Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1980578-A-Monster-Appeared-Before-Me
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1980578
The second chapter of the first book of Sydelle Zhou and The Cow.
Chapter II - A Monster Appeared Before Me

         My sister began to run around again after we've done with the eavesdropping business. I didn't want to deal with that guy, so I also wandered around the village. But my unbelievably strong curiosity bothered me. A lot. I wanted to know what that paranoid guy wanted from us. In the end, I have 'no choice' other than trailing him.

         Okay this is crazy, but I really followed him. As if I was a thief that's waiting for the right time to take his victim's backpack. I had never trailed anyone before. If it was my sister, then it would be the other way around. My sister who can't sit in one place for even just 15 minutes loved to trail others secretly. But at least she was acquainted with them. And now I'm trailing someone that I didn't even know what his name was. }What if this guy "leads" me to somewhere dangerous?

         Well maybe I was over-thinking. Maybe that's what you guys will think about me. But not until you see what I saw. I heard something that sounds like a lion's roar somewhere around where I was hiding. And when I saw it, I'd like to ask you. Do you know what's the difference between this lion and lions in general? Oh it's really easy to tell.

         It had a huge body. Extremely huge. If you've ever seen a pile of 10 bears crawling together, you'll be able to imagine how huge this monster was. It had a tail. Three tails actually. And those tails were actually three snakes that opened their horrifying mouths as if they said Come one approach me and I'll eat you alive. Well something like that. But I thought this was way more terrifying than that. This monster's body was full of fur. A thought came to my mind - has it ever taken a bath before? Or was there anyone who's willing to brush those fur? Nah, I didn't think so. This kind of monster wouldn't have time to take a bath happily, everyday. And no one will eversucceed--if they're willing to brush this monster's fur. They'll freeze to death by only looking at the snakes faces and will only become another additional dirt for the monster.

         Okay those aren't important. The most important thing for now was: Run! I couldn't possibly face this monster. But I couldn't leave that paranoid guy to be the monster's dinner as well. I wanted to shout. But my throat was being unfriendly with me as if something was restraining my voice from coming out. I was obviously trembling that maybe someone who touch me will bounce back as though a 10,000 volt of electricity shocks them. But suddenly someone covered my mouth. Oh great! Kidnapping while a huge-baboon-monster was standing right in front of us. Now I was completely confused whether to ask the monster for help with myself being sacrificed as its supper or ask the kidnapper's help.
Oh I think I'll just ask for the kidnapper's help. No matter how scary or how bad the kidnapper was, he was a hundred times better than the monster. In the end, I decided to turn around to see the kidnapper's face.And you know what? The kidnapper was not a kidnapper. He was the paranoid guy!

          "Ssstt..", that guy whispered. "Don't make any voice. You'll attract it."

         But he's making a voice right now by talking to me! He'll only be a burden now. He couldn't even do anything. Expecting him to fight that monster? Oh come one, are you sane?

         Then, it was as if the monster wanted to challenge us on purpose or whatever. The point is, it spotted us and slowly approached us. It looks like he was thinking Wow, dinner for me is right here!. It turned out the paranoid guy was carrying his sword. Well, was he not sane at that moment or was he making the monster his sword-training-partner. Whatever it was, I wasn't interested to find out. What I knew was, if this guy was foolish, he'll be another snack for this monster for sure.

         I was trying to call this crazy guy and ask him to retreat. But instead of hiding and calling him, I stood up and freeze right at where I was standing. I was still trying to call him but I couldn't let any voice out. What the hell is this? I hadn't even eaten my dinner. So there was no way my food was stuck in my throat.

         Okay I appreciated this guy's bravery. He drew his sword and slashed the monster. But of course it didn't die. It was only wounded, a little. Maybe if this happened in another situation I would clap my hands and encourage him as when I'm watching a match. But doing that while I'm watching a match between a human and a baboon monster? That won't be included in my top-100-things list of what I'd like to do.

         Strange, I thought. A guy who looked as though he only sit around in his house can actually use a sword to fight a monster? Or probably he knew that I was following him and called this monster on purpose to attack me or so that he could showoff his strength.

         But none of those were important now. The most important thing is how to knock this monster out. The wound that was caused by the crazy guy was smoky and only caused this monster to be evencrazier. Without realizing, I was holding something;my sword. Okay I never train my sword skills to be as great as a hero's. But it was the only way I've got.


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