Snow to join in on the laughter and soon enough she was on the ground with him until they were able to calm down. "What were you doing just now?" "What's wrong? Isn't this how you finish off the day, the same way you greet it?" "Yeah, but when I do it I do it for myself. This is the first time someone else does it too or at least at the end of the day." They stared up at the sky for a few minutes until Noah picked himself off the ground and assisted Snow up as well. Snow walks up to the door trying to open it only to find it locked. "I guess my parents and sisters are not home. Now what will I do?" Noah pondered until he bashfully asks, "Would you like to come to my place? I can give you a tour of our home until your family comes home and at least you won't be alone." "Oh I would love to! Thanks Noah." The two move along next door to Noah's home. He opens the door allowing Snow to enter before him as he called out to his dad and grandma, "I'm home." Noah's dad answers him, "Oh Noah, you have perfect timing. Come to the living room we have guests." "What a coincidence because I kind of invited someone home for a while." "Not a problem, come greet our guests then help your grandma with dinner please." Noah enters the room finding his dad sitting across a pair of finely dressed people no older than his father. One of them was a man in a black suit with a mustache, grey hair and glasses and a woman wearing a blue suit with sunglasses and short violet hair. "Noah these are our new neighbors from next door Mister Albatross and his wife Miss Indigo. They just arrived from the planet Faith yesterday along with their three daughters." Noah felt a shivering feeling down his back as he slowly asks, "Just out of curiosity, is one of your daughters about fourteen and goes by the name of Snow? "Yes, as a matter of fact it is. How did you know?" "Well..." Before Noah could finish Snow walks in out of curiosity and fascination of Noah's home. "Sorry for interrupting Noah. I was growing a little bored waiting to be introduced but I can see that it isn't necessary." "That's okay Snow. Besides I need to help my grandma prepare dinner so if you'll excuse me for a moment." Noah makes his way to the kitchen leaving Snow with her parents and his dad as they patiently wait for dinner. Noah sets the table while his grandma brings the food out taking a quick glance at their guests every so often and giving Noah a funny look. "Who would have ever imagined that our little boy brings home his first girlfriend for dinner?" Noah chokes at the sound of his grandma's question as he sets the plates giving his grandma an annoyed but nervous look. His grandma giggles at the thought of it as she returns to the kitchen for the rest of the meal. Afterwards everyone was called to the table with the fathers at the head, his grandmother besides his father with him sitting between her and Snow, and the rest of Snow's family was sitting across them. Between Miss Indigo and his dad Noah notices two of Snow's sisters. One of them was of age seventeen, slightly taller with an athletic figure, blue eyes just like Snow's, and black hair held back by a ribbon. The other sister was just about age five with wide blue eyes, freckles that peppers her face, and brown pigtails on her head. "Oh by the way you haven't met our other two daughters." Mister Albatross spoke as he pointed out in order, "That's our oldest Mirage and our little girl Kitty. Girls this friendly young man is Noah." "It's a pleasure to meet you ladies. I hope you've enjoyed our town so far." "It's okay I guess," replied Mirage. "It's different that's for sure. This is the first time we moved away from our home town." "I like our new house, the park, and you Mr. Noab." Kitty answered with high enthusiasm as a grin spread wide across her face. "Err... did she say Noab?" "Sorry she's only five after all. She'll grow out of it eventually." "It's fine. Actually it's rather adorable when little kids say names like that." The conversation kept going until dinner was done and the plates were cleared from the table. Grandma along with Noah appeared out from the kitchen after removing the dishes when grandma announced, "Now that dinner is over, let's dive right into dessert!" "A fine idea indeed," Mister Albatross remarked. "I have been dying to dine in the special triple berry pie Snow made for us last night." Noah was surprised with what he had heard as his attention change to Snow's direction. "Really, I didn't know that Snow was a brilliant cook?" "To tell you the truth, brilliant is kind of sugar coating it, don't you think? After all I only baked one pie." "Balderdash Snow, you cook the finest foods in the house back home. It would be a real treat to let our new neighbors sample your supreme cuisine." "Indeed it is," Miss Indigo assures her husband's compliment. "Why don't you four wait in the living room while we fetch the dessert? Besides we don't want to be a burden to you all." Grandma moves closer to Noah with a huge grin on her face. "Not at all," she pulls Noah closer and whispers into his ear, "Besides a little alone time with some bachelorettes would be doing you a favor." The four were dismissed into the living room with Noah trailing behind with a nervous look on his face wondering, "Leave it to grandma to plan a matchmaking scheme on the dot." Noah, Snow, Mirage, and Kitty sat alone in the living room waiting for the dessert to be served. As seconds flew by Noah tries to break the ice without bringing the subject of what happened earlier today during school. "Err Mirage just out of curiosity, what school do you go to?" Mirage glared at him with cat like eyes as Noah sat nervously with a cold feeling running through his body. "I go to high school just like you two, but it's a private school, plus I have a part time job afterwards at a restaurant nearby." "Okay, fair enough answer. What about you Kitty, are you in kindergarten?" "Uh huh, it's been fun. All the other kids is nice to me Mr. Noab." "Alright now that casualties are over, here are some questions for you Noah. First off how do you know Snow well?" Noah looks to the floor then back at Mirage and Kitty thinking of a response without it sounding unintentional. "I met her on the bus this morning. She was running late, sat next to me, and we hit it off from there. All of our classes are the same and we just get along well." Mirage's cat like eyes examines Noah up to a point, "Alright your story checks out. Next question, what were you planning to do here if we weren't invited to dinner?" A look of fear appeared on Noah's face as it flushed red with embarrassment. "Nothing I swear. All we would've done was watch some TV, have pleasant conversations, and maybe give her a tour of the house. "Aha! Trying to lure her into your trap is it? "No it's nothing like that! I would never do anything to hurt anyone especially my family and friends." "Okay Mirage, the interrogation is over now." Snow raises her voice to a firm tone. "Noah it the kindest and sweetest person you will ever meet and he would do anything for me." The room was quiet for a moment when it was broken by a question from Kitty. "Mr. Noab, do you love Snow?" Noah's face shot as red as a tomato as he covers his face behind his cap. "Well, do you plan to answer her," Mirage asks impatiently as Snow turns away blushing as red as Noah and Kitty laughing at the two. "It's a little too soon to give an answer, I just met her today." Once Noah gave his answer the adults returned with two delicious triple berry pies in their hands. Dessert went smoothly and soon enough it was time for Snow and her family to return home. Everyone said their thanks shook hands and in no time it was just Noah with his dad and grandma alone. Noah washes up and prepares for bed and as he enters his room his grandma yells to him, "I bet you want to get to sleep fast if you want to dream about Snow." Noah was not amused, but he still blushes beneath his blanket at the thought that his grandma was right. |