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Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Death · #1996532
It's a realistic fiction story that is uncompleted. Feedback?
"So you said you wanted to make a full confession to all of the murders linked to Seth Jones, is that correct?" Asked Deputy Harold.
"That is correct." I replied. He sighed and took a seat in the grey metal chair, identical to mine, inside of the interrogation room. The only thing separating us was the cold, metal table. The room was so dull, so suffocating with its cement floor and grey walls. I was staring at them for so long the Deputy had to snap me back to reality.
"Ms.Swan? Are you ready to begin?" He asked once more. Thoughtfully, I nodded my head in agreement. He pressed play on the audio recording machine that was sitting on the table.
"Can you please state your full name?" He asked. This was the beginning and the end. No going back.
"Annamarie Rose Swan." I stated.
"Now, can you please tell me your relation to Seth Jones." He said.
"Deputy Harold," I said, "I understand I've agreed to confess to the murders linked to Seth Jones, but if I'm going to do this, I'm going to do this my way." Deputy Harold looked taken aback, but didn't disagree. Instead, he leaned in back in his chair, folded his arms over his chest and said, "That's mighty alright. I love me a good story."
"Well, before I met Seth Jones, I lived the stereotypical life that any girl would want. I was pretty, popular, had the best grades in my class, almost done with college and ready to move on with my life. The only problem was, I wasn't happy. I've always felt like I was missing something, then Seth came around. He was your typical bad boy of the school, but he wasn't ever bad. He was so, mysterious, like he was always shrouded by a darkness that consumed everything around him, that way, he would always be mysterious and secretive.
"I remember the first time I saw him walk through that classroom door. I knew instantly that I wanted to get to know him. I knew the instant I laid my eyes on him that he was hiding something and I wanted to know exactly what it was." I scoffed.
"Who knew what he was hiding could be so deadly?" As I said that, tears began to pool in the corners of my eyes. My breath hitched and I tried to force myself to not cry.
"Hey, it's okay darling. Here, it seems we might be here awhile, so let me go grab us something to drink, and you can relax and continue the story when I get back. Okay?" Deputy Harold offered. I nodded my head in agreement and grabbed a tissue from the box that was on the table. Moments later, he exited the room. I sat there alone in that dull room thinking of the only thing that seems to make me feel better these days.
Seth. I see his hair in my mind. I see how it was always darker than the night sky, and how it was always messy yet as soft as a feather. Then after looking at his hair I look lower and meet his mesmerizing green eyes. They were so striking, so stunning. He could make anyone do his bidding just by looking them in the eyes. They were just as mysterious as he was, only showing whatever emotion he wanted you to see. It's one thing I love about them.
"I'm back," Deputy Harold announced as he ruined my train of thought, "Hope you like Pepsi, it's all we have."
"Pepsi is fine." I replied. He cracked a can open and handed it to me, then cracked open his own. Slowly, I took a sip.
"So, where were we?" I asked, trying to remember where I left off.
"You were talking about wanting to get to know him and finding out what his secret was." He explained.
"Oh, right." I paused taking another sip of my drink.
"Anyways, I made several attempts to get to know him, many of which failed. Actually, all of them failed. I knew he wasn't interested, but for some reason, some part of me just wouldn't let him go. I constantly thought of him, I even dreamed about him. I guess that's what led me to going off on him in the middle of the hallway. He turned down another one of my attempts, and I just lost it."
"What do you mean, 'you lost it'?"
"Well after he rejected me again, I snapped. I remember yelling at him saying that he thinks he's so big and bad for having some lousy secrets and thought how he was too cool to have friends when in reality he just has to big of an ego to actually have friends and that's why people call him a freak." I explained.
"People used to call Seth a freak?" Deputy Harold asked.
"All the time, I used to stick up for him too but that day I just threw everything in his face. Next thing I know, I'm pressed up against the locker with his steaming mad face inches away from mine. I remember looking into his eyes. They were so passionate, like they were burning for something, and that confused the fuck out of me at the time. At least now it makes sense."
"Well, what sense do you think it makes now?" Deputy Harold asked genuinely intrigued.
"That burning passion I saw. I know what his eyes were burning for. They were burning for an urge that he's been controlling ever since we made eye contact." I said as I slowly trailed off.
"Go on. What has he been controlling?" He egged on.
"The urge to kill me." I said in a flat, monotone voice.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1996532-The-Story-of-Seth-Jones