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by Deb L.
Rated: E · Short Story · Family · #1980007
When a couple's car got stuck on the ice, a team of strangers came together to help.
Over the weekend we went to a local mall that I had not been to in years.  My husband likes to take back roads and as we were going home in the dark, he made a wrong turn. After a mile or so he realized it, but we got to a road that he knew so he took that. As we were winding through the beautiful countryside, I saw a car sitting in what I thought was a field or a driveway with the lights on. We started to go around a curve and a man was in the middle of the road, waving us down.

My husband stopped, rolled down the window as asked what was wrong. The man said that he and his girlfriend's car was stuck on some ice and asked if we could help them. We said that we would try to push them out. So my husband parked in the lot of an apartment house just a few feet away. We got out, took our cell phones, locked the car and started walking...to the car I had seen earlier. It turned out the 'field' was the parking lot of a quarry that is no longer in use. Because of that, it had not been plowed. And they were stuck!

Since the area is in a valley surrounded by trees, they could not get a signal on their cell phones. We tried pushing the car, but we could not get any traction with all the ice. So my husband tried to call for help, but he was having trouble getting a signal. So he walked up towards the road a little and finally got through. The state police connected him with a tow truck driver who was unable to come out.

So my husband kept looking on his GPS for a local tow truck. The entire time our son was walking around the area looking for anything to put under the tires to get some traction.  He found a couple things, but they did not work.

A neighbor across the street came out and said that she had a jeep! We carry heavy duty rope in our car. This was starting to look good! The lady with the jeep backed up to the car and my husband got on the ground and tied the vehicles together. He told the lady to get in her jeep and SLOWLY pull forward until he tells her to stop. He told the girl to get in her car, put it in reverse and when the car starts moving, follow the jeep out. And whatever she does, do NOT stop! My son, the girl's boyfriend and I were at the front of the car. The rope was taught and my husband told the lady with the jeep to go. She did and at first, the wheels on both vehicles were spinning. Then the wheels grabbed and the car started moving! I told my son to PUSH with everything he had! The car started moving backwards! I lost my footing on the ice and fell. My son and the man were still at the front of the car. The car slid sideways and my son fell. We started yelling to the girl to keep going...don't stop! A few seconds later, both vehicles were safely on the road! My husband yelled for both vehicles to stop! They did and he got on the ground again to untie the rope.

The couple followed us to where our car was parked. The man pulled out his wallet, took out some money, put it in my husband's hand and insisted that he take it. The girl came over to me, thanking us over and over, hugged me and told us that she had prayed to God for help.

I told her that we had made a wrong turn and ended up on that road. The man said that was good luck. I told them that I don't believe in luck. God PUT us on that road for a REASON! He heard her prayer and answered it by making sure that we took that road just at the right time and had some of the tools necessary and the know-how to get the job done!
© Copyright 2014 Deb L. (loyerd6 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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