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Elena has fought for others now she has to fight for her own freedom. |
Elena pierce sat in her car waiting in the driver seat contemplating if she should be leaving her life behind to live with her friends Ray and Speed in New York. Her life has never been her own, she had to follow orders from her parents and from her husband and on this night was the last time she was going to see them again. She got out of the car and went into the house where her husband Vince Valentine was waiting for her. “Why are you so late getting home?!” Vince asked angrily. “Don’t get all worked up my parents had me on an assignment, and I just finished it” Elena replied. She has always hated Vince, and the less he knew about what she did the better she was to leave and never come back. Vince had walked up to her and slapped her hard enough to knock her off her feet and said,” NEVER BE LATE AGAIN!” “Why don’t you go to bed while I eat dinner, I will be up there soon. After Elena ate dinner she went upstairs and found that her opportunity to leave was now, Vince was fast asleep from the empty bottle of scotch that he always drank before going to bed. She packed her things and got into her car and called the one person who she could count on. “Hello, do you realize I was having the best nap ever.” The man said groggy from waking up from his nap. “Speed I....can I come stay with you and Ray for a while? I am leaving my parents and Vince for good, I am done with this life, so don’t get all sentimental on me, can I stay with you until I get my own place?” “Well, that all being said, of course you can girly duh. I do want to ask you why now?” “I can’t talk about it because not just myself, but others can be in serious danger if I do.” “Ok, I can just get you drunk and then we shall see how closed lipped you are. If ray and I are not in the apartment we are going to be at this bar called Knight Bar. I will see you soon darling.” “See you soon dude” Elena finally got to Speed’s apartment but, no one was home, she decided to leave a message for them and go find the Knight bar. While she was walking she heard a noise. As she walked toward it and got closer she heard a man scream near an alleyway. She hid behind a wall and saw the most craziest wonderful thing that she ever saw. At first glance she thought it was just men being macho and fighting for no reason other than to prove that they can fight. When she looked closer, she noticed that the men who were fighting were not what they seemed, while they were fighting some of the men just disappeared and she heard the words vampire and if you do not follow the real true king. “Now tell me where Ash is or we will kill you.” the person said. Elena was thinking she had a feeling if those people didn’t give some kind of answer they will die. With hesitancy she crouched down and opened her guitar case and lifted up the guitar and she put together her bow and arrow. when she came back up with good precision she aimed the arrow at the man who had the guy pinned down on the ground. With a silent breath that she let out she looked up, aimed, and shot at the man, and hit him with good precision. She crouched back down, but there was no time, someone was already at her location and stabbed her in the stomach, she fell to the ground, but before she lost consciousness she saw a man get behind the man who stabbed her and stabbed him in the heart. Then she lost consciousness. “Xavier, who the hell is that? I just want to know because she is one hell of a woman, and I have to thank her for saving me.” “Well Kieran, if I knew that then I wouldn’t be trying to look for a I.D. She does have a lot of weapons though in this guitar case, guns, knives, and this bow and arrow that she put together.” “Well if she was working for Klaus then we would be dead already, but we are not. Do you think we should take her to Ash and see what he says?” “ “Well.....yeah, we need to treat her wound anyway. Let’s go and see what he says. Elena woke up to find herself on a couch with a blanket over her, when she got up she felt a sharp pain on her stomach. When she uncovered herself she noticed a stab wound, and she then remembered the earlier events from that night. She realized she was alone, while she was looking around she noticed her guitar case was gone as well as her phone. “Dammit.” She got up slowly and walked around the room, when she got to the door it was unlocked. As she opened it she looked up and down the hallway and there was no one there. She walked out and tried to find the way out of this big mansion of a house. She found a door and hesitantly went through it. She went down the staircase and walked down the dark corridor, and found a door, when she went through she saw a big gym with equipment and punching bags and everything. She decided while she was awaiting to see why the people brought her to this place she would at least have a bit of fun while doing it. Xavier kept wondering about the girl with the bow and arrow. She is a real mystery to him, one thing was for certain, he knew that she was a vampire, but he didn’t know if she was with klaus or not. Until she wakes up he will know nothing of why she was there or why she helped them. The only thing he knew was he was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Brown hair, brown chocolate eyes, and when he looked at her mouth he wanted to kiss those sweet lips. To try to get his mind off of what he would want to do to her he went to go work out, when he went through the door from the locker room, he stopped when he heard someone hitting the punching bag, he kept walking and saw the same beautiful girl he was just thinking of. “So, mystery girl, you are awake at last.” Elena stopped punching the bag and looked up to see the most handsomest guy she ever met. When he got closer she was hypnotized with those icy silver eyes of his, and that smile. “Who the hell are you?” Elena replied. “I do think a thank you is in order, since I am the one who saved your ass and brought you back to good health.” “After I saved you and your friend’s ass, I think it is you who should thank me before I thank you dude.” “What were you doing there anyway? Why did you decide to help us?” “That I don’t have to answer, oh and since we are asking questions, where the hell is my phone, and my guitar case, I really need to be on my way.” “Oh about that, you really are the mysterious person, so many weapons what are you and who are you?” “That is none of your business, and for the record that guitar is real so if you wrecked it then I will hurt you.” “Don’t worry my little mariachi, your guitar is safe.” “Why are you calling me that” “You haven’t seen that movie, with Antonio Banderas and he carries a guitar case with weapons? You really need to get out more girly. Well even if you don’t want to talk to me there is someone you need to talk to nonetheless. You walked in something I don’t think you meant to walk into.” “And who am I suppose to talk to?” “The king of vampires” “I thought he was dead.” “Not dead just hiding. let’s go” “There she is, we have been looking everywhere for her. When I went into the guest room to check her wound she was gone. Why is she so sweaty? Holy shit did you two just have sex, if so how was it, was it fun? The woman said with a chuckle. “Trista, we didn’t just have sex, she worked out and I found her there and now she is going to talk to Ash ok, man, you need to start filtering what is on your mind sometimes.” “You know that will never happen. Anywho glad you found the runaway, have fun with Ash, I am going to go find Blake so he can take me out like he promised. Ta” “Wow, she is...” “Yeah. after you.” “So you are the one who helped my friends, the question is why did you?” “Look your majesty, I saw that they were in trouble I helped, I just got here last night, I am visiting a friend.” “According to a Vince Valentine you left and he also said that you wanted to gain power and wanted to kill the king. He also told me not to hurt you just bring you back because your parents are upset that you are not there. Why the worried look on your face?” “Look, they are lying.” “Look Elena, my brother wants power and to gain that power to finally get me from being ruler he needs my ring to make him a powerful vampire, and he has people on his side to try to track me down and kill me for my ring, now if you are working for him and you just helped us to get in our good graces in order to track our movements, I will destroy you” “Fine you want to know about my past, they are lying they just want me back. my parents made me do anything they wanted, which means they want me for whatever job they want me for, as for my so called husband I was forced to marry him first off he is just using me as a sex toy plus all three hit me, I have a bruise on my cheek to prove it if you haven’t noticed. You know whatever, you don’t want to believe me,and I can understand if you don’t, but I don’t give a shit. I have no feelings, my feelings left a long time ago. I have my phone now....”How did you.....”I took it when I stood up. I am just going to go to that guest room now. bye.’” “Do you think she is telling the truth Xavier? “We just have to keep an eye on her to make sure.” “Hello, Elena, I have been looking for you at the club, I don’t see you plus I had a surprise for you, I planned everything out, made deals, but whatever I can deal with this...”Look you crazy person I am stuck at a house, I got caught into something I shouldn’t have, and my parents are on their way now, I left a text for Vince saying I would be at the club, so I am going to leave these people a message saying where I will be and meet you there.” “Make sure you bring your guitar” “Elena, I wanted to talk to......She didn’t Dear Ash, Trista,, Xavier, and anyone else who lives in the house, I will be at the Knight bar, I am letting you know where I am going just because I feel it was the right thing to do since I am still under suspicion. Your mysterious girl Elena Pierce “Ash, Elena left and told us where she is going should I go after her?’ “Yes you should, but not alone, take Blake and Kieran with you just in case. If she left a note I don’t know if we should believe her or suspect her.” When Elena finally got inside the bar she looked around and finally spotted her best friend since childhood, when she walked up to him he picked her up and gave her a hug. “It is about time missing smile girl’ “Don’t call me that. Where is Ray?” “I am behind you, Speed be nice. “ So what is the surprise that I am going to get from you two?” “Well Ray and I....Nope just Speed Ray said interrupting Speed. Speed covered her mouth and continued, “Ray and I thought it would be awesome if you sang a song here, don’t make that I don’t want to do it look. Ok a good stress reliever plus your parents and your bastard of a husband are going to get a kick out of this when they see you tonight.” “WOAH, tonight, they can’t get a flight out that quick, where the hell are they?” “I still had my camera in your house and they all came here last night, they already know I am here so they thought to come here first, I take it they already found your note and are coming here. So you are going to sing one song, it doesn’t have to be your own it can be any song by any artists you like just let me know what you need on stage.” Come on Lena, you know you want to.” “Fine, if it would get you two off my back fine, but if I am going to sing I will need a piano, and I have my guitar with me so I am good there, the song that I will sing when and only when you see my parents and Vince. I will be singing I don’t want to be by Gavin DeGraw.” “Ok.” “Hey, aren’t those the guys you were talking about that guard the king of vampires, you told us about, how did they find you?” ‘Well Ray, I told them where I am, I am still a suspect after all, let’s go get ready, my parents are here, they are going to love this.” Elena said with a smile. As Xavier walked into the club he was looking for Elena in order to take her back to Ash, he did’t want to believe that Elena wanted to hurt Ash because she wouldn’t leave a note and tell them where she was otherwise and no one would be able to make up a story like the one she told Ash. “Hey, Xavier I found her and she is on stage, can she even sing?” “Well well, she is just full of surprises, I guess we are about to find out, this should be interesting. Let’s get a drink and we can talk to her after.” “I can’t believe she is doing this, I will destroy her she is embarrassing the family name.” Vince walked in with Elena’s parents, Catherine and Darien Pierce, he couldn’t believe his eyes either when he saw Elena sing, she was acting like she was raunchy. “We will bring her back home Catherine, we have to. She still needs to do her job for us, plus she didn’t do something I told her to do and for that she will pay dearly for it.” After Elena finished singling she spotted the three people who made her who she is today and tonight she was ready to confront them. “I hope you are happy with yourself Elena, you made a fool out of me, your father, and Vince. You are ruining our family name, you will come home this instant. Leave these riffraffs you call friends and come home you ruined our name enough.” “Look you B...”Speed, Ray, please relax, I have it” Look Catherine, yes I called you by your first name, you are a bitch, and my father and my so called husband are bastards. You two have been hitting me since I was small and making me do your little dirty work ever since you found out I could fight and I was good at it, my hands are covered in blood. Plus I have told you Vince has been hitting me for a while now he even raped me when we first met, the same meeting that you created just so I can get a husband, but you didn’t do anything about. I also found out about the little text you sent that I want power and steal the kings ring and control all vampires. Screw all of you I am done.” “Look little girl you are going back with us, I don’t care if you don’t want to, you and I have unfinished business and we are going to finish it.” Vince went in to grab her arm and he pulled her closer, and with his other hand he was about to slap her when a hand grabbed his wrist. “Who is she talking to? It looks like the conversation is really getting heated.” “I think that the two on the left are her parents and the one on the right is Vince the husband. Kieran am I right, you checked her phone.” Yeah, that is them, so far it looks like just from this conversation Elena was telling the truth after all, we should get involved Xavier.” Not yet, let’s see what happens.” Before Xavier could take a sip of his drink he noticed that Vince had pulled Elena close and was about to slap her, in that instant he went to them and grabbed his arm before he even could slap her. “Who the hell are you and where did you come from?” Ignoring Vince he turned to Elena. “wow, you and your friends were great up there I mean I didn’t think you were the kind of person to sing at all, but you surprised me.” Hey, I was talking to you....” “look buddy, I am trying to talk to this girl ok, please don’t interrupt it.” As I was saying you were really good, especially when you were playing the piano and the guitar I never pegged you as a musician, I thought the guitar case was just for show.” “HEY, are you ignoring...” As Vince said those words, and tried to grab Xavier’s shoulder, Xavier took his hand and twisted it and Vince went down to the ground. “Now, I said not to touch me earlier, I was being nice. My friends and I have been listening to this conversation we were going to stay out of it until you decided to go and try to hit this woman. Now, as far as I can see it she does not want to go with any of you, oh and you asked who the hell I am, I work for the king that is who, and lying does not suit with him, he hates liars. So I will be nice and tell you that the three of you need to leave New York and never come back. Otherwise, well the two of you are her parents so I will not hurt you without her consent, but you, Vince, I will hurt, and I know she won’t mind because you are nothing to her. So if I see you or if anyone I know see you, or if I even get a whiff that you are here I will make you regret it. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!” “Yes”, Vince said whimpering. “Good, now get out and leave.” As they walked out Xavier turned to Elena and her friends. “Thank you for helping out with that.” “Eh, we owed you one anyway, we did suspect you of trying to get power after all.” “Why, why did you three help me out?” “Well, if you weren’t trying to take over, Ash wanted you to join us in protecting him, like a royal guard thing.” “I don’t work well with others, plus I didn’t come here to fight.” “You have good skills dude, if you don’t like it you can leave whenever you want with pay.” “Do it it will be good for you,” Ray whispered in Elena’s ear. “I will try it, I will, but if I don’t like it I will leave.” “Deal” welcome aboard, Elena Pierce. ONE MONTH LATER “So how do you like protecting the king?” “So far so good, no problems, we still haven’t figured out a way to get rid of his brother though, but we are working on it. So, you, what did you want to talk to me about Speed?” “Well, I was thinking of proposing to Ray and...” “Congrats, I was wondering when it was going to happen.” “I wanted you to sing our song and while you are doing that I propose where we had our first date, at a pizzeria we ate at. I wanted to do it tomorrow night can you take a night off patrolling and guarding the king please.” “For you anything, I will call you later for the details, just tell me when and where, I am very happy for you two.” “ Thank you, I will see you later, I will call you tomorrow.” As Elena was walking back to Xavier’s house she heard a noise behind her she stopped walking and waited until the figure was closer in hearing range. She stopped right in her tracks hearing that the person she suspected was following her would stop too which the person did. “So, I may have been drinking, but I am not stupid. So, whoever is following me better announce themselves and tell me why the hell I am being followed or I turn around and assume the worst and kick your ass.” “I see you haven’ t changed Elena, same girl trying to play tough who has no feelings. Our little assassin all grown up.” “Aww, Vince, the last time I saw you I told you to get out of town, so why are you not out of New York.” “Well, the last time, do you remember I said we had unfinished business? Well I still had some business to tie up in New York, following you following your new pals, and I noticed that the king is living with you. Now what I do with this information is really up to you my dear, plus I know where your two little sidekicks live, so I just have to give the order and they all die.” Vince said with a smile knowing that he could make her do whatever he wanted. “What do you want me to do?” Vince walked up to her to face her, “well you lied to me, you told me you killed those two people who saw me a few months ago. I want them killed. The look on your face it looks like you are surprised I figured it out, it was hard, you hid them very well, but I found them.” “Fine, I will take care of it, anything else you son of a b..” “Tsk Tsk Tsk, you know better to use that language with me. After you take care of business and before you take care of it, you are coming to stay with me, you are not to tell anyone where you are going, if you do well you should try to imagine what would happen. Especially to that human pet that you call your best friend. Vince went up to her closely to whisper in her ear, “you know you never want to test me bitch.” He smiled evilly and disappeared. When Elena got back to the house and in her room she started packing a bag and started undressing and took out an outfit that she thought she would never wear again. A black swede halter top and black swede pants with black swede boots that came up to her calves. along with her guitar pic necklace, showing off her infinity tattoo on her wrist, and her serpentine bracelet, she was ready to become the assassin she once was again. HKVVW R ZN HZBRMT TLLW-YBV. ERMXV SZH XLNV GL YIRMT NV YZXP GL GSV KZHG ZMW SZH GSIVZGVMVW BLF, IZB ZMW VEVIBLMV R PMLD GL TVG NV GL TL YZXP GL SRN. R SZEV Z UVVORMT ZUGVI R GZPV XZIV LU GSRH YFHRMVHH R SZEV DRGS SRN R ZN TLRMT GL WRV. HL R OLEV BLF ZMW IZB RMURMRGB GRNVH RMURMRGB. VOVMZ Elena sent the last text to speed and Ray’s phone just in case one of them didn’t read them in time until there was a knock on her door. Xavier walked down the corridor he was thinking about Elena, ever since he first saw her he knew that he was trapped, and being with her these past few months seeing the way she fights and talking to her, he knew he wanted to get to know her and be with her, he finally had the courage to talk to her to see if she felt the same. He knocked on her door. “Xavier, what can i do for you?” “Hey, can I come in I wanted to talk to you about something and...are you ok, you seem a bit distracted and worried.” “I am fine, can I talk to you later?” “Let me in, something is wrong and we need to talk about this.” He pushed his way through the door and noticed that their was a suitcase on the bed, She was packing to go somewhere he thought. When he turned to look at her he noticed the outfit she was wearing, he looked her up and down and it was an outfit he wanted to get her out of, but he had to get his mind off of that before she noticed another thing that liked her outfit. “Where are you going?” “I can’t talk about it, I just am going to say good-bye, so bye.” Wait you can’t just leave.” “Oh, but I can, remember that deal of yours, if I don’t like it here I can leave, well I am leaving it is time for me to move on, I don’t like staying in one place for too long I start gaining feelings for people and that is just not me I don’t feel. So get out of my way, I am going to stay with Speed and Ray for a while so if you still want to talk, do it there but I am done with this conversation.” “Wait...Before he could get another word out she was out the door. I just let her go he thought. RINNNNNG, RINNNNNNG.......”I am coming, chill out.” Speed picked up his phone and looked at the text message. What the hell, who...Elena what are you thinking, why are you sending a code? We haven’t even done this since we were kids. ok so something about a king what? Sweet sent it to Ray. “Ray...” “Vincent Speederman, why are you not here with me to help with your music store huh, it is getting very busy in here especially for a night shift.” “I regret telling you my full name, anyway, can you check your messages, Elena sent us a text. Do you remember the backward alphabet code we did?” “Yeah, I am a little rusty with it, but I can still decode it.” “Well, Elena sent us a code and I think it has to do with Ash and them, I think she is in trouble, I just have this feeling, so we have to go to Xavier’s to find out what is going on.” “Every one out please, we are closing on account of family business, bye get out please. I will be at their house in a few, see you there.” “My dear Elena so nice of you to come and in the appropriate outfit, you, tie her hands, we wouldn’t want her to use her guitar case or any of her weapons to hurt us now would we.” “Can we just get to the part where I do what you want then we are done and I never have to see you again?” “Oh no, see you will not just be killing the two mistakes that you let loose, but you will be my entertainment and by entertainment I am not just talking about playing your guitar.” Vince said smiling evilly. “On top of that we are going to weaken you the only time you will only be half at your best strength is when you are going to go kill those two people you are suppose to kill.” Elena was half weakened and not at her best, but she was sure that she would do anything to see this through before she died. Long Island, New York, she never thought she would have to come back here, after she got to the house she rented she set up in order to get the job done, she set up her bow and arrow, guns, and knives, she was prepared and ready. “You better be ready to do this girly.” “Oh don’t worry, I am ready.” Elena stabbed the man in the chest. “Dad, dinner is ready, ok Holls, I will be right down. Oh hold on, I will get that, I wonder who is knocking on the door this late?” Elena got into her car and rushed over to her neighbor’s house down the street, when she parked she noticed two of Vince’s men standing outside, one on the side and one on the roof. She ran up to the one on the side and stabbed him from behind. And then stepped onto the porch took her knife out and jumped up to stab the man on the roof. When she got back on her feet, she walked to the front door and knocked. “Elena, what are you....” “You failed, you got careless and my parents and Vince found you, I need to move you again, and pretend you are dead. Because this time Vince wants a photo of your death.” “Elena....” Pack a bag Holly we are leaving. What do we do Elena, you know it is good to see you by the way.” “I am sorry, it is good to see you too, but we don’t have a lot of time. I already scrubbed down the house that I am living in, I am going to fake kill you two with these special bullets. The bullets stop the heart for 10 hours. So it will look like you are dead but you are sleeping. I am going to put you in a my room in the house that I rented. Any questions?” “Umm...No, how did they find us?” “I don’t know Holly,I guess I was sloppy in hiding you I could have done better, but I think someone was still watching me, this time I am going to do you one better. I have two friends in New York, city, and a few living in Manhattan. Do not go to the people living in Manhattan unless my two friends are not in their apartment in New York city. They all can help you. tell them what is going on and they can help hide you for a few days, until I can deal with Vince, And I will give you a note of where I am for them to see, but a man named Xavier cannot see it, only because I know he would want to come see me but I won’t let him ok ok.” “Why, why are you helping us, why didn’t you just kill us all those years ago, I mean you were ordered to right?” “Yes I was, I didn’t kill you because you were innocent, everyone I have killed hasn’t, and I have killed a lot of people, but I did recon on you I followed you but I could never understand why my parents wanted you dead until I asked around and then I met you and started to talk to you, whatever ok what’s done is done.” “You do like us. Ha.” “Whatever Holly. just please go with the plan. I have packed a bag for the both of you to travel with. The note is in the bag.” “Elena, I am sorry that we weren’t more secretive, you wouldn’t have to do this for us, but thank you for doing it.” Tommy hugged her and kissed her cheek. “Quincy you don’t have to thank me, you two were the first friends I have had since Speed and Ray, so I am happy to do it. Now, are we ready to die.” “Knock knock, anyone home, we have to talk to everyone in this house so if you are here come out come out where ever you are.” “Ray, Speed, what are you doing here.” “Well Blake we popped in because we are wondering what you did to our friend, to make her leave.” “Whoa, according to Xavier, she said she wanted to leave and was staying with you for the time being. What makes you think that we did anything to her?” “We got this cryptic message, well....a code really, I think I just misread it, but there is something in here I am missing. We need to decode this now. I have a feeling that she is in trouble.” “We will help you, come upstairs and let us all read it and see it maybe if we work together we can figure out something.” Everyone looked up to see Xavier before he left down the hall. “Hopefully it is not too late.” When they got up to Ash’s office, everyone was gathered and ready to read the code in order to break it. “Ok, so the code is this: HKVVW R ZN HZBRMT TLLW-YBV. ERMXV SZH XLNV GL YIRMT NV YZXP GL GSV KZHG ZMW SZH GSIVZGVMVW BLF, IZB ZMW VEVIBLMV R PMLD GL TVG NV GL TL YZXP GL SRN. R SZEV Z UVVORMT ZUGVI R GZPV XZIV LU GSRH YFHRMVHH R SZEV DRGS SRN R ZN TLRMT GL WRV. HL R OLEV BLF ZMW IZB RMURMRGB GRNVH RMURMRGB. VOVMZ “What kind of code is this, I have’t seen this before,” Trista said looking confused. “It looks like the backwards code, you have the alphabet in order from A-Z, but use that in a sentence backwards, A is Z, B is Y, if you do that then no one could understand your code it would be easy to miss something.” Kieran said. I have used this before, that is how I know what it looks like.” Kieran continued when he noticed Ray and Speed looking at him with awe. “So, lets get started, shall we. What did you two figure out before coming here? “Well, we were a little rusty so, from what I saw, the first sentence is Speed I am saying good-bye. Then a few words here and there like past and bring, and him.” “Let me see it,” Xavier said. Minutes went by until, “I have the the second sentence, and it reads, Vince has come to bring me back to the past and has threatened you, Ray and everyone I know to get me to go back to him.” “Vince, when did she talk to Vince? Wait what does she mean her past, what does he have on her?” “Later, I have the last sentence, the last word is her name by the way. I have a feeling After I take care of this business I have with him I am going to die. I love you and Ray infinity times infinity. Elena.” “Ok, what the hell does he have on her to make her want to go with him so easily what is wrong with her past. Ray......Speed? Well.” “Elena used to be an assassin for her parents and Vince. She....” “Stop she wouldn’t want them to know Ray, Speed said interrupting her. “They have to, this is Elena’s family now too. When Elena was a kid she used to sneak out a lot when her parents would hit her, she would sneak to Speed’s dad’s music shop to chill out for awhile. She started learning to fight a little from Speed’s dad, not to hit her parents but to block their blows. Well she started to like fighting she wanted to learn more. Her parents hated that fact, she was a lady, a lady never did anything like that. So they flew her to Colorado for her to live in the woods to starve herself and they thought if she wanted to act like a tough guy then she can tough it out in the woods with nothing. She met Vince there, but that is another story, I met her there I taught her how to fight how to shoot a bow and arrow, how to shoot a gun, and how to use knives other than cooking purposes, well my dad did. After she got back she never knew but her parents had someone tailing her, seeing how well she fought, they made her with Vince’s help become like an assassin for them, whoever they wanted killed she would kill them. They were dealing drugs to humans and other illegal things that is how they are so rich. She told us about it we went with her sometimes to help her, but this time I don’t know what Vince could have on her that we don’t know, she told us everything.” Everyone looked up hearing the doorbell. “I will get it,”Speed said. “Are we really going to go to these vampires, I mean it seemed Elena was hesitant going to them, I think we should wait until Ray and Speed go back to their house dad.” “Well, she wouldn’t have told us to go to their house if they were not trust worthy, She said if and only if Ray and Speed do not answer, this is our last resort. Just ring the doorbell Holly.” “Hi, what can I.....” “You are Speed, we have been looking for you.” “Look if you just found out where I am just because you want a specific kind of album, wait until tomorrow.” He said while closing the door “We know where Elena is, and we know vampires live here.” Speed opened the door quickly. “Come inside quickly. Interesting, how the hell do you know our mutual friend hmm?” “We are the reason she left.” “Come upstairs I have some people I want you to meet.” “So who let the humans in, are they selling something, if so it better be girl scout cookies, Trista said. “Do I look like a girl scout?” “I like her. If not who are you two?” “They know about Elena, and what we are.” “Start talking please.” Kieran said. “A few months ago, my dad and I saw something we shouldn’t have, vampires taking blood from humans, plus a drug deal going on, we got away before anything could happen to us. Elena said we saw Vince, so he sent her to kill us, she got to know us followed us and she did research and asked around and found out we were innocent so she decided to not kill us, just make us disappear, so Vince could never find us.” “So why would you two be here now, while Vince is obviously in the city, it takes a lot of guts to do that. Ash said. “Well, we were not in the city we were in Long Island, Vince found us, Elena didn’t know that someone was following her that night someone who reports to Vince. So, he held that over her head, he wanted her to kill us and take pictures for proof.” “How are you alive then?” “She shot us with this bullet that stops the heart to make it look like your dead, but your not.” “Did she tell you what was going on, why didn’t she come with you?” “She couldn’t because VInce would be suspicious and start hurting you all one by one and he found out that the king is still alive so he has that over her head. She said that Xavier can’t hear this part, but since he is giving me that evil mean look I am scared so I am just going to say it and do not kill the messenger. Other than killing us as part of their bargain, they weakened her to the point where she couldn’t protect herself. And so she is suppose to be their entertainment and I am not talking about music or dancing kind of entertainment. They took advantage kind of entertainment.” CRASH. “You know that was my favorite glass Xavier.” Ash said. “Just relax, we will find her.” “Oh, she wrote a note, kind of weird, not the usual kind of writhing I have seen. It looks like some kind of code.” “Give it please.” R ZN HLNVDSVIV RM MVD BLIP, HGROO RM NZMSZGGZM, R GSRMP R ZN ZXGFZOOB GDL WLLIH WLDM UILN CZERVIH SLFHV. WL MLG XLNV ULI NV, R ZN LP DRGS NV WBRMT LP, GVOO GSV TFBH ZMW GIRHGZ GSZG R ZN HLIIB ULI SRWRMT GSRH UILN GSVN, R PMLD GSVB PMLD YB MLD, R OLEV GSVN EVIB NFXS, TLLW YBV, KOVZHV GZPV XZIV LU GSVHV GDL FMGRO ERMXV OVZEVH. YBV. VOVMZ “I can actually read this. ok, oh no, there is one word she made different that the rest I don’t know but everything else I can: I am somewhere in New York, still in Manhattan. I think I am actually two doors down from blank house. Do not come for me. I am ok with me dying ok, tell the guys and Trista that I am sorry for hiding this from them, I know they know by now. I love them very much, good bye. Please take care of these two until Vince leaves. Bye. Elena. What does she want us to do with you two.?” “She wants us to hide out until Vince leaves, she thought you guys could help with that.” “You can stay until we find a way to deal with Vince. Just go down the hall and to the right, the room right there to the left is unoccupied, you two can stay in there.” “Thank you so much, she said that she was happy here, if that means anything, she usually doesn’t show any emotions, but when she was talking about all of you she smiled.” “Thank you for saying that.” “What is that one word, it tells us where she is I know it. Two doors down from what house?” “Hell house,” Trista said smiling. “She could be in a creepy house with ghost and Vince locked him and her in there and they have to wait it out until morning.” “As weird and oddly awesome that sounds because Elena would kick ghost ass, there are more letters so it can’t be hell house. Plus I just noticed the first two letters, Xa. and the last two are er. Holy shit it is you, Xavier. She is two doors down from this house.” “That would sound right because no one has moved into that house yet.” “What should we do though her exact words were don’t come for me so, shouldn’t we listen to her and not rescue her from her untimely death like she wants, respecting her last wish?” Everyone paused and looked at each other, then laughed. “If we listened to her then we wouldn’t be friends with her in the first place. Oh we are going to go get her even if we have to drag her ass out of there.” “Cheers to that,” The Next Night “So Vince doesn’t know all of us, so Trista can knock on the front door while we come in from the back. we go in take down guards find Elena and we threaten or kill Vince, but that decision, we leave to her.” Lets go get our girl.” Elena was pushed into the bedroom of the man who starting tonight was the last night she would see of him. She did a good thing before tonight, she regrets nothing. If she was going to die tonight, she is happy that she got to say good bye to her true family and saved her two friends. Elena pushed away that thought as she faced Vince, she didn’t want him to think she was happy to see him, she wanted him to see that she had no fear or feelings of anything. “Leave us. I got the picture, I am very delighted that you killed them this time. I will never understand why you let them go in the first place, they are nothing.” “They were innocent, just because they saw you drink blood from a human and do a little drug deal, what the hell ever. They were innocent.” Vince went to her and slapped her on her cheek and punched her on her stomach. “I don’t give a damn if they were innocent, they saw things they shouldn’t have and that means death in my book.” Elena laughed uncontrollably, “You really think you are intimidating don’t you? Also you hit like a girl, and the sex was never that great. You know throughout my life I am ok dying knowing the fact that you are going to burn in hell for the rest of your life, I wish my parents hadn’t met you because you are dream to them.” “Get her the hell out of here, I am done with her.” As Elena was being dragged off the floor and out the door, she could have sworn she saw Xavier in the window looking ready to kill. She hoped that no one came for her, she didn’t want anyone to get hurt for her sake. Xavier finally saw the woman he was here to save, he couldn’t believe his eyes. He wanted to go through the window and kill Vince when he punched Elena in the stomach like that. “Xavier, are you ready to go in,” Blake said from behind him. “I am definitely ready.” Xavier, Blake, and Kieran went in through the back door while Speed and Ray went through the side door. Xavier, rushed through the door and took down anyone he saw before they could get a word out, he went up the stairs, and checked in the room, and finally when he got to the last door in the hall, there she was, looking up at him with a startled look on her face, right then he wanted to kiss her. Elena heard the door about to open and she knew this is the time that she was about to die, but when the door opened to her surprise it was Xavier, the last man she expected to see before her death. “Xavier what are you doing here, you need to go now, or Vince and his guards are going to see you and hurt you.” “Do you have any idea how worried we were, Speed, Ray, Trista, Blake, Ash, and Kieran. We all were trying to decode your codes, and you said good-bye. Oh no, we know you and you are our family now so no we are not letting you go without a fight.” “And you...” “Me what?” “Are you saying that you were worried?” Xavier walked up to Elena and picked her up and held her in her arms. “Out of everyone I was worried the most, my little mariachi, if Vince had killed you I would have hunted him down and killed him.” “Why do you care so much, I get Ray and Speed, but not you.” Xavier answered her question with a passionate kiss on the lips, that made her see stars. “I want you here with us and with me, I want you to be by my side and me by yours, and get to know you, I like you, you crazy girl.” “That is the big speech huh, you lift me up in your arms and kiss me while I am weak and you give that speech. Well, what kind of girl can refuse that, but say I like you too, Xavier, I am glad it was you that found me. Xavier kissed her again. “Wow, sorry kids for interrupting the kiss, but we have to go. everyone is waiting back at the house.” Speed said. “Oh, I am so glad you are alright, I will lecture you later on trying to say good-bye to me, Ray too, so get ready for a lot of yelling and hugging missy because you are going to get just that.” “Looking forward to it. Before we leave I want to see Vince, please.” “I will take you to him and kill him for you, but I will take you to him.” Vince was startled by a door slamming, he jumped out of bed just to be pushed back down, he tried to get up but he was being held down, he looked up to see both Speed and Ray holding him down and in front of him, Elena and Xavier. “Don’t bother calling for anyone, Ray, Blake, Kieran, Speed, and Xavier took them all out. I guess you shouldn’t underestimate Speed just because he is human.” “What are you going to do?” “Me I can’t do anything in my weakened state at the moment. What I am going to do is tell you and offer you what I did when I last saw you. I never want to see you in New York ever again, I don’t even want to hear you are in New York, if I do, or if any of my friends do they will kill you or I will kill you, getting me to kill you will be special because I would torture you killing you very slowly. I am being nice, I just got offered a awesome deal, so, I am feeling generous right now. Come to me again you will die. Do I make myself clear?” “Crystal.” “Good, lets go you guys I am tired of seeing nothing.” BANG Everyone turned to see Vince dead and then they turned to Ray. “Sorry, he pulled a gun see, he was going to shoot one of us.” “It is not a loss on this world, I just hope he enjoys hell.” Elena heard a knock on her door and Xavier came in. “Can you come downstairs we have a surprise for you.” When Elena and Xavier came downstairs to the dining room there was a big feast and everyone of her friends were there waiting for her to join them. “What is this” “We all wanted to welcome you back in style dude, you are family after all.” Elena was in awe at what she saw. “I never expected to hear those words from anyone I always thought I was alone until I met Speed then Ray, and then I met Holly and Tommy, and the people I knew got bigger, and I found the king and his protection detail. After you guys saved me I knew that I wasn’t alone anymore and I am finally happy to know that I have a family, and would never have to wear the assassin suit again. |