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Her husband was not the man she married. She knew she had to leave him that night. |
She knew if she walked out the door, things would never be the same. But she knew what she had to do. She didn’t love her husband anymore, he wasn’t the man she married. It wasn’t just her who knew that. Since his gambling problem started everyone mentioned about how different he seemed. She knew herself, she just didn’t want to believe it. Before his gambling problem he was the best husband anyone could ever ask for. All he cared about now is his winnings (or non winnings) at the fruit machines and his betting tickets. She had enough. As she was packing her bags she was thinking about where to go. She didn’t want to go to her friends or family. She was ashamed and didn’t want anyone to know the truth. She looked at her clock on the wall. “Shit! The greyhound racing is almost finished”. She knew that after the races were finished he would be on his way back. She packed her last few things then made her way down the stairs. As she reached the last step she heard the door knob turn. Her heart skipped a beat the second she heard the knob. “Why is he back so early?” She asked her self quietly as she ran upstairs. She wanted to cry. This was the last straw for her and now he’s going to find out. Just then he heard about maybe six or seven men enter, being loud and obnoxious (as men do when they’re drunk and in a group). She started to panic. She heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Every time she heard him getting closer her heart would pump faster and faster. “Honey, are you up here?” He asked while walking up. She tried to think quick. She needed to hide the suitcase. But where would be the best place. She shoved it under the bed as she knew doing that there will be no chance of knocking anything over and making loads of noise. When she saw the door opening she felt like her heart was racing so much she will have a heart attack any second. “I was calling for you.” He said in a slight annoyed tone as he took the first step into the room. “Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you. My mind must have been somewhere else.” She replied unconvincingly as she sat on the bed. He wasn’t buying it. She was looking suspicious and he knew. She wished she was a better liar. Usually she was an honest person because of this reason. It also didn’t help that over the years he’s been showing a lot of paranoia with her and was always suspicious of her cheating. “I didn’t expect you to be back so early.” She was hoping that might distract him from looking around the room. “I put the clocks back because I wanted to catch you out.” As he said that he started to look around. “Come out whoever you are! I know you’re here!” He tried to make sure whoever was hiding heard him, but didn’t want to be loud enough that all of his friends downstairs heard him. “You’re being ridiculous! You won‘t find a…” Before she got to finish what she was saying she felt the back of his hand hit her face. “Don’t you tell me I’m being ridiculous! I’m your husband and you will show me some respect!” There was true anger in his eyes. Tonight, he truly was becoming the monster he’s been slowly becoming. She didn’t say anything. She looked down with remorse. She felt like somehow it was her fault he became this way. He started to look around again. He looked in the closet first. He couldn’t find anything. She started to debate what to do. She could jump out the window, but that’s a bit too high. She didn’t want to risk braking a bone. She could run out the door right now. But there’s a bunch of drunken men downstairs. If the door’s locked and I can’t get out there’s no telling what he will let all those men do. Although she can’t let him find out. He just hit her. If he will hit her for calling him ridiculous then imagine what else he would do. She had to think of an excuse quick. “Aren’t all your friends downstairs” She asked in the slightest hope that he’ll forget all about this and go to his friends. “Oh yeah. Go see to them while I search around here and kill whoever’s hiding.” He replied as he looked in the wardrobe. She didn’t want him to beat her again so she did what he said. She trembled down the stairs as she thought about what he will do once he finds out. The group were gathered in the living room, chatting away. “Where is he?” One of them asked. His name was Simon. He was probably the only one that wasn’t a bad influence on her husband. He didn’t gamble or drink a stupid amount like the others. He was a pretty sensible man. She wasn’t even sure why he was friends with this group. “He’ll be down soon.” She said with a friendly smile to convince him. He noticed the bruise on her face. He pointed on his face to ask about the bruise. “What happened to your face?” He asked with concern. Everyone else heard the question but didn’t care. They just carried on talking. “Oh that? I forgot about that. Yeah I didn‘t hear you all come in because I had my headphones in and I was behind the door when he opened it. So . . . ” Her sentence got cut off when he came down the stairs. “I am still deeply sorry about that.” He said as he started walking towards and gave her a hug. He just realised what he did to her and was actually starting to feel guilty. Although he had to make out like it was an accident and pretend he already apologised about it. “It’s ok. Accidents happen. I’m fine.” It wasn’t ok. But she didn’t want to start any trouble. “Me and you are going to have a big talk when everyone’s gone.” He whispered in her ear then walked over to one of his friends to chat with them. Simon wasn’t buying it, but he couldn’t do or say anything right now because it’s not his relationship to get involved with. All the men carried on drinking while she was treated like a maid, serving their needs. After a while they ran out of booze. “The shop is still open for ten minutes. Sweetie can you go get us some alcohol please. You know what we like.” Her husband said as he slipped money into her hand. She was always sent out for more alcohol on nights like these. “I’ll go too. I fancy something different and I want to see what there is.” Simon said as he got off the sofa. “I was just about to ask you to go with her. Someone needs to keep an eye on her and I know you’ll do that.” He slips her some extra money while he looked at her as if to say ‘you better not do anything with him’. She nodded slightly then walked out with Simon. “I want to see you both back her in ten minutes. Don’t get up to anything!” He said it in a joking tone, but She knew he was being serious. Although he wasn’t AS cautious about Simon being alone with her then most men. He knew he could trust Simon more. While they walked down the street Simon was resisting the urge to say anything but soon gave in. “I’m sorry. I know this isn’t any of my business but how come he hit you?” He asked after taking a deep breath. “What do you mean? I told you what happened.” She replied. “Ok I know that story was a lie. What really happened?” He looked her in the eyes. “Like you said. It’s none of your business.” “Well I make it my business when it’s to do with someone I love.” He gasped right after that as he realised what he said. She stopped and looked at him. “What was that?” She asked him. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t meant to say that. I think the drink has gone to my head.” He said as he looked down feeling like kicking himself for saying anything. “H-how long?” She asked in shock. “What?” “How long have you loved me?” “Since before you two got married. So about two years? It got to a point where I couldn’t stand to see you with him anymore and I was going to stop being around you two, but then he started changing. I knew something like tonight was going to happen. Which is why I stayed friends with him. I had to watch over you. I wouldn’t of forgiven myself if I left the group for selfish reasons. I would be constantly thinking and worrying about you. I’m sorry. I’ve said too much.” It all made sense now. The signs have always been so clear but she was just so ignorant. She felt so stupid for not noticing sooner. She got closer to him and looked him in the eyes. “Promise me this is all true.” She said to him. He was kind of scared about what was going to happen at this point but he answered anyway. “I promise.” She gave a big smile. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close until their lips were touching. They shared a passionate kiss for a few minutes which felt like seconds. “Take me away from here.” She said as they held hands and walked towards his place where they could start a new life together. 1653 word count. |