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The sequel to Hermione Gets Splinched, my second story. |
Ginny Gets Splinched "Would you like anything to drink Hermione" Ginny Weasley said to her best friend. It was mid-summer at The Burrow, and Hermione Granger had only recently arrived at the Weasleys' home to stay for several days. Harry and Ron were upstairs, which was nice because Ginny was eager to see her friend again. "Oh I'm fine for now really" she said with a smile "How have you been". "I'm great, it's just been really hot lately" Ginny responded fanning her freckled face with her hand and wiping the sweat from her brow. Ginny was dressed in a light blue tank top that showed the outline of her deep blue bra that supported her slightly small breasts, and tight denim shorts that showed off her very shapely legs, and white sneakers. Hermione had arrived wearing a white T-shirt and a denim mini-skirt and carried two bags with her. "Come on in we have so much to catch up on" Ginny said excitedly and showed Hermione where she would be staying. After settling in Hermione and Ginny sat down outside the house in the garden with a pitcher of lemonade and some glasses and started to chat. They talked about how their vacation had been going, the antics of the boys, and the coming school year. "So you'll be able to take the apparition examination next year right" Ginny asked and took a long swig of lemonade. "Well, yes actually I should be" Hermione said and she went slightly pink in the face. "I bet you've got a ton of books on apparating and all that right" Ginny said laughing, knowing just how much of a bookworm Hermione was. "Have you tried to practice at all, like in secret" she said jokingly, but she paused when Hermione went very red. "Umm....well, yes I did actually" Hermione said slowly "But it was a bit of a bad idea, I actually went and splinched myself". Ginny looked horrified "Were you alright, did it hurt, what happened, please tell me" She said very quickly, she had been obsessed with the idea of apparating ever since her father let her apparate with him once to work, but no one she knew had ever splinched themselves. "Well, I'm alright now" Hermione said with a slight chuckle, she lightened up a little bit, this was her friend after all, she could tell Ginny what happened "I was practicing in my backyard at the start of the summer holiday, and I was getting it, but then I splinched myself in half right at my waist" she continued making a slicing motion across her waist with her hand. "It didn't hurt but I couldn't move from either end, I laid there for what felt like hours". Ginny looked both excited and concerned, "Well did someone come and help you" She asked, thinking that the ministry usually takes care of issues like that. "Well yes, the ministry arrived after a while and un-did the mess, they were going to bring me up on misuse charges but...they felt bad and left me with a warning only" Hermione said with another blush. "Felt bad why?" Ginny asked, "Well..." Hermione began but she cut herself off, this was so embarrassing, how could she tell Ginny. "Well...since I was stuck, and it was a hot day and I was drinking a lot....I...had an....accident" she said going very red. "You peed yourself" Ginny said and almost laughed, it was so unlike Hermione to ever be caught in a situation where she needed to pee and couldn't, let alone having an accident because she couldn't get to a bathroom. "Well that's not too terrible, at least you weren't hurt" Ginny said with a smile. Hermione quickly tried to change the subject away from her accident "But yeah so the ministry fixed me and now here I am, how about you have you thought about reading up on apparating yet" She said. "Well, I've thought about it, I saw a nice book on it when I went to get my schoolbooks but I couldn't afford it" She said brushing her hair out of her face. "Well would you want to borrow the book I was using? It's a good read but I don't think I want to look through it anymore, too much of a reminder" Hermione said and she pulled the book out of her bag, which was bewitched to be extremely spacious so she carried most of her books in there. Ginny looked through the pages and read over the basics while she sipped at another glass of lemonade. "This is amazing Hermione, it makes apparition seem so simple" Ginny said. "Yes but believe me, one wrong move and your splinched" Hermione said seriously, but Ginny shook her head "Well, I think since you were by yourself being splinched was bad, but if you were where people could help you, it wouldn't be so bad" Ginny said and she looked towards the house, there seemed to be a small commotion coming from inside, several bangs and calling voices. "What are they doing" Hermione said as she re-filled her glass. Almost on cue, Harry, Ron, Fred and George all burst out the door carrying several brooms and a large case that was rattling, "We're going to play some quidditch in the field do either of you want to join" Ron asked. "Umm, no we'll be alright, you guys go on ahead" Ginny said knowing Hermione was never much of a quidditch player even for a fun game, plus Ginny had another idea. "Alright we'll see you both later then" Ron said and he ran to catch up with the rest. "Hey Hermione, since they're gone, and my mum and dad are out as well..." Ginny began hesitantly, she wasn't sure if she could convince Hermione but she was desperate to try. "What" Hermione said raising an eyebrow at Ginny, "Could you teach me to apparate" Ginny said clapping her hands together, "Absolutely not" Hermione said "I just told you I got splinched, what if you got splinched too?", "Well, you'd be here to get help, either from the boys or my mum and dad when they got home, please Hermione I've always wanted to learn how to apparate" Ginny said begging with her hands together. Hermione took the opportunity to sip her lemonade while she thought about this, Ginny really seemed eager to learn, just as she was before, but she wasn't sure what help anyone but the Ministry could provide if Ginny got splinched. "Can your dad really help you if you get splinched" Hermione asked slowly. "Of course, he does work for the ministry after all, he probably knows the people who helped you" Ginny said happily. "Alright fine, we can practice here" Hermione said, and she opened the book, "But only so you get the basic idea, no crazy stuff". Ginny got up drained the remainder of her glass and picked up her wand from the table "Alright so how do I do this". Hermione sighed and explained how she had apparated, and also how to focus her mind on the apparition and the bizarre feeling when you do it. "Alright, here goes" Ginny said and she readied herself. She focused her mind on apparating across the garden near Hermione and turned sharply. She felt the odd pull and squeezing sensation she felt once as a child, and she felt herself moving. In an instant she was almost nose to nose with Hermione, who yelped and fell over backward, revealing for a small instant her pink panties hiding beneath her skirt. "Oh my I'm sorry Hermione, are you alright" Ginny said and she reached out her hand to help Hermione up. As Hermione got up and dusted herself off Ginny felt a little twinge in her bladder, the lemonade was working its way to her bladder very quickly, she decided she would take a break soon. "Alright one more time" Ginny said and she readied herself again. She turned sharply and effortlessly apparated to the other side of the garden. She smiled at Hermione "Maybe I have a knack for this", and she readied herself for another go. "Don't push yourself, Ginny, it's good to take a break every so often" Hermione warned. "Fine a few more times and I'll take a break" Ginny said and she apparated again, perfectly placing herself behind Hermione where she had aimed, much to Hermione's shock. For the next fifteen minutes Ginny apparated all across the garden, occasionally spooking Hermione by popping up right in front of her, and all the while Ginny felt her bladder filling, the tight denim of her shorts pressed against her petite womanhood and she knew she had to take a break soon or she'd be in trouble. "Alright Ginny enough, take a break, or at least give me a break" Hermione said, having just fallen over again because Ginny apparated above her and pulled at her hair from a nearby tree. "Alright, alright, I need the loo anyway" Ginny said and she looked up to the floor where the bathroom was, which gave her an idea. "Oh maybe I can apparate into the bathroom and back out after I pee" Ginny said and without a moment to rest she readied herself once more, trying to focus on what her bathroom looked like. "Ginny it's more difficult to apparate to a place you can't see, this isn't a good idea" Hermione began but Ginny was already turning. A small pop and a second later Ginny was in her bathroom, although she ended up in the bathtub by mistake. "Oh woops, that was close" Ginny said and she tried to get out of the bathtub. The only problem was her feet seemed to be rooted in place; she could barely bend her knees. She looked down and yelped in surprise; her feet up to her mid-calf were missing. "Oh please tell me I didn't just do that" Ginny said and she stretched herself to look out the window. She looked down and saw Hermione rushing inside and saw her white sneakers standing in place in the garden. "Oh no, this is not good, oh no, dad won't be home anytime soon" She muttered to herself, but she felt a twinge of her bladder again and she put one hand in her crotch, pushing the material deeper into her womanhood. Hermione burst into the bathroom and ran over to her, "What did I tell you Ginny, look what you've done to yourself" She yelled, "Why didn't you listen to me, if you can't see your destination you lose focus, only advanced apparators can do that". Ginny sighed, "I know, I'm sorry Hermione" she said, "To make matters worse I've really got to pee" Ginny said and she held her crotch with one hand again. "Well let's hope you don't end up doing what I did" Hermione said in an almost mocking voice. Ginny blushed a bit, the pressure of her rapidly filling bladder was making Ginny wonder if she would end up like Hermione. "When will your dad be back" Hermione asked looking at her watch, "Not for at least an hour, and I don't know if I can make it that long, I'm really getting desperate here" Ginny replied as she bent her knees slightly and leaned over. "Should I go and get your brothers" Hermione asked and she looked out the window. Ginny blushed again, something told her she would rather be stuck here forever than for her brothers to find out she splinched herself and was about to wet herself, "Umm, no don't do that, they'd never let me live it down". She put both hands into her crotch and bounced up and down. "Do you think we should call the Ministry" Hermione said, she almost knew the answer at this point. "That's a last resort, I'd rather my dad fixed me" Ginny said shaking her head. She tried to move her feet, trying to reach the toilet, but the most she could do was stick her butt just past the tub, and the toilet was at least another foot away, unfortunately that extra stretching caused the waistband of her shorts to press into her swollen bladder and she whimpered as she jammed both hands into her crotch as she felt a wave of pressure again. She felt a little urine escape into her blue panties, making her gasp. "Ahh, I think I just lost a little bit" Ginny said to Hermione, who frantically looked around for something she could do to help. Ginny danced around, pressing her thighs together in an effort to fight off what she was beginning to realize was the inevitable. "This is horrible, I can't remember the last time I was this desperate to pee" Ginny exclaimed, bending over as she felt another huge wave arrive. Again a little pee pushed itself out, followed by a small trickle that had wet her panties and threatened to leave a mark on her denim shorts if she didn't push it back. After tightening all her muscles she managed to force back the flow, but the warm urine had soaked most of the crotch of her panties and was making her small red pubic hairs press against her labia. She felt a bit of a tingle unrelated to her bladder problem, and she went slightly red when she realized this warm, wet feeling was doing it. "How long can you hold it, I'm sending an owl to your parents" Hermione said and she conjured up a small envelope and began to write. "Not much longer, I don't think I'll be able to make it Hermione" She said, but then she realized something, she was standing in her bathtub; she could just remove her shorts and pee there. She paused only to try to hold back another trickle of pee that forced its way out and left a small patch on the crotch of her shorts, and she reached for her belt. She quickly undid it and threw it to the floor, which caught Hermione's attention, "Ginny what are you doing" She said watching her friend prepare to expose herself. "I'm desperate it's either going to be I pee in the drain, or soak my shorts" Ginny said as she fumbled with the button. The shorts were tight, and when she pulled on the button to try to undo it, she felt a sharp pain in her bladder and a little bit of pee would leak out. "Damnit, it's so tight" she said, but she finally pulled and managed to get the button open and stem the flow a little bit, although the crotch of her shorts now were wet and a little drip was running down her bare leg, which made the need much worse. She then went for the zipper, which also gave her resistance; it was directly on top of her bladder and was tight enough that it wouldn't budge. She pulled, and immediately stopped as her urethra began to fail, she could no longer stop the small trickle leaking into her shorts. "Come on Ginny, you can do it" Hermione said trying to encourage her in any way she could, but it wasn't going to work. Ginny moaned and then began to whimper as her floodgates broke, and all her pent-up urine, all those glasses of lemonade she had sucked down burst forth into her tight shorts. Hermione could only watch in horror as her friend soaked her shorts completely. The pee spread across her crotch and soaked her front before spreading across her ass, flowing down her legs and dripping into the bathtub. "Oh my god, I couldn't hold it" Ginny said in disbelief, she felt so relieved but she felt mortified, she had wet herself just like she used to when she was younger, and her brothers never let her forget that. She peed for about thirty seconds, but to Ginny it seemed like forever. "Umm...it happens to everyone Ginny, hey it happened to me right" Hermione said trying to comfort her. Ginny nodded as she finished peeing, and looked at the damage; her denim shorts were completely soaked front to back and her legs were dripping with warm pee, she pressed her crotch slightly and felt her panties were also completely soaked. She pressed a little harder and felt the tingle from before, the warm feeling wrapped around her womanhood and her ass, and she even forced a little more pee into the resistant fabric and felt the tingle grow. "Come on let's try to clean you up before your parents get back" Hermione said reaching for some toilet paper and bringing it over to her. Hopefully her parents would be home soon, Ginny thought, so they can fix this mess, but until then she would enjoy it as much as she could. |