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The Ring of Fire must be protected at all cost. A secret will be revealed |
Words: 2, 275 Ring of Fire The ball of fire arcs across the sky. A woman and some children see it coming. It is amazingly bright. The woman turned to the children and said, "Run to shelter." They all made it in the building as the fireballs rained down on the earth. They didn't feel a thing. In the middle of the ocean an amazing event is taking place and no one will witness. A land mass rises out of the ocean looking like a giant risen out of the ocean. Events are put into play. Nothing will stop what is to come. Dahlia has been watching and waiting. The time is coming when life as we know it will change. A task has been give unlike any other in this realm and the secrets attached to it go far beyond anything anyone could imagine. There are so many levels to this world; everyone has a piece of the story. Many have no idea what it is like to see everything; to see how one decision always cause a ripple effect throughout the land. This is how fate and destiny is born. The land has been neglected for far too long. Dahlia is the guardian of the ring of fire, the most sought after relic on this planet. It guides the world to balance and those in its care must be worthy of such a task. The signs are everywhere for everyone. It is time for the cleansing to begin. Looking out at the crowd of women gathered for the meeting, Dahlia says with confidence, "This is a time of rebirth and regeneration. There must not be fear for what is to come. We must be prepared. Many will think we are mad, let them. Getting caught up in their pettiness will distract you. Distractions can be your doom. Everyone knows the plan we have been preparing for so long. I have seen the signs it is close. There will be destruction to our land. Mother Nature is going to rebirth herself and she will be stronger than ever before. When you hear the chimes ring three times you know it is time to go underground. You will not have much time and must act immediately. May all of you be blessed with the Mother and continue our work because the real work is after we go underground in rebuilding a new life for all. It is time for all of us to ready." After making such a speech Dahlia feels the weight of all who are here. Something is happening in the small crowd. Someone is trying to push through and others are preventing this woman. Looking up at the crowd, Dahlia questions, "What is the meaning of this disturbance? Woman you are being rude. This is a private meeting." The mysterious woman looks at Dahlia with fire in her hazel eyes and spits out, "Dahlia I know you have it. I must see it and hold it to know for sure the rumors are true." "What are you talking about? Who are you?" "I am Rikou. I have travelled a long way to be in your presence this day. I know you have it." Standing straighter with her arms crossed, Dahlia says, "Have what? You sound like we are a bunch of thieves hiding the buried treasure. I have no more time for you. Please remove this Rikou from our presence." As the guards approach Rikou she bursts out, "You have the ring of fire. I was the guardian before you. It was stolen from me and I am here to get it back." The guards hesitated and Dahlia tells them, "Do not stand there, she has nothing important to say here. She must be removed." The guard grabs Rikou and she screams as she is being dragged out, "I know you have it. The ring of fire. It is rightfully mine..." After Rikou was dragged out, talking about the outburst commenced. "Everyone, please. Does anyone here know who that woman was and what she was talking about?" Stepping forward Salina raises her hand and says, "I do Dahlia." "Come forward. Ah, Salina I should have known you would have the knowledge. Please share with all." "Yes. I am not sure if I know all the information. I will share what I know. Rikou was the last guardian of the ring of fire as she had stated already. She comes from a far, far away land where there was war and constant conflict. Rikou had actually stolen the ring of fire from deep down a cave far in the planet. She was overcome with the beauty of the relic. Her first touch of the relic produced a vision. She saw the planet being erupting in volcanic ash...earthquakes devastating the four corners of our realm...waves so high from the sea they washed out whole towns. The devastation shocked her to the core. She picked up the ring of fire and the cave started collapsing. She barely made it out alive everyone else travelling with her perished. She has attracted bad events ever since. The town she was living in was burned to the ground. Everywhere she went she brought destruction with her. That is all I know." "Thank you, Salina. Anyone else sees this Rikou around here she is to be removed. That sort of energy will bring us nothing except destruction." "Yes Dahlia," everyone says. The guard drags Rikou kicking and screaming over and over again, "The ring of fire, the ring of fire..." "Out you go Madame and do not come back." "This is complete madness. Just madness. They have no idea what they are doing and the destruction that will come to those with the ring of fire. I know the secret. Now to figure out a way to set things right," Rikou says to herself. Salina is looking for Dahlia and walking down the passage way to hopefully see her in the chamber where the ring of fire rests. She knows that would have been the first place she would have gone if she were Dahlia. There she is sitting in front of the amazing gold circle. In a timid voice Salina says, "Dahlia. I do not mean to disturb you. I have some information that may be important. I just have a strong feeling that there is something we are missing. A piece of vital information." "Of course child. What is it?" "There is something about the ring of fire that has recently been brought to my attention. I saw a vision that if you touch it for a period of time great knowledge will be given if the one receiving it is open to it. I am not really sure what the knowledge is. I do feel this is different from the teachings we have been living by all our lives." "Who did you get this information from?" "I am not even sure. It happened so fast I haven't had much time to think about the situation" "I guess I could try it. What is the harm anyway?" "Ok. I will leave you to your searching. Good day, my lady." Salina curtsied and left the room. Dahlia approached the ring of fire and started to admire its beauty. She could not believe that she has been entrusted with such a responsibility as this. She started feeling how sad it would be for the events that she knows will be coming. How curious. There is another being here looks female then looks male. It looks like this being is a combination of male and female most exquisite site to behold. The being approached Dahlia and said, "Dahlia. It is time for you to know the truth of what has happened to your world. I am Nala. There are many things happening at this time. I can only facilitate my knowledge to you. The rest is up to you. Truth is whether you want it or not things are going to change. You can decide if you want to be part of the change or not. Now Dahlia, the most important thing for every one of you in the physical realm is your soul. For most the soul is in very bad condition. To see this all you need to do look at the world around you, which is your reflection of what is in you." "What about our current teachings? If what you say is correct than..." Dahlia being overwhelmed with emotion looks up at Nala not able to finish her thought. "It is if you want to live in the world of the mind, which is the world you are all living in right now. Very few if anyone are living through the soul. The soul is the gateway to all knowledge. If you raise your soul condition you will be a brighter, more loving being whether you are here or in the spirit world. The guardian before you has been trying with all of her might and soul to reach out to you and to pass this knowledge on to you because she knew you did not have it. She was overcome with all the evil influences around her and the ring of fire was taken and passed down to you. This is not a path that is easily walked you will need a strong will to do this." "So what happens now?" "First, are you willing to feel all of your emotions through this process that I will guide you through?" "Yes I will." "Good. Earlier you were starting to feel sadness for what is going to happen to your people. Can you go back to that?" "Ok." Dahlia thought about how it was truly sad that many would parish and only a few would live. The emotion of sadness suddenly over took her and she burst into tears so hard she fell onto the floor and continues letting the tears flow. Afterwards she said, "Nala, forgive me for being such a silly girl. It won't..." "Dahlia what you just did was release the emotion sadness from your soul. How do you feel?" Dahlia sat up and was surprised how wonderful she felt, "I feel amazing." "That means the emotion left you. You then will need to go through the same process with all your emotions. I do want to point out that fear is one emotion that bogs down your physical beings the most. Almost every decision made is done based on fear; when you make decisions in fear all you bring to yourself and others is fear. The way your world lives is not the way my mother meant for all of you to live. This world is what it is because of free will which our higher being has given all of us freely. Now I leave you to decide what you will do. Remember you are the guardian of the ring of fire. You were chosen for the gifted already bestowed upon you. You are the life and light of this world. There is a way to change things on different levels what happens now is up to you." "Nala, why have we not heard of any of this before? It seems that we should be teaching these things to everyone if they are as important as you say." "That is true. There is something I did not tell you I was just waiting for the invitation to do so. The unseen world bleeds through your physical realm. All beings in the physical realm are constantly being influenced by spirits all the time. All spirits can only influence the physical beings that have a soul condition at their level. Since most physical beings have a low soul level the spirits influencing them are at a low level as well; they are the evil ones. The ones that love anger, rage, hate, and fear are just some of emotions these low level spirits love. The only defense you have is to raise the level of your own soul level. When this is done the spirits will either go away or they can progress in soul level with you. No matter what level your soul is you will always have spirits influencing you. The better condition your soul is in the better condition the spirit is in. So the reason you haven't heard of this before is because the evil spirits do not want you to raise your soul level because if everyone did this the evil spirits would lose their playground in the physical realm and exist purely in the spirit realm." "Thank you. It seems that you have wise words. I will need some time to contemplate these things." "Of course. I will leave you. Remember you can come anytime for guidance." Nala was gone. I feel this can be a great change for everyone. This is wonderful news to be told to everyone. The tremors started slowly and Salina burst into the chamber breathless, "Dahlia, it has begun. Most were taken by surprise and are gone. We may be the only ones left." "It will be ok child. Even if we are the only ones there is a lot of work to be done." The tremors continued to be greater and greater. Salina and Dahlia starting crying with being overwhelmed with emotion and the beautiful emotion of love entered them and protected them. There was a rose pink protection bubble surrounding both women. Spirits saw this great show of emotion and were joyous that now may be the time when love will reign supreme in the physical realm; the planet earth will know love. |