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Dinner with a Goddess named MEGA WOMAN |
Chapter 7: Dinner with a Goddess called Mega Woman Soon the timer went off. Tom got up and took the casserole out of the oven. He then inserted some bread to warm it up and made a tossed salad. "Um, what would you like to drink Mega Woman?" he asked. "Wine," she said as she got off the couch and walked to the table. "I think we need to celebrate, don't you? I mean, you girlfriend doesn't become a mega goddess every day now does she?" she said. Tom laughed. "That is true," he said as he brought the food and plates to the table. He walked over to her chair and pulled it out. "Thank you Tom," she said as she whipped her cape over the back of the comically small chair and sat down. CRUNCH! BOOM! The entire cabine shook violently as Mega Woman broke the chair and fell on her powerful ass. They both laughed. "I should have known that was going to happen," she said as she slowly stood up. "I will just eat on my knees," she said as she kneeled. "Now you are kneeling before me? How nice!" Tom said. Mega Woman smirked. "Hardly. And I seem to remember a foot slave kissing the bottoms of my feet a few minutes ago. Now, who was that?" she asked with a smirk. "True. Anyway, let's eat shall we?" he said as he went and sat down. "So, I know you have lots of questions. I can read then in your mind. Go ahead and ask me Tom," shge said. "Um, okay. Well, for starters, why do you insist I call you Mega Woman and not, L...your other name?" he asked. "Well for starters, when I am in this state, I am more than just Liz. I have the memories, the ego, the thoughts of all of the other people who have obtained this power over the centuries. Greek Gods, men of industry who wished for great wealth. I have been both worshipped and feared as each person used the divine power from that locket as they wished. Second, I want to keep my Liz identity seperarte from my Mega Woman identity. I can't have you calling me Liz when I am super powerful as I am now," she said as she shoved some casserole into her mouth. "So, so you, I mean, are you, and I am going to use your name, is that okay?" he asked. She nodded yes. "So do you possess Liz's memories as well? I mean, in your mega form?" he asked. "Yes. I am both Liz and the Divine. And it is Liz who will decide how I use this power. It was her who wished the Divine to give her this power. And I must say, this has to be the most powerful use of the Divine power I have ever seen. Even in Greece, when a man wished to be a God called Zuess, all he could do was shoot lightening. Nothing compared to what I am now." "The divine, is, is that what you are? I mean, it is kinda hard to think about. It is like you are two people," he said as he took a sip of wine. "In a way I am. But yes, the power source that made me so strong, it has many names, but in English, it is called the Divine. The source of it is unknown, at least to me," she said as she gulped down her wine and poured another glass. "Okay, so, in the past, you, you said you were worshipped?" he asked. "Yes Tom. The people who obtained the Divine usually gave themselves power. Centuries ago, it was powers that made people think they were Gods. As time moved on, it was great wealth. Some people used it to cure diseases they had. In fact, that was what the last person did. He then lost the necklace in the desert, where your grandfather found it." She said. "Um, so, have, have people used it for, for evil?" he asked. "Because right now, there isn't a damn thing on this planet that comes close to your power." She smiled. "You afraid your girlfriend is going to enslave humanity?" she asked. "Well your strong and powerful enough to do it!" he said he looked at her huge muscles. "True. I can now do anything I want. I don't think there is anything on this planet that could slow me down. But Tom, you know me. You know me. Have you ever known me to be evil? To do bad things?" she asked. "No, you are one of the kindest people I know. I mean, you put up with my weirdness!" he said smiling. "It is just, well, you now have a very dominate attitude," he said as he saw her scowl. "Hard not to be confident and dominate when you are a Goddess," she said. Tom looked down. "I didn't mean it in a bad way. That makes total sense. If I had your power, I would be the same way. I guess, I guess my question is this: Mega Woman, how do you plan on using your power?" he asked. "I want to help people. Be a real life superhero. Be the person you and I used to pretend I was. A super strong woman fighting to help others. The stuff of comic books, only now," she said as she flexed her right arm. "Now it is a reality." Tom gulped in and adjusted his pants for the billionth time that day. "And you were worshipped before. Are you, you expecting to be worshipped again?" he asked, almost afraid to do so. "Tom, I cannot control what others do. If people choose to see me as some kind of Goddess and decide to worship me, so be it. I won't stop them. And it isn't just the Divine power in me. Even Liz likes the idea. I won't encourage it, but I won't stop it either. I hope you can understand that. Hell, you do understand it. You were kissing my freaking feet twenty minutes ago!" she said. Tom took a long drink of his wine and got up and walked over to her. Even on her knees she was slightly taller trhan him. He kissed her on her powerful cheek. "I not only understand it, I agree with it. Whoever knew my fantasy, our fantasy, of you becoming super would EVER come true. And fuck, they didn't just come true, they were amplified. The powers you have, they defy all reason. I cannot think of a reason why you SHOULD NOT be worshipped!" he said. "Hell, maybe I should have prayed to you and thanked you for our food before we started eating!" "Ha!" she laughed. "Maye you should. Anyway," she said as she levitated him back to his seat. "I think you kissing my feet is enough for now, don't you?" she asked. He landed in his seat. "I don't think I will ever get used to that," he said. "But sure. Baby steps right?' he said. "So, I call you Master or Mega Woman, what, what will you call me?" he asked. She smiled. "You little deviant. I don't need to read your mind for that. I will go with what I czlled you in our role play. You are officially Mega Woman's foot slave," she said. "I am Mega Woman's foot slave," he said out loud. She smiled. "Yes, and I think it is time for you to worship me further. How would you feel about being weaker than Liz, Foot Slave?" she asked with a wry smile on her massive, but beautiful face. |