Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2002175-of-unseen-things-1
Rated: ASR · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2002175
fantasy, actionadventure, ya

A shadow can hide many things. It's darkness shrouds everything in its path; leaving those outside the embrace to worry and wonder. What is lurking in the dark? Is it good or is it evil? Or is it just my imagination?

On this night, in a castle corridor, the shadows concealed an intruder. With one hand she gripped a sword tightly. In the other, she fumbled with a cross necklace, mumbling a quiet prayer.

Every sound she made seemed to echo around her, threatening to tell the enemy of her arrival. She made herself one with the dark,  moving swiftly down the last corridor. At its end. she stopped a moment to catch her breath and collect her wits.  Leaning against the wall, she felt its cool dampnes seep through her shirt.

Her face gave the impression of a typical fifteen year old girl. A closer look, however, revealed so much more. On this occasion she wore dark clothes to camouflage her existence; her deep red hair was swept up in a bun, her stance practiced and perfected. .

More than one enemy had thought her innocent and untried. They had fallen to her sword. Training since the age of nine, she was now a master swordsman and the leader of the resistance. Her goal, to free Tarvil. She had many names, those closest to her called her Elena. Her father had lovingly called her Elly. But it had been many years since he’d uttered that endearment. She wouldn’t admit even to herself, how much she missed it. Absently she shook her head in an effort to erase the memories. memories, They could only cause pain, a distraction she did not need this night.

Tonight it was all or nothing. She was determined to succeed in her mission or fall. There would be no middle ground. For tonight Elly was attempting the rescue of her sister.

A quick scan of the courtyard showed  she was closer to the stone hut than anticipated. If her information was correct, her sister was only a few yards away. She listened to the steady rhythm of the Rain  as it fell on the stone, and she was grateful for the clouds that dotted the sky and covered the moon.

Another quick glance, and a smile crept across her face. The guard was positioned on the cobblestone, head down, leaning against the door.

Sheathing her sword, Elly pulled a slingshot from her knapsack, took aim and listened for the familiar whoosh as she let the pebble fly.

She held her breath  as it hit just above the sleeping soldier's head and plopped to the ground.

As she’d hoped, the guard remained undisturbed. Just to be safe she aimed again, only this time the pebble landed with a clink against his metal armor.

Satisfied the servant succeeded in slipping a harmless sleeping liquid into the guard's meal, she replaced the slingshot and grabbed her sword.

Before exiting the safety of the shadows, she closed her eyes and  breathed in a few calming breaths. The sounds and smells that flowed through the night had always been her favorite, especially when it rained. Without another thought she opened her eyes and stepped bravely out of the shadow making her way across the courtyard.

Once she reached the doorway, she carefully pushed the guard aside. He'd be fine except for one doozy of a headache he’d have in the morning. 'Serves him right,' she thought, 'for choosing the wrong side.'

Prying her fingers into her boot she yanked a small vial free, than poured the contents over the lock. Watching as the acid dissolved the metal. Within a few moments the rebel was pushing her way through the door.
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