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What is free speech ? |
My roommate has decided to be a pagan. Okay? He was a born again Christian. Ah-huh? He's very angry with his boss and Jesus isn't cutting it. So, he believes the warrior Nordic Gods will serve him better. Emotions are tricky. I have an email from a moderator about spirituality and religion. It compares religious criticism to insulting some ones mother. Okay, but what if they have a bad mother? Here, then is the tricky part of skepticism. If I told you that having lots of psychedelic drugs would get you closer to God; would you do it? There is a passage in Exodus where the followers of Mosses ate mushrooms ~ "manna from Heaven" That's why they could see Heaven. Do you believe me? PEOPLE CAN BELIEVE ANYTHING. THE QUESTION SHOULDN'T BE CAN YOU BELIEVE IT, BUT WHAT EVIDENCE DO YOU HAVE TO PROVE IT. Did you know many Bible scholars don't believe Moses or Genesis are historical facts? They are stories told for a moral. Would you have babies with your father or mother? Genesis allows it. Noah and his children had babies with each other. They were the only people left alive after the great flood. Lot had babies with his daughters, because his wife was killed in Sodom and Gomorrah. Okay? Assume for a moment that the Bible is not always morally correct and you are making up your own religion. A religion is a social contract reinforced by a belief in a God or Gods. Why is Scientology a religion? Go ask Tom Cruise. I'm skeptical of religions. They ask for faith in man made churches. What if Jesus returned? How would we recognize him? He could work miracles, but the Bible tells us the antichrist can work miracles too. Scientist would dissect him, looking for a natural cause for his miracles. He might be locked up in a mental hospital. Dt 24:16 states "the children shall not be punished for their father's sin." Was Jesus trying to save us from Adam's sin? Original sin is pointless, if we except Darwin's evolution. At what point did our monkey ancestors become moral? Can we condemn and entire race for the sin of a couple of Neanderthals? I think not. Are you offended? Why? The Apostle Paul said , "Question everything." But he was a fanatical Christian extremist. There are a lot of those nowadays too. " Whosoever is worthy. Let him hold the hammer." Odin said... Right? Sincerely, Vertago POBOX 821 Kittery, Maine 03904 |