Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1995770-A-Nutty-Day-in-the-Rain
Rated: E · Other · Children's · #1995770
Squirrel finds fun and friends on a rainy day.
A Nutty Day in the Rain

Squirrel let out a big yawn and a stretch, then he opened his eyes and climbed out of bed. After he brushed his teeth and fluffed his tail, Squirrel ran to the door. He was so excited to spend the day playing in the sun. But when he got to the door, he saw that it was raining outside. Disappointed, Squirrel looked for something to do inside.

He read a few books, made paper airplanes, painted a picture, and put a few puzzles together. Squirrel looked out the window, but it was still raining. Disappointed, Squirrel looked for something else to do inside.

He made acorn cookies, danced around, and sang his ABCs. Squirrel looked out the window again to see that it was still raining, but this time he decided not to let it spoil his playtime outside.

Squirrel put on a raincoat and hat and went out into the rain. He ran across the branches to the next tree. "Hello everyone!" he said to the other squirrels inside. "Would anyone like to play in the rain with me?"

"No, we don't want to play in the rain," the other squirrels said.

Squirrel was determined to have fun today, so he ran across the branches to the next tree. "Hello everyone!" he said to a few birds inside. "Would anyone like to play in the rain with me?"

The birds laughed at him. "No, we don't want to play in the rain."

All alone, Squirrel climbed down the tree. At the bottom, he found that the path had become a stream. If he were going to go anywhere, he would have to travel by water. Squirrel had no boat, so he looked around for something else. He found a wheelbarrow made of wood that he used to gather acorns. "That will float!" he said to himself. Squirrel took the wheels off and pushed the wheel-less-barrow into the water. He added two twigs for oars. Squirrel hopped in and away he went. He was sad that his other friends didn't want to play, but he was anxious to make fun out of this rainy day no matter what.

As he followed the water, Squirrel came across a mouse who was hopping this way and that. She would spin here and leap there. Squirrel pulled the boat to shore and asked, "What are you doing?"

Mouse continued to hop and spin and leap. "I'm walking between the raindrops," Mouse squeaked.

Squirrel was puzzled. "But that's impossible," he said.

"It's only impossible if you don't give it a try," Mouse explained. "C'mon, it's fun!"

Squirrel followed along as Mouse dodged the raindrops. And he found that he was quite good at this game. "This is fun!" he exclaimed.

Squirrel and Mouse danced around until they were almost out of breathe.

"I need a break," Mouse said.

"Do you want to ride along in my boat with me? Maybe we can find another game on the way," asked Squirrel.

"Sure!" Mouse followed Squirrel into the boat, and away they went.

As they followed the water, Squirrel and Mouse came across a frog who kept sticking his tongue out in all sorts of directions.

Squirrel pulled the boat to shore and asked, "What are you doing?"

Frog continued to stick his tongue out this way and that. "I'm catching raindrops," he croaked.

"Well that sounds easy," Mouse said. "There are so many of them."

"It's harder than you think," Frog said as he stuck his tongue out again.

"Then why do you do it?" asked Squirrel.

"Because nothing worth doing is easy," explained Frog. "C'mon, it's fun!"

Squirrel and Mouse followed Frog's lead as he continued catching raindrops. They opened their mouths and turned their faces to the sky.

"It is hard!" Squirrel exclaimed as each raindrop landed on his eyes, cheeks, and nose.

"Yeah, but it's lots of fun!" cried Mouse.

Squirrel, Mouse, and Frog caught raindrops until they were very tired.
"I need a break," Frog said.

"Do you want to ride along in my boat with us? Maybe we can find another game on the way," offered Squirrel.

"Sure!" Frog followed Squirrel and Mouse into the boat, and away they went.

As they followed the water, they came across a duck with an umbrella and galoshes jumping high into the air.

Squirrel pulled the boat to shore and asked, "What are you doing?"

Duck continued jumping up and down. "I'm splashing in puddles," Duck quacked.

"But won't you get all wet?" Mouse asked.

"Yes, but when your wet you can really appreciate how nice it is once you're dry again," Duck argued. "C'mon, it's fun!"

Squirrel, Mouse, and Frog joined in as Duck jumped high and came down with a splash. The splashes of water flew up toward the sky. "It is fun," Squirrel called out with excitement.

Squirrel, Mouse, Frog, and Duck flew into puddles until they were all good and wet. Finally, the sun peaked through the clouds and the rain went away.

"Now what?" Mouse asked.

"I'm hungry," Squirrel said as his tummy grumbled.

"I know a place that is great for picnics!" Duck suggested.

So, off they went. Squirrel, Mouse, and Frog followed Duck to a great picnic spot under a big and very old tree. As they walked, the sun dried their feathers and their fur.

Squirrel was happy that he was able to find such nutty fun on such a rainy day. But he was even happier that he had made new friends along the way.

© Copyright 2014 Jennifer L Rowlands (jlrowlands at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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