Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2004819-The-Knight-of-Dark
by kiab
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2004819
A section of what i've written thus far
The moonlight is my enemy now as it pierces through a bruised cloud, highlighting my ragged features. I rush behind an old, wise boulder. The Brave, a group of twelve hardy men have been tracking me for one eve now. The Brave. A wretched name for men so despicable and dishonorable. The howl of one of their dog-wolves calls out to me, seeking the warm flesh that would fill it's belly if it managed to catch me. A shiver dances down my spine at the thought and I keep moving. I quickly scale a tree and cut my finger on an upturned twig, “dammit.” I breath, my breath visible as it hits the night's cold air. The branch of a great tree juts out towards my position, welcoming me. I jump, landing softly on the frost-ridden tree. Climbing to a higher, more obscure location of the tree, the tip of my bow presses into the small of my back. The shadow of a smile creeps upon my face as I remember my little adventure where I stole the bow and arrows, the light leather armor with just a hint of chain mail, enough to freely navigate through tight areas and be agile in stealth. But most gladdening was what lay by my hip, Grim. A fine, double-edged blade, black as night but had an eerie green tinge when introduced to the sunlight. The chatter of stern men approaches, containing diabolical ways in which to kill me. I unsheathe my bow and pick an arrow with delicate fingers. The Brave wear grey vests over heavy chain mail. It was as if the face was the only prize. I lift my honey colored bow. I loose an arrow. My aim is true, the arrow quivers from the man's skull before he hits the ground. Shouts erupt and the dog-wolves begin their howling. “Where the 'ell is 'e!” one of the men rages. I give him an answer. An arrow between the eyes. Then one of the men with a piggish nose spots me hiding in the tree. There is nowhere to hide now. It is time to face the men. One of the more dim-witted of The Brave is idly searching the wrong tree. I smile and jump off the tree. Skillfully removing Grim from her sheath in mid-air, I feel a sense of vertigo as the ground greedily rushes up towards me. I topple on the idiot. Metal kisses flesh. Nine men and three dog-wolves are my challenge now. I've had worse at least. The shaft of an axe whisperes by my head as I duck just in time. I have time to whip up Grim, slicing at the man's wrist. A scream rips through the cold air as the wrist is seperated from the body. A dog-wolf seizes my arm but somehow I mange to throw it off. The beast stumbles and feels Death's embrace as I impale it through the head. Three men charge towards me, all at once. I side-stepp a vicious over-the-head blow and spin around the second man, my winter cloak swirling anti-clockwise, I gain purchase from behind to use him as a shield. His throat is slit as the third fool throws a wild blow. I push his head back for safe measure before tackling him to the ground, Grim in his gut. I sense the first man coming from behind and curl into a ball before ejecting myself backwards, kicking the man in the chest and ending up yet again in a crouched position, the upper half of the man to my back. With inhumane speed I whip my sword over-head feeling the man's throat give in to the tip of the blade. I perform a dive roll and get up. Six men and two beasts left. Quickly, a flurry of steel sees the two dog-wolves fall, along with two of The Brave. The four remaining knew what their fate was and knelt to the ground seeking my mercy. “Men, do you know the name that my blade bears?”
“N-No sire.”
“Oh. Pity.” I help up the man to my left. Then I take his life. The remaining three sob, begging for mercy. “Funny that you seek mercy, men. My blade? She is Grim.” The Brave's eyes widen. A cold zephyr has inconspicuously picked up. Again, I dispose of another. The last two are whimpering, especially the one with a missing right hand. I decide to leave him for last. “Sire, a thousand pardons I beg of you for what I did during your imprisonment. I was just doing my job, sire.”
“As am I.” Grim burrows deeply into the man, ending his miserable life. “And who have we left? Ah, the brave and challenging one?” The Brave whimpers in response. “If it is mercy you seek I'm afraid you have bargained with the wrong man. You see I would have let you live. But Grim? She does not bear mercy. Besides I cannot forgive what you did to me.” I scowl as I feel the aching on my back where the scars of whip lashes are being formed. I unsheathe my bow. An arrow is put into place. “May the gods smile kindly upon you and pray that your fortune leads you to better roads.” I'm standing three feet away from the man now. I pull the bowstring back. Echoes of the arrow finding it's new quiver scatter throughout the forest. To me it is like hearing the shrill scream of Death. I lower my head, turn right and start. I retrieve Grim and sheath her. I slowly recede into the shadows of the forest, towards the pale moon. My destiny lies beyond the snowy mountains to the north. That is where it will end. But that is a long time away. My quest has only just begun.
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