Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2000809-Tales-of-Ignus-Lucarios-story-part-6
Rated: E · Other · Other · #2000809
Lucario meets two new faces, both of which found him in the forest.
Pokemon World, Eterna Forest, 2014

I slowly opened my eyes to the sound of birds. Birds and... Voices? I staggered to my feet and my vision immediately became wobbly and blurry.

"Last night's transformation must've been more stressful than I thought..." I gasped. The pain in my ribs, head, and chest were nearly unbearable. Like a toddler, I took a few steps and collapsed.

"So tired... So... Tired..." I murmured as I slowly closed my eyes and embraced the darkness.

Soon, I was awakened by voices. They sounded so unfamiliar. So alien.

"Hey! Are you alright?" A voice asked. "He looks injured."

In front of me, I saw a creature that looked vulpine. A... Kitsune? They appeared in mythology, but I never saw one before.

"Who are you? Where am I? What day is it?" I moaned. The kitsune gave a flit of his tail and looked behind him.

"Jon! He's alive! I'm Thornton. You're safe here in this forest, and the day doesn't matter." Thornton replied. I sat up and growled softly.

"Yes it does-gyah! Ow... Haah..." I lay back down as Thornton smiles. Jon came over and started doing something that tingled my injured spots. It appears he was healing me.

"Relax! You're among friends! What's your story?" He asked.

Now that was a story I had told and told again. Each time I tell it, the pain in my heart comes back. There isn't a day that goes by without me thinking of them. I licked my lips and took a deep breath. I saw Thornton and Jon looking at me expectantly, and it wouldn't seem polite if I denied their request for a backstory.

"I'm Lucario. I'm 18 years old. I'm different in the eyes of others of my kind. Besides being twice as large as a normal Lucario, my behavior is different as well. While the others enjoyed themselves doing normal things at night, I was mesmerized by the moon. I found out I had Lycanthropy. My parents loved me anyway.

One night, I was in the woods, enjoying myself when I smelled fire. The smoke came from my village. I was worried about my mother and father, so I ran home. Fire was everywhere. Bodies were strewn all over the ground, and men who called themselves werewolf hunters were ransacking every house they entered. I ran to my house, only to see men with crossbows kill my parents in front of me. I fought one man, since he was alone... But I fled as more came. They reduced my house to rubble. I was just about to flee into the forest when one man grabbed me. I bit him and escaped when he dropped me.

I've lived in the wilderness amongst the creatures, and away from prying eyes... Up until last night. It was the full moon last night, and I had no desire to harm those who took care of me. I shall not disclose names. I guess you want me out of your sight now." I say sadly.

Thornton smiled and shook his head. "No! You're welcome here! C'mon! You can join our group. We travel across the multiverse. You ever heard of Ignus?" I shook my head.

"You'll love it there. Beautiful! Nobody judges you, and it's everything you could imagine!" Thornton explained.

My artistic side of my mind began racing. Forests! Waterfalls! Battlefields! Training facilities! Food vendors! I began feeling a moment of ecstasy as my mind raced, but I convinced myself to calm down. Nodding my head, I agreed.

"Alright, then! Let's explore a bit more before going there, is that alright?" Thornton asked. No matter what I would say, it seemed like exploration was inevitable. Good thing I enjoy adventures. A large drop portal opened up. Thornton smiled and fell right into it.

I looked at Jon and we dove into the portal after Thornton. The portal made a loud sucking sound, much like a vacuum, sparks flew, and it closed up.
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