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Beshine, the contender for world's biggest tits get even bigger! |
Beshine, one day was on her blogspot. Replying to fans, when one fan caught her eyes, specifically what he said.the comment stated "I'm a licensed plastic surgeon and would be happy to help you in your quest for the world's biggest tits :)" She contacted his phone number in the description and told him "if this is true, then I want your help right away, the Boobie greed is killing me, I must be bigger than anyone. Please help me! " A couple of minutes later the good doctor responded by email to say "thanks for calling, can be over in a jiffy to start the procedure." Beshine was dropping in anticipation at the prospect of being the biggest in the world. And a couple of minutes later the doctor was at the mansion and she let him in to see her. The doctor cummed in his pants at the first sight of a walking saline goddess infront of him. With her super tight sports bra on. Revealing alot of humongous Boob flesh. He hugged her before saying "how much do want" she replied by saying everything that he had. "This is going to be interesting" said the doctor, as he inserted the first fill port into her breast implants. She was topless and he couldn't control himself for much longer, as he saw two HUGE FAT FAKE UNDEFILLED IMPLANTS, BEGGING TO BE FILLED TO THE BRIM. As he inserted the second valve into her implants and turned on the Bust-a-max 10, 000 a device that increases saline breast expansion by a factor of 10 every second. When he turned turned the machine in, could hear her moaning at the feeling of saline rushing into her HUGE GIGANTIC FAKE OVERSTUFFED GIGANTIC TITS. And as the machine picked up the pace, so did get moans, as they became screams as the machine reached 1, 000cc's pet second her toys were now 20, 000 cc's and she wanted more. "MORE MORE MORE MORE OH GOD I NEED MORE TOO SMALL TOO SMALL, MY TITS NEED TO BE COLOSSAL AND THEY ARE MICROSCOPIC, DOC WHAT WHATEVER ELSE YOU'VE GOT IN TERMS OF BREAST EXPANSION I NEED YOU TO GIVE IT TO ME NOW! " The Doctor obliged by injecting her with a serum that expands implants to astronomical levels. He did and her growth was supercharged now her tits were 1,000, 000 cc's each. SHE was screaming by this point. "MORE THEIR NOT BIG ENOUGH BOBBIE AND DOBBIE ARE STILL HUNGERY AND THEY NEED MORE SO MUCH MORE. my ass as well needs some love as well.I don't just want huge tits I want MONUMENTAL TITS THAT LOOK AS THOUGH THEIR ABOUT TO BURST. Doctor, as well can you give lips a good plump up to. They won't need much. Just a couple of 100's cc. That's it. As well as pumping up BOOBIE and DOOBIE, can you pump up my ass as well. I dont care if hey burst or not. I just wanna be bigger than anyone ever, and anyone who will ever exist. The doctor obliged by pumping her lips with so much collagen that they look boobs on her face. Two fat overfilled sexy lips that if they gave a blowjob. The man would faint from pleasure. They were so fat, sexy,pumped and stuffed that she found it difficult to open her lips and speak, let alone suck dick. "muhh mugh, muhhh ,MOREEEEEEEEE7E MORE, MI MWANTM MMOREM MCOLLAGENM". The doctor obliged by pumping her overfilled lips even more. making her previous size a bee sting in comparision. The size that they were at now. Completely made the last size look childish in comparision. Gone were the small 100cc lips, now her lips were the same size as her old boobs, her "child boobs" as she called them, were so big and stuffed that they projected a good 10 inches from her mouth, making her look like a blow up doll by large. But she didn't care, she just wanted to be bigger. Bigger THAN ANYONE. "MY ass, my ass, my ass!!!! pump up my ass will you, I dont care how i look, i just wanna be bigger than anyone. Please help! I wanna make Vanity Wonder look flat, I wanna make Kristina Rei look microscopic!!! PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME! ! He obliged by injecting her ass with a lifetime supply of fast acting polypropylene , the kind that Chelsea Charms wanted in her tits but doctors wouldn't allow. By injecting her ass, she felt it harden as her tissue absorbed the solution. She felt it tighten and stretch, swell to a huge height, she lived this feeling. WHERE ARE MY ASS IMPLANTS, I NEED TO BE BIGGER, MGMHHMHURHMHMH (I need more ass, bigger ass, FAKER ass, rounder, tighter ass.) MWHH MWHH MWWWH (Need cock need cock, I need a Huge cock to wreck this big SUPER OVERFILLED SALINE, IMPLANT, COLLAGEN STUFFED BITCH WHO's ONLY GONNA GET BIGGER MORE PLASTIC, FAKER AND ROUNDER WITH EACH DAY. The doctor starts by putting on some créme that promotes body inflation, at which point he then git a horse syringe full of juvederm and injected her already banana size lips. As they grew plumper and plumper, she began to moan (or what she could do at least) "MMMUH MWWH MMWWH MMWHH,WHWH. After injecting 250cc of juvederm into each lip her lips were now so tight that light was shining off them. They were so huge and so thick that she couldn't lick all of them or better less for complete sentences all she could do was moan like the plastic slut that she was. And the one that she always wanted to be. At this point she passed out from the pleasure of her implants expanding and stretching her skin. The last things that were heard from her were moans of delusion. Chanting the words "bigger, bigger, more, more, more, more saline, more juvederm, more fake, tighter, rounder, fat..." After waking up, she felt a huge pressure on her chest. This pressure being her huge, monumentally large tits. As she shifted her weight to the side, she could HEAR the saline sloshing around her chest. she also felt an immense weight on her ass, she suddenly came to realise that "that" weight, WAS her ass. Her ass was so thick and balloon like that it made vanity wonder and pebblez de la mode combined look like they were the flatest forks on the planet in comparision to her bulging, fat, fans, stuffed with saline and polypropylene filled ass. A couple of days later: Beshine was still getting to grips with her new "proportions" she had herself measured by the doctor and her measurements came out to be 167', 24' 306' With approximately 120,000 cc of saline in her tits. With about 300 , 000cc's in hey ass. Hey lips contained about 250 cc. With the thought in mind that the weight was getting a bit to much for her. She decided that it would be a good idea of she bulked up (muscle wise) so that she could help support her own weight. so with some searching she came across a new type of drug called "Hulking Girl" This was a new kind of steroid that came with 2000% gains and no side effects. But this being beshine. She adequately brused aside those thoughts as she ordered a whole case of them when suddenly a notification came up that the company making the drug is selling the rights to those steroids to anyone who shows considerable interest in parenting with them. beshine thought that nothing says "partnership" unlike a couple of crates being bought. She waited a couple of days until she got the order in the post. Once she opened the box in which it was contained in, she saw a little note that read " we thank you on your purchase, within this parcel we have enclosed a copy of all of the various steroids and supplaments that we produce they can all be made relatively cheaply with things around the house. Once she opened it she began lifting. She made the mixture afterwards, she made a note that exercising without any preparation when you have 80Kg of saline and plasting within you want the best idea. After making the drink and resting, she began to drink. The drink has a flavour of banana, "hmm banana, not bad" she thought to herself until she suddenly felt a searing pain within her abdominal region.. Graaarrr, I'm not big enough!!! I'm not big enough she says add she dropped to the floor in her knees, her tits hanging down and get ass on full display, the saline made both parts tight and round. A thing who's only perpose in life to be bigger, give me the most obscene lips, the fattest ass,the largest tits. I must be bigger. I want obscene lips, so huge fake and stuffed that I'm not good for anything but throat fucking, I wanna bit be able to grab each lip with both hands. I want my lips to be able to make me to orgasm just by touching them as well. As she said this, her back started to widen, stretch and creak. Her back was filling with pound after pound of muscle. The muscles gyrating, groaning and shifting.growing more dense with each second. Beshine's abdomen felt the same way. Before her stomach was tanned on account of her needing to do all of those sit ups to hold 40lbs of saline. As she was screaming in agony. Her stomach went through a series of sharp convulsions leading to a 6 pack forming then going to 8 than 10 and finally stopping at a 12 pack. Her front looked ripped. A level of fitness and clean cut muscle that most bodybuilders would kill for. Her abdominals were dense enough to block bullets and rugged enough to climb over. Her veins all snaked across the baskets and gorges of muscle that mad up her front her back was a different story. Equally defined and ripped but her back was much wider and larger as well. Substantially thicker due to increased muscle tissue mad and density. As she got up she found that her back didn't ache anymore. At all. Before she was plagued with almost chronic back pain. Bit now nothing. And boy she was happy. The fact that all of this was capable with 1/4 of the weakest batch. She couldn't wait for what else was in store for the ever growing saline queen. As she turned around to her wall mirror she took a look at herself. "Wow" she whistled. As she was admiring her new dimensions she tried lifting her ginormous breasts to see her brand new, harder than steel abs. She realised that she couldn't. After a couple attempts she told herself. "Hmm my arms look tiny in comparision to the other parts of my body. This will not do. My arms need to be bigger than my legs now." As she said this, she walked to the bathroom were she placed the box before. As she opened it. She saw "extreme arm growth serum, take one pill with food, wait 15 minutes abs you will have the arms of your dreams. " This will do she told herself. As she prepared a meal, just a simple sandwich, well as simple as making anything is for someone who has a 164' chest. She had to make it sideways Once done, she took one pill as instructed by the box. 20 minutes had passed and she was getting bored. But all of a sudden she felt her arms twitch and begin to cramp up. At this point she starTed to get excited at the thought of being larger, bigger, stronger,hotter , more pumped and stuffed with muscle and saline. As she thought this, her bicep began to harden and relax (contract and relax). Now her arms were pumping up larger, with blood being forced through her blood vessels. her veins were getting thicker add more and more blood was being pumped in. Her arms were 11' and now we're 22' the feeling of being pumped full of muscle was euphoric. So much so that she didn't want it to stop. Her forearms had expanded and were now 18' gigantic things capable of destroying steel with a flick. As she grew larger, do did her ego " MORE MORE MORE MORE OH GOD I NEED MORE, TOO small,much TOO SMALL TOO SMALL, NEED MORE MUCH MUCH MORE. MORE MUSCLE! " one done she grabbed a handful of pills and downed them at once. As if on que, her arms twitched and even more muscle began Pilling onto her body her forearms grew to 76' and her biceps grew to 121' they were monumental, huge , inhuman things, larger than most people's bodies, more muscle was on her arms than people had on their whole bodies. With this she began adjusting to the new size of her monumental muscles. She could hear the creaking of sinew and the creak of her skin as her muscles fought for who was going to be the most prominent on her rippling back and arms. "Arghhhh, that was nice" she screamed as she flexed only to a 40° angle. At that point her forearms had touched her biceps and were squeezing against each other and presting tightly against each other. As beshine continued to admire herself in the mirror. "Look at yourself. You are a skinny bitch. I mean, look at yourself. Your proportions are that of a 5 year old. Your tiny tiny ass. ( as she says this, she knew full well that she was the biggest human on planet earth in terms of fakest, fullest, fattest and most stuffed full with saline ass and tits. Well. She didn't even know what made up her tits. Ask she knew was that she was constantly getting bigger, fatter,faker and rounder tits. Tits stuffed with so much saline, that they shine like gigantic basketballs on her chest.) Your tiny tiny tits and your ever so small lips. Oh how small they are. As she said this. She had adjusted her arm position to one where the sheer size of them meant that she had to hang them out to the sides of her waist as her chest was so wide with rippling muscle. That it looked like she had cobblestones in her skin. The Resulting strength that her back and front now had had allowed her to flex her other wise monumentally heavy and large tits. " haha! That's fun. Let's see if I can't do the same thing to this ass of mine. This small small ass of mine. So with that. Beshine tried doing some squats... squats that failed and resulted in her landing on her ass. I mean with that much padding. It really doesn't matter how she fell. She was just gonna jiggle away. So with that she started looking in the box for her serum that would increase the muscle density and mass of her legs. And she found it. "Ass enhancer:Hulking edition " with that she became giddy with excitement. "Yay!! This will finally give me what I need. Not what I want. " Yay! That is. Legs, so bloated and stuffed with muscle that I can barely walk with them. Legs so huge and ripped that you feel each striations coiling and twisting as you move. And the best part. They will never stop growing. And neither will beshine. As she got the serum ready. She injected 2 syringes into each leg. One in her thigh. The other in her calf. at which point her legs tightened so much so that her skin turned bright red and all veins and tendons were standing out right up against her skin. At this. Her legs behan to convulse, with the muscles contracting and relaxing. With this her thighs behan to widen, with her toned legs gaining the muscle of a body builder within a short time. Her thighs became massive quads that were capable of crushing steel. As they went from 16' to 34' they became add wide as car tyres and as hard as steel. Her veins were getting thicker add more vascular as the time went on. Her calves rubbed against each other and slowly began to widen abs elongate down her hamstring. They went from 14' to 45'. In a matter of minutes. " muhh mugh, muhhh, MOREEEEEEEEEE , I need MORE, MORE MUSCLE MORE MUSCLE! I NEED TO BE A FREAK. NOT NORMAL. NOT HUMAN. A MUSCLE MONSTER WHO WEIGHTS BEYOND WHAT ANY SCALE CAN ALLOW. " Once her growth had finished. It had looked like someone had stuffed car tyres abs basketballs into her legs. As she tryes to walk. She had to widen her stance to support her now monumentally large frame. She had 121' arms and 88' forearms with a massively wide back with traps up to her ears. She also has a 12 pack of abs with 34' legs and 45' calves. With this in mind she took a look at the amount she was given. Over 50 boxes full of the various steroids and supplaments. All for her to use to grow even more and bigger than now. she weighted herself on a scale and her mass cane up to 564 lbs. "No!!! That's to too small. I need to be at least over a 1000lbs of muscle. AT LEAST! I NEED MORE ABS MORE LEGS MORE BACK MORE EVERYTHING I NEED MORE EVERYTHING ! HAHA! DID I REALLY THINK THAT IT WOULD BE ENOUGH!! HAHAHA HAHA HAHAHA !!" With that she proceeded to take ask if the serums she could find. "Ass enhancer : Hulking edition ", salineIsUs:saline for implants" ,"Arms enhancer:Hulking edition ", booty builder: Beshine edition, lip enhancer, HulkingX edition". She mixed all of them into one drink and proceeded to drink all of it. One by one her muscles began to pop and multiply. They began to grow and swell. Larger and larger, thicker and thicker. Her implants also became rounder. Swelling with even more saline. Getting rounder, tighter, faker and more stuffed with saline. Her ass was getting a major upgrade. Add before her ass implants hung down my her mid thighs due to the size and weight. Now. Thanks to the boot builder her ass was gaining a monumental amount of muscle abs firmness. Raising her implants to rest on her wedge in between her ass and her thighs. On top of that. It was expanding. Becoming wider than her back and even fatter and rounder. "Oh god yes." As she began shaking it and clasping her ass. The sounds it made were awesome. The sounds of 2 monumental cheeks clasping together. This. Along with the mark of her implants along her back side were so hot. "That's it. That's it. FUCK. More more more more. I need more ass. This pebblez de la mode ass is nothing. I need so much more. " As a result of this, her ass was now much much wider and much much larger than her shoulders. With this, her lips began to inflate, they began to plump up, filling with saline,juvederm and restylane. With all of this her lips were getting so stuffed and full that they were getting larger than the lower half of her face. The size also made them extremely sensitive to the touch. Where by beshine began groping her massive lips with both hands. "MWHH MWWWH ( NEED MORE SO MUCH MORE THAN THIS. AHH AHH ARGHHHH I'M COMMING. AHH ARGHHHH I CAME I CAME BUCKETS FROM TOUCHING MY LIPS. I WANT THIS WITH EVERY PART OF MY BODY. JUST INSTANT ORGASM. AND TO THINK U HAVEN'T EVEN LIFTED 1 WEIGHT AND I ALREADY WEIGH 800 lbs of me rock hard muscle. I mean. " Look at me. Look at me. I have a body that body builders would kill for". And with that she began adjusting her stance to her new mass. Hmm. She now had massive fake tits infront of her. Tits so stuffed with saline and polypropylene filled. That she could barely see in front of her. Hey tits occupied about 85% of what she saw. And to her. That still wasnt enough. She wanted to only see herself when she walked. She only wanted to feel herself. She thought that the best way to get the results that she wanted was to lift weights. She got on the phone and a few days later the weights arrived. Now these weights weren't your ordinary gym weights and exercise machines. No these were designed to adapt to the person using them. Slowly getting more challenging as the person increased in size, mass and strength. That's exactly what beshine was gonna do. Grow, grow and grow. And never ever stop. She set up the machine and made a bunch of protein shakes on the side to help with her recovery. She stood on the pad and put in her vitals. When all of a sudden, she heard a massive shaking as though the house was being torn off its foundations. This wasnt that, however it was the machine digging it's way into the house and rooting itself so that the entire house becomes one gigantic gym. "Oh, this'll be fun" she thought to herself. And with that. The 800 lb female behemoth growled and made her way to the bench press. She layed underneath and gripped the cool steel. She then took a deep breath and began to lift. The bar wouldn't move. Not 1 inch. She checked the weight. 10 tonnes. But as soon as she checked the counter. Her chest began feeling very full. As well as her arms, shoulders and traps. At which point. Veins began to form over all of her body. With that, her whole upper body began convulsing and writhing as more and more blood was pumped to the muscles. In seconds her whole upper chest exploded with muscle, her chest quadrupled in size. Her back and lats widened to an unnatural size. 5 metres across. With this, her back began to creak under the shear amount of muscle she possessed. It almost felt like her bone were becoming denser to accommodate the increased mass. Abs her organs were being super charged to keep up with the bodies increased mass. Along with this. Her abs now began convulsing and growing. More into a gut of pure roids. Rather than muscle. Her back now began to convulse and rise. Over her head. With her deltoids swallowing up her neck with disgusting overblown roided up shoulder muscle. "Heh, heh, heh, this is a good start." She said as she went back to the machine. She didn't know exactly how many times stronger she was now. But there was only one way to check. As she began to push a second time, her body bloated out like before. With this the weight budged slightly off of its rack. At this point. Her head was almost fully covered by grossly over grown and bloated traps With this in mind. As she strained her face and body. She thought to herself. "BIGGER. C’MOOOOON I NEED MORE MUSCLE MORE MORE MORE MORE. I NEED SO MUCH ON MY BODY. THIS ISN'T ENOUGH. MY ARMS. ALONE. MUST BE 1000lbs. As she began straining more and more, her arms were pumping up larger and heavier than ever before. They were getting so thick, so wide , and so sinuous that each striation thicker than her arm before. Adding to this, her chest was widening and creaking, getting larger and heavier and stuffed with muscle and saline. With each passing second, her body was getting more and more bloated with sinewy muscle. Each second more muscle. After 30 seconds, her entire face was swallowed up by her bloated, ripped traps. They has swelled so much that she could barely lift up her arms. When she put down the barbell. She was able to see what she had looked like. Now, she couldn't see anything else apart from herself. All she could see was a sea of sinuous muscle and plastic. All she could feel was her hot body and cool saline. With this in mind. She stepped on to the scale. 600... 700... 800... 900... 11000.. 1231 lbs. Beshine screamed in rage, once more being engulfed by muscle lust. "NOOO I NEED MORE MUSCLE MORE MORE MORE. NOT ENOUGH NOT ENOUGH. IN ORDER TO BECOME A GODDESS I NEED MORE." With that she ran to her drugs and began injecting and drinking everything in sight. Once done. She stepped back. 25 Kg of supplements land 30 litres worth of drinks. That'll be go...d. " "GROW" BURST" SHRED RIPPPPP " Her muscles swelled and grew brimming and bursting with power they swelled to a massive,scary size. She was literally just muscle. Until... She began to shrink. She shrunk back to her original shapeople. Without the muscles. Just the ridiculous implants. The sexy amazingly fat and stuffed with saline implants. Her ridiculous ass looked even more amazing since te whone ordeal where she swelled and swelled. Looking at herself she thought "what. What s going on. I just had all that musclear and Al of a sudden I don't. what the fuck is going on"?? As she walked away from the weight set. She stricken the weight set. And she began felling warm. |