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A newly discovered writer wants to write at the worst possible times. |
It started at dawn I have no idea what I am doing, writing this down right now. I just know it needs to be told in a manner only I can. I haven't all of the words yet nor the knowledge to use them. I just know there's one member in the audience who's counting on them. I've never let him down before, I won't start now. After a perfect night and quite a bit of chatter, I spoke with many friends on many diverse and interesting subjects. It was once I tried to sleep the thoughts entered my head. I said to them "No we can't", after all I was tired. My mind wandered aimlessly as though I were not thinking clear at all. One thought after another would leave my head and might as well hit the floor and shattered. "You know what you have to do" one said, "I do too" I heard amongst the noise. I knew I hadn't gone crazy as this has happened before. It reminds me of a feeling of being a child going to the movies for the first time, the excitement, the smells all the people, how it sets my senses on fire. I'm much older now and when I tell you what's kept me up, you might laugh, or sympathize. It wasn't the writing I had to do so much. It wasn't that I had a lot on my mind, I have these symptoms everyday and usually sleep well. Before I tell you why I'm in such a frenzy I have to explain how I figured it out. I had recently started writing, it wasn't writing to me. To many of you, you can look up transcribing or I can save you some time now. Transcribing is a method known as putting your thoughts and things like data on paper. Sounds easy enough right? Try it before you answer that next time. Then try to imagine the biggest event that had ever happened to you in your life. Now write it down with every detail you remember. Might take you weeks to get it all right if your not a writer. Because it's so important you, I know you will do a good job. Your best job! I am a writer, every experience is treated as though it is the biggest most important event ever! at least as far as preparation and delivery are concerned. For development and production, I have to give my over active, over achieving Dark imagination full credit. It really is all in my head, the words I use and the feelings to match many. There are times when my creativity is zapped, when there is nothing up there in my skull but air it seems. Right now is a perfect example, I have nothing, it's almost sleep writing. partially because I need to write in the way a jogger needs to jog or the way gravity works. It's there and I know how to use it. I just haven't come close to perfecting it by any means. But why up all night and what's a frenzy? I'll tell you why I was up all night in a moment or two. I have to tell you a quick story first about this frenzy and what it means to me. A frenzy to me is I'm running around doing to much to fast for the amount of time I have. It's as though you only have 4 hours to do 9 hours worth of work, you need to hustle. Your probably wondering how does a writer do all that work in half the time. If you are, I'll tell you this, it's not typing faster. If you didn't wonder because you thought I typed faster, you were wrong too. It doesn't matter how fast I type. I type about as fast as I think or at the speed of thought. So when your writing your perfect story tell yourself I need to do this 2 times faster, then do it. If you make it that far email me and tell me how easy it was, to speed up your thoughts. If it was easy for you, maybe your a writer too. Now try it. Right now, the clock has started and I need a story about a dwarf who ate a green apple and the effects of the poison that was in it and it had on him. Have that done in one hour. It's not as easy as some may think. Some would overthink it, some would be creative and finish the exercise successfully. Then my favorite group would be the ones who came back in 2 minuets and said "nothing, the poison does not effect the dwarf because he is from gamfusia. Everyone knows gamfusians are immune to poison." I call the last group creative writers, they can learn and write at the same time. The second group is creative also, they are not writers. Even the first group has the potential but overthinking anything is never good for you. Is that what it is, your overthinking something and it's got you in a frenzy? I know that's what you are thinking. No, it's not that. I do overthink things, but not right now. For being up all night I am actually very calm as I type. My creativity is taxed worse than Americans right now. The thoughts are flowing and that's what I need. As a writer I discovered long ago that it does feel better to write when I'm like this. Mostly I have written in my journals, then I graduated into internet website articles in my spare time, all to learn how to write. Well that and for the experience, I know I don't give myself enough credit. Writers block is another thing I run into, especially in a frenzy, again if this was a real time cruncher, how would you handle it. For me, it's go back, read a few lines of text and pray I can reconnect my rail cars of thoughts for this exercise. Oddly enough humor helps me out a lot. Humor will help you out of a lot of situations, ever heard the expression "If I don't laugh, what else is there?" I've been there, I can relate. When all you have left is laughter, to hide your pain. Nothing else, words won't do, speech has failed you. All you can do is laugh. Have you ever felt this way? If you haven't I want you to know something. You will because you are human too. What I'm about to tell you reminds me of being a surgeon and walking into the biggest hospital I have worked in thus far. I see the ER and all the patience, one rolled by me on a stretcher with 6 medical workers screaming codes like I'm in an episode of scrubs. But it's real, The doctors, the nurses, the cleaning staff, the cooking staff. So many levels of employees, so many unique people all in one place. Then I make it to the operating room where I see my team of surgeons. What a fine group, it's an honor to be meeting them. Only I never worked at a hospital, I'm not really a surgeon but I do save lives only in a different way. I was put here for good although I have no idea why. This is the end of exercise one for me, good job! |