Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1992296-Phone-Service
Rated: E · Short Story · Supernatural · #1992296
What happens when a cell phone gets a call from the great beyond?

I have never been the kind of person to believe in things like luck or paranormal activity, but I must now admit that there are some things that just can not be explained. As I sit here and relate this story to you, I will let you decide for yourself just which of the two happened.

It started about six months ago on July 9, my birthday. I was sitting in a coffee shop downtown when my cell phone rang. I picked it up and the first thing I noticed was that there was no caller ID of any kind. Even though I thought that was rather strange I answered the call. At first all I could here was a bit of static then a voice that I could not tell if it was male or female whispered over the static “Happy Birthday” and the phone went dead, not even showing that a call had taken place. I checked my call log but no number was logged.

About two weeks after that I was in the grocery store just about to get in line when it happened again. There was no call showing but my phone was ringing. As I stopped to answer it, a man stepped in front of me in line. Once more there was nothing but static, then that same whisper said “Congratulations.” As I stepped up to the register and the cashier started ringing up my items an alarm went off and balloons started falling and the manager of the store approached me and told me that I was the one millionth customer and had just won ten thousand dollars and my groceries were paid for.

A few weeks later I was in my car when the phone started ringing again. Since I don't drive while talking on the phone I pulled into a parking lot as I approached the intersection and answered it. Again the static and the voice whispering “You're safe.” As I was trying to figure out what the voice meant there was a loud screeching of brakes and a lot of horrible crunching. I looked up and realized that the call had kept me from being involved in a six car pile up. Later, I found out that two people had died in that accident ad several others were badly injured.

Other little things that aren't worth talking about have happened since like the phone ringing just to have the whisper say something like “Hello,” but last month I was sitting in my living room when it rang. When I picked it up the static was there and the whisper said “Check your mail.” Not knowing which mail the voice was talking about, the first thing I did was check my e-mail. Nothing much there but advertisements and spam. I looked at my watch and noticed it was a little bit early for the postal service to have delivered yet but I went outside to check anyway. Only one thing was in the mail box and from the look of it I would have just thrown it away, however, because of the way I was contacted I decided to look inside and found a rebate check for two thousand dollars. I didn't even know I had a rebate coming from anything so it was quite a surprise.

I'm sitting in a coffee shop as I write this because last night it happened again. Waking me up at three in the morning the phone started ringing. When I answered it there was no static and the voice was no whisper but instead was a loud shout saying “Get out!” Because of the voice being so forceful and the things that had happened before I didn't wait. I grabbed my pants and pulled them on as I ran down the stairs and out the door. As soon as I got to the end of my driveway there was an explosion from the middle of the house and the flames shot through the roof. I called the fire department and they arrived to put out what was left of my house. After they made sure there was no more fire they checked things out and told me that it was because of a faulty hot water heater. Apparently there was a small gas leak and the fumes ignited the pilot light.

As I said at the beginning of this story, I will let you decide just what the cause of these mysterious phone calls were but I should tell you that the phone in question has not been in service in over a year. I keep the phone with me because it makes a good alarm clock and I have a lot of music on it so I don't want to get rid of it. Now I carry it for another reason as well. If I change phones, will the strange caller know the new number.

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