Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1981670-disABILITY-WRITERS-GROUP-NEWS-LETTER
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Rated: E · Letter/Memo · News · #1981670
News letter about and for disABILITY writers group

March 2014


Merit Badge in disABILITY Writers Group
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on your new merit badge for your group,  [Link To Item #1817507] ! Thank you for supporting the Writing.Com community with your inspirations, participation and activities for our newest members. We appreciate it! -SMs

disABILITY Writers Group

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Please welcome to our family group our new members by saying hello visiting their portfolios, welcoming them in our forum, or sending an eCard or message. We're getting bigger and better.

*Candleb* *Candleb* who will it be?
*Candleo* *Candleo* Invite a friend
*Candleg* *Candleg* Invite a friend
*Candlep* *Candlep* Invite a friend
*Candler* *Candler* Invite a friend
*Candlev* *Candlev* Invite a friend

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Currently we are sponsoring the following groups in our "DWG: Badge Dream, We Dream Big!Open in new Window. and "ONE SIZE FITS ALL RAFFLE IS OPEN!Open in new Window. activities. Please spread the word, help support these activities by:
*Star* Sharing this information with members around WdC
*Starg* donate gift points to support our fund raising efforts
*Staro* buy a raffle tickets which will mean prizes for ticket holders and awards of gift points for the groups and fundraising efforts we are currently sponsoring.

When we help support the groups, we are giving gifts which will ripple throughout WdC and bring joy and happiness to many members and groups.

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Please share with me and everyone:
*Questionp* What you are passionate about?
*Questiong* What are your plans for this year?
*Questiono* What challenges do you want information about or need help resolving?
*Questionv* Do you know any jokes?

*Question* What's on your mind besides skin and hair? We would like to know. *Smile*

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There have been awesome additions to our facilities such as:

*Acorn* The contest cabin is currently under construction and should be fully operational and packed with events for your enjoyment regularly. Some of the activities are:
*Star* poetry contests
*Star* short story contests: fiction and non-fiction
and other challenges

*Acorn* There will be review pages for member 2 member reviews, monitored and credits gifted, in the near future.

*Acorn* Under construction for a future date will be our ski slopes. hen visitors purchase a ski package we will be able to use the purchase price of gift points for the ski slopes, specie; ski events, and other beneficial activities. The construction is pending finding a work crew to help with DWG affairs. We currently are either interviewing or hiring help. Details of the job requirements will depend on the interests and abilities of the applicants or hired workers. Payment for this project is covered by the probono work clause or donated time from your less absent creator of the group pages and who was inspired to start this family group.

I hope for you that you will have a lot of fun keeping your brain active and creating word art. With this comes surprises and prizes. Be a winner and visit the DWG contest cabin regularly! We look forward to viewing your writing art.

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I received this message and although it is directed toward me, it is in my opinion directly for all of us the family group. We are raising gift points for the groups so that they can obtain their special commissioned merit badges and also so that they can have needed gift points for group necessities. We did it! There is now a new group(s) listed at: "DWG: Badge Dream, We Dream Big!Open in new Window. and "ONE SIZE FITS ALL RAFFLE IS OPEN!Open in new Window. so, please visit and see what joy and happiness we are spreading through out WdC.

On 3/17/14 at 10:17am, blainecindy wrote:

> You've received a new Merit Badge!
Merit Badge in Blog City
[Click For More Info]

For your generous donation through the  [Link To Item #1977108]  and  [Link To Item #1832296]  to receive our Blog City Merit Badge, we thank you with all our *^*Heart*^* heart *^*Heart*^*! It is through the generosity of people like you that dreams do come true! Thank you so much! From: Cindy and the Blog City Council *^*Heart*^*

> Blog City
> This badge was given to you by:
> blainecindy
> The message included is:
> For your generous donation through the "DWG: Badge Dream, We Dream Big!Open in new Window. and "ONE SIZE FITS ALL RAFFLE IS OPEN!Open in new Window. to
> receive our Blog City Merit Badge, we thank you with all our *Heart* heart *Heart*! It
> is through the generosity of people like you that dreams do come true! Thank you so much!
> From: Cindy and the Blog City Council *Heart*

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I know I am thrilled to earn extra gift points. For this reason, DWG members are welcome to take on this reviewing challenge. This challenge will run until the end of the month 2/28/15.

*Thumbsup* 5 reviews in 5 days, consecutively meaning every day for 5 days
*Thumbsup* Reviews must be QUALITY REVIEWS. No fluff or filler content will be accepted for award
*Thumbsup* Character count minimum of 500 characters, excluding WritingML
*Thumbsup* Review template guidelines must be followed
*Thumbsup* Group signatures must be included with the review. "disABILITY WRITERS GROUP SignaturesOpen in new Window.


*Smile* This is a disABILITY Writers Group review especially for you. *Smile*



Plot/Story Line or Content Information::

Rhythm Of The Writing:

What I Liked:

What could be changed or improved:

Ideas and Suggestions:

Conclusion__how the writing affected me in spirit and emotionally:

You are welcome to use this template idea, make your own template, or create a free style review as long as several main points or similar main points are included in the reviews.

This is a good way to do some writing, reading, and helping writers know that you have read their work and want to help them. Reviewing is just as important as reading and writing because when you review you are exercision both activities. Now, go find something you are interested or passionate about and share your thoughts with the writer. I'll be looking forward to reading and crediting your wonderful reviews.

Don't forget to use the group signatures located on the page titled: disABILITY writers group Signatures .
"disABILITY WRITERS GROUP SignaturesOpen in new Window.

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© Copyright 2014 dogpack saving 4premium+ (vpbanjo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1981670-disABILITY-WRITERS-GROUP-NEWS-LETTER