Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1980267-Chapter-3-End-of-the-World
Rated: 18+ · Other · Supernatural · #1980267
Chapter 3 End of the World
Chapter 3

“We are going to have to leave. I am telling you guys. That zombie queen was not normal. She could talk, she looked human, almost.” I shouted out at the crowd, as they argued back. “This is not up for discussion. We are leaving, if you decide to stay we will not come back for you.”
“How could you Silly?” One woman shouted.
“Why won't you fight. The other teams are for staying put.”
“We have worked to hard to abandon it now.”
“Listen, I won't force you to go. But remember, these beings are not human, I have seen them eat a live human being. You have seen what they can do.”
“I lost my daughter to them, she was just a baby, and they took her. If they are sentient, maybe they will let me be with her again.”
“Sally is that you?” Alec one of my medics asked. “If what Silly is saying is true, it doesn't sound like they will do that. It seems like they work on a hive mentality, and if I know a queen bee, she is not going to want any competition.”
“Do you think they can reproduce?” another woman asked Alec.
“I saw a pregnant female, and she was about to pop. Now I don't know if she contracted the zombie virus while that pregnant, and she is just in that state, or if she had some immunity to it, and became pregnant afterward, but we can't take any chances. I am with Silly, we should evacuate, and set up another home somewhere else. There are just to many zombies and not enough of us.” Zane said in a parade voice addressing the crowd.
“Look to many people have heard about this compound, that is evident enough in the strays we have knocking on our door, as recent as a week ago. We can leave notes telling them where to go. But our first order of action is to find a destination. I say we go north, towards colorado. Hell I would like to go so far north that zombies aren't even going to want to follow. But remember, where ever we decide to go it is going to have to be soon.” I said and stepped of the dias. “Recon will start in the morning.” I told Zane, “Figure out the details.” I grabbed my probie's arm and motioned for him to follow me.


“Where are you from JD?” I asked the second we walked into the rec-room.
“Nowhere in particular, why?” He responded.
“I want to know, and what the conditions were so I know where not to go.”
“Look north is a viable option, but there are zombies everywhere, and conditions are not as nice as these in big cities. That is what we should avoid at all costs. I suggest finding a very remote location where cities are not evident.”
“Well duh,” I replied rolling my eyes at JD stating the obvious. “Look I would like to know what your story is, where you are from, gather some stories about your life. Information is power in my mind.”
“I don't want to talk about it. Whats your story, why here?”
“Noneya. Know what that means? None your fucking business.”
“Ditto bitch.” I could tell I was getting under his skin, pissing him off and it actually felt good.
“Look I run this outfit, and when I ask a question, I get answers.”
“Doesn't matter if you run the ship, I don't offer up intel on myself without getting something in return. And the way you run this outfit is a joke. That stunt this morning training me was cute, but really, really, please. Giving your team info on a mission is important.”
“Not my problem you fucking chooch, like I said, I am in charge.” I took two steps towards him to get in his face, and he stepped right up to me.
“You need to back off Silly-girl, you don't who your fucking with.” He responded his voice raising slightly in his frustration.
“No asswipe, you don't know whom your messing with,” and with that brilliant comeback I punched him in the face.
At this point my anger was out of control, I can only think that JD saw it as well, as he turned without a word and started to walk away.
“Can I assume that I am right and you are wrong them?” I asked him a droll tone.
His back snapped rim rod straight, and I watched fascinated as every muscle in his body tensed. Yay, I was gonna get to fight. Unfortunately Zane chose that moment to open the door, and when he saw the situation, leaned in to whisper something in JD's ear. Then he looked back at me, turned on his heel and left. JD continued to stand there, as if digesting what Zane had told him.
I shrugged and figured that my fight was over, and not being able to beat on something decided that a bottle of scotch was in order. Can't beat the shit out of somebody then drunk was the next best thing.
I walked to the small bar we had set up, took out a set of keys and unlocked the cupboard that had my name written on it. Pulled out a unopened bottle of Glenlivet and popped the cork. I watched as a slight mist rose out of the bottle then brought it to my lips and tipped it up. Its the end of the world as we know it... “OH MY GAWD!” I groaned out in frustration. “Stupid fucking song.” Yeah I know I should have figured it by then that the stupid song only popped into my head when something dangerous was going to happen, but it had been a long year, and I was a bit slow when it came to epiphany’s.
JD grabbed my shoulder twirled me around and kissed me.
Shocked at the turn of events, my jaw opened and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. That was all it took, it had been so long. The sensual slide of his tongue against mine made me groan inwardly and I set the bottle down on the counter, and my hands, of their own volition curled up to the nape of his neck.
He reached around my back and pulled me closer to him, molding my hard body to his own. He was bigger then Zane, physically, and I found that I liked the feeling of being conquered by this man more then anything Zane and I had accomplished. It was that realization that had me fighting instead of complying, and JD let me go suddenly.
I looked into his eyes, and I saw fire. Passion, lust, and wait, was that a flash of anger as well?
“Go away,” I uttered still trying to get my body under control. My stomach was fluttering, my heartbeat was racing, and my knees felt weak. I was totally turned on, and that was not a good thing. JD was a unknown, and could leave at any time. I didn't need that kind of complication in my life. If the shit hit the fan, and it would, I needed to know that he wouldn't take stupid risks as far as I was concerned. Like Zane had done. I would break it off, and then JD would be like Zane as well, hooking up with any woman he could. The difference between Zane and JD, is that I felt something for JD, Zane had never made me feel. I thought Zane was totally hot, I after all had slept with him, however, him sleeping around with the blonde bimbo didn't hurt me. Maybe it made me feel sad that he had moved on so quickly, but if JD did that I had a feeling it would crush me.
“Whatever,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair. “What time do you want me ready tomorrow?”
“Five-thirty sound okay?” What the fuck was wrong with me, I gave orders not asked permission.
“When ever,” he replied and then left.
I took a deep breath and looked around wildly.
A clapping started, and my wild eyes scanned the room looking for the culprit. “That was impressive,” Zane mocked continuing to clap.
“What the fuck do you want?” I asked grabbing my bottle of scotch and deciding that maybe a glass would be in order. I pulled out two, inspected them, deciding that they were clean, I poured three fingers in each and passed one to Zane.
“Look Cicily, I know you are lonely, I only wish I could be what you need me to be,” I took a sip and sighed,” but we both know I can't.”
I nodded, feeling my eyes start to sting, gulped down my glass and poured another. Crying wouldn't do any good, and I was determined not to shed a tear.
“Look, I can see the tension between you guys, hell a blind man could see it, why didn't you give in to it?”
“Because Zane, JD is different, if he did to me what you did with any bimbo that had a twat it would kill a piece of me.”
“What?” Zane's jaw dropped. “I never knew it bothered you I was sleeping around.”
“Its only because you didn't want to see it. It doesn't matter Zane, we are over and done with, we both made sure of it. We are partners, best friends, siblings if you will, so don't go getting all guilty on me.” I took another sip of my scotch, and rubbed the back of my neck. “I need a bath, see you tomorrow, pick a partner, I don't trust JD with anybody but me right now, still to green, and doesn't know procedure. As much as I would like to stick him with Richie, I won't.” I chuckled and Zane joined me.
“Damn, that means I will have to take Richie then, can't punish somebody else with him.”
At that statement I laughed harder, locked up my bottle of booze and got ready to turn in for the night. “G'nite Zane, don't get crabs or something from your chick.” I smiled, grabbed a towel and went to bathroom. We kept river water in camp shower bags to rinse off with. It may not be hot, but that didn't really bother me. My body was still in knots and I figured a cold shower would be just the thing. Glass and towel in hand, I walked into the locker room type shower and undressed.
There were six other shower heads in the big room, but I was alone. I was thankful for that. Not that it bothered me to shower with men, or other women, I just wanted to be alone. I set my drink on a small shelf after taking another small sip, went to the nearest shower head and pulled the lever to rinse off. I had just finished soaping up my hair when the door opened. “Great,” I muttered not really wanting to socialize.
“Sorry, didn't think anybody would be in here.”
The all to familiar voice resonated throughout the room. Double great. The cold shower had done some repair on my over whelming hormones, but just the gravely sound of his voice had me quivering again. “You could come back in five minutes, I will be gone by then.” I replied.
“Shit,” he ground out between clenched teeth.
I turned to look at him, hair stuck up in a soapy crown on my head, and gasped. The fucker was already naked, and damn, did that nakedness look good on him. “Like I said I will be done in about five minutes, since you sound so thrilled to see me.” I put one hand on my hip, and jutted it out, then reached for my glass of scotch with the other. I was just about to reach my glass when JD strode across the tiled room and got right up next to me.
“I don't think you understand my meaning,” he whispered in a hoarse voice, grabbed my free hip and yanked me against his sculpted body. He was ready to go as far as coitus, and if I was being honest with myself, I don't think I would have stopped me.
“Get your fucking hands off--” he intrupted my rant with his mouth. Dipping his head, he nipped at my chin. It stopped me cold and I inhaled fast. This, if I allowed it to happen was not going to be sweet and gentle. I snaked my hand to his stomach, and ran it up his chest. He inhaled in shudders.
“Gawd woman, you could make a man crazy.” He muttered, dipping his head lower to nip at my throat.
“Mmmm,” I groaned as I tweaked his small pebble of a nipple. That was the end of our sweet and gentle. The next few minutes were a blur of teeth, nails and panting. I came to my senses when I hit my noggin on the shower head. He had picked me up, and slammed me against the wall. I had automatically wrapped my legs around his waist, and he was angling to insert his member into me.
“Wait!” I practically shouted.
He froze, breathing hard, so close to completion of what I desperately wanted.
“We can't do this.” I mumbled. He leaned his head against my shoulder and nodded. JD took two huge gulps of air, and then let me slowly slide down his body. When my feet hit the cold tiled floor, my knees wouldn't hold me up. He kept his shaking hands on my hips, letting me get my bearing, and once satisfied that I could hold myself up, he turned on his heel and strode from the room, but not before he grabbed up my glass and gulped down what was left in it. Its the end of the world...
“JD wait,” I stuttered as he opened the door. “Do you understand why ...” I trailed off my sentence and shrank back when he turned to glare at me.
“Nope, Look woman, I am not looking for any attachments if that is what you are worried about. You obviously have it bad for Zane, and yet he doesn't return your sentiment. Sorry if I misunderstood your position on this whole soap opera we find ourselves in, but this is the last time I will be able to stop. If this happens again, I won't stop.”
He stalked out the room, and left me there, shaking, wet and soapy and totally unsatisfied. “Stupid bitch,” I mumbled to myself, “Why did he have to be such a boyscout?” I wondered aloud, and drenched myself in cold water to rinse my hair and soap off my body.


I tossed and turned all night, and overslept the next morning. When I did finally get my lazy, tired ass out of bed, I walked to the rec room to get my coffee, and JD was sitting there waiting.
“And so she does live,” He smartly said to the room full of men, who all snickered at me. And with that one statement the entire day was bad, if only I knew how bad it was going to get. I grabbed a cup of joe, turned on my heel and stalked out of the room. Striding straight to the garage, I walked in and grabbed a helmet. JD hadn't caught up to me yet, and I was not waiting. I grabbed my dirt bike I hopped on. I hadn't even stopped to get provisions for the day. I had my pistol, machete, and a sawed off twelve gauge pump action. That was my arsenal for the day and I was good going it alone as well.
I knew of enough places to get provisions that I could supply myself. I kept three water bottles on my bike,one of which actually had water in it, the other two something a little stronger. The saddle bags on my bike also had extra shells for the shotgun. JD came walking around the corner of the garage when I gunned it out of there. I rode past him hauling ass and smirked at the shocked expression on his face. I looked in my mirror and laughed watching him sprint to the garage, and I was out the gate before I heard the sounds of him starting his own dirt bike. It was when I reached the old dirt road heading off across the BLM land that the first hot tear slid down my cheek. Of all things to happen to me, being mocked by my own people wasn't one of them. I could already hear the slight menace in their voices, they had never liked the fact that I was in charge. The women, sure they liked it just fine, but the men, they had resented me from the get go. I had made a home in these crazy times, someplace safe, something they couldn't do. They hated me for being better at survival, and they probably liked nothing better then to see me knocked from that leadership by some probie, who had no idea how things ran. Yeah well fuck em all. They didn't want me there, they liked JD, they could have him then.
They tears continued to slide down my face, as I continued to feel sorry for myself. It didn't last as long as it could have. The two hundred thousand acres of BLM land calmed me, and as I rode farther into the wilderness I had to pay more attention to where I was. Riding a dirt bike was fun. I can remember the desert cross competitions I had competed in a few years back. I had my uncle to thank for that. He got me my first bike at age ten, and the more I rode with him, the better the bike and gear he gifted me with. I smiled at the memories of him and me, romping all over the country side.
Its the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine... Lost in my memories, and not paying attention, I must really be fucked up, because those zombies popped out of nowhere, and I came to a screeching halt. Three dead fuckers just ahead of me, and it was then that my epiphany happened. That stupid fucking song. I would pay attention better now. I pulled out my shotgun as the zombies ambled toward me, and shot the leader point blank with buckshot. His brain matter splattered the two behind him, but it didn't slow them down. One down, two to go. I revved the engine and gunned it, holstering my shotgun and pulling my machete, I needed some blood and gore to snap myself out of my mood, and as I closed on the next zombie I swung as hard as I could and took off his head. I rode ahead and circled around, stopping and waiting for the third zombie to locate me. I was on my game now and almost decided to try another decapitation but decided not to press my luck. The song was quiet and I was winning. So instead I drew my pistol and put two in her head. The zombies were getting smarter and it puzzled me. I shrugged as her body hit the ground her brain matter leaking out, and turned the bike north once again.
Riding along an old bike path, I used to ride along what seemed like a lifetime ago, but was actually only fourteen months, I looked ahead and saw him. Just sitting there waiting for me. Gun drawn and watching my movement. I guess my conniption fit was over. I couldn't run away, I had to many responsibilities, and my pride wouldn't allow myself to run anyway.
I topped the hill and stopped next to JD. I had started to mentally call him Jack, even though I had no idea what his first name was.
“So did you kill them all?” JD asked me.
“Do you actually care Jack?” I replied back.
“What the fuck is up with you? I am trying to figure out how to take you. You dish it out but when someone gives it back you throw a fit.”
He was pissed and I guess I couldn't blame him. I was acting like a two year old, “Look Jack you're right.” His mouth popped open in shock. “I am not sure what you have heard about me, but I am a little trigger happy. I tend to act first and then think it through later. I am stressed to the max, and lonely. I need to clear my head sometimes, and Zane knows me well enough when to let me have my space. Getting saddled with you is my own fault. I should have left you alone. Not come and got you that first morning. Was it really only two days ago?”
JD said nothing, he dismounted his bike, yanked his helmet off, and leaned in to kiss me. I stopped him with a hand on his chest. “Of all the stupid things, you just said you didn't get me, if I allow this to go further, you are really screwed. I am not easy to get along with.”
“Shut-up already.” And with that remark he closed the remaining distance between us and kissed me like I was a cold drink of water on a hot day. Again, I had the feeling that anything JD and I did together was not going to be soft and gentle. When he probed my mouth with his tongue, I gladly opened for him, and my loins tightened with the first touch of our tongues. I grabbed his tongue with my teeth and sucked on it slow and hard, making him groan with passion.
“We have to stop right now, or I am going to throw you on the ground and fuck the shit out of you right now.
“That is a lovely thought.” I remarked dryly with a soft chuckle. He grinned into my cheek, and I panted wanting it to be fourteen months earlier so we could just throw our jackets on the ground and fuck like bunnies. “It really is the end of the world as we know it.” I commented thinking about all the things we could be doing right now instead of trying to kill zombies.
“Yeah two years ago I would already be inside you on the ground, but still I feel fine about the good things to come.”
“Well you know what they say... anticipation makes the event better.”
“Oh Silly I don't think that we are going to have many problems with our passion.” He gave my chin a quick nip, which gave me goose bumps, slapped his helmet back on and got back on his bike. “Where to?”
“No idea, my brain is addled, but we need to scout to the north. I want the fuck away from that crazy zombie bitch.”
“I say we find some place to hole up for the day,” he gave me an evil grin and waggled his eyebrows which made me laugh.
“Not really an option right now,” I winked, “However, it is going to be soon I think. Otherwise I will lose control at the worst possible moment and we will both be zombie food.”
“Amen to that my Silly-girl.”
“I started my bike and we rode again, only this time it was together.”

The day was pretty uneventful as we rode, and I was beginning to think that north may be the right answer. When the day started to come to an end, we hadn't seen a zombie since the three I had already killed. I knew where we were and where to stop for the night. We were on a three day survey, two days out one back. We were to scout all routes, and find safe passage for a large group of humans, including children. After we got back to the compound we would then start a relay series of scouting ahead. And so when I saw the old adobe house, practically in ruins I knew there was our safe haven.
I looked to JD and nodded, held a finger up to my lips to indicate I wanted silence, we parked our bikes and proceeded on foot. We could outrun a few zombies back to the bikes, but after our run in with the zombie queen I was thinking that the dead bastards were starting to get smarter. The hive mentality of bees and wasps was proven to work since the beginning of all life, and I had a feeling it was proving to be effective once again. The best thing about hive mentality is that the hive is only as smart as the queen, the worst is the same exact thing. If you are dealing with a wily bitch like our zombie queen then there is no telling what she may have planned. And so with these thoughts running through my head I used extreme caution.
JD and I started out slow, helmets on, weapons at the ready. Cocked and chambered, I wasn't taking any chances. We held at fifty feet, and I looked around, nothing moved and with a nod, I motioned for JD to take the lead. I followed close behind him, and kept an eye on our gear as well as covering our backs. It was slow going and my heartbeat was going a mile a minute, however, we made it into the building and did a quick sweep of the interior. Nothing amiss, nothing had entered here since the last time I had come. The sand was thick on the floor and undisturbed as we swept through the house, and I knew it had not been touched. JD was ahead of me, and about to start up the stairs when I lay my hand on his shoulder. I shook my head and pointed to the banister, the last time I had been there I had set up tree mortars on the banister in the hopes of killing something that shouldn't have been there and it was still intact. Yeah I might have also killed a human who was seeking shelter but that thought didn't weigh on my heart to heavily. We needed safe places to retreat to and this had been one of mine.

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