Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1993811-Gentility-2-Leila-Will-Updated-67
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1993811
Reve is crazy. When he falls asleep he wakes up in a different world. Or is he not crazy?

2. Leila
It was a curse to live here. It was times like these where I wished I lived on the Earth. Unfortunately, I lived on Skille: The Land of Misfortunes and Luxury. Let's just say, I didn't live on the luxurious half of the planet. I sighed, opening the giant doors than lead me into the throne room. I had to get this over with.
"Ah, Leila, darling! You've come to celebrate me on this fine day," Lord Minos said.
"Yes," I replied. "How could I not join you on this momentous occasion?"
"Ah, true!" he replied. "Not everyone gets to celebrate their three thousandth birthday."
"It is true. You are a great king." It sounded so awful on my tongue.
I almost gagged when he made his way over to me. I held my breath, getting prepared for is poison breath to spray onto my face. King Minos didn't look an age of Twenty Five. Just as he always did. Minos was skin and bones, pale as a ghost. He held himself indignity, and his smile was evil.
"You were a marvelous birthday present," he whispered, holding me tight against him. "How old are you now?"
He smelled like a skunk.
"Eighteen," I replied, "turned so last month."
"Good," he said. "Good. How is our little experiment doing?"
"Just fine. Appears to me every night."
"Progress is being made?" My stomach turned violently.
"Yes, my lord."
"Wonderful!" he rumbled, kissing my lips.
"Yes," I said. "Wonderful."
"This is good. Well done. Do you have a present to bestow on me?"
I held back a sigh. "You know what I will give you my Lord. I have nothing but my body to serve."
He smiled wickedly. "Let's go to my chamber, my sweet."
His greasy hand traced my jaw.
"Yes, Master."
"Oh, dear," Belinda murmured. "Oh, dear. The chosen one? Oh, dear."
Belinda fluttered around the room. She was a very anxious pixie. Her face was sunken. Fire trailed off her detailed wings. They were thin as paper, but were the only part of her that wasn't made of fire. Instead, they were made of black glass. Broken, chipped glass, floating around her without anything holding them up besides her sheer will for them to be there.
"Are you sure?" She asked.
Belinda stares me straight in the eyes. It was kind of unnerving, with her have no pupils. Just the white iris. She didn't need to see though. She could feel the aura's around her. That's what made her magical. She was slim, and about five inches tall, a height she took proudly. After all, she was one of the larger pixies.
As she got closer to me, I felt heat illuminating on my face. Fire danced around her fingers.
"Leila!" she snapped, her voice an octave to high to sound in the least threatening. "Are you listening?"
"She's listening," Angus sighed. "Don't get your wings in a twist."
"My wings are perfectly straight!" she said. "I'm not and land pixie. Thank goodness. I wouldn't look good with curvy vines for wings. Isn't that right, Leila?"
"Yes, Belinda," I replied. "The chosen one is here, though. Angus has seen him."
"Visions." He nodded. "You seemed to taken a fancy to him."
He arched his right eyebrow suggestively, wiggling it a couple times for good measure.
Belinda gasped. "Leila! You didn't."
I scowled. "I really didn't."
She placed a hand on her heart, breathing sighs of relief. "Lord Minos would have your head. You must be loyal to the king."
"She knows," Angus answered, sending a wink my way.
I rolled my eyes. "What do you think? Can you make another potion for me?"
"Of course dear," Angus replied. "Or I can do something better."
I quirked a brow. "I'm listening."
"My dear," Angus said. "I can make you a necklace that whenever you wear it, will make you appear to the boy. It comes with a price though."
His sickly gray hand reached out towards me. I sighed, placing my hand in his.
"Ah," he sighed. "It's a good day to be a wizard."
The vision hit me like a ton of bricks.
We were in darkness, if it wasn't for Angus's cold hand in mine, I would've thought I was alone.
A ball of green flashed across the room, soon it took the familiar shape of Reve.
The Chosen One is forced onto the dark lands.
The green mist of Reve spattered in all directions. When the mist connected once again I was met with a distinct pair of eyes. Not just any pair of eyes, Minos's. The color of the mist even changed, so his cold blue gaze met mine.
He must defeat the Two Faced elf.
The mist floated to the right, turning blood red. They formed into the shape of a heart split in half.
Or both worlds shall end.
Then the mist turned a dazzling white as it traveled towards me. I was surrounded in light. I could suddenly see Angus's chiseled face, his curly black hair just passing his chin.
Betray by the light may make his end.
Then the mist traveled away from me, going to the middle of the room. It split into two part. The first image created was what appeared to be a siren. Next to her was what appeared to be a ghost.
Unless he confides in unlikely friends.
It whispered away, bringing back the broken heart again. A needle and thread appeared, sewing the heart back together.
The wicked and good will knit.
A thousand different colors traveled, creating two people. As the mist began outline more of the prominent features, I began to realize who the two people are. The male had chestnut brown hair and round ears. He was holding a lady, his lips pressed against hers. She had fiery red hair, and her hands were tangled in his loose curls naturally waving to the right of his face. It was Reve and I.
Finished by an overdue kiss.
A huge wind blew. I felt Angus's hand slip out of mine.
Our eyes opened instantaneously.
He smiled. "Now, for the teleportation necklace."
I held the necklace in my hand. The potion was held inside of a werewolf's claw. It was four inches long in length. I had no idea how Angus got one. Werewolves were vengeful creatures. I just hoped he'd live to see tomorrow. He assured me that the wolf wouldn't reap my soul. I decided to trust Angus on that one. It must be a wizard thing.
"Alright!" He clapped his hands together. "Try that sucker on and see if it gets you where it's supposed to take you."
"Oh dear," Belinda said, floating around Angus's head. "I hope it works."
Angus scoffed. "Of course it will work. You think so little of me, Bel? Just a simple precaution."
I rolled my eyes, and put the necklace over my head. It felt like a fire had erupted in my heart and burned throughout the rest of my body. When I gained back my ability to breathe properly and opened my eyes.
I was in the school. I saw Reve, he had a girl in his lap. She was very pretty, and I got a vial taste in my mouth. Her skin was tan, almost Asian looking. She had dark curly hair and dark brown eyes. Reve glanced up, and caught my eye. He flinched. My expression must have been furious. I could feel my face wanting to crack and reveal my true self.
"Mabel, I just remembered," Reve said. "I have to ask my English teacher about my essay assignment."
"Can't you do that later?" she asked, her eyes widening.
"No, I have to do it right now."
He placed a hand on her cheek. "I'll walk you home."
Mabel smiled, kissing his cheek.
I wanted to destroy that pretty face of hers, and I was more than capable of doing it.
I could hear Belinda voice in the back of my mind. Oh, dear.
Oh, dear, indeed.
I hissed. Reve noted this and tensed as well.
"I really have to go," he said. "I'll see you later."
He disappeared around the corner. I followed. He took me to an abandoned classroom. I took a seat on the top of one of the desk, crossing my legs.
Reve was sporting a buttoned up, collared shirt. It had horizontal dark stripes, and a white background. The gray stripes had white straight lines in different lengths and placement, giving him a more rugged look. He had the sleeves rolled up broadcasting his biceps. To complete the outfit he sported a pair of light blue jeans. I licked my lips.
"What are you doing here?" he whisper-shouted.
I smirked. "What were you doing with that girl? I thought I told you last night that you were mine."
His cheeks tinged pink. I was kind of disturbed with myself for finding it cute.
"Y-you did," he said.
I hopped off the desk, stalking towards him. Like a gullible, little school boy, which I guess he was, he backed away from me. Once his back hit the wall I closed in. It was a little hard for me to be intimidating, since I was a head shorter than him. I made it work, though.
"Then, what were you doing with that girl? Mabel." Her name was venom.
I walked my fingers down the left side of his face.
"Um," he paused. "I don't remember?"
I smiled, pecking his lips. "You don't?"
He answered in a grunt. I suppressed a smile.
I pressed myself close against him, feeling his breathing stutter against my neck. My hand reached to entangle in his hair.
"Don't let me catch you with her again," I whispered in his ear. "Or you will be punished."
He gulped. "Punished?"
I felt his hands wrap around my waist. I kissed his neck.
"Yes, love," I answered, cupping his cheek into my hand. His hands were hugging my hips. "I am your worst nightmare."
I removed the necklace from around my neck. The wind getting knocked out of me as I was sucked back into my world.
"Oh dear," Belinda murmured. "Is she okay? She's been standing there an awfully long time..."
"Belinda," Angus shushed, "darling, she is fine."
I blinked. "Yeah, I'm fine."
"Oh," Belinda said. "You're back, Leila! I was getting worried."
I smirked. "I noticed. Well, I better go back to the 'High' and 'Almighty' Lord, Angus."
"Doll," Angus said. "Wait, there's one more thing."
"Yes?" I answered.
"Just don't drop the necklace. Ever."
"Just don't."
I shrugged, rolling my eyes. "See you later, Belinda. Goodbye, Angus."
I slammed the door closed, walking out of the huge hollow willow tree.
The walls of the town were crumbling down like pastries. Slimy, icky, undercooked pastries. Most of the peasants were goblins. They all huddled near their friends, and exchanged various evil magic. I spotted some sirens in the lake as well. They sang, and some of the near male svartfar, joined them in the pool. I turned away quickly after, knowing how soon clothes would disappear.
Where I turned was a family of ghouls. Covering them were black cloaks. Beneath their hoodies, they had no face. That's because their bodies were skeletons. With no eyes, they floated around almost in circle, as if confused on whom to eat first.
I turned to the pastry store Beastly Bites. The interior was anything, but welcoming. I suppose to our kind, it was supposed to be. The roof was growing mold. There were buckets prepped to catch the water droplets that had leaked through the roof. The floor was a grey wood, and the walls black.
I walked up to the cash register.
"Hey, Leila," Arnie said. "What can I treat you for today?"
I looked at display cases filled with monsterlicious (as the store described) treats. My mouth watered.
"I'll have two Bat Paste specials."
"Excellent choice," Arnie rumbled.
His large pudgy hands reached to grab the cup filled with a boiled bat, a complimentary sauce doused on it.
"Anything else?" he asked, his golden eyes twinkling.
"I want a cup of Black Pudding."
"It's a fine choice. We sent our best hunters to spear some harpies and imps. Once they're good and dead we exert the blood, and boil it for you're eating pleasure."
"Sounds delicious," I agreed. "I'll take two."
Arnie laughed, a deep rumbling sound. He grabbed two small cups and added the price to the cash register. His large fingers struggled to punch in the right buttons. His wrinkled head creasing even more in concentration. He had a squash for a nose, it was big and green, just like the rest of him. His blond hair was long and wavy. It went all the way around his head. His moustache connected to his sideburns, but he lacked a beard. Warts erupted all over his skin, but that was common for his kind.
"That'll be eight bucks."
I smiled handing him the money.
"Thanks, Arnie."
"Come back soon!" the troll bellowed, his bumbling deep laughter echoing throughout town.
"Master," I said. "I brought your favorite, Bat Paste. Also, they had a new recipe called Black Pudding. So there's that."
Minos smiled. "You know, this bat is a lot like our new pet."
I held back a growl. It confused me why his words upset me. That's what Reve was, a pawn. It must be because he was my pet. I didn't want to share. Yeah, that must be it.
"May I ask how, Master?"
"The bat it captured alive, love," he explained. "He's taken by complete surprise. Innocent, he is placed in a cage... Then he is boiled alive. He is put in a steaming pot, and the anger overpowers him. Until all he can feel is the blisters and hatred. He looses his treasured innocence. He takes his last breaths, and gives you exactly what you want: victory over good."
I held my breath as I kissed his filthy cheek. "Very well said, Master. Let's eat."
He pulled me on his lap. "Bon appit, mademoiselle."

© Copyright 2014 Janine Jackson (janine_jackson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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