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7 misfits travel together, join their many adventures and laughs.set in medieval time |
Chapter 1 Their story begins in prison, yes you heard me prison. where 7 outlaws are imprisoned. Louise the rogue, a master of using dual swords and a little reckless in battle. Fenix the violent, as the title implies she is the most violent of the bunch, she used to be an executioner for the king. Dawn the archer, who could kill you instantlly with her bow and quite resourceful. Laila the warrior, brave and skilled to kill any beast standing in her way. Maven the healer, who treats their wounds and sickness. Polaris the mage, mastery of spells and potions-in short it's magic-. And last of all Vulpine the thief, able to steal anything she desires and a master of stealth. "I told you not, if ya steal the chicken we get punished." Louise yells in frustration. "I can not help it, thou was staring at me in mockery." Vulpine defends herself. "Thou does not remember that I may make a chicken out of my magic." Polaris says. "Thousth remember, but a real chicken is much satisfying, am I not right fenix?" "Here, here." Fenix nods in agreement. "How does thy find killing chicken amusing?" Dawn questioned. "When you slaughter a chicken it makes an amusing sound te hear." Vulpine replies. "It is not as amusing as a person's head being chopped off." Fenix states. Louise and Dawn Step away from Fenix after she says this. Vulpine suddenly walk towards the locked door of the prison. "What are thou doing?" Laila asks. "Try'in te open this lock." Vulpine answers her, jiggling the lockpick on the lock. "You could not have done this earlier?" Polaris questions. "Tis idiotic guards were watch'in" she explains opening the door. They walk out the caged prison sneaking towards the door. Once they got out they block the door as the guard woke up. "so long ya stupid guard" Vulpine says "come, follow me I know where they hid your weapons and supplies." "How would thee know where they put our weapons and supplies?" Maven asks. "Tis was not the first I was put in the prison here" was all she said. They follow Vulpine through twists and turns, sneakily passing guards until-"Could not Polaris teleport our weapons and supplies here?" Maven said. "Why did not I think of that?" Polaris questioned herself as she recites a spell, her staff glowing a light blue, teleporting our weapons and supplies. They took their things and were about to continue on their way out when they see a group of guards, one of them yells out "HALT". "Dang it" Louise mutters "we were close to freedom." Fenix runs towards them smacking guards in her path as Dawn shoot down the guards getting to close to them. Laila stabs the guards with her sword while Polaris, Louise and Vulpine sneakily escape. The 4 let themselves be taken down knowing what the other 3 are up to. The guards take them to the King, to see what punishment they have gotten for escape. "Try'in to escape the castle were you now? Ha only one person has ever escaped this castle alive..." the king states, looking at them "Aaaah and she is not with thee, correct?" Dawn, Fenix and Laila just glare at the King while Maven looks around trying to see if the others were around. "And you 'your majesty' always hid'in behind guards when your prisoners escape" Fenix taunts. The King angered by this was about te yell at them when suddenly a distressed guard bursts though the doors. "Yer majesty another attack has happened on a village near the castle" the guard says "the other kingdom has burned it." The king also distressed by this paces the room, he stops and turn to the 4 "I have an exchange for you" the King tells them "the exchange is your freedom for the kidnapping of Princess Diana of the enemy kingdom." "And what makes you think we shall be able to kidnap a princess" Laila questioned. "You have a thief, not?" the King stated. "Alright your majesty we shall do it" Dawn sneers "You might want te move." The King confused moves to his right when suddenly a dagger passes his head embedding itself on the wall, he turns seeing the other 3. "I almost had his head" Vulpine whined "why'd you make him move?" "change of plans Vulpine." Dawn explains. "Eh!" "we shall explain it to you on the way, come" The 7 outlaws leave the castle making their way to the enemy kingdom. A guard turns to the king asking "Is it wise to let them do this?" "Do not worry" The King says "tis be all part of my plan" End of Chapter 1... |