Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2002783-The-struggle-of-my-life
Rated: E · Novel · Emotional · #2002783
The life of a guy who was separated from all his beloveds,relations and friends.
The Struggle Of My Life

The sun is rising. The people in Hyderabad city are involved in their busy works. In suryapet, in suryachandra hospital, there was a patient named Krishnaveni, who was in coma since one month. Her son Anand and her husband Shivprasad were very much worried about her. Doctor Shinday was examining her case.

One man named Ashok entered the hospital. All the employees in the hospital are getting excited by seeing him .From the reception cabin, which is in the left side of the hospital entrance, the receptionist Radika asked Ashok.

Hai, Ashok , after a long time I am seeing you. Where are you these many days?

Don’t  you know? I am roaming here and there for your purpose only. Ashok replied in the way of teasing manner.

What?with out knowing what he is saying, with some shocking expression.

Yes, Radika, my slippers also tore off in searching a match for you.

Did you find anyone for her?asked Aruna  who is sitting beside Radika.

No one.

Why? Again Aruna asked him, by working with the computer .

Don’t you know why?No one was daring to come forward to marry Radika.

Radika under stood that Ashok was again started teasing her.

Do you remember Aruna nearly 2 months back when our lab manager, Aravind…..

Hey , don’t talk about it now please. Radika begged him.

Sorry Radika it is important now. Let me say it. He turned to Aruna, and started telling to her.

See Aruna, our lab manager Aravind once gave a love letter to Radika. He told that,”

Dear Radika, this is the first love letter I am giving to you. Without  Radika there is no Aravind.  Love makes us a couple .We couple becomes the parents of two children. We live happily, throughout our life. Please reply soon. Waiting for you,

Your dearest,


What reply did she give? Aruna asked with more curiosity.

Radhika’s face turned pale.

Ashok and Aruna, laughed seeing at Radhika’s face.

You see Aruna, on seeing the letter of Aravind, Radhika straight away went to the lab which is in the third floor of our hospital. There Aravind was dreaming about his love towards Radhika by sitting in his chair, in the lab by closing his eyes. He opened his eyes on listening the loud voice of Radhika.

He stood up and said, hay Ra…dh..ika… He is just shivering by seeing her anger.

Without  a second thought she gave a big slap to him. He fell down and didn’t got up for 15 minutes.

What, is it true?Aruna asked with shocking.

Actually, he was afraid to stood up before Radhika.

Ya, ya, that will be true said Aruna seeing at Radhika by controlling her laugh.

This is the matter, for nobody is daring to come forward.

Aruna and Ashok were again laughing  together.

Radhika was watching them seriously. At the same the phone rang. Radhika received it.


Radhika,did Ashok come?

Yes sir?

Send him here immediately.

Ok sir.

Keeping  the receiver down, Radhika told.

Doctor Shinday is waiting for you, go soon.

Oh, no I had forgotten. Ok bye. By saying he entered the doctors cabin immediately. Which is at the right side of the reception corner?

By entering the cabin, Shinday looked at Ashok seriously.

By noticing it, Ashok wished him.

Good morning, sir. Looking so serious… may I know the reason?He then seated on the chair, infront of doctor Shinday.

Don’t you know the reason?  Ok, Where are you these many days? Examining the reports of Krishnaveni,  Shindey asked.

Is this the matter? Leave it sir. On what purpose you called me?

Ok, I will come to the matter. Did you remember the patient Krishnaveni?  Looking at Ashok Shindey asked.

Yes, I remember. He answred with some uneasy manner.

From the day you joined her, you became invisible. I won’t ask you why. She needs a good cycriatrist. Drinking glass of  water on the table, Shinday told him.

Why, what happened to her? Ashok asked with some anxiety.

Today morning nearly at 6:30A.M she shouted loudly the name Jagdish.

What….? Ashok stood up with some worried look. This should not be happened, Ashok thinking of himself.

Hey, Ashok why are you getting worried. Shindey also stood up with some confusion.

Nothing sir, Shall we go there.

Ya, sure let us go. They both came out of cabin and had gone to the third floor of I.C.U. room.

There Krishnaveni  was in deep sleep on a bed.

Ashok examined her keenly and turned to the nurse,”who has been there as a caretaker for her.”

Shyamala, did she responded again?

She told, yes sir, just 2minutes back, she opened her eyes and shouted sir.

What she had shouted?Ashok again asked.

Sir, she shouted that, “I don’t want this baby, I don’t want, remove it from my womb.”

Ashok was surprised and shocked listening to Shyamala’s words.He was also a bit upset, not knowing what to do.  She still hates me so much. What a son am I? Ashok  eyes filled with tears but, he wiped it off without any body’s notice.

Doctor Shindey, turned to Ashok and said,”This is the condition of this patient”. In my view she is in need of good cycriatrist. And that is you.

Me, How can I? Ashok’s  brain filled with many thoughts.

You can Mr.Ashok.

Did her  Husband and son know about her condition?

No, they don’t know.I did not reveal the matter.Since yesterday I am examinig her.

OK, keep it as a secret. Don’t tell them.

Why, it is our duty. We should tell them.

No, sir, they don’t know  the reason why she is behaving like this. Actually it is her past life’s matter about which she had forgotten in the same condition as she is now. She started a new life with Shivprasad and his son. She hates her past very much.

How come you know about all this matter, Shindey asked with some confusion.

Sir, that’s not the matter. Now think of, how can we proceed with her.

OK, its up to you.  As a psychiatrist just think and start the treatment to her. Now I am leaving, my patients are waiting for me. Saying so he left the room.

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