Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1990672-my-blinding-experience
by fraz
Rated: E · Other · Biographical · #1990672
two years ago i have been diagnosed with a blinding disease
about two years ago I was feeling pain in my right eye while in school, whenever I moved my eye I felt a sharp pain. I didn't think much of it because i had a lot of headaches at the time but none like this. A week after the strange eye pains, the pain stopped, I was relieved until I was closing my eyes at a youth group something startled me to the point where I opened my right eye, I saw nothing until I opened both eyes. personally I was always the first one to worry but at this time I thought nothing of it again. Finally after a week of not being able to see out of my right eye I addressed my mother about it, I can understand why she didn't believe me about it at first because I just was calm about it and not showing any worry whatsoever and I have lied about my health to admit. After a while mother said that she would take me to the eye doctor. At the eye doctor with me still not being able to see any shapes or text in the right eye no matter what size the eye doctor, Dr. Guy, told me to tell him what I see on the chart, I saw nothing even when Dr. guy put the largest letter on the chart. He then took a look inside my eye and said "oh my". My optic nerve was swollen twice its original size and almost detached my retina. The optic nerve has pressed on the blood vessels so much that they popped and I was bleeding inside my eye! Dr Guy said that was very serious to the point of having to go to the eye specialist. The eye specialist ( I don't remember his name) gave me some prednisone for the problem but he said it my sight will not come back but he would give this to me any way and if it did it would take months. I took the medicine for a few weeks and I started getting my sight back to almost full sight i come back to the specialist only to find out how surprised and baffled to find out how much it improved now I only need low power glasses to see small text. Now tell me that there is no God and miracles are not real!
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