Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1985293-Shipwreck
Rated: E · Draft · Action/Adventure · #1985293
Just some crazy story I had.
This was a dream I had on April 5th about my family and some mermaid. I don't know, I'm a very weird pre-teen.

The air was misty and tasted like salt and I couldn't believe I had to go on a ship. Yes I've been on boats before but never in the sea I was so scared not going to lie I almost peed my pants! When we got on the ship mom, dad, the dogs, my sister, and me. But a mermaid was coming too. At this point I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. Later I found a nice place to put my bags a rest for a little. -CRASH- I woke up with my head hitting the door and my parents running in they were screaming saying something had happen, at this point I really did wet my pants. I ran outside and waves were everywhere thunders a lightning. I would have started crying right there but then I woke up and I can't remember the rest!


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