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Ying's appetite helps her 'bad gas' problem. It's also dangerous for the toilet as well. |
Later that evening Ying and Yuki find their selves in their bedroom. Yuki quietly focuses on reading her sci-fi/drama novel on her bed. In the middle of the room Ying is focusing on beating a boss in her sci-fi/action game… "NO NO, NO, NO, NO!... Yes! EAT IT! What??? SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!" not so quietly. This has been going on for awhile and for the most part Yuki hasn't had any problem with Ying's obnoxious outbursts. After living with her every day for the last 13 years, frankly she's gotten used to it. But it has been increasingly louder and fouler. After Ying loses once again and more cursing pours from her mouth, Yuki sets down her book and confronts her sibling. "Ying, I know you won't quit until you win. But can you please stop swearing?" she politely asks. Before Ying answers, Prrrap. A small but audible fart announces itself to the room. "Oh I'll stop swearing." Ying says in the calmest tone she can muster. "Thank you." "As soon as I send this asshole to HELL!" And with that she hits restart and the noise of beam weapons and explosions commence once again. Yuki shakes her head and dives back into her novel. She knows she could easily read somewhere else in the house but her bed is her favorite reading space. Even if Ying is unintentionally doing her best to distract her, (cough, correction) play her video game. Prrrrrrrrrp, brtbrtbrtbrtbrt. Two more quiet burst ease out. Unknown to Yuki, Ying is actually fighting two battles at once. One is taking place in the virtual world, the other in the rankest depths of her bowels. She is currently standing in the middle of their room between their beds. Standing a few feet from the screen and still wearing her black and white top and basketball shorts. Ying's body on most days goes on a routine that she and her sister both know. Pee in the morning, eat breakfast, snack in between, eat lunch, pee, snack sometime before dinner, poop, and then snack before bed. Pffffffffft, Braaaapt, Brummmf, three more come, rising in volume. Like Yuki said, Ying isn't going to stop fighting (or farting) until she wins her battle. Even though her body is telling her she should take a much needed bathroom break. She is too focused on defeating her adversary to notice this urgent matter. BBBRRRRAAAPPPPPP! Brrrrrrt! As her bowels continue to expel increasingly foul wind into the air she once again presses the replay button again. Yuki's nose is soon invaded by a strong sulfur and feces mix of funk. She fans away the smell with her book and goes back to reading. Ying begins to lose concentration on the game as she slowly loses control of her bowels. Suddenly Ying's game pauses. Yuki looks up from her book, curious to what caused the sudden moment of silence. Looking at Ying she sees her rubbing her stomach with one hand, clearly having discomfort. "Ying? Do you have to use the bathroom?" "No…" she says sounding unsure. A look of straining appears on her face before… BOOOMFF!!! A massive airy fart blows out from her ass. The massive amount of air expelled in an instant has enough force to make her basketball shorts balloon out behind her. Her strained face turns to relief, her eyes then meet Yuki's. Her sister's wide eyed expression said everything. "Heh, see? It's just some gas-ugh-oo" as Ying was reassuring her twin her stomach gave out a painful moan which made her wrap her arm around her waist. Yuki looks over at the clock sitting on her nightstand. It reads 9:34. "Are you sure? You normally…" she stops herself and her cheeks turn a light shade red from thinking of the most appropriate term to use, "go number two… earlier." In attempt to prove her sister wrong, Ying relaxes herself and grips the controller in her hands again. "I don't have to take a dump yet, I can hold it. At least until I BEAT THIS GUY!" she says as she sits down on the floor. Ying wouldn't admit it but her Yuki is right. As the battle in her game continues to repeat itself the conflict in her bowels intensifies. She's known she's had to use the bathroom for some time now, that some time being almost 2 hours. In that time span what started as aggressive negotiations between her stomach and intestines, has grown into an intense war with feces and flatulence raging to get out. If it wasn't for the battle on the television screen clouding Yuki's eardrums, she would be able to clearly hear the rumbling within Ying's gut. In her mind she hoped she could seal her butt by blocking the exit with the low carpeted floor. Frankly she doesn't believe her large butt muscles could hold it all back. A few minutes go by and Ying gains an upper hand in her fight to save the galaxy. With her excitement intensifying she naturally raised her butt off the floor. PPlurrrp! She freezes her body and makes her character take cover as she recovers from the surprised burst from her butt. The fart was decently loud, surely Yuki heard it. But what concerned her is how terribly wet it sounded. Ying cautiously lowers her but down, she feels a new warm wetness between her cheeks. "O crap… did I just shit my pants?" she thinks to herself, "I haven't shit myself since… since… a few months ago." The incoming warning sound grabs her attention and she dodges the incoming attack from her opponent. At this point she imagines every alarm in her system is going off right now. Not only is she hours past due for her daily doo. She also went over her normal intake of food. She silently recalls what she had eaten that day. "There's breakfast, a bag of chips for a snack. Burgers, hot dogs, and candy for lunch. Oh yeah and the smores, great on snowy days. Then the pizza mom ordered for us. Yuki had 2 slices and a cheese stuffed bread stick. I ate the rest… ohhh man…" as she finishes her recollection of indulgence for the day she feels her stomach turn inside her. The pizza and cheese sticks were the last thing to go. They just hitched a one way trip to her ass. She knew the pizza would be ticked when it finds out its last in line and the exit is blocked. Ying then feels a new pressure pushing against her anus. The pressure of a few pounds of dung that have been budging at the gates for the past couple hours, but it changed, she could feel it. She knows her body better than anyone, this new pressure was gas. The fact is she always knew when it was safe to fart, hence why she didn't hesitate to let rip a couple earlier. At this moment some gas became priority over the rest and is requesting release. Feeling generous she decides to allow the gas free passage. Ying lifts her left cheek off the floor and. PPPPPPPPPRRRRRRRRRaaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppptptptTPTPTPTPTPTPTPT-plluth!!! The impressive 7 second blast ripples from between her ass cheeks, growing disgustingly moister as it reaches its end. But it ends in deception. As it turns out this fart was a Trojan horse for the rest of its friends following behind it. But Ying caught whiff of this at the very last second, as she felt her bowels lurch downward in the middle of the blast. Ying pauses the game and closes her cheeks with her hands in one lightning fast movement. The last thing Yuki sees is her sister jump to her feet with her hands on her butt and dashing to the bathroom next door. "Ying??" Ying slams the bathroom door behind her, nearly jumps out of her shorts and slides down her shit stained panties in record time, luckily making it to the toilet before the onslaught begins. She slams her round behind down on the toilet set, at the exact same time the first log launches from her anus. The log is 2 inches thick and reaches a foot in length before breaking off into the water below. As the next equally sized log comes out it is accompanied by Ying's notorious gas. The gas hisses out at the same time as the log and as the log breaks every 2 to 3 inches the fart explodes into a deep resounding roar. Pfft-BBBRRRRROOOOOOGG-pfft-pffffsst-BBBBBRRRRRRROOOOOMMMMMMM-psssspt-RRRRRRMMMMMMMGGG!!!! When it comes to Ying's dumps, with whatever amount of feces she expels the gas she releases is nearly double. With another chunky log dispatched she has a moment of time before the next log comes. In that time however she releases a wet zipper-like fart lasting the 30 seconds between the logs. The next log is not even a log at all. Instead comes out as a brown waterfall of brown chunks, accompanied by the equally wet ass blast that rips out with every individual chunk. Result of all the ground beef for lunch she had. BLAPT!-PLUNK-BRAP!-KLUNK-BRAPTT! This only lasts around 5 seconds but the amount is almost equal to the First log she laid. Ying has had her arms wrapped around her stomach just riding out the initial attack. After the chunks end she casually rips out a few farts that want out. BBBBBBBBuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrBBBB!! BBBBBBBBBrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaPppppptttptpt! Pfffffffffpsspspppfffpfpfpppptttt! BRRRummmmttt! Bbbbbbuuuurrrrrrrrbbbbblllllblb! Yuki in their bedroom next door fortunately cannot hear any of the logs Ying is loading the toilet with. Unfortunately she is able to hear just about every explosive fart she expels. Especially the deep bassy one's, when they are unleashed she even hears the porcelain vibrate through the wall. Downstairs their mother sits in the family room watching one of her sci-fi/comedies. Hearing the disturbing noises from upstairs has her turning up the volume on the television. After the most recent bombardment of rectal gas Ying takes a deep breath and sits up straight, leaning her back against the back of the toilet. She has the urge to plug her nose or to ask the room to automatically turn on the fan to vacuum out the foul air. It was nearly so bad that even she almost can't take it. The room is befouled by a stench that reeks like the mix of earthy shit and backed up sewage. Basically like a toilet that's been clogged for days… but worse. Ying looks down between her legs to assess the damage so far. The water in the toilet is a light tent of brown. Her dump so far covers the drain and is stacked to just above the water line. Ying does have the potential, but she's never filled up a toilet more than half way. But she has clogged them countless times. Rrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuggggggggg-blurble… Her stomach rumbles, signaling the last and probably the bulk of her dump is ready to come. She lifts her butt up a little and spreads her cheeks as far as they can go. Once back down she gives a throaty grunt. BBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRaaaapppppptttttt-pfffffffffffffffsssssssssssstttttttttt. It starts off with a loud average sounding fart that resonates within the bowl. As the tip of the log reaches her anus, the fart changes to a soft airy stream of gas. Expelling its self through the tiny spaces left around the log. Ying feels the log stop after only making it out half an inch and she responds with bearing down even more. This final log is drier than the rest and also the thickest. Ying feels like she is trying to push out a soda can, and with good reason. The log is just as thick around, if not more, than a soda can. "Ow, ow, ow, ssssssiiiiipt. Man, why is this so hard?" She complains. The soda can sized log stretches Ying's anus to the brink. She has had logs this thick before but normally not this dry, making it more difficult than it normally would be. The log its self had completely blocked off the flow of gas from escaping. As the building pressure of gas build behind her momentary butt plug, the rumbling in her intestines increases in volume. Ying thinks to herself. "Heh, if this is the pizza I had for dinner maybe my gut turned all the cheese grease right into gas,*Grunt* which could be why this log is so damn dry!" With the log unmoving with only 2 inches sticking out of her ass and gas pressure building rapidly, Ying has just about had enough. She sits up and places her hands on her knees. She leans forward but keeps her back mostly straight and pushes with everything she's got. Her abs begin to tighten and her seemingly nonexistent muscles flex under their layer of soft fat. Along with the massive pressure of the gas in her bowels the log begins to move. First very slowly, then it picks up some speed. It reaches 6 inches, then seven, then eight. The log begins to thin and squeeze its self out at a faster rate. Gas begins flowing out around the log creating a low pitched airy sound in the bowl. The log speeds out now reaching a foot and a half. The last of it fast approaches and Ying can feel it. The log being so thick and long she can actually feel her lower intestine return to its normal size as it exits her anus. Yuki begins to wonder if Ying is done, yet she hasn't flushed or come out yet. It has been pretty quiet the last couple minutes, does she need help? Her question was just about to be answered. The end of the massive log approached Ying's anus nearly as fast as the first log shot out, and the moment when the tip left her fully stretched anus, IT happened… The gas that was building inside of her no less than erupts into the bowl, creating a sound that is comparable to a fog horn. The baritone in the fart is so deep it would be a challenge for a marching band to match. The gas is amplified by the bowl which is being roughly shaken along with the room. Yuki can not only hear the blast as if the bathroom door was wide open, she can feel its powerful vibrations coming through her bed, which is farthest away from the toilet. Downstairs their mother can hear the ceiling above her vibrating, and she is not even directly under the bathroom Ying is in. it's possible one could feel the reverberations from anywhere on the second floor. Clearly it can be heard from anywhere in their home. Ying, through amazing relief of both her dump and her enormous fart, shifts her weight forward, lifting her vibrating cheeks of the seat as this fart continues. It changes pitch as it is now not confined by the toilet bowl. It is now not as deep bassy as it was before but it still holds its own low pitch that continues to blast directly behind her and continue to reverberate through the rooms upstairs. As Ying feels the last of the gas approaching, she finishes with forcing it out just like she did with her massive (now considered small) fart she had that morning. Anyone thinking that it is possible for it to get any louder is proven horribly wrong. The end of this immensely lengthy fart creates a sound resembling a sonic boom. The final blast causes Yuki to cover her ears for protection and leaves their mother speechless. Luckily it ended without resulting to damage the house, though Yuki worries the bathroom maybe gone. Ying is in blissful ecstasy after her performance. Her breasts bounce and her ass jiggles as she sits back down on the toilet heavily. Leaning back she rests a hand on her stomach and lets out another sigh of relief. After a few moments of recovery she stands up and grabs some toilet paper. As she wipes herself she looks in the bowl. The massive log she dropped off last sits on top of the already decently sized pile that came before it, both ends sticking out of the water. One end sticking up in the back of the bowl then goes around coiling on itself once and ending with the other tip sticking out at the front of the bowl. It took only a second to know that this beast and its posse weren't going to go down. "Holy…shit." Ying says, yet she can't help but smile and laugh at her intended pun. About 10 minutes later Ying has finished flushing her work down the toilet. It took a plunger, 5 flushes and suffering in the stench but it finally went down. As Ying returns to their room she sees Yuki still sitting on her bed reading her novel. When they make eye contact Yuki covers her eyes with her book. Ying giggles, "Did you hear all that?" "Hear it? I felt it Ying… I swear you turn into some kind of monster when you go to the bathroom." "O you just wish you could fart half as well as I can." Ying says proudly. "Icky…" Yuki responds shaking her head. With that, Ying goes on to return to her boss battle and finish that off too. Now that she only has one battle to focus on her victory is assured. She unpauses the game. YOU LOSE! "GUN DAMN IT!!!" |