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How will the hero's get back on their feet? |
*Few Weeks Later* As you was gaining consciousness you saw Daniel cuddled up on your bed. You just laid there thinking how long you must have been out of it, when the doctor came in and saw you was awake. You saw him and raised your finger to your mouth. As you laid there with Daniel for a few hours when he woke up and saw a bigger sister figure laying next to him. As the doctor came back in and saw they were up asked a few questions. "So how are you feeling right now?" "I'm feeling great no pain no nothing, but how long have I been out?" "About two weeks, your feeling any sort of pain?" "No nothing just like when I woke up the first time, where are they doc?" "We don't know with them freed we had no choice but to let them walk out of here." "I want a team to capture them." "We got a few brave souls in the gym training with your help they could be good enough to help you." "Take me to them." As you stood to get up you felt a dull stabbing pain in your right forearm, when you left the room Daniel was there waiting to ask you something. "Can I help Mary, I have been cleared from bedrest?" "Let's go to the gym and i'll test you and see how much control you have ok." "Ok, but I have been training hard to protect you next time." As you arrive in the gym you see three familiar faces the pyromancers and the icemancer all training in a free-for-all fight. Then you saw couple of new faces that you haven't seen before. "The one sitting on the bench can heal injuries not much of a fighter her name is Sara, the one thats lifting weights his name is James." "How do you know them Daniel?" "I sparred with them a few times to control my powers." "You could have got hurt." "But Sara is amazing at healing." You approach Sara only to be called over to the pyromancers, you walk over to them and they want to spar with you. As you accept the challenge they all three attack at once with you dodging two fireballs and an ice spike. Then you returned the attack with an attack of your own, you brought your forearm up to the icemancer's throat and pinned him against the wall. Both of the pyromancers launched a fireball at you, you turned around with the icemancer as a shield. They cancelled their attack as you walked him closer to a pyromancer, they both split up hoping to get behind you. As one of the Pyromancers were behind you, you turn toward the pyromancer thats behind you and shove the icemancer into the pyromancer. You then turn back toward the second pyromancer punching his lights out before he could attack. Then the first pyromancer attack with a super fireball you dodged at the last second only sustaining a burn to your right arm, and grab him with your left arm and choked him out." "Fights over and you three lose against one opponent." Sara walks over to the three 'mancers and makes sure they are fine and will walk away ok. As Sara finishes up with them she makes her way toward you and uses her power to heal your burn injury. "I'm sorry I can't fully heal your arm." "Why can't you heal it for Daniel says your the best healer here?" "I'm the only healer here but there is a virus that I can't get rid of but as of now it lies dormant." "Is it safe?" "I don't know until I can study more." Daniel looks at you wide-eyed like some kind of superhero that just saved the day. You walked over toward James to see a scrawny guy lifting at least five hundred pounds easily, just before you say something he changed his muscle to look much more like a bodybuilder. He puts his weights down and reaches his hand out, you take his for a shake when he started to squeeze tighter you also squeezed his hand with all you've got. As he let go you knew he was much stronger than you were. "So you must be the one that almost beat mathieu and his clones." "Yeah the one and only, so what was up with that squeeze?" "Oh that was to see how strong you were, i'm sorry if I hurt you miss." "My name's Mary not 'miss." "Ok Mary may we spar a bit?" "Ok lets see what you got." As you and James enter the ring you grabbed for each others hands and tried to out muscle each other with poor loss. James picked you up and tossed you to the other side of the ring, you stayed there until he gotten closer and had to think of a way to out smart him. As was about to strike you saw an opening and struck him in the ribcage, he flinched back and was preparing for another attack. He charged straight at you with a shoulder tackle you jumped over him and jabbed him in the same rib again. Again he flinched from the pain and instead of waiting for him you charged him and slid under his legs then kicked them out from under him. With him trying to stand back up you grabbed him in a choke hold and choked him out. As Sara was walking over to make sure he was fine, but stopped when he started to stand up again. "You're a great fighter Mary maybe one of the best fighters I fought." "Thanks but you were a tough fight yourself." "I want to fight now Mary." "I don't know Daniel If your strong enough and I really don't want to fight you." Daniel turned and walked away disappointed when he has left the gym the doc has walked in holding a folder and some papers. *The Meeting* As everyone gathered around the doc he starts to explain who all the mutants were that escaped. Before he began his speech he asked you already chose your team. "Yes sir I have I choose myself, James, Sara, Aidan & Nadia (pyromancers), and Carter (icemancer)." "As you already know Mathieu and John has betrayded us and turned from the path that he has walked for nearly ten years now." "He has helped you for ten years and now he shows his true colors, maybe something went down now that he was waiting for." "Yeah that's why we're here we figured what made him turncoat." "Really what went down that was so important?" "Mathieu was awaiting word from his older brother he just got back into the country from a mission." "If I don't mind asking: Who were the prisoners in the basement?" "They were some of the nastier band of delinquents Mathieu's brother hung around with..." Just as the doctor was about to continue he was interrupted by a guy standing in the doorway. The guy stood in the doorway wearing monk robes and with his hands together. "Excuse me can you tell me where I can find Mathieu?" "Who are you sir?" "Oh where are my manners, I am Jacob Bayle." "Wait that's the name of Mathieu's older brother..." Just as the doc finished those words you charged Jacob with fists aimed at his face. Just as you were close to him you suddenly missed him, he then appeared behind you. You ready to counter any move he makes but just stands down. "Why did you just attack me for I have caused you no harm?" "No, but your brother has and I will take you and him down together if I have to." "I may not know what my brother has done to earn your wrath but I have given that life up a long time ago, fighting is against my nature." "According to the doctors here you were more than a handful for any of the guards and even any of the hero's here, so why is fighting now against your very nature?" "That's just it i've caused pain and misery to those I love the most including my own brother." "If you don't mind me asking what did you do to him?" "I don't mind you asking, if you don't mind me not telling. So doc Jameson why is everyone in the training gym?" Just as Jacob finished speaking Jameson was standing near a table with dossiers laying all over. You walked over to one of the folders with a picture of a crystalized tiger on the front as it read: Name: Shannon "Diamond Feline" White Complete immunity to physical attacks Running speed of up to 50 miles per hour Intelligence level equal to that of a mad scientist As you finished reading another dossier struck as important when you went to pick it up Jameson stop you. "You're wise to think this one is a threat Mary, he is indeed not once did Jacob beat this guy or anyone here but someone that is an unlikely ally helped." "What is his abilities?" Before Jameson could speak Jacob talked over everybody "He's a supersoldier, level 2 supernatural he can lift 100,000 pounds, intelligence level higher than anyone on this planet, reflexes faster than my own..." "Okay, I think I understand from there, but what is this supernatural level?" "There are three levels within levels, and it goes like this (points toward Jamesons Assistant)" "Superhuman - Supernatural - Absolute, Supernatural has three levels." "So I assume Absolute is on god level?" "Yeah, and he is unstoppable as he is now." "One last question: Why is he working for Matieu and not doing what he wants?" Jacobs speaks flatly "Simple he's just a follower not leader, no matter how strong he gets." As everyone was leaving the training gym Jacob stopped you and handed you a small box in your left hand and a note in the right hand. You left the gym and went back to your room only to see another patient in it. Then came the assistant that led you to the same room you fought the 'mancers, Daniel grabbed your arm and led you to your room. |