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I added on a bit to the last post |
Being a semi -popular was hard I had to admit. All the nonstop drama, everyone always in your business, its agonizing being popular. But in the end all the nonstop attention pays of for it ... I guess I'm not really sure. Of course considering the option of not being popular sucked , but sometimes I wish I was quiet, I wish I didn't know anyone, sometimes I just wish I was a wallflower. The possibility of me being a no one was just unthinkable... I could never be a wallflower I'm always featured somewhere. I who belonged to everyone who belonged to no one I know it's confusing, but my life is just one big confusing blob, and I'm going to do my best to tell my story. Don't act like you know how this story is going to go, because no one not even me knows how this story is going to go. For starters I'm Marilyn obviously the narrator .Everyone calls me Mara for short or whatever. I'm 16 you know like the ages were everyone gets drunk and/or high. I live in this pathetic excuse for a town called Hammonton its literally disgusting .Everyone is so boring and to become popular, or semi popular is: be pretty, Instagram famous, or have a popular boyfriend. The criterion is stupid I know I actually have completed all three options. Throughout the story feel free to call me anything you want jerk idiot etc. I really don't care I have absolutely no record to maintain I just don't care about anything anymore. So anyway my story starts out slow and nothing really spectacular just like normal stuff. Chapter one Eww I thought as I looked the outfit down. My ridiculous mother purchased all prissy hideous outfits for my first day. I went to my closet and pulled out some blue skin tight Delia's jeans, and a marvel t-shirt. Back when I was a nobody I didn't really dress for anyone. I like despised the idea of wearing actual pants to any public place it's just overall a stupid idea. My mom won't mind I guess I never really think about hurting her feelings. She knows I'm sort of this punk rock hipster type kid she probably purposely bought those hideous clothes to quote "get me out of my comfort zone so I can experience the world". Like seriously what kid do you know that listens to: Arctic Monkeys, Paramore, and Sleeping with Sirens that wears Victoria Secret sweatshirts and pink hair bows? I always think that how a person acts and what they listen to is how they should dress. That last thought was kind of stupid haha now that I think about it a person should dress anyway they want to..... I know I change my mind very quickly. I'm a very unusual girl as you will be able to see as the story moves along. Tomorrow is my first day of a tragic new children government prison aka high school. Now don't get me wrong education is lovely but the place it's taught in is undeniably horrific. Teachers are like the cops that tase you in the butt every time you blink, and principals are like those judges who give you a fair trial when you pay them under the table. So now that you've heard my school staff logic I'm hoping you'll see schools as I do. So for tomorrow's agenda I start high school, and yea yay I guess. CHAPTER 2 I stayed up until 3 am on Tumblr eating junk food and drinking tea as usual I showed no pre high school nervousness once so ever. After all I am in tenth grade it's not like I haven't been to school for 9 years already. I have that feeling like when a kid gets the same birthday present for their birthday every year it's nothing new nothing exciting. The thing that sucks even more than school is the bus. Literally grades 6-12 ride the bus, but most seniors and sophomores drive to school. Sometimes the middle schoolers are the best to sit with and other times they're just annoying. The bus is just sucky. My schedule when I get to school is : 1st period physics ,2nd honors English 3rd Calc, 4th honors math, 5th gym, 6th home ec, 7th wood shop 8th Italian. That's pretty much what I do six hours a day five days a week. Yea I know my week day schedule is just fascinating. It's nothing to get pumped up over so that's why I'm not nervous or excited. |