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John just an Ordinary man who is taken to extreme when He Lost His Family to the Rapture
A man no more than 39 years old awakens to see His Loved Ones gone nowhere to Be seen It's soon discovered that the Rapture has just taken place and that People all over the World have also gone mysteriously missing . Heartbroken John decides that the only way He will be able to see his Family again is to commit Suicide, so He grabs a Knife and slits His Wrist blood soon begins pouring out of the now open Wound as John Goes in and out of conscience glimpses of images slowly begin to form of a Battle taking place staring down at His wound it begins to Heal and suddenly the deep cut is no longer visible. A Military Agency has just been sent to Enslave or kill all citizens within the Country and begin forcing Citizens to Take a Microchip known as the Savior Chip, with visions of the Chip in Johns Head being the Mark of the Beast. John Soon escapes His Hometown and becomes a Wanted Man He soon realizes the threat Of Death is very Real and takes refuge within a Small Cabin outside the City walls with the leader of the Cabin Samoan accepting John as a Guest. Things go fine for awhile having enough supplies to last for a month John soon meets Shannon within the Group and They begin to bond after about three Weeks, Food and Supplies dwindle as the Rich continue to get Richer and the Poor much more Poorer. Soon John and the Group are forced to Infiltrate the City looking for Supplies to keep Each Other Alive while Samoan stays back to watch the Cabin. However They keep in touch with Samoan Via walkie Talkie as He tells the Group to also take on other Jobs Together within the City to Rebel against the insane Dictator known as Ezekiel who wants total Control of the City. John notices strange Behavior that most of the Citizens there seem Calm but He continues His Missions within the City anyways Ezekiel spots Them in His City via Hidden Surveillance Cameras set-up throughout the City and He vows To kill those Responsible seeing John and Shannon and the others flee Ezekiel gathers up Soldiers to give chase losing Them in the Wooded Terrain in the process. Back at the Cabin that Night turning on His Cell Phone to see old Photos of His Child Sarah and Wife Samantha's old Photograph's within the Phone tears pour down Johns Face however unbeknownst to John it gives away Him and His Groups Location due to GPS Technology Ezekiel's Military head towards there Camp Samoan Awakens and sees that John is unaware of what treachery He is doing and angrily crushes Johns Cell Phone as well as His only Memories of His Family telling John that the Gps tracker within the Phone would lead the Militia straight to Them breaking Alliances amongst the two Samoan and John are about to Fight however the Military have tracked the Group within Minutes and Samoan and John reluctantly Team up to Survive however Samoan takes off after witnessing Shannon shoot one of Ezekiel's Men and then She gets shot leaving John to fight for Himself. Samoan realizes They stand no chance against the Militia now and takes off, leaving John to fend for Himself. John manages to hold Them off for awhile but Ezekiel's Military soon get the upper hand as the Military are too many to take on They Shoot up the place killing most of the Group They take Interest in John and beat him to a pulp before knocking Him out Capturing john to be Interrogated by Ezekiel. The Evil Dictator mad at what John did to His fair City and Showing Him no Respect Ezekiel vowed to get revenge on John Ezekiel scrawls the numbers 666 into Johns Chest insisting He work for Him now or be Killed John refuses no longer caring to Live however its revealed that Shannon is Alive and in a Coma like State by Ezekiel He Informs John that He will let Them Go Free Together after John has done some Work for Him John reluctantly agrees to Help but only to Save Shannon from certain Death and Ezekiel releases Him to do some Jobs for Him within and outside the City walls. After a series of Hits John is Taken back to the Cabin by Ezekiel's Informer the Traitor Samoan who had been the Leader of the Group of Survivors Johns Escorted inside the Cabin where Shannon awaits Him, Only to see Shannon's Heart ripped out Samoan regrets the Death of Shannon blaming it on Her helping John kill one of Ezekiel's Military Men, and also for giving away their location with the Cell Phone turns out Shannon was Samoans Daughter He tells John that He had fled that life long ago and promised to protect His Daughter but Ezekiel was too Smart for Them to Escape. And that Samoan didn't want to Die so He had no other choice but to kill His Daughter and now John in order to regain Trust with Ezekiel again Samoan tells John he must now kill him but it was nice working with Him and that John has done Samoan a favor by killing off all of Ezekiel's Enemies that woulda bought the System to its Knees Samoan points a Gun at John and readies to fire however John dodges the bullet and a fight ensues between the two knocking over a Lantern in the process causing a Fire and the Building begins to Crumble around Them, Eventually Debris from the Collapsing Roof smashes Samoan with John getting out just barely however as He exits the now Destroyed Cabin Others were waiting pointed Guns aimed at John and He's hit over the back of His Head. Waking up in the hospital by a deranged Doctor who informs John He's now like Them, In a woozy state John looks at his Arm revealing it to have a microchip within the Doctor Laugh's telling him not to worry He won't be Alive long enough to Enjoy Their Power as there were orders to kill John the Military Guys show up taking a severely Wounded John into a Military Truck awaiting Execution from Ezekiel, a group of Atheists soon pull up however and shoot the Militiamen and They prepare for the Surgery to remove the Chip from John's Arm. And They inform Him He could Die as Many who have tried this procedure have Died many times as They remove the Microchip that was interfering with Johns Regenerations the Wounds begin Healing Itself and its revealed that John is still Alive. The shocked Group of Atheists stutter it's Him from Prophecy, A confused John doesn't quite understand soon Johns feeling better and ready for a little Payback. Disguised as the Militia the Atheists inform Ezekiel they have Captured John and are to Hand Him over to Ezekiel within the Tallest Building in the City. As its the only option they have in order to get close enough to kill Him, Ezekiel will then try and kill John at a Public Execution to show all what His System does to Traitors but They will help Him soon They are just Outside the Location of the Meeting. The group takes down several of the Militiamen Silently, Before finally Confronting the leader Ezekiel, As John and the Others enter the Room Ezekiel informs John that He knows That John is the one They spoke of in Prophecy and that He Ezekiel will be the one to Murder Him so that The countless Lives to be lost never Happens. And Ezekiel goes on to explain that He's gotten complete control over Johns Mind while the Chip is still inside his Body, and Ezekiel promptly tells John to grab a Gun and Shoot Himself in the Head. Unbeknownst to Ezekiel the Chip has been already removed but John plays along anyways taking the Gun and pointing it at His Head and then Fires at Ezekiel's Leg wounding Him. How did you remove the Chip without Dying! Exclaims Ezekiel, It's Me Remember Replies John as He promptly tells the Atheists to take turns beating Ezekiel to a pulp. After a while its Johns turn to Torture Ezekiel scribbling 777 upon His chest as a sign of things to come, then John pokes out one of Ezekiel's eyes and finally he takes a thick Rope and wraps it around Ezekiel's Neck. Telling Ezekiel to make sure He tells His God that He's coming for Him soon and with that Johns Eye twinkles. "No Please don't kill Me! Think about the Destruction that'll be caused because of You" shouts Ezekiel. "I too have been Sinned against" Explains John just before kicking Ezekiel out the 12th story Window, Strangling in the process in front Of the Crowd below with Ezekiel Now slain and His supposed madness put to an End it's time for a new Leader, A new Man to make things right Again as the AntiChrist makes a New World Order upon the Earth and vows to Destroy Anyone who Sides with God. Because He blames God for taking away His loved Ones and abandoning Him, Even though God had always been with Him. Soon the once Peaceful Nation's becomes a chaotic mess as the New Military over runs the People slaughtering Them or making Them mind controlled Puppets what Ezekiel made to be Somewhat Decent for Mankind, Is suddenly being used as a tool for the AntiChrist John to get more and more Powerful. |