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The third story in my "Splinched" Omorashi series. Featuring Luna Lovegood. |
Luna Gets Splinched "Oh my, of all the days to be followed by Wrackspurts" Luna Lovegood said as she walked through the crowded streets of Diagon Alley, her pale skin and blonde hair shining as she walked, and she was sporting a knee length yellow sundress with a striped green and yellow bra and white panties. It was the summer after she and the rest of Harry Potter's friends had put an end to Voldemort's reign forever, and Diagon Alley was showing signs of recovery. Luna's friend Ginny had invited her and others for a stay at The Burrow and Luna thought having nothing better to do she would go, but she was in no rush, and was content to browse all the lovely items she passed in her favorite area of Diagon Alley. She was wearing her Spectrespecs and was drawing the attention of everyone in the area as she passed by the shops, occasionally stopping to smell a strange flower or eat a free sample of a new candy. Eventually, she sat down at a cafand got a large drink to cool off in the summer heat, occasionally batting at the Wrackspurts flitting by her. She opened up her favorite magazine The Quibbler and began to read, not aware of the time at all. After several fizzy drinks she looked at her watch, realizing she should have been at The Burrow a half an hour ago. "Oh my, well I better be off" she said getting up and leaving money on the table. Luna had passed her Apparition exams mid-way through last year's term and she was fairly confident in her ability to do so, but with the Wrackspurts bothering her she thought she'd walk for a while before travelling. As she walked she felt her bladder give a twinge, all the liquid she had before was rushing through her, but she wasn't worried, she never really gave much thought to her bladder at any time, much to her friend Ginny's displeasure, occasionally Luna would go rushing to the bathroom having waited much too long. She continued to bat her invisible assailants away from her, and then decided that she would be good to apparate now. She stopped and took out her wand, suppressing another slightly more noticeable urge to pee as she did. She batted away at what seemed like a swarm of Wrackspurts before she attempted to focus her mind. Despite having passed her tests, she always had trouble with this part owing to her casual, day-dreamy nature. She gave a graceful turn thinking of the Burrow...and Ginny...and fizzy drinks...and Wrackspurts. She felt a familiar pull and squeezing sensation as she Apparated. In a moment Luna was blinded by bright sunlight only hidden by the large, crooked home of The Weasley family. She started to walk forward, but only managed about a step and a half before she felt a tug at both her shoulders, and she looked at her arms, or at least, where they should have been. "Oh dear" Luna said realizing what had happened; she had splinched her arms right at the shoulder. "Well this is troublesome, my wand must still be in Diagon Alley, along with both my arms" she tried to pull herself out of her mess, but she realized how hopeless it was considering it wasn't her first splinching, although it was her first time splinching both her arms. As Luna looked at The Burrow, having apparated just down the road and barely out of shouting distance to anyone outside, she felt her bladder give another twinge, indicating that it was now working harder than ever to fill itself up. "Hmm, I wonder how I can get out of this, maybe someone will come outside and see me, hopefully soon, it's rather hot" She said calmly to herself. She stared at The Burrow, waiting and somewhat wishing she could scratch her nose, but no one seemed to be walking outside, she expected they'd be in the back. She slouched a bit, feeling not unlike someone bound to an invisible wall, and pressed her legs together slightly as she felt another growing urge to pee. "I wonder if the ministry knows I've splinched myself, I'd really like to move around" she thought to herself, wiggling around trying to stave off the urge to go and being unable to hold herself in any way. Almost a half an hour passed with Luna standing on the lonely dirt road, in the hot sun, and a growing urge to urinate and no means of relieving it. Suddenly she saw a small dark shape enter the sky from behind The Burrow, apparently one of the party-goers had gotten on a broom to help decorate the outside of the house. "Hello, I'm over here" Luna called but not nearly loud enough to be heard. She was about to call again when a breeze picked up, lifting her dress just about to her stomach and exposing her white panties. She tried to straighten it out, but without hands she just had to press her thighs together and wait for the breeze to die down. However, the cool air rushing through her private area heightened her need to pee again, and she leaned forward as best as she could to hold back a trickle of pee that threatened to leak out into her exposed underwear. About this time normally, Luna would have gotten up and rushed to go pee, regardless of her distractions, and she had rarely ever been more desperate than she was at this moment. What was worse is that she couldn't even hold herself, only press her legs together and bend over slightly as the breeze died down and her dress returned to its proper position. She urged herself to lean forward more, trying to stifle the urge but only succeeded in making her Spectrespecs fall of her nose and clatter to the ground. "Oh I hope they haven't broken" She said a little more emotionally than her usual tone. The urge was going from occasional strong pressure to a constant pain and she didn't know how long she could last at this rate. Another few minutes passed with Luna bouncing up and down, trying to lessen her urge to pee without the aid of her hands. " I suppose those fizzy drinks before were a mistake" she said through slightly gritted teeth as another urge made its way through her urethra, she tightened her muscles and felt them quiver as the urge overpowered her and a bit of pee leaked into her white panties, causing her to gasp. "Can anyone hear me, I need help" she yelled, louder than she could ever remember herself yelling, but she saw no sign of rescue. Another urge forced a bit more pee to leak into her panties, and she knew she had minutes at most before she flooded herself. She was hoping, begging for someone to come out front and see her, and hopefully soon. She called out again but was forced to stop when another urge, stronger than ever surprised her and she barely had time to press her legs together before a trickle of urine escaped her, moistening her panties and moving slowly down her leg. After a few seconds she shut the gates and looked down at herself; the front of her dress had a small wet patch near the crotch, and when she shifted she felt her panties were very wet. She locked her knees together, determined to keep herself from wetting her panties, and called out again and again for someone to find her. Finally, after several minutes and a few more leaks into her panties, she saw someone walk outside, and look in her direction. "I'm over here!" she called, and the figure ran towards her. Only after it got closer did she see it was Ginny, running over to her, Luna was so relieved she almost lost control. "Oh my god, Luna what happened" Ginny said looking at Luna standing armless on the road. "I must have been distracted when Apparating and I splinched myself, could you please get help for me" Luna said calmly, but her voice quivered from the strain of keeping her bladder from bursting. "It happens to all of us at some point, I'll be back soon" Ginny said going a bit red as she said it but turning and running back to The Burrow. Luna was saved; all she had to do was last a little while longer. This was going to be more difficult than she imagined no sooner had she said that did she feel another strong wave come over her, and she barely prevented a total flood by locking her knees and bending over again. She waited for the urge to lessen but it wasn't, in fact it began to grow, pushing pee into her panties and down her leg. "Oh no, not now, I'm so close" She said seeing who she thought was Ginny open the door again and move towards her. Her muscles quivered with the strain, and though the urge wasn't getting worse more pee was seeping into her wet panties. Finally, her muscles relaxed involuntarily, and Luna knew there was nothing she could do. Warm pee gushed into her white panties and because her knees were locked together, into her dress. It rushed like a waterfall out of her, she felt the creeping warmness move throughout her panties and reaching her butt, and down her legs into her shoes as a puddle began forming on the ground. She was frustrated that she couldn't make it, but so relieved to be peeing that she relaxed completely and closed her eyes, letting the pee coat her legs and privates. "Oh no, Luna I'm too late" Ginny said as she reached her friend who was peeing herself in what seemed like ecstasy. "It's alright Ginny, I'm just happy to have finally peed" Luna replied as the last trickle of urine exited her and dribbled onto the ground. "Well my dad's contacted the ministry, they should be here soon and you'll be fixed...and don't worry accidents happen right" Ginny said trying to comfort Luna, but Luna never really needed comfort in situations like these. "Could you get my Spectrespecs for me Ginny, I'm afraid I may have peed on them" Luna said taking in the warm feeling around her privates and legs and warm pee clung to them... |