Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1980361-A-Mythical-Summer-pt-2-WIP
Rated: GC · Other · Adult · #1980361
Kim discovers that her college best friend and crush, Amy is something far more than human
This story contains giantess themes. They are gentle and non-violent. There is no gore or anything gross. There is vore and sexually explicit content. If you are offended by this do not read please!

Here is a link to part one :  http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1980357-A-Mythical-Summer-pt-1?rfr...


Kim suddenly heard a loud sliding sound coming from the trees behind her. Quietly, Kim sneaked her way towards the sound, curious to see what could be causing it. She saw that the forest opened up into a large clearing and cautiously stepped out into it.  She was dumbstruck by what she saw.
         It was Amy, but she was gigantic! Kim guessed that she was no taller than one of her palms. Her wavy golden hair hung unbound over her shoulder. She wore only the velvety fur of some great beast to cover her massive bosom, which, despite her back being turned to Kim, the sides of which were visible. Kim was stunned not just by her size, but the fact that she had a tail! Her voluptuous hourglass curved into her buttocks and instead of legs, became a massive serpentine tail that coiled up below her multiple times. Kim could tell that the tail was that of a constrictor, as it was incredibly thick and smooth scaled. Her reptilian coils were a beautiful aqua color with a soft yellow underbelly. Kim gasped in awe at Amy's magnificent form.

         She must have had incredibly sharp hearing because she turned suddenly to see Kim standing at the other end of the clearing. She smiled, revealing her vampire-like fangs. Her intense blue eyes glittered deviously. Kim could see that the outside of her cheeks and shoulders were accented with the aqua colored scales, giving her a wild beauty about her. She was stunningly sexy, and judging by the look she was giving Kim, wanted to send her someplace warm and dark.
         The elf started to run back out of the clearing. There came another immense sliding sound as Amy's plump coils slithered into her path. Within the blink of an eye, the clearing was surrounded by her snake body.
         “Leaving already little elf?”
         Kim turned around to see Amy in all her curvacious glory slithering towards her. Her breasts and stomach swayed slightly as she moved. Despite being covered in scales, her hips were just as womanly as the normal Amy's. She wore another velvety fur over where her lady parts normally would be and apparently still were.
         “Don't you want to play with me first?”
Kim had failed to see Amy's tail creep up behind her. In moments, it had wrapped itself around her body . She watched as coil after gigantic coil pile up beneath her, raising her up far off of the ground. She was level with Amy's gargantuan boobs. A soft canyon of inviting cleavage filled her entire field of view. She looked up and saw the serpent girl's beautiful face smiling down at her. “Do you like what you see little elf? You are pretty cute yourself you know. I couldn't let a sweet little thing like you run from me.”

         The coils around her began to undulate. They felt smooth as silk and pressed in tightly on her. Kim moaned as the snake tail slide all over her body and squeezed her gently. Amy smiled wickedly and added more coils around the one already containing the elf girl. This increased the pressure ever so slightly. To Kim's surprise the serpent's skin was warm to the touch. The pressure caused her boobs to be pushed upward.
         Amy lifted her tail and Kim upward to her face. Kim was becoming red in the face at the undulations of Amy's reptilian body against her skin. She felt the soft scales sliding over her butt and her sensitive breasts.
         She barely managed to speak. She was both frightened and very turned on. “what are y...you  going to do with me?”
         Amy giggled, causing the massive valley of cleavage under Kim to wobble. “Whatever I want! You are mine little elf.”
         The undulations of the coils shifted, revealing Kim's Julia filled belly. Amy drew her in close to her mouth. The massive woman's hot breath washed over Kim. She watched as the huge forked tongue slithered forth from the serpent girl's mouth. It licked across Kim's stomach, causing Julia to squirm inside. The feeling of the slimy muscle rubbing against her combined with the struggling of the fairy in her belly was more than Kim could handle. She moaned out loud. The tongue wrapped itself around her midsection and squeezed on her, covering her in saliva. It pulled her in slightly, causing her face to be pressed against Amy's plush lower lip. The tongue slowly slithered its way back into her mouth.
         “Mmmmmm you are a tasty little elf. And it looks like you like to swallow your food whole just like me. Whoever she is, she's lucky to be trapped in that hot little body of yours.” Amy rubbed Kim's stomach (and in turn Julia) with the tip of her finger.
         The tongue snaked out of her mouth again and encircled Kim's head, covering her face in hot wet flesh. Saliva trickled down her face and shoulders. She felt the tip of Amy's tail force her legs apart and slide against her thighs. It came into contact with her panties and began pressing against them. Her womanhood was dripping with anticipation. It suddenly slid past her crotch and the coils began slithering against her bikini bottom. She opened her mouth to issue a muffled moan and got a mouthful of tongue flesh and Amy's saliva.
         Amy's finger reached up and ripped the bottom half of Kim's bikini from her with ease. She removed the bra as though it was tissue paper as well. The tongue now slid across her bare breasts, it's sliminess slipping over Kim's erect nipples. It slid over the coils and brought itself against Kim's womanhood. She gasped as it slid across her labia and screamed in pleasure as one of the tongue's forks inserted itself inside of her. Her scream was cut short as Amy's tail tip forced its way into Kim's mouth. She felt totally dominated by this gigantic beautiful creature.
         Just before her orgasm peaked, the tongue removed itself from her pussy and the tail released it's grip on her. She plummeted downwards into Amy's waiting coils. She bounced harmlessly off of the soft belly scales as she landed in the pile of Amy's fat coils. They slithered all around her, pressing in on her body and enveloping her in their endless reptilian embrace. A mass of coils lifted her up and Kim found herself facing the thin, velvety furs covering Amy's mega sized lady parts. She look up only to see the underside of Amy's chubby belly and her colossal breasts.
         Amy leaned her hips forward, pressing Kim into the soft furs. The heat here was intense and there was a growing dampness. Kim could feel the lips of Amy's pussy under the tiny skirt. The giantess's labia seemed to be fighting against the cloth to swallow the little elf. The sweet smell of Amy's arousal enveloped Kim like a drug.
         She could hear Amy's lustful sighing above her. “How does it feel to be covered in my scent little elf? No predator would dare come near you with that on you. They are all nothing compared to me. But there is one that it won't save you from.”
         Kim grew nervous, “Wh what might that be?”
         “Why me of course!” said Amy gleefully.
         The tail tip came back and pulled Kim from the more massive coils. Kim felt her legs being drug against the impossibly soft flesh of Amy's belly. The tail pulled her up a little higher and pressed her face into Amy's skin. She heard the a great roar from within as the stomach gurgled. Amy's belly wanted Kim and it was obvious that Amy was happy to oblige it.
         “Kim cried out, “Please don't eat me! I can be useful to you in so many ways! I can go places you can't fit. I can lure in more prey for you. I can pleasure you in any way you want!”

She was drawn away from Amy's big belly and held out in front of her. “Don't worry little elf, I'll get pleasure from you. Just the thought of having you inside of me turns me on. Don't you want to become a part of my perfect body?” Amy ran her hands over her immense breasts as her coils slithered seductively around her waist and belly. She laid back upon a pile of her coils and began bringing Kim closer to her body again. To Kim's surprise the tail tip did not bring her to Amy's mouth. Instead, she found herself being held over the snake girl's pit-like navel. It lowered her slowly, causing her legs to slide inside of the soft, fleshy cave. Amy's finger pushed down on Kim's head, pressing her through the coil of the tail tip. The tail released Kim and she found herself waist deep in Amy's fat belly button with her finger pushing lightly down on her.
“What are you doing to me?!”
Amy's belly shook all around her with laughter. “There is more than one way into my belly little elf. I save my bellybutton for very special occasions. This way will take you a long time to get to my stomach and bring me much pleasure. Just give yourself to me and you will enjoy it.”
         Amy continued to push Kim into her body with her finger until Kim was in up to her own navel. She tried to push herself out with her arms but the squishy walls of Amy's belly button held her in place. She could feel the soft folds of the navel under her feet.
         “Now comes the fun part,” Amy said in a voice dripping with lust.
Kim felt the chubby walls of the navel close in even more around her. A gentle suction began pulling her downwards. Her feet slipped between the folds at the bottom of the pit. Amy's belly button was swallowing her whole!

         She struggled in vain against the soft orifice. When she tried pushing down on the flesh around the navel, her arms slid inward and were pinned to her sides by Amy's navel.
         Kim was lost in confusion. She was terrified at the thought of being consumed by Amy's body, but the feeling of being slowly engulfed by Amy's wonderful flesh was driving her wild. Her naked skin was at the mercy of the fleshy embrace of this luxurious belly button. It pulsed all around her and squeezed her deeper into itself. Being this close to Amy was more than she could have imagined. A single tear fell from her eye as she resigned herself to the serpent girl's incredible body.

         Amy's belly began to rise and fall with her quickened breathing. One of her hands reached down and began rubbing her vast stomach all around Kim. Looking behind her, she saw that Amy's tail tip had slipped under the fur skirt and was undulating in her nether regions.

“Mmmmmmmm yes! I'm going to keep you in there forever!”

         Amy's bellybutton had swallowed Kim up to her breasts. The walls slipped up over her chest, causing her to gasp. The skin all around her was hot and pliant, but it still held her tightly with no chance of letting her escape. She could feel her legs being pulled deeper into Amy's twisting, squishy depths.
         She was up to her shoulders now. Amy's unique embrace around her became more and more intense as she slid even deeper. She looked up to see Amy's half lidded eyes behind her massive bosom. Her serpentine tongue had lolled out and slid into her top, visibly lapping at her own nipples. All around them Amy's coils flexed and slithered. Her deep blue eyes were fixed on Kim with a look of pure want and hunger. She was the most beautiful thing Kim had ever seen.

         Kim was now up to her head. The rim of Amy's navel rose up around her cheeks. The embrace on the rest of her body was intense. She was almost entirely encased in soft girl-flesh...and she was going deeper by the second.
         She emitted one final moan of pleasure and fear as her head was drawn into Amy's belly button. The entrance to the fleshy cave squeezed shut above her. She was now completely surrounded on all sides by Amy. She felt the folds of the giantess's navel slip over her face. Below them was more, soft, endless flesh. The unimaginably soft walls engulfed her, conformed to her body, and pulled her deeper and deeper into the darkness. All around her she could hear Amy's moans of pleasure as well as the excited beating of her powerful heart. In her own belly she could feel Julia struggling weakly as her captor was squished deeper and deeper into Amy's chubby flesh. There was no escape now. Kim's pathetic movements only caused her to sink deeper into Amy's hungry belly button. She gave in to the pleasure as her body orgasmed uncontrollably. She felt herself slide through her own cum as it lubricated her decent into Amy's seemingly endless flesh. She heard the snake girl's voice all around her. “You are mine...”
Kim came again and again as she was swallowed deeper into Amy's body.
“You are mine.”

© Copyright 2014 Ellie Kats (elliekat at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1980361-A-Mythical-Summer-pt-2-WIP