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a young man in modern normal world...delivers pizzas! but an accident sends him somewhere. |
for many today yesterday but yesterday is today... to most... for a 15 year old pizza delivery man with a girlish figure flowing blonde hair and bluish eyes...this day would be the first paycheck of his life... so he arrived at a 255 main street in manhattan to widen his american eyes to anthro canines performing satanist ritual * dammit to hell i have to go in there?.. *but a healthy pay seemed worth it as the young boy knocked on the door.. music quiets down as the door opens to a naked satan at the door* yeah? *the boy gulps* p..pizza delivery! *satan would sigh and pull out his wallet and say* whats the damage? well thatl be 15.25$ s..sir! *satan then sighs and slumps his shoulders as he pulls out 15$ 25 cents as a soul escapes * thank you! and have a nice day! *giggles and begins to walk back to his motorcycle ..revs it up and begins to drive back to the pizza resteraunt for his paycheck * i hope i aint lat OH SHIT! * he dodges a car but crashes his motorcycle into a mysterious object that glew a blinding pink light ...* ...aaauuuuggghhh... wh...where the...*his vision clears and he see's an oxygen mask on him... he was in a hospital with 1980s equipment.* WAT? my f@cking boss was to cheep to gimme DECENT medication?... *???* its the most recent equipment silly! *a 6'8'' black female wolf with d cup tits and wearing nurse clothing smiles and giggles * you looked pretty beat up! *sanson* augh..... what kinda joke is this... this aint the cold war ...besides... my boss wouldnt give me a medicql insurence... im just 15... whats your name? *the wolfess flaunts her hair and says * im lenny kounchwerve! the cousin of nasiren hitler ...*sanson* im sanson wunebegg *chokes* wait HITLER?!?! *he feels his heart sink from the memmories of the nazi propoganda he had to sit through in history class* aaaammmm...i...dreaming?.... *lenny smiles and pets the lovable shy humans head.. fur was his weakness so he submissivley calmed down and blushed* w...where am i? * lenny pleasurably smiles.* your in new europe... hitler won the war! *those words echoed in his mind... he then rolled his eyes back and cartoonishly fainted* ...sansson?.....oh i gotta call the furher... what felt like 4 hours pass and the boy regains his consciousness opening his eyes he was huggling a muscular purple dragon in hitlers clothes..he was also in a saitin red royal bed... * oh hell im still in nazi germany... better nazi germany then i heard about! *a pink 7'8'' lizardess with a meter long tail... she was completley naked! and had natural looking DD cup tits turns around* hi! ...and never fall for propoganda! *sanson blushed and oggles the lizard breasts.. his adolescent penis hard and tenting a tower* uuuhhhh.....whats...your name?... *????* im nasiren hitler.... *sanson used to suprises by now only nods* why am in your bedroom? *nasiren gets ontop of the human boy and huggles as her nethers rub against the boys ''roaring tower'' * i take care of people veeeerrryyyy well... *kisses and sanson simply blushes as he thinks to himself* <{why am i being boned by a nazi lizard princess?}> it would be a heavenly 10 minutes of thr lizards teasing... foreplay and sweet sweet sucking she happily murred and mewed as the boy released* ....pqnt.....pant....pant....so...why havent you shot me?... im not a pure arayan!.... *nasiren then looked at the boy in confusion and began to childishly snicker at his comment.* arayan?!? what the hells an arayan?...l ooohhh man your such a card... anywho un... we only shoot spies terrorists and war enemies,.... sanson simply smiled in relief and sank happily into the cushions of her saitin bed.. nasiren then climbs on and huggles the sweet child... .....when the boy entered a sweet dream he found himself gleefully strolling the fields... but the grass was a bunch of penis's from different species... ducks birds crocodiles turtles humans dragons aliens... you get the point.. the valey was nasirens vagina and hills were tits... meanwhile a gay looking femboi dragon with a bubble but and grey scales pooped out marshmallows....wtf?!? This dream disturbed the young man and he woke up awefully peacefully.... he looked out to see massive skyscrapers made entirely of concrete! they shined brightly by reflecting the sun... these buildings seemed to stretch 500 floors high.. up to a freaking mile... and so few of these existed to allow tree's to roam peacefully... smart nazis! * woah! ... beautifull sight nas...iren?.... where are you... *then a turret in the wall woke up and shot sanson in the chest with a green laser! and shrunk him to the size of a mouse.. and was also teleported into...ham?... * ''sause squirt' that should perfect my sandwiches... *sanson then realizes he is in the sandwhich of the lizardess he had sex with last night! ... Poking his head out he saw the pink beak open to let thick almost syrupy looking saliva drag along the edge of the beak .. the tongue of this titaness lizard was a 8 inch long serpentine tongue of hot pink colour... and the inside of her throat was an inviting blue colour! the downward drift of the muscles and the sloshing saliva strangely aroused him! And he just kept going closer as the ivory white carnivorous teeth chomped down on the sandwich* aahhh... nice meat... *she tilts her head back and begins to gulp the chunk of the sandwhich with the poor young boy down.... inside however he went down what looked like an almost pitch black blue throat... after his buldge was snuffed from view in the throat the sandwhich and the boy saw the saliva begin to glow pink! this helped him to see he was only 8 inches from the enterence of the gut* ah darn... i knew i always loved acid... but not THIS KIND.... * nasiren felt the gut fill with her sandwhich... but the boy screamed for help and all she felt was a buzz.... curious she tried to listen... but it was so obscured it sounded like a fly ... so she just shrugged and ate her sandwich... but her eyes widen when she realizes that her foods printed! not made... so no pests coulda gotten in there* oh no... did my security system allow me to eat my human friend?... *sighs and says... muffled due to the stomach* im sorry sanson.... Sanson sould just look up as his legs begin to Glow in pain and sizzling... he heard her and sighed as she soon realiezed that she ate him accidentally..., it brought a tear to his eyes and soon after 30 minutes his body was nothing But a skeleton... along with the still digesting sandwhich * nasiren would begin to lament a bit in sorrow as the boy began to process in her body... she...had blood on her hands... as she ''let go'' of him she heard a gasp of air and quickly looked at the turd... Sanson was alive! * how in the hell? *sanson didnt question a damn thing! he was just thankfull he did reform or revive or however the hell he is still alive after bearing the tight throat and digestion inside the body and intestine of a reptilian..... *thank god im alive......nice ass aside nasiren can you PLEASE return me to normal size? *she giggles and begins to lift him out of the toilet bowl..flush the toilet giving him a bath in a cute toy spa before murring* securities a little bugged! i need to update its hardware....damn thing was made 5 years ago in 1940 *she smirked and soon reversed his shrinking...where we went back to the room...she disabled her security before opening the door To the world he only had a glimpse of.....it was like something out of star wars! the buildings had Train like transportation to connect them! there was a dense but organized city below.... A helicopter soon swooped in with a green lizard anthro in a reich suit aswell.....*hello sister, whos your friend? (end of chapter 1) |