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Story about a survivor in the zombie apocalypse |
Hi my name is Dave galaxy. I am 25 years old. I am trapped in a house in a zombie apocalypse happening all around me. It all started a month ago when there was a news report about a murderer running around killing and eating part of his victims. Then they took the remains to a city over a mile away to try and find the identity of the murderer. To be cautious I went out and asked for a gun so I waited the time span and received a 9mm, a couple days later I went out bought a katana and a shotgun. So for weapons all I have is a 9mm a katana, a shotgun, and a bow which I had before all this started because I liked going out and hunting. I'm in a two story house with no stairs because I had to destroy them so the zombies couldn't gain access to me in case they can inside the house then I don't have to worry about them walking up the stairs and getting to me while I'm sleeping. There are some other survivors' in a building 3 houses away from me. There are exactly 5 people in the building 3 women and 2 men. The women's names are Carly button, Isabella Flynn, and Mary Flynn. Mary and Isabella are related because Isabella married Mary's brother. Mary is only 21. Isabella is 23. Carly is 26. The Men's names are Dale Garcia and Randy Jefferson. Dale is 22 and Randy is 20. But sadly Mary's brother was lost at the beginning of the apocalypse. We communicate thru a radio. They tell me they are right next to a gun store and they go over there by using a two by four as a bridge. I asked them "is there any flares in the gun store" Dale responded "no but there are some shotguns some rifles and some pistols" so I had to think of what we would need to escape this enclosed area. We both have plenty of food and water. I asked "do u have any kind of transportation or other weapons besides the guns?" Randy replied "yes we found a couple machete's in the gun store also." I replied "good that will help some of you conserve ammo." Then the radio went to nothing but static and I started hearing gun shots. And then I saw it the zombies had finally gotten into the building with the other survivors in it. Then I saw the people appear on the roof and climb over their two by four bridge and take it with them onto the roof of the gun store. Finally I became tired of waiting to think of a plan. I grabbed a backpack which my brother gave me and it was from a long time ago it was starting to wear but I didn't have the patience to look for a different one. I place the katana in its sheath and place the strap around my shoulder so I could obtain my sword with only reaching over my left shoulder. I fill the backpack with arrows I had about 20. I also filled the bag with the shotgun and the extra ammo. I placed the nine millimeter into its waist holder and grabbed my bow in my left hand and load it with an arrow then I take an old t shirt and lit it on fire and shot the arrow into the first zombie I could see as a signal to the other survivors I was coming and be prepared to leave a.s.a.p. then I placed the bow into the pack and put on a hat and some dark sunglasses to go outside. I climbed out the window to go outside. I told the others that if I gave them the signal then I needed them to make the zombies come to them. So they decided to make a bunch of noise just long enough for me to reach the ground and out of the sight of the zombies. So I ran thru an alley without thinking about it and there stood a hungry zombie with a big hole where his stomach should have been. And the stench was worse than a dozen rotten eggs combined with rotting flesh it's a smell that will never leave your nose no matter what you do. I had to think quickly so I grabbed my katana and started running at him and sliced his head off clean. It was my first actual close kill every other kill I'd done from a distance but the feeling of a sword going thru the vertebrae in someone's neck is a feeling you have to be used to if you're going to survive in this world right now. I started walking away from the body with my katana still drawn in case another zombie was close by. I also had to clean the blade the zombie's blood was all over it and if you come in contact with the blood you could contract the disease that causes the zombification process to begin. I kept walking I was about 2 houses away from where I came from so I only had a little distance to go. I started to walk faster then I remembered I placed a rag into my pack in case I used my katana. I then took my pack off my back and took the cloth out and wiped the blade off and placed the sword back into the sheath and threw the rag. I then pulled out my nine millimeter because I was out of cloths. I was about 1 building away then I had to climb up on a dumpster and a few crates before I could reach the roof where the survivors were. Then I noticed something. I hadn't heard any noises from the others keeping the zombies distracted so I started running to reach the building as fast as I could. Then I arrived I put the gun away and climbed up onto the dumpster and then on the boxes. All of a sudden about five zombies started walking around the corner. Then they saw me and released this moan which was the only way zombies could communicate and it's also a good way for people to tell if there was one around. I hurried up and climbed onto the roof then everything went dark. I woke up and I was tied to a chair and the others were talking I tried to speak but my throat was dry. Then one of the men noticed I was moving and walked over to me and asked me my name I obviously couldn't respond because my throat was so dry. Then he raised his hand and smacked me and right before he did it again a woman ran over and grabbed his arm yelling "randy stop maybe he needs something to drink" then she looked at me and asked "do you need something to drink?" I slowly shook my head yes. She then left the room and returned with a bottle of water. Then the man asked me again "what is your name" I replied "my name is Dave Galaxy I am the one that was talking to you thru the radio and also the one that fired the flaming arrow signal." Then one of the women replied "see Randy I told you he didn't leave us to die." Then randy looked at me and blurted "if you're Dave then what was one of the questions you asked us?" I replied "do you have any flares in the store." He had a smirk on his face and responded "ok untie him" then another man and a woman came over and untied me. Then they asked me if I was hungry I mumbled "yeah" then I asked where my weapons and gear went. They told they took them after randy knocked me out by hitting me in the head with the two by four because he didn't know who I was. One of the women came over to me carrying my bow and backpack full of arrows and asked how I used this to kill zombies. So I asked randy if there was a shooting range in the store. He replied "we use the basement. I think there's a target down there you can shoot arrows into if you want." I asked the woman "do u want to learn how to shoot?" She replied "yes and also my name is Mary." So we went down stairs and set up the target and put some boxes behind it so the arrows wouldn't be damaged if they missed. Mary looked at me with a confused look like how do you shoot this. I walked up next to her asked for the bow and asked for an arrow. She handed me an arrow so I loaded it up and aimed and shot. It hit the target into the wind pipe of the target paper. And her jaw dropped in shock that I hit it right there. I smiled and looked at her. Walked up and pulled the arrow out of the boxes because the arrow went right thru the target. Then I walked up to Mary and asked "you want to try?" she smiled and replied "yeah let's see if I hit it." Then she loaded an arrow into the slit and tried to pull the string back but she couldn't do it very well. Then I walked up and put my arms around her and helped her pull back the string then I helped her aim and shoot. It hit in the targets heart. I told her "it's a good shot but it won't kill a zombie." She looked at me with a frown and mumbled "yeah too bad I couldn't pull it back myself. I looked at her and joked "it's ok it's a 70 pound bow." She replied "ok want to go on the roof and go hunting?" I agreed "sure with what?" Mary "I found a couple rifles in the gun store and a whole lot of ammo" me "any scopes?" Mary" yeah laser scopes and any other kind you would want" Me "let's go" So me and Mary went to the roof and she pulled out 2 m14's and a couple red dot sights. We killed about 30 zombies total. Then there were only about 20 left. So then we went back inside and the rest of the group walked up and introduced themselves one woman's name was Carly and the other woman's name was Isabella. The other man's name is Dale. They brought me my supplies and we all grabbed every weapon and ammo we could find in the gun store and grabbed everything we would need to wander thru the city and look for survivors. I have a weird feeling this is going to be a long search. So we all go to the roof and grab a gun and start shooting the remaining zombies that were surrounding the building until there was only 1 left then I shot an arrow with string attached and then started hauling him up and had the rest of the team go inside till this last zombie was dead. I dragged him up and cut his legs with a machete they left with me when they went in. Then I cut off his arms and the blood was congealed and was just like a bunch of jello and it was slowly oozing out. Then I had my new friend Dale come outside onto the roof and take the machete. I wanted him to know how it feels to force a blade thru the neck of a zombie. I have to find the whole team either their own sword or their own machete so they can conserve ammo. So he came out and I handed him the machete looked at him and informed him "ok now this is what I want you to do. Look at this zombie and when you're ready use that machete to decapitate and kill him." He looked at me looked at the zombie and as soon as he connected with the neck the head fell off and the zombie was dead. So I had him follow back me into the building and clean the blade so he could carry it and not worry about getting the disease. So we reloaded our weapons and walked out into the streets which were covered in dead bodies and congealed blood everywhere. We started walking then I remembered that there's a sporting goods store about four blocks east. So I turned around and asked "who wants to swing by the sporting goods store and do a little shopping" they looked at each other and agreed that it would be a good idea to swing by there and grab some bows, fishing line, fishing poles, and rope so we started heading east. Then out of nowhere we heard screaming. I turned around to check my group and they were all standing there looking at me like there was something wrong then they walked past me like I wasn't even there. I caught up to Mary and asked what was going on and she had tears in her eyes and then she started to explain the last time she heard screaming it was her brother's wife. Isabella was screaming because she opened the door about to leave the house and there was her husband missing his left arm and looking pale. And when she tried to talk to him all he would do is moan. Then he tried to scratch and bite her so she started screaming and running and then she stood there pleading with him then she had to shoot him in the head to make him stop. Then after that she called me and I walked in and there she was crying and crouched by his body. And the gun was lying by the bed and it was still too hot to touch it was so freshly used. I walked over and there was blood everywhere. On the walls. On the curtains and all over the floor. And she couldn't stop saying I'm sorry and crying. So I put her head on my shoulder and asked her what had happened and she told me and ever since then. Every time we heard a scream after that day we instantly remembered that day. That's why we walked past you like that because we don't want the same situation to happen to anyone else so we have to go there and protect them. So I answered "ok let's go we have to save them from the threat no matter what it is" so we all started running. I put away my pistol and pulled out my bow and an arrow and kept running to reach where the scream came from and there it was a little girl was screaming as she was running she ran behind me and I asked her "do you know that person" she was crying and responded "yes she was my mom then she started acting different then she started trying to attack me and I screamed at her to stop but she didn't and all she kept saying was a moan." So I raised my bow and released an arrow with a string attached and ran around her until she couldn't move anymore then I had Dale take the little girl for a walk and come back if anything happened and we'd catch up in a minute. Then after they went for a walk I turned to the rest of the team and asked "ok now who wants to cut this zombies head off with a machete I need all of you to do this so you know how it feels to go thru bone." Then Randy stepped up took the machete and sliced the head off like he was cutting thru butter then he handed me the machete and walked away. So I cleaned the blade and put it back into the pack. As we were walking I went ahead to find Dave and the little girl they were only about a block ahead of us. And we all caught up and started talking again and then we arrived at the sporting goods store and we walked into the store and started to look around I took the little girl with me so we could find her something to play with. So the rest of us can shop. And we found her a little plastic duck for her to talk to. Then later we caught up with Randy, Dale, Carly, Isabella, and Mary. Mary had found a bow that she could pull back. Randy found three more machetes. Carly found some shotguns and ammo and she grabbed a bunch more arrows for me which was good of her. Dale grabbed some rifles and knives and Isabella grabbed the fishing supplies we needed and the rope and the some tents. Then we left there and kept up our journey to look for other survivors. Then I started walking and they just stood there and when I turned around to see why they stopped and then Randy walked up and shook my hand I was confused and then they told me while they were in the store they were talking and decided to make me the leader since I had the best shot and the best social skills. So I became the leader of our group. I asked the little girl her name and she told me her name was Emily and she was 5 years old. Then we started walking around the city to find zombies and survivors. We walked about 5 blocks away from the sporting goods store and then we saw about 10 zombies walking around a building then out of nowhere a zombie hit the ground all you saw was his head explode. Then we looked up and there was a sniper up on a high building so we helped him by killing some of the zombies. I with my bow and Mary learning to shoot her bow landing arrows all over the zombie except for in the head where you want to hit them. Finally she became annoyed and pulled out one of the m14's we were shooting earlier and then the zombies started dropping one after the other. Then the sniper came down to the street to talk to us then he walked to the house the zombies were surrounding and he knocked on the door and a teenager opened the door and instantly asked "can I have a gun? I don't like running from the zombies with no protection." So I look at the guy that was sniping and I say "hi my name is Dave Galaxy. These are my friends Mary, Isabella, Dale, Carly, and Randy. I found them trapped in a gun store. Then I introduced him to the little girl we saved and she lilted "hi my name is Emily" and looked at him with a big smile. Then he replied "hi my name is Jordan and my teenage friend here's name is Dylan. I have Dylan run around and lure them to the house and I snipe them from this tower." "It's getting late would you guys want to stay here tonight? It's safe the doors are made of steel and they lock with five deadbolts." We looked at each other and responded "yeah but we have some tents can we sleep on the roof?" He shrugged his shoulders and answered "I don't care but do you have an extra tent I can use?" I added "yeah if Mary doesn't mind sharing a tent with someone" She smiles and says "I don't mind." Then we headed up to the roof set up our tents and then everybody turned in. The girls slept in the same tent and the other guys almost all had their own tents. Right when I was almost asleep I heard the zipper on my tent open. I look up and there's Mary standing there in the doorway of the tent and she looks at me and says "I'm scared that the zombies will still be able to reach us. Can I sleep in your tent with you? I look at her and say "sure I don't mind." Then she crawled into the tent and climbed into the sleeping bag with me then we fell asleep. Then out of nowhere there was yelling for everybody to awaken. So we climbed out of the tent and mumbled "what's going on?" then Jordan says "we have a bunch of zombies trying to find a way into the building." I looking confused say "I thought you told us that there were five deadbolts on each door." Jordan "I did but they won't give up so we have to take them out so we can go and check for more survivors. So we all packed our tents and put them inside the building then walked to the edge of the building to start killing zombies so we could leave without getting mauled. So I grabbed my bow and grabbed and started walking down the stairs to be lower hoping to obtain a better shot than attempting to shoot straight down about 12 floors. Then I thought what if I snuck out and acquired the herds attention to follow me to the house that Dylan was hiding in. Then I found my back way out it was an old fire escape. The kind where you had to climb down the ladder but I didn't want to put the ladder completely down and possibly allow some of the zombies to climb if they can. I'm not sure if they can climb but better safe than sorry. So I climb down to the bottom level of the stairs and jump and land on my feet and almost fall from the pressure of hitting the ground from that height then I heard a noise above me. I quickly turned around and there was Mary standing there and she whispers just loud enough for me to hear "what are you doing? There's too many of them for you to take out on your own." I whisper back "I know what I'm doing isn't that why you guys chose me to be the leader?" she replies "yeah but I want to go with. I haven't gotten to use my bow yet and I really want to use it." I shake my head and say "ok come on we just have to be quiet till we can make it to a house where the zombies can't reach us ok?" Mary "yeah" so she started coming down and right when she jumped I moved underneath her and caught her so she wouldn't hurt herself like I almost did. Then I put her down and we headed out. We started running then jogging. Then I pulled out an arrow and part of an old t shirt and lit it on fire. Then I took aim and fired. The arrow landed into a zombie's leg then he caught fire. And then the team above started looking around for me and Mary but then they saw us down on the street and they were yelling at us "what are you doing? There's too many of them for you. Come back here." But we kept going with our plan we pulled out our bows and started to aim and then it happened the zombies caught our scent and they all started walking toward us. We fired our first shot and mine hit the closest zombie right in between the eyes. Mary's first shot landed in the stomach of a different one. Then the zombies started closing in so we pulled out our pistols and opened fire and also started walking backwards as we were going. That way we could keep some distance between us and them. Then there was a problem. We weren't paying attention to where we were going then we walked within distance of about 12 hungry zombies so we turned around and tried to kill them with our pistols but when we pulled the triggers all we heard were clicks. We ran out of ammo in our pistols while shooting at the other zombies. We had to think fast so we took an alley and I pulled out my katana and Mary pulled out a machete and we started jogging to keep distance from the zombie pack. We were supposed to keep the zombies at a distance of the building so they could make it out of the building and also kill some while they were up on the building. We kept going until we were back at to the street then we heard a noise behind us so we quickly turned around and there was a dog. Confused we started walking toward it and it growled and ran past us. We looked down the alley and then realized that the zombies weren't as far behind us as we thought. So we quickly turned back towards the street. And looked up at the building and saw no one up there. We started calling their names and heard no reply so we kept walking just in case I put my katana away and pulled out my bow and loaded an arrow. I looked at the house where Dylan was hiding and noticed there was a zombie trying to gain access to the house. So I look at Mary and shouted "cover me while I take out the straggler." She muttered "ok." So I took aim and fired and the zombie just collapsed. Perfectly shot into the back of the head. We head that way to find out why he was there. We knocked on the door and Emily was yelling at us to leave. We knocked again and yelled "it's us Dave and Mary." The door swung open so fast and there was Emily full of tears and running to us. Then I remembered that we still had zombies behind us. I looked at Emily and asked. "Where are the others?" she was about to answer then she let out a scream. I turn around and there's a zombie right behind me before I can do anything he falls to the ground dead. I look where the bullet entered and looked up and there was Dylan standing there holding a gun that we gave him. We look at him and he's panting. Confused we ask "why are you out of breath?" he responded "I was sent to check on Emily and maybe even find you two. And looks like I did both." "Where are the others?" Mary asked. He points towards the city about a block from where we were when we took the alley to escape the zombies. Then I remembered something important. I yell "Emily go inside and lock the door Mary you go with her." They quickly go into the house and lock the door. Confused Dylan looks at me and says "Why did you have them go inside?" me with a smirk and reloading my bow replies "Well turn around and find out." Right when he turned around he saw the zombie horde coming our way. I pull out some cloth and cover my arrow tip with it light the cloth and fire into the middle of the zombie crowd. One was hit and slowly lights the others as he walks. Then all of them were on fire except one surprisingly. Then we knocked on the door and had they come out so we could make a quick getaway. Or else they might light the house on fire with Emily and Mary trapped inside. We start in the opposite direction then I realize we're going in the wrong direction if we want to regroup with the rest of the team. We start heading back and then the zombies slowly die off from the fire reaching their brains and overheating it. Then there was only one left slowly walking toward us. Moaning non stop then I look at Mary and say "you still want to use your bow?" she responds "yeah but is this really the time to learn?" with a smile I say "well do you see any zombies around?" " I only see one" she responds she picks up her bow loads an arrow takes aim and released it and it hits the zombie in the leg. She quickly reloads and shoots again and kills him with her second shot. We start walking toward the body and then we stop we heard gun shots. We look the direction of the shots and then we see Carly running our way. We start running her way and she is panting by the time we meet up. We give her time to catch her breath then she starts crying. We ask why she's crying and all we could make out was my friend. We were starting to worry so Mary, Dylan and I all started yelling "Isabella, Randy, Dale and Jordan." We heard them yelling back so we started running toward the sound and there they were. Standing and wondering where Carly ran off to we told them she met up with us and was saying something about a friend and I asked them "do you know anything about that?" they all looked at each other and replied "we have no idea." So I walked back to Carly and calmed her down and we could finally understand what she was saying and she was talking about how she had seen a friend that had been transformed. And was trying to attack her and it made her shoot her friend. She had never killed anyone before. I walked up to her and gave her a hug and told her hoping it would make her feel better "it wasn't your friend there it was a virus that was using her body to try to spread itself. And you technically didn't kill her she was already dead." She looks at me and slowly and then she started talking again "yeah I guess you're right." Then we collected our supplies and headed out. We had to watch more carefully because we didn't know if there we're any more zombies around. Then we saw the dog that Mary and I had seen earlier in the alley. So we started walking towards it. At first it growled then it whined. And it slowly walked closer and closer. Then it walked so close that we could see that he was starving. He was so skinny you could see his ribs. Me feeling bad for him opened a can of my food and let him eat it. Then we had to keep moving so we started walking away and we noticed he was following us. So I turned around and lilted "well come on if you want come too then you can" The dog's ears perked up and it started walking faster until it caught up to us, then it slowed down to keep up with us. So I looked at the dog and made sure he wasn't bitten, even dogs can become zombified. So as I was looking him over he started to growl at me, he obviously wasn't used to human touch anymore so i backed off. I kept walking and left the dog alone. As we were walking i noticed everyone seemed tired so we found a place to stay the night so we broke the door down of an abandoned apartment building and went to the roof. As we were setting everything up we looked over and saw the dog was already lying down. We got a fire going and got all the tents set up. After we finished setting that up we all sat down to cook some food. While we were sitting there, we heard the dog growl. we all looked over to him and his eyes were glowing red and he was acting different. I walked over to him and he growled more, as i walked over to the dog all my team returned to their tents to get their gear. While they were away I reached the animal and put my hand out. I saw it but didn't see what had really just happened, then i felt it. He bit me, he was bitten and infected, now i am too. I should've known when he didn't like being touched. It had been because the last thing that touched him tried to eat him. Then the group came out and looked at my hand and the dog who was still coming towards me as i walked away. They shot it as soon as it jumped to take me down. Then they turned and looked at my blood dripping hand and instantly Randy had a gun pointed at my head. I put my hands up and told him calmly "I know you are trying to protect the group, but don't take me out yet i want to say goodbye to everybody first." While all this was happening i walked over to the ledge without anyone noticing exactly where I had moved Randy shouted "Stop moving and say goodbye before I blow your brains out." I looked around and saw Carly crying and take the little girl into a tent so she didn't have to watch what was unfolding. she cried and pulled out of carley's grip and ran over and hugged me i put my non bitten hand around her and told her to stay safe and i'd miss her. Then Carley picked her up again. I looked over at mary, she was crying, she couldn't believe what had just happened. She was in shock just as much as i was. Then I looked at everyone else and said my last words "You were all a great team and i'm sorry it had to end this way, you can all pick over what you want from my pack, I won't be needing it anymore. I just want to say goodbye and i'm sorry." As soon as i finished what i wanted to say Randy started to cock the gun to make sure it was loaded but before he could aim it back at me I leaned back and fell off the ledge of the apartment. Little did they know the battle they were fighting was only beginning and every bullet they had would help. That is why i threw myself off the building. But as I fell i saw what i hoped i'd never see, the zombies were getting smarter and learning how to open doors, and working together to open them. And to make it all worse, they were opening the apartment building I had just thrown myself from and there were way more zombies going in than survivors waiting at the top. Then I hit the ground. |