Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1978950-The-Great-Debate-
Rated: E · Article · Cultural · #1978950
Is there intelligent design ?
      "It is with great humility that I try to remove the vale of prehistory .."
      Muzzy cleared his throat. The audience was hushed as Richard Dawkins
      walked across the stage and sat in a French chair opposite Muzzy.
      "My learned guest Richard Dawkins." Muzzy stated and the audience
      applauded .

      Muzzy sipped some water ,  " Richard may I call you Dick ?"

      " No. " Dr. Dawkins replied with a smirk.

      " Science is only as good as its scientists. Correct ? "  Muzzy pressed on.

      " Yes , of course that's why we have experiments to test our theories.
      I'm not sure what your credentials are ?  Do you have a degree ? "
      Dr. Dawkins cheeks appeared to be flushed as he raised his bushy white
      eye brows.

      " I am a thinking man. How many times have fossils been incorrectly identified?
      Was there a dinosaur in the British Museum that had the wrong head ? "
      Muzzy gave a toothy smile at Dr. Dawkins.

      " Yes. All of these mistakes were corrected by anthropologists.
      This is the scientific method of testing and retesting theories.
      Where are we going with this ? " Dr. Dawkins answered tersely ..

      " Well , is it possible that Sasquatch sightings are actually Neanderthal sightings ?
      Perhaps , some Neanderthals survived into our century .. " Muzzy spoke with
      a deep intensity .

      Richard Dawkins squirmed in his chair and leaned forward toward Muzzy :

                                                " Your an idiot. "

      The audience broke out in laughter and applause .  Muzzy smiled :

                                  " Every theory must be tested. Correct? "

      At that moment a very hairy naked woman walked across the stage and sat
      between Muzzy and Dr. Dawkins. " This is absurd. This is clearly a woman. "
      the doctor took a sip of his bottled water. " Oh? Note the heavy forehead and
      thick head of hair and hairy legs , arms and chest. Are these the features of
      a Neanderthal ? " Muzzy replied and received a polite applause.

      " Don't applaud that . This is ridiculous . . She does have rustic features ,
      but the Neanderthal had a heavier skeleton and superior strength . ."
      Before the doctor could finish his sentence the woman had picked him up in
      the air with a hand firmly gripped to the leg of his chair. The audience cheered .
      " Put me down !  This is a circus ! " Dr. Dawkins shouted something obscene
      and stomped off the stage.

      Muzzy smiled at the hairy naked woman ,  " Kai . Please introduce yourself. "
      " I am from a tribe of Sasquatch .. We are gentle and wish to live in peace with you.
      We live in the places too wild for you , but now your cities are taking these places ..
      Let us have the swamps and snow mountains .. We will not be noticed . "
      Kai speech brought cheers .  She raised her arms and her children ran to her side
      her husband lumbered out to stand beside her with a roar.

      " So , it would seem science needs to be amended again. " Muzzy smirked.


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