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This is a work in progress that I am co-writing. The work is being done offline, slowly. |
The Genesis [Opening scene] [Exterior] [Panoramic shot] [Camera cuts to rooftop overlook of the city] [No audio] (Object flying towards camera, as it approaches it becomes clear it is a man.) Flint (voice-over): There are those among us who would rise above the mundane. Who would stand before the face of death and say “Enough is enough.” [Man lands on roof on “mundane”. Mouths and acts out “enough is enough”.] [Audio] [Sound of object in motion.] [Fireball whizzes into view and strikes man in the face, vaporizing his head.] [The man’s body falls to the rooftop. Out of shot] Flint (voice-over): But this is not their story. This story is about those who did what they had to do, to make the world a better place. [Flint enters.] [Camera moves from corpse to Flint, slowly revealing him from the feet up. Camera stops at face, Flint smirks. Cut to black.] (Text appears onscreen) 2 years previous [Interior] [TV news studio] [Image of rift over Chicago, shrinks to picture-in-picture in corner of screen] News Anchor: Reports are coming in that a large rift of origins unknown has appeared over the city of Chicago, and appears to be centered over the Oak Park area. We now go live to our on scene reporter Indy Jones. What can you tell us Indy? [Split-screen: Anchor and Reporter] Indy Jones: The.... uh... experts have told us that the rift is becoming unstable, and we have been given 36 hours to evacuate the city. Afterwards any citizens still inside the city will be on their own. News Anchor: Is there anything else you can tell us about the rift? Indy Jones: We have been informed that the rift is emitting unknown radiation. Beyond that there is only one thing that is worth mentioning. Uh.... (Inhales deeply), the military is going to launch a probe into the heart of the phenomenon. [Lowers microphone; exhales.] News Anchor: What do they hope to do with the probe? Indy Jones: They hope to discover the source of the rift, as well as try to understand more about what it means. News Anchor: What can you tell us about the situation on the streets? How are things looking? Indy Jones: The people are calm and are evacuating in an orderly fashion. I’m going to see if I can interview anyone. [Lower mike, walks off camera] Indy Jones: (heard from off screen) Excuse me, sir? Sir, may we have a word? [Cameraman catches up to Indy Jones and Tempest] Tempest: Sure. How can I help you? Indy Jones: My name is Indy Jones; I’m a reporter for Channel 8 News, covering the phenomenon. Tempest: Wait, you’re name is Indy Jones? As in Indiana Jones? Indy Jones: (sighs) (haltingly) Yes my parents were big fans of the films. Tempest: That’s awesome. I don’t really know much about what’s going on here; I do know it would make a really sweet background. Indy Jones: Is there anything else you can tell us? Tempest: Well, they’re not letting us take anything we can’t carry. I guess it’s because of the whole “State-of-the-emergency” bullshit. Indy Jones: Can you tell us where you plan to go? Has the military set up any evacuation shelters? Tempest: Oh I’m not going anywhere; I’ve got a job to go to. But uh.... they put tents up and they’re setting up beds for people there. Indy Jones: Are you sure staying is a good idea? Tempest: No, but I’m doing it anyway. Indy Jones: Alright, well thank you for your time. So there you have it, that’s the situation here, back to you in the studio. News Anchor: Thank you Indy for that.....interesting story. (To camera) We’ll keep you updated as new information surfaces. In the meantime we advise everyone to gather only what they need and seek shelter outside the city. [TV cuts to commercial] [Camera Turns revealing outside of appliance store, revealing a dispersing crowd] [Flint stands alone in front of window] Flint: (To self). Well, shit. [Flint crosses the street and returns to where he has set himself up outside of a train station. He has an open duffel bag. Inside is a couple bottles of water and snacks, along with scattered change and bills. Flint picks up his unlit poi and resumes “fire” dancing] [Passersby drop money into duffel bag] [People laugh and clap while observing the spectacle] [Flint continues to dance as time rapidly transitions from day to night] [Crowd fluctuates over time] [Flint ends dance and begins to pack up his belongings] [Cut to Flint walking through residential area] [Flint pauses to take in a violin’s mournful melody] [Flint nears rundown apartment complex] [Dog approaches Flint] Flint (to dog): Hey buddy. [Flint scratches the dog on the head] Flint (to dog): Let’s go inside. [Flint and dog enter building and climb the stairs to 3rd floor] [Flint approached by female neighbour] Flint (smiling): Hey Sam. Sam (smiling back): Hey Flint. How was “work?” Flint: Why do you keep calling me that? Sam: Fire dancer. Flint: Right. Sam: Besides I think it’s cute. So did you make a fortune? Flint (happily): I did pretty well, yeah. (Nervously): Would you like to come over for dinner tonight. I know you haven’t had a home-cooked meal in a while. [Flint’s POV camera leans to look into Sam’s apartment showing a collection of empty takeout/delivery containers then returns to normal] Sam: (laughs): I’d like that. [Cut to Sam exiting Flint’s apartment] Flint: Thanks for keeping me company. Sam (jokingly): Thanks for feeding me. Flint (responding in kind): Maybe next time you can repay the favor. Sam: If you’re lucky. [Flint and Sam return to their respective apartments, camera follows Flint] [Cut to Flint tidying up dishes] [Cut to Flint washing dishes] [Cut to Flint letting the dog out of the building] [Cut to Flint turning on the shower] [Cut to Flint getting ready for bed, he is wearing pajama pants and an undershirt, standing in front of the bathroom mirror, brushing his teeth. Suddenly a scream pierces the night and is cut short.] [Flint rushes out of the apartment] [As camera follows slowly behind Flint he is heard breaking through a door] [Camera catches up to Flint and rises over him to reveal Sam has been murdered by a crazed neighbour] Flint (voice over): All I remember is rage. Shit, “rage” doesn’t even begin to describe it. [Flint’s face is devoid of emotion] [Flint begins to spontaneously combust as he approaches the murderer] [Flint grabs him by the shirt and hoists him into the air] [Murderer’s shirt catches fire] [Murderer thrusts his knife forward to stab Flint, but the blade melts upon contact, and the wooden handle bursts] [Flint drops murderer] [Murderer stares, dumbfounded] [Cut to exterior of building] [The night is calm and a light can be seen flickering in the window of Sam’s apartment] [Several seconds pass before a bright flash of light and heat erupts with a deafening explosion] [When the light passes the building is rubble and the neighbouring buildings are charred and damaged] [Flint is shown in the rubble unharmed. His shirt has holes burnt all over it and is missing one shoulder. The left leg of his pajama pants has burnt away to the knee, and the right has burnt halfway up the shin.] [Cut to Flint’s POV] [A brick is falling towards Flint, he “blinks”] [Cut to camera over Flint as brick crashes to the ground next to Flint’s head] [Flint slowly rises to his feet and staggers off into the night] [Scorch marks are left where Flint steps as he makes his way out of the rubble] [Cut to Flint in the park directly under the rift] [The grass dries and burns beneath Flint and a small grassfire begins to spread out from his footprints] [Flint’s POV (blurry)] [Men with flashlights can be seen running towards Flint] [Screen goes black and a body thumps to the ground] Soldier 1: Here’s another one of those freaks. Soldier 2: That makes 4 of them, and not one of them the same as the others. Sergeant: Who the fuck cares? Just load him into the truck; we have to get the lot of them back to base. [Cut to black] [Open on TV reporter. Indy is sitting in Anchor’s chair.] [Picture in picture of four anomalies in upper right corner] Indy Jones: Several disturbances have cropped up in the downtown Chicago area over the last 24 hours; beginning with an alley freezing over. [Enlarge on picture of frozen alley. Large columns of ice can be seen piercing the walls of the buildings on either side of the alley. A layer of ice can be seen on every surface.] Indy Jones: Luckily reports say that there were no casualties, though a few people have been admitted to hospitals with related injuries. [Image shrinks and returns to corner of screen.] Indy Jones: (Quick glance at notes): No word yet on the nature of those injuries. [Second Image enlarges to fill screen.] [The apartment where the violin was heard appears onscreen. The walls appear to bend outward. The window has broken out and inside objects all around are forced against or into the walls. Outside a parking meter has bent to the street. Multiple cars have been pushed away from the building, and one has been flipped on its side. A street lamp has bent over the street.] Indy Jones: An apartment complex several blocks away has endured severe structural damage. Objects within the damaged apartment itself appear to have been thrown against the walls. Outside we can see that cars have been forced away from the apartment and other objects have been forced and bent away from the apartment. [Image returns to corner of screen.] Indy Jones: There have been no reports of injuries coming from that area. [The third image enlarges to take its place.] [The appliance store from earlier is both blacked out and alive with power. It has been cordoned off. Some of the televisions in the window are on while others are off. Others still have had their screens burst out. The lights on the front of the building broken and popped, though some filaments can still be seen glowing. Soldiers stand guard out front, preventing entry.] Indy Jones: A Johnson’s Appliance Repair Store has been hit with a massive electrical surge. Soldiers have cordoned off the store to prevent anyone from entering as it is no longer safe inside the store. We were told it was due to minor structural damage, and exposed wiring. However large electrical readings are continuing to come off the building. As well the soldier’s hair can be seen standing on end. [Image again returns to corner of screen.] Indy Jones: Only two people were reported to have been inside the building at the time the disturbance occurred: the owner and one employee. The owner has unfortunately suffered a grievous cardiac arrest; and the young man employed there suffered severe electrical trauma, and has been admitted to the ICU at the hospital. [Final image fills the screen] [It is the aftermath of Flint’s apartment. Now in the daytime, the rubble still smolders. Smoke trails rise from small fires that are now burning out, and Flint’s trail can clearly be seen. The damage to the neighbouring buildings can clearly be seen.] Indy Jones: And in some sad news, an apartment complex has been devastated. The neighbouring buildings have suffered damage as well. Debris can be found hundreds of feet from the epicenter of the blast. Windows and walls have been broken and scorched from exposure to heat. There were no survivors. [Image returns to corner of screen and all four images disappear.] [Camera centres on Indy] Indy Jones: (Solemnly): Our best wishes and condolences go out to the families affected by these events. In other news– [TV powers off] [Cut to camera in corner of room; revealing Flint in a hospital bed, holding television remote.] [Enter: Man wearing heat-proof suit] [Flint throws remote at man who ducks out of the way. The remote flies out the open door and hits the wall, breaking. The door then closes.] Flint: (Shouting, Angry): YOU WANT TO TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE??!!! Man in heat-proof suit: (Calmly, with Authority.): My name is Sergeant Grays. I lead the team that recovered you from the park. That was quite the show you put on. Flint: (Sarcastically, Condescending): You should see me on a bad day. Sgt. Grays: (Dry): Funny. Are you ready to cooperate? Flint: (Straight faced, still angry): Maybe. You have to do something for me first. Sgt. Grays: Yeah? What’s that? [Flint smirks] Flint: Bend over and stick your head up your ass. You do that and I’ll give you anything you need. Sgt. Grays: I can understand your.....hostility towards me and my men. You are, after all, in a strange place, filled with military personnel. Flint: I hadn’t noticed. Sgt. Grays: Though I really don’t think it was necessary to set Pvt. Doakes on fire. Flint: Hey, If someone tried to stick a thermometer up your a– Sgt. Grays: Nevertheless. We have been more than accommodating. You do have a television, do you not? Flint: (Regretful): Yeah, and every channel throwing what happened back in my face. Do you know what it’s like to be on fire Sgt.? Sgt. Grays: No. Flint: Doakes does. Go ask him. Sgt. Grays: (Impatient): Sooner or later you’re going to tell us what we want to know. Then you and your freak-show friends will be taken care of. [Enter second man in heat-proof suit] Man in Suit: Excuse me, Sgt.? We’re getting ready to launch the probe. Flint: (arrogant): Something tells me I’ve got a little bit more time than you do. Sgt. Grays: We’ll see. [Exit Sgt. Grays and Man] Flint: (To self): I’ve met some real pricks before, but that man is the whole fucking cactus. [Cut to Oak Park where Sgt. Grays and a team of scientists are preparing to launch the probe.] Sgt. Grays: Is this contraption ready for launch? Lead Scientist: (drawn-out): Yes, but are you sure this is safe? Sgt. Grays: If it were up to me we would nuke the damn thing and have done with it. Lead Scientist: Well then it’s a good thing it’s not up to you. Sgt. Grays: The sooner we launch, the sooner I can go home. Start whatever it is you have to. Lead Scientist: (begrudgingly): You heard him start the sequence. Scientist 2: Initiating launch sir! [Scientist 2 begins launch sequence] Scientist 3: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, LAUNCH! [The probes engines fire as it begins to hurtle towards the rift] [Camera tracks probe from fixed location in launch site, as if from one of the scientist’s POV] [As the probe enters the rift there is a surge of energy on the scientist’s equipment] Scientist 2: The energy signature is spiking! [The equipment overloads as the probe, totally destroyed, exits the rift and crashes to the ground] [A silhouette of a humanoid figure exits the rift and lands in the launch site] Sgt. Grays: Holy hell! OPEN FIRE! [Soldiers begin to shoot at the silhouette] [The figure moves to the first group of soldiers before the bullets leave their weapons and slaughters them] [Cut to Flint on his feet in the hospital room, the sounds of gunshots, screaming, and the bellow of an unidentified creature penetrate the building] Flint: Right, time to go. [Flint moves to the door and attempts to open it] [After several unsuccessful attempts Flint becomes angered and punches the door, blasting it door off its hinges] [Flint looks left then right, then runs left] [Flint hears someone pounding on the door] [Flint slips on a patch of ice while running; then looks up and sees the window of the door is iced over. Taps on window] Flint: Hello? [Frost’s voice is heard on the other side of the door] Frost: What’s going on out there? [Flint presses his ear to the window to better hear Frost. There is a hiss as the layer of ice evaporates.] Flint: I don’t know, and I’m not sure I want to find out. Want to help me get out of this place? Frost: I’d love to. [Flint nods and steps back from the door. The ice beneath his feet melts then evaporates.] Flint: RIGHT! STAND BACK! I’M GONNA BLOW THE DOOR OFF! (To self): I think. [Flint raises his hand to the door, arm extended] [The crackling of ice can be heard. The next moment the hinges of the door shatter, and the door falls to the floor with a bang. Flint stares in wide-eyed confusion as Frost steps out of the room.] Frost: No need. I have a few tricks of my own. [Flint nods, impressed] Flint: Not bad. I take it you’re the ice guy from the news? Frost: (visibly confused): News? What news? Flint: (with realization): Right, you probably don’t- alright, long story short: I negotiated my way into a television. They let me watch the news; there was a story about us. Frost: Us? So you and me or....? (Trails off) [Flint paces up and down the hall while speaking, checking inside each door he comes across] Flint: According to the news there should be four of us. I say we go find them, get the hell out of here, and figure out what’s going on. Frost: (single nod): I’m in. How do we know which rooms they’re in? [Flint looks around at the ice] Flint: I don’t think that’ll be a problem. Frost: Point taken. Where do we start? Flint: I just came from down there. [Flint indicates the direction he came from] Flint: I suggest we go that way. [Indicates opposite direction] Frost: Let’s go then. I’ll take the left side, you take the right? [Flint nods] [The two head down the hallway and come to a junction, the way ahead is an exit] Flint: Search your side; meet back here before moving on. [Flint and Frost split up and head down opposite corridors checking doors as they go] [Flint reaches the end of the corridor and finds a door without a window and warped out of shape, revealing that it is a thick steel door] Flint: Bingo. [Flint attempts to create a fireball, however only succeeds in heating his hands to an extreme temperature; his hands are glowing cherry red with waves of heat coming off of them] Flint: I don’t have time for this bullshit. [Flint puts his hands into the locking mechanism and melts it] [Flint pushes the door opens] [Inside the room is a man suspended in an altered sensory deprivation mechanism] Flint: (surprised, angered) Son of a bitch. Overwatch: Who’s there? You don’t sound like military personnel. Flint: They’re not available at the moment, can I take a message? Overwatch: You’re one of the others. You’re like me. Flint: Yes. Well, not exact- It’s a long story. Overwatch: So is mine, we can talk after you get me down. Flint: Right. How? Overwatch: Not a clue, start pushing buttons. [While examining control panel] Flint: So what can you do? Overwatch: Telekinesis. What about you? Flint: Fire and the like. Overwatch: Sounds fun. Flint: So you have no idea how to shut this thing down without killing you? Overwatch: No. Flint: You couldn’t have read someone’s mind? Overwatch: Telekinesis not telepathy. The closest I can get to reading minds is pulling your brain out of your skull. Tempest: Whoa looks like my last date in here! [Flint looks at the doorway and sees Frost and Tempest] Flint: I told you to wait at the junction. Frost: You took too long. I thought you might have run into some trouble. Flint: Well, yes and no. Who’s that? Frost: I didn’t ask. He’s one of us though. That’s for sure. Flint: (To self): That’s all four. (To Tempest and Frost): Either of you know anything about this kind of thing. [Tempest raises his hand] Tempest: Yo. [Tempest walks over and examines controls for a moment before pointing at switch] Tempest: That one. [Flint flips the switch] Tempest: (sudden shock) Oh no wait! That’s the kill-switch! [Flint looks at Tempest with a horrified expression] Tempest: (Laughing): I can’t believe you fell for that! No seriously, let’s- let’s go get him unhooked. [Flint and Tempest move to Overwatch] Overwatch: I got it. [Overwatch’s restraints unlock themselves and fall off, and other devices float away from his body] Tempest: So if you can do that, why couldn’t you have just read someone’s mind and gotten yourself out? Overwatch: (Sighs): I can only move things. I can’t read minds. Tempest: Not with that attitude you can’t. (Explosion shakes hospital) Flint: Let’s get the hell out of here! Tempest: Really? I think I want to call for room service first. You guys want anything? (The four exit the room) Tempest: I am writing a very stern letter to the manager of this place, the food was just awful, and the staff; don’t get me started.... (Tempest continues talking as they leave his voice trailing behind them) (Cut to group in the foyer, where they proceed down the stairs, and are halted by military personnel behind them) Tempest: Oh thank jeebus, I’ve been looking for someone to talk to about this; the food here is just terrible and the beds are ju- (Several soldiers rush forward and wrestle Tempest to the ground) Tempest: Is that your rifle or are am I in Deliverance? Should I squeal? Flint: Let him go. We’re leaving. Soldier 1: Orders are to keep you on lock-down. Tempest: And you’re doing a wonderful job, is there a comment card I can fill out? Solder 2: Shut it, freak. (Soldier 2 strikes Tempest with the butt of his gun) Tempest: Ow! Police brutality! Oh, wait. (Flint moves towards the guards) Flint: (Menacingly): Let him go. We’re leaving. (Soldier takes aim at Flint) Soldier: On the ground now. Nice and slow. (Frost and Overwatch slowly lower themselves to the ground, while Flint remains standing) Flint: Either you let him go or I will take him back. (Flint raises his hand) (Soldiers open fire, Flint becomes riddled with bullet wounds) (Flint stands and looks down at himself, touches his chest and pulls his hand back showing blood and molten metal) Flint: Fuck. (Solder 3 moves toward Flint) (Flint drops to his knees and each bullet wound erupts into a blaze of fire that ignites the soldier in front of Flint) (As the bullet wounds close the fires are extinguished) (Flint stands back up and moves toward the rest of the soldiers) Tempest: Dude! How’d you do that? Flint: (bewildered): I have no idea. (Frost and Overwatch stand up, hands still on their heads) (Flint looks at the burning body of the dead soldier) Flint: Anybody else? (No response from soldiers) Flint: No? Alright. You (Points at soldier subduing Tempest): Let him go. (Soldiers 2, 5, and 6 allow Tempest to stand. Tempest rejoins the others) (Overwatch and Frost glance at each other and nod) Overwatch: 3...2...1 (Soldiers 1-4 are standing on a fallen sign, which Overwatch pulls out from under them, then uses it to slam them into the wall behind them) (Frost freezes soldiers 5-8 solid) Tempest: Hey look; dickcicles! Get it? Frozen privates? No? Ok. (Flint whirls around and glares at Frost) Frost: What? We can leave now. Flint: (To Overwatch) Good work. (To all): Let’s get out of here. (Group exits hospital) (The hospital is revealed to be in the park just under the rift) Overwatch: Well that was fun, now what? (Screams, explosions, and gunfire heard in the background) Flint: We get the hell out of Dodge. Frost: Why should I listen to you? Flint: Look, let’s save the pissing contest till we’re out of here. Sound good? (Frost: bitch-face, nods) Flint: Right, you (points at Tempest), uhhhh.... Tempest: Ooh, ooh, no names. Or should I say new names? Overwatch: That’s not a bad idea. It would be safer, y’know, in case we’re caught? (Flint: pained look) Tempest: Ok then, you can call me Tempest. Frost: Frost. Overwatch: Is it too pompous to call myself Overlord? Flint: Yes. Overwatch: Ok, then my name is Overwatch. What about you? Flint: I am Flint. Frost: Bit obvious don’t you think? Tempest: I think it’s sweet. Besides “ice-boy” you called yourself Frost. Flint: Right, ok, Overwatch. You and Frost go get supplies and whatever belongings you can carry. We’ll need canned goods and lots of water. Tempest and I will secure transportation, and grab his belongings. Meet at the car lot over there in two hours. Overwatch: What about your stuff? Aren’t you grabbing anything? Flint: My only valuable is gone. (Frost and Overwatch fuck off) (Tempest gives Flint a questioning look) Flint: Let’s go. Tempest: What did you mean by that? Flint: Can we....? Just? Tempest: A man’s business is a man’s business. (Flint and Tempest walk onto the car lot) Tempest: Dude, look! A Nitro! (Tempest opens the door) Tempest: Huh, I guess they weren’t too worried about their cars getting stolen. Flint: Or they forgot? Tempest: Oh. (Tempest gets into the truck and sees the keys are in the ignition, does the “how do I even?” thing) (Looks in backseat) Tempest: Alright if there’s a murderer in here, now’s your chance. (Tempest shrugs, grabs the key. A surge of electricity passes through the key into Tempest. He then falls out of the car and his hand lands on a lamp post between the cars, which proceeds to give him a surge of energy.) Tempest: I feel...... really good. Let’s go do something, let’s go do laps! No, wait fuck laps, let’s go kill someone! Flint: What....... I... I don’t...... (Tempest is seen stabilizing himself) Tempest: Ok, you drive. I’m gonna sit in the spare tire. (Flint tries the ignition, the car is unresponsive) Flint: You.... drained it. Tempest: Sweet. Guess that’s what happened to the lamppost too. Flint: Yes it’s cool but we still need a vehicle. Tempest: Right, how about that? Flint: That’s a minivan. Tempest: Exactly, it’ll fit all of us, it’s low-key, I mean, it’s even painted Inconspicuous White. Flint: Fine, but you’re not driving anymore. (They get into the minivan and drive off the lot) (Cut to van rolling up down the street from the electronics store, with the guards still posted outside) Flint: (sighs) Shit. How do we get in? Tempest: We could take out the guards. Flint: No, no unnecessary deaths. Tempest: Well I’m not taking them out to dinner and a movie. What kind of girl do you think I am? Flint: Oh please, you’re not hot enough for a soldier boy. Tempest: (offended squeak) No, I was thinking we knock ‘em out. Flint: Fine, let’s go. (Flint and Tempest exit the vehicle and approach the guards, who are busy talking to each other.) Shop Guard #1: So I’m sitting there right? Just minding my own business when all of a sudden I get shot! Shop Guard #2: No way! That sucks man. Shop Guard #1: I know right? That was the worst Call of Duty match I’ve ever had. I mean, the next one I totally rocked but- (Guard is cut off as Flint puts him into a sleeper hold. At the same time Tempest punches Shop Guard #2 in the back of the neck.) Shop Guard #2: OW! Jesus man what the fuck? Tempest: I am so sorry! I was-....I was trying to knock you out. (Shop Guard #1 drops to his knees and Flint follows) Shop Guard #2: Well you don’t do it like that! Shit, my neck’s gonna be screwed up for days! Tempest: (visibly flustered) I-....I just- (Tempest cold-cocks Shop Guard #2 in the side of the face knocking him unconscious.) Tempest: Close enough. Flint: I really need to show you how to do these things properly. Tempest: I’d appreciate that. (The pair head into the store, and go upstairs) Flint: You really fried this place didn’t you? Tempest: Sorta, but it wasn’t my fault. Flint: You’re preaching to the choir, friend. So you live upstairs, right? Tempest: Yep. (The pair round the corner and see two guards and do the “get back” thing) Flint: Right this time you do what I did, ok? Tempest: Got it. (The pair sneaks towards the guards and Flint puts one into a sleeper hold, while Tempest puts his hand on the second guards head and electrocutes him) Tempest: Uh..... I got him. Flint: (while wrestling other guard to the ground) Did you just? Is he dead? Tempest: I can fix it. I can fix it. Hold on. (Tempest rubs his hands together and electrocutes the guard’s nipples) Tempest: Clear! (The guard is resuscitated and begins to awaken) Room Guard: What the fu- Hey! You can’t be h- (Tempest kicks guards head) Tempest: There, problem solved. Flint: You are unbelievable. Tempest: What? (Flint shakes his head and enters the apartment) Tempest: What? What?! (Tempest follows Flint) Flint: You live here alone? Tempest: It was just me and Uncle Dave until....... well you know (mocks electrocution). Flint: I understand, sorry. Tempest: It’s alright, I’ll grab clothes and shit, but what else do we need/ (Tempest heads into a bedroom and begins pulling clothes out. Tempest tosses a shirt to Flint.) Tempest: Here, to replace yours. (Flint looks down at the singed rag.) Flint: Thanks. Grab some canned food, flashlights, batteries, and toiletries. (Flint makes his way to the kitchen and searches the cupboards and drawers for things that may be useful.) Tempest: Toiletries? Flint: Towels, soap, and shit-tickets. Tempest: Ah. (Tempest emerges from the bedroom carrying a duffel bag filled with clothes.) Tempest: We good to go? Flint: Yeah, let’s grab the other two. [Cut to bank interior] (Frost and Overwatch enter through the doors) Overwatch: Dude, what are we doing here? (Security Guard approaches Frost) Security Guard: I’m sorry sir, you can’t be in here. Frost: I’m just here for my severance. [Frost flash-freezes the bank] Overwatch: What the fuck? You know he’s not gonna be happy when he finds out. Frost: They were going to die anyway. Now open the vault, we’ll need the money. (Overwatch approaches the large vault door at the rear of the bank) (Overwatch raises hands and focuses on the hinges. The hinges disassemble themselves. Overwatch then shifts his focus on the locking mechanism) Overwatch: You may want to back up. (Overwatch mimes a circle in the air with his hands, as he does so a schism appears around the lock. Overwatch makes a “pulling” motion. The lock of the vault separates from the vault door and slides forward with a loud metal-on-metal screeching. Overwatch is visibly sweating and exerting himself. The lock comes out as a cylinder of parts, Overwatch drops the lock and it rolls off screen. The door groans and then drops to the floor, before crashing forward, crushing several frozen people.) Overwatch: (Out of breath, hands on knees) There....now what? Frost: Start grabbing. [Cut back to park with Flint and Tempest waiting by the minivan as Frost and Overwatch approach carrying bags of money. Frost is flipping through a stack of cash. Flint looks from the stack to the bags.] Flint: That better not be what I think it is. Frost: Oh, I’m sorry; I must have missed the part where you were put in charge. Flint: (Exasperated) Just get in the goddamn van. [Cut to interior of van. The group is driving through town. Flint is driving, Overwatch is in the passenger seat, Frost is in the back seat and Tempest is in the rear sitting on a tire. The van comes to a stop at an intersection. The way forward is blocked off.] Overwatch: Go left. Flint: Why? [Cut to camera view of right side of van, the view is from half of a block away. Suddenly an army hummer crashes through the wall of the building on the right of the screen, rolling across the street, coming to rest on its roof in the center of the street.] [Cut back to interior of the van.] Overwatch: That’s why. [A second hummer flies over the building and crashes into the one across the street, becoming lodged there] Flint: You knew that was going to happen? Overwatch: Not that specifically, but I knew going that way would be dangerous. [Flint steers the van to the left.] Overwatch: I think I might have some sort of self-preservation thing. Tempest: That could be useful. Frost: Yeah. For him. Overwatch: I saved your lives too, didn’t I? Tempest: This is true. Frost: (Irritated) Okay, but what happens when he’s not with us? Flint: Don’t start arguing now please. We’ve got a long drive ahead of us. Overwatch: Where are we going? Flint: Vegas. Tempest: (Excited) ROAD TRIP!!! [Cut to aerial shot of the van driving through the streets on its way out of the city. The camera zooms out revealing more and more of the city. Fires and explosions are happening on a visible path from the park.] Overwatch: You guys got gas right? Cause in movies this is usually where they run out of gas and have to hitchhike, and there’s the crazy truck driver who asks (deep, gravelly) “pretty boy to sit on his lap” (normal, nervous) and you guys got gas, right? END OF ACT I |