Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1991923-Dawn
Rated: E · Poetry · Contest Entry · #1991923
For the Shadows and Light poetry contest, free verse.
I amble along as the morning star
Unfurls an aura of pale, amber light.
Floating in the lake of dim, blue sky; the
Bits of tiny clouds waft through the mellow
Beams of the partial moon; unwilling to
Shed it's limelight and preens herself in
The mirror of the pallid, azure sky.

The sun rises ushering in a new
Day, to mark in the daily calendar
Of my life, a start; to begin afresh.
Bougainvilleas and chrysanthemums
Adorn my garden with their splendid
Array, an exquisite beauty to rollick
With all my spirits and savour fully.

A cool zephyr embraces my body,
Appeasing me with a serene repose.
A couple of pigeons playfully
Peck at each others' beaks, toying in a
Sprightly manner that fills me with a spirit
So invigorating, enlivening.

A pair of martins nestle on the roof.
I watch the cerulean sky above,
The flight of the birds in a specific
Pattern with their wings fluttering ; as if
To wish me a ' Good Morning' ,making
Me feel revivified with a freshness.

The hues of the dawn shade the canvas of
The sky with pastels of vibrant colors.
Nature's portrait presents a divine charm,
An exquisite pulchritude to make all
The artists zealous to bring forward their
Sheets, to paint using their color palettes.

I drink in the fresh air and respire with
A vigour, energizing me again.
Agile and nimble as a lamb, I frisk
About in my garden- full of flowers
Of myriad, vivid colored petals:
That only presents a flawless beauty.
36 lines
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1991923-Dawn