Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1992834-Set-the-lanterns-free
by Hassan
Rated: 13+ · Other · Spiritual · #1992834
I know this is a bit one dimensional, but that's how it panned out. Hope you like it.
Hello there.
How’s life?
How’s life treating you?
Well –
It’s a bitch, right?
You didn't even –
Do you find this weird?
I think –
Cause I don’t. I feel right at home.
What –
What’s home, you ask? It’s a strange place, to be honest. What do you think?
I love –
Home is a peculiar word, you know?
At least let me –
Let you what? Live in denial? That is all you have ever done, haven’t you?
Emmm –
Immersing yourself in these faceless lies. Living them.
Where are you going with this?
Depends on where you want to take it.
That’s vague.
And isn't that beautiful?
Never mind.
Set the lanterns free.
What are you talking about?
Let them light the night sky.
You’re creeping me out now.
No… I’m not, am I?
Getting too rhetorical, am I?
Do you want to?
Want to what?
Go down this road?
Why the huge grin?
Love how the roles have now reversed.
It happens, I guess.
Life happens.
That’s deep man.
Am I going insane?
Going? Always have been
We all are. It’s what keeps us ticking.
The lanterns are free.
Are they now?
But will this last?
You never know.
Is this temporary?
Everything in life is temporary. Except death. Death’s final.
That’s a rather disturbing thought.
So again I ask. How’s life?
© Copyright 2014 Hassan (hassanfs at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1992834-Set-the-lanterns-free