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Two addicts meet, and enable each other into a downward spiral. |
She studied her face in the mirror. All she see is two black holes. She couldn't bare to look yet she couldn't move... As if she were frozen. She hadn't realized but she stood there staring as if time were frozen. Where was her mind? Where was she? "Sam?" No reply. "SAM?" Yet, still no reply. It had been a week since she last slept. "SAMANTHA?!" Blake wasn't all there hisself, not wanting to get up to see where the hell she went. I guess he called her name loud enough because she finally snapped out of it. "Yeah??" She called back. "You've been in there forever, are you alright? Come back in here." She stared at the stranger in the mirror for a few more seconds, not knowing how it got to this point. She walked back into the living room to sit on the couch with Blake. "What were you doing in there babe?" He asked. "Went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth." "Oh, alright. Haha I was getting worried. You didn't seem too good when you got up to go in there." "Really? Haha, I'm fine," she lies. They sit there for a few minutes, biting their nails, checking their phones every 5 seconds. "Wanna smoke another bowl?" Blake asks. She doesn't stop to think about her mental state, her body, her health, all she can think about is that first hit. Technically it's definitely not her first hit, she's been on a binge for about 5 or 6 days now. She lost track of the days... Days ago. "Hell yeah," she replies. BLAKE "I'm glad she likes to smoke as much as I do. Well, I don't know, whatever I buy is halved. But I'm tweeked, it's all good." He was starting to get a little selfish and stingy about his dope... He noticed but he brushed it off. He's packing the pipe, putting a pretty good bit in there. He loves this shit. As he's getting the pipe ready his mind starts racing about Sam. They just met about a week ago. He was instantly attracted to her, as she was to him. They hit it off, and once they started talking they figured out they have a strong desire for the same thing. Crystal meth. Once that was figured out they soon found a dealer, and went to Blake's house. SAMANTHA |