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Rated: E · Other · Sci-fi · #1997543
The long awaited sequel to The Wardenclyff Project has arrived! Suggestions welcome.

Basic Ideas and Concepts #1

- The Scar/Crack/Chasm/Rift/Ravine (name still in the works) - a large rift spreading all the way around the earth in a near-perfect circle. Created by Transorganics co.: a company based in Washington that got nerfed by the government until they put forth a solution to the war that had raged for more than a year because of the Great Upgrade and Evolutionary Prime. Their plan: Separate the two factions on either side of an uncrossable chasm. The resulting quakes to create the rift caused dangerous experiments in Washington (the epicenter) to go awry (or so everyone believes). In reality, the government nerfballed Project Meld for their own nefarious purposes and destroyed Washington. The destruction resulted in 3 anomalies: 1.The Deathlands - Only place where there is no Crack, unlivable by all standards. 2. The Scar: A great worldwide ravine uncrossable by air or land due to strange anomalies. 3. The entire Earth is thrown off its axis, in direct proportion to the crack: Tri-Cities, Washington, is now 0, 0 with the chasm being 0 degrees longitude. As far as anyone knows, it goes all the way down to the core - the one place in earth unaffected by The Great Upgrade. If anyone knows a good way to do this with a globe or web tool, please share.

- The Great Upgrade - an energy wave that propagated all around the earth granting all metal and tech incredible complexity and semi-intelligence. If you have ever played Transformers: War for Cybertron or Fall of Cybertron you may have an idea of what I'm talking about. Transformers not included.

- Evolutionary Prime - the activation and implementation of a series of genes, only 1 being previously natural. Prime I was discovered to give total molecular control over one's physical form through mental willpower. Prime II - VI give limited mental control, in certain individuals, over different groups of species.

- The Hole in the Ground - previous site of Washington D.C. Thought to have been destroyed by the Great War of Biology and Technology. When no one was looking though, the nation's capital achieved liftoff and orbit around the crack where it could not be detected. Now the site of a very popular tavern for the Tech side.

- Oceans - drastically decreased in volume due to a giant ravine appearing in the earth all of a sudden. Former ocean areas are now either filled with forest or semi-intelligent, all metal super-cities; depending which side of the scar you're on. Not all the ocean water will be gone though. Depending on how I map out the Chasm, there will be areas with large lakes of (salt?) water. I want to make this as realistic as possible, so I will be looking at lots of ocean floor maps in the future to determine good locations.

- The Great Forest - located in what is now California, biggest tree or city hall is Methuselah. Literally a living city about the size of New York City. Homes are not built or carved out of the plant life, but are instead grown. Also the capital of the bio side. I'll probably burn it down in some epic way.

- (Great techy-sounding name that I haven't thought of yet) - formerly New York City. Now the capital of the Tech side.

- Music - mainly the same but with some differences. Electric Keyboard (or "the synth") is highly favored on the tech side for its metal and synthetic sounds. Similarly, Violin/Cello is highly favored on the bio side for its classical, "natural" sound. Of course, all metal instruments are banned on the bio side, as are wooden or natural-made instruments banned on the tech side. So on one side we have wooden saxophones and vine harps, while on the other we have iron drums and steel guitars; and so on.

- Variety in people - supertech powers, vine hands, morphing, cybernetics. More to come in later documents - but this is an area where suggestions and ideas are desperately needed. Names for these "powers" and peoples would also work. Almost anything will work, so long as the powers are bio- or tech-based. A list of what I've got so far is below. Most will be a result of the Evolutionary Prime; a few may be caused by the Great Upgrade.

- REgrowers: Biological. Possess the ability to instantly or near instantly regrow any severed limb (except the head). I may want them to have the ability to regrow them differently: a person's hand could be sliced off and regrow into a bone-sword or something - at least until it was cut off again.

- Chargers: Technological. Essentially a mobile fusion battery, with the ability to "charge" any depleted power source, such as batteries or maybe even people. The Charger could have limitless power, or may rely on super-high personal fuel efficiency and his own stored energies to charge things. I can totally see these guys harnessing lightning bolts.

- Leafers: Biological. These people have green-tinged skin that actually hides a layer of plant-based cells. The chloroplasts within allow them to absorb energy more efficiently from the Sun. 1 possible side effect is more water consumption than most beings. They have the option of breathing through their skin. This extra energy lets them stay awake longer, grants more mobility, better reflexes - you get the idea.

- The Upgraded (?): Technological. Nothing too mystical here, just people who have lost limbs to disease and accident without the benefit of being a REgrower. The laws on the tech side specifically state that any citizen who has lost a limb or other appendage can be granted its equal or greater in technology. We're4 talking people with rocket feet, supervision, super strength, super smarts, advanced lung filters, even Long John's hand from Treasure Planet.

- Morphers: Biological. These people have the ability to morph (fully or partially?) into an animal and/or animals. Wouldn't it be handy to have an elephant for a brother? This area definitely needs limitations, though. Tell me what you think. Plant limbs might also be possible.

- Aviars(?): Biological. I can sum this up in 2 words: Bird People. This will be fun to play around with, but as always, I need some input.

- Swearing and expressions that mean "uh oh" - this is a section that I debated whether or not to write. But I think it's needed. Suggestions would also be good here, no matter how silly or weird they sound. To get your brain-wheels turning, here are a few I've thought of:


- What's got his mold growing?


- (Sizzling) Circuits!

- Someone's got a fuse blown

- Sparks!

- Law Enforcement - Tech side will be either drones or Upgraded. Tell me what you think. Bios will most likely be either powerful Morphers, such as dinosaurs tigers and lions and bears (oh, my!) or people riding these animals.

- Religion - Honestly, I have no idea what to do here. If I think of something, I'll post it. In the meantime, feedback would be awesome.

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