Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1988547-secrets
Rated: E · Fiction · Contest Entry · #1988547
Some husbands learn the hard way. Flash fiction contest entry.

I don’t know about everyone, but I have found that the hardest secrets to keep are the ones started with four little words.

“Please don’t tell anyone.”

I looked at Jessica. The inner part of my mind was shaking back and forth in disbelief. She just didn’t say that to me? She couldn’t have. That was like telling me to not cheer for my favorite sports team during the playoffs. It just wasn’t going to happen.

“I can’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“It’s too funny.”

“It is not.” Her voice was rising with each word. “You have to promise not to tell anyone.”

“I could, but it would be a lie.”

“Come on, Sam. This is not a joke.”

“It is to me.” I couldn’t resist and went on with, “of all the silly things I have seen you do, this has got to be the best. Everyone will love it.”

“Well it is not a joke to me. I don’t care if everyone thinks it’s funny. I don’t, so don’t be a jerk.”

I could see the desperation in her face turning into something less submissive. It was so obvious. Her features shifted from nearly wide eyed fear to a very intense look of determination. That was saying it all. I didn’t need to be a mind reader to know what was coming next.

“Don’t tell anyone.”

It’s amazing how dropping one little word can get my wife to change my mind about secrets. That, and the fact that she was now looking into my eyes with two very dangerous, blue fire spewing, husband killers made it all too clear. At that point, compliance was my only option.

With that in mind, I submit to my wife’s wish and leave this cautionary tale as it stands.

Secret kept.

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