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Rated: NPL · Other · Writing · #1998782
Heuristic Questionnaire for myself, when a scene or plot needs work.
This is an experimental list of things that I might ask when I've got a plot issue.

This question will help add drama when I've ducked trouble.
Let the character tell you, "Boy, Am I glad that ___ didn't ___." Maybe make it into a complete rant! Then do the opposite.

A plot can be sketched from four questions: The wannasoI.
I want:
So I:
(Rinse and repeat.) A good cycle should leave things worse than they were, but rarely as bad as he feared. This can be an entire scene or a paragraph.

If that's not enough:

The Character wants:
The Goal Means:
He thinks the goal means:
The character undervalues:
The character overvalues:
The character Fears:

obstructed by:
Aided by:
Other interested Character:
Traps and reversals:
Stuff the character wouldn't notice but might change the game: example: a paranoid character won't notice allies.
Can any of the obstacles turn out to be help? Stuff that he thinks hurts him might help?
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