Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2001672-Christmas-Fairy-in-July
Rated: E · Poetry · Contest · #2001672
Alex discovers the Christmas fairy

34 lines

Christmas Fairy in July

Alex is enjoying the July summer sunshine,

Running through the orchard.

Something hit her face.

She stops and sees a little person,

Lying on the ground.

Stunned at this turn of events

Alex bends down to see if the little girl needs help.

As she gets closer a small squeaky voice echoes,

"What is the meaning of this?"

My reply, "I just want to help you."

"I think you have done enough.

Damaging Christmas spirit, you are."

Shocked at the accusation, Alex replies, "There is plenty of time, it is only July."

"Yes it. You know how many people celebrate in July?"

Alex shakes her head no in response

"Too many. People think it is helping me by splitting the time up.

Truth is it is more trouble than it is worth.

It is interfering with my vacation in Bermuda.

Anyways, dearie please help me up, I must be on my way.

Alex bends down and scoops up the Christmas fairy in her hand.

Checking her over carefully and satisfied there is nothing broken.

Alex says, "Does anything hurt?

You seem Ok."

"Just a little sore.

A rest in Bermuda will cure that, believe me.

I must be on my way now many are counting on me.

Thank you for your help Alex."

Alex replies, "Your welcome.

I am glad that people celebrate Christmas in July."

Sadness creeps up seeing the Christmas fairy fly away.

It quickly goes away when she came back and says,

"Always remember you can have Christmas anytime,

The spirit is in your heart if you want it."

She left those words which will be with Alex forever.

© Copyright 2014 TJ Marie (snow_hawk at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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