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a start if you will of a new genre for me. Sci/fi ongoing here til finish I hope. |
Rise of the Old World/Wahnn 2014 June 22nd 2212 The sky has cleared up alittle after the crash of flight 105 one of what seems to be each month a skyliner goes down wonder if its the design or sabotage? Weather is about average warm if your out of the city mediocre if your in. Walking around the street with these wires sticking in my body makes me wonder if it is worth it really. Yeah it makes something’s easier yet makes others harder making breakfast shouldn't be a task yet the feedback is telling the surface of the burner to be a certain degrees and I dont want it that hot..you get my point right? Yeah at the time once i was selected over thousands of others I thought this is going to be really a great thing, being a part of something like this it wasn't about the money or about being first it was about the experience. Matt Borne 25th wired up globally, ' Join the world dont just be the experiment live the experience' Was their logo, sounded pretty catchy when i first saw it on the vid and nothing was really going for me personally or business so signed up, that was 6 months ago. To say things havent changed for me of course would be an understatement, all the news groups from around the globe wanted interviews with all of us that had the procedure done,. How many are we now? something like 250 I think globally not a huge number but just being picked wasn’t a number out of a machine it was a matching sort of., from the right dna to the right chromosomes etc...quite a bit actually to get wired up. Not sure what the company's goal was or where they thought they were heading with this but Miroi made billions of dollars on what they created out of us and what we became.. June 23rd 2212 News on the vid investigations still going on, what caused the crash of 105 and was there anyone involved? Rain today most stayed indoors due to it, except for us that are wired not sure why what the hook up is that makes us endure the acid never the less walking in the rain alone is nice. No noise, no regs to walk into or want your attention. The regs created the world we live in and yet we that are wired are the ones who walk in it not them, oh dont get me wrong I was after all a reg too til I was chosen and now even those that created us are not sure what we are. For us it is a lonely world unless we are close to another, I was once 3 months ago just before they set me up in the house I live in now, it was alittle weird we could feel each others mind and thoughts and it was a great thing we felt at calm being in each others presence not like when we are around reg. Miroi seems to think they own us but they dont realize what we are or to become, and as each month goes by we learn more about ourselves and what we can do. March 19th 2212 3 months since the chosen few went through the process, now begins the readjustment period. Soo Lyn 76th wired globally. So many things have changed for me, wow this has been amazing. Before any of this I sat in a cubicle bored but glad I had work. The guys in the office all flirted with me but I just didn’t feel the need you know of connecting to a male. Now here I am one of the few,not sure how many there is, I know there is no more than a thousand around the globe and that I think is awesome but I often wonder what it would belike to be in tune with one of those of the group. My mom of course was so excited to see me do something off the cuff so to speak, she gave me one of the biggest hugs she ever gave me and told me she loves me. I might be wired and different in many ways now but I still have my memories! For awhile after the process it was hard to even pick up a pencil with out breaking it or throwing it across the room. Our teachers had to teach us not only control but patience, I remember at first how hard it was just to sleep my mind just couldn’t shut out the noise,noise that wasn’t there before. March 22 2212 The fatal crash of skyliner 105 has concluded it was not an accident, sadly once they announced it, two days later skyliner 212 went down the same way. I was introduced to a man today. .god it was weird and amazing at the same time. It wasn’t how he looked it was the way we instantly connected ,to say it was wild would be tame. How can you describe in a reg way how it felt? Before he came into the lounge area we already knew each other, by the time he say next to me we were both trembling from all the feelings that were mixing up inside of us. How do I know he felt? Well natch he told me lol. ‘I am Matt I am so glad I finally got to meet the one of few that connects with me, isn’t this great feeling all of this? Knowing it might not of come of not for Miroi?’ He said holding my hand gently in his, that alone is an accomplishment for us, I felt my body shudder with glee ( is that the right word? Sounds so small and yet it is so big a deal) Omg wait did I forget to say we were doing all of this without moving our lips? Yeah my world has changed to something unbelievable, and being with Matt has started to show me yet another side of being wired. It took quite a while for me to get to the level of Matts but he was a patient teacher ,there were moments that will never leave my memory. The walk on the beach for the first time, even the feel of the warm sand under my feet was different I could feel the texture of it,the water cascading over my feet soothing and a little cool it felt soo good ,at first Matt wouldn’t let me go in the water. “You cant control your body well enough yet to enjoy that aspect of the water, the way you used to feel swimming is quite different now and you might forget to breath or how to, give it some time we will get you there.” He said looking into my eyes ,I couldn’t help but drink up his deep blue eyes, forgetting for a moment he could easily read my thoughts, he laughed that hearty laugh of his and said ‘ its ok Soo ,us that are wired are one with each other we don’t look at each other in a negative way or feel negative, especially once you are aware of what you are capable of. But thanks for you sweet thoughts it brings us closer and that is important.” Matt held my hands but then did something strange and yet it felt incredible he took out this blue ball and put in my hand with his hand on top of mine using his fingers he traced circles around the top of out hands, he then whispered in my head “Soo open your hands and watch the ball.” I did as he said out hands opening slowly, the ball now a shimmering glowing orb lifted up in the air once it was about 3 feet above our heads it exploded like a firework display. I couldn’t believe it we did this? Together? ‘Yes Soo together and this is just a small yet exciting thing to start with, so many things are yet to come.” November 12 2211 Sidal standing in front of the four vid screens walls of white, the desk full of vials and tubes on a burner , his attention fully focused on what he was looking at, as Coleen walked into the room the sound of her skirt invading his concentration, he turned to look at her. ‘You have a reason for coming in here while I am work right??’ He said , upset about being interrupted. Coleen not in the least bothered by his outburst, “As a matter of fact I do ,I have news from the council about project Intercede!, Or you could of course go back to looking at vids all day.’ She stood waiting for an answer but at the same time looking at the info on the vids he was looking at. “Really? I hope this time the news is something good instead of the usual rabble. They don’t seem to understand our work here and where we are headed.” He stood up and walked over to stand beside Coleen, holding a tablet in his hand. He pointed his finger at the screen. “Do you see this? The equation is right this will work we just need the green light to turn this out.” Coleen looked at the equation then at him taking the tablet out of his hand. “Umm so this is what you and Tad have been working on for the last month? Well as to the Council they have given us a go ahead. We have to give them a time frame on a first test.” “Test subject? Umm ok so we give them a test subject and they give us the funds?” Sidal said, his left eyebrow arched a little as he did, Inside he was almost smirking this is after all what he had been striving for all these years of research and now its almost here! “More or less..yes Corindor Inc. is interested in our project but til we give them something solid they wont step in.” Coleen said, moving to stand in front of the vid screens that were showing different strands of DNA and Nan tech merging and forming something else. “It would seem they are merging the way we at first had imagined, but this is a lab til we have some subjects to hook up we wont know for sure. God I hope this works Si we have been down here how long now 4 years? I am getting tired of looking at nothing but white everything..” Sidal looked at her slightly bemused, she shared his need and without her he was pretty sure he wouldn’t be at this plateau. “We have 4 volunters anxious to hook up,we will need all the dept heads together for a meeting so we can get this going. But yes I am just as excited as you about this. Coleen sat in the other chair facing the screens, ‘Its been so long since we started this project and although it doesn’t bother either Si or Tad to be down here its starting to get me down tired of seeing white everything ..this has to work I don’t know how much longer I can live like this’ She looked over at Si who had his head back into his notes every few minutes to look up at the screens to see if anything has happened. Its been the most interesting project she had ever been on and it probably meant just as much to her as him. The three of of them Sidal, Tad and her started with just notes scribbled on a napkin and now it is here in this huge lab research. Yeah they had money from other projects they had done but this was their baby. “Si what about the Nan tech? Will they be stable enough do you think? Sorry I know I shouldn’t be worried about it but this is it! It has to work! She asked him, hanging her head down . Si came over and held her close, “Don’t worry it will work. This is what we have been waiting on ‘Intercede’ will happen and change the way the world around us sees things. You just need to have faith, once everyone is in agreement we can really start I think that will regenerate everyone in the project.” He said, He had seen what the effects all of this has done to Coleen and it saddened him it wasn’t just Coleen of course it was most of the staff that worked on the project. Due to it being a secret project of the New Governing Power all of those involved had volunteered to be held up in the mountain research lab. It started to wear people out after three months when you live in a working environment where everything is white it starts to dull your senses, in fact it was Sidal that changed some of the rules the NGP had set forth for them . ‘Henceforth what was section 24 will now be the lounge,to be used to relax and keep up with the rest of the world, recreational devices will also be included. A restaurant type setting will also be available, no alcohol will be included. Once this project is done it will then be time to celebrate! Thank you for you patience and time put forth.’ November 14th 2211 Coleen,Tad and Sidal were all standing by the bio tubes 4 test subjects were about to start the testing. Tension filled the room. More than 20 people had worked on this project and if this test is successful it will mean the end of being away from the real world, their friends and family and all activity they did. “Can you believe it? Its finally here the day we have waited all this time to happen!, Tad said ,you almost thought he was going to start jumping up and down from the excitement, he held Coleen in his big arms with endearment, he never would of thought she would of lasted this long and was glad she was part of the process about to happen. “What about you Si? This is our day.” Tad looked over at Sidal who was doing his own way of dealing with the stress of waiting, fidgeting side to side anxious to get this running. ‘Just as happy as you my dear friend, and very anxious to get this started. Where is Jan shouldn’t she be here as well? Sidal looking at all the people also waiting ,some on monitors viewing from their sectors others off duty watching from the vid screens in the lounge and then those here in test area all happily waiting on the result of their labor. Jan was on the research team assigned to behavioral sciences , once the wired were a success it would be up their job to help them become aware of the new them. Sidal had met her a couple of months before all the teams had arrived and became very close to her they had promised each other once this is over they would make a date away from the facility, ‘but where is she?’ Sidal was thinking, this should be just as important to her!! Strange as it was Darwin was the first subject, inducted 5 months after arrival. The first of the procedure was injection of nanotech into the blood stream. If his blood will accept the biobots then the wiring will start. If the first takes, then the wiring will start, the first only takes minutes but the wiring is the real undertaking and no one really knows how long it will take. Everyone gathered around the containment glass anxious to see what the result will be. Jan could already feel her heart doing flip flops (this will be her biggest deal yet, she knows if they pull this off her name will be in the history books). Sidal, Tad and Coleen all were inside by the readouts ready to get everything started. “Subject 1 Darwin, Injection in 5 seconds,” Jan spoke on the intercom for her it was all nerves this waiting around. Darwin was anxious as well Number 1 I mean this could change his life forever you know. It was time as Jan looked at her timer, she picked up the injector found his vein hooked the injector up ,turned on the transfer machine and inserted the needle into his arm..the room and everyone around was the most quiet that it has been for quite a while as time clicked by For years Tad and them and started with scribbling on a piece of paper and it all let up to this moment… Jan looked at Darwins eyes, then looked at Sidal,.. Alarmed !! Darwin started to twitch then thrash about….”get the EME hooked up and inserted ..hurry “ Sidal said, “Jan you know the drill just do like we did then but you only have 7 seconds to do it.” Jan did as he said and inserted the nozzle of the EME in the hold the needle was inserted and waited..it seemed like forever. Herbert! You and Dan get the biobots and and blood samples to the lab quickly!” Jan said, (as in numerous experiments its not always the first one that works but it is sad since this is men and women we are experimenting on) she thought to herself. As Sidal said they were ready for just about anything including this sadly. It was like a scene from a T.V. show,nurse scurrying to and fro and doctors tending to the patient,all around Darwin it was chaos. Although everyone had gone through the drill this was the real deal so it wasn’t expected this early. Gabriella was next in line on the list of volunteers,but after the effents that occurred she bailed out not willing to take the risk. “Tell me you found the cause of this ? Something to work with?” Sidal said,’7 years this started as a dream so much sweat and blood so many hours it should not led to this. 2 more volunteers but til we can pinpoint the problem we cant continue’ Sidal stood there still thinking to him self shaking his head in disbelief more than anything else as Jan turned to look at him lowering her mask , “I know its going to sound strange but its not quite as bad as it seemed.” “Not as bad? Not as bad? The whole facility is buzzing with the news of this being a failure. You know what this does to moral? Our liability to our investors?” It had been awhile since the lab was this busy, answer had to be found Jan going from one section to the other looking at one vid screen to the other waiting impatiently for the answer. In the meantime Darwin had fully recovered from the ordeal relieved that he didn’t die, but still excited to be part of the project, since all the testing on him was completed he now could move around the lab helping where he could. Jan came to Sidal after 6 hours of research with what she considered to be good news. “Im pretty sure we have found the problem and why it went wrong, its not just the blood but everything around it we were looking at it the wrong way.” Sidal looked at her almost still in a daze, for Sidal it had been hard to deal with this was his baby he knew he had to face facts which was it was only the first there is always draw backs on the first attempts. He raised his head and looked at Jan, his sad sunken face looking at her she could almost still see tears in his eyes as she told him. “it would now seem there is only certain types of people that have the right combo of dna and chromosomes that will work and it just so happens,” Jan could see this is perking Si up and that made her ever more excited about the results of the research “the two subjects we have left both have the right combo. We cant stop now but we need instead to go now and start again.” “Your right and nothing would please me more than jump right back into the project, but..” Sidal sat back down in his chair and looked up at her. “are you sure that this time it will work? Show me this combo you are talking about!” Jan was ready for that statement, and laid her pad on his table typing a few keys and on his vid screen the new equations came up. She walked up to the screen and pointed at the dna structure. “There do you see the space? Now look at the numbers . Our problem has been looking at just the dna and blood with out looking at what else the nats would be dealing with entering the body ,I think we now know with Darwin his whole structure was wrong only the blood was right. The only two left are still waiting not letting this turn them away from being the first.” Now with just the two left they to be more precise and patient . Sid paced the floor like a caged lion the wear becoming more visible as time goes by. ‘So what do we do now Coleen?” He asked as Coleen watched him alittle bemused by his actions almost cute. “We stick to the plan we will do both at the same time and see what happens if not both then at least one will pass through.” “This has been my dream I cant let it die now I just wish we were closer than this.” A somber thought as he looked out the window of his office to all the workers still on the floor, some still doing research of trying to find out what had happened to the first test subject. Do we really need to rush into our last attempt? He let his head hang down in sadness and pain. It had taken him a long time to get to where they are right now, if it were to completely do down it would be the death of him. There were only two of them left and although there had been mishaps, they were still anxious to be the first. Evelyn(pretty in everyway, but smart very smart which made her more of an outcast to her classmates in school and at work) had been pacing the floor for the past 20 minutes. “Just want to get this over with you know, tired of all this waiting around. Plenty to do in this dorm they put us in but its making me nervous waiting.” Adam(tall and sturdy the all american type, he worked in electonics and his body but in this case he felt useless and helpless) “Pacing isn’t going to make it happen any sooner you know that right Eve?” “Really? You want to go there with me Adam? Who threw up when we heard about Darwin?” Eve sat on her bunk one leg over the other looking steadily at Adam. “Sorry its just that after Darwin Ive been on my nerves end,questions I don’t want to ask myself, a lot of what ifs!!” Adam held his head in his hands almost on the verge of crying which he knew would make Eve even more upset and angry. “Adam!!. Pull yourself together we have a connection you and I ,I don’t want that to stop ok? “ Eve uncrossed her long legs and walked over to him holding his head against her chest, of all the women that could have been here with him why did it have to be someone who looked out of place as in being very sexy and pretty and we had a bond as she said we were the last two but have been here since the beginning Adam thought to himself as he felt her caress calming him down. “All personal report to the lab procedure 32 is in affect! Lets go people you know the drill by now!” |