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The story of a young Romanian boy. Fantasy mixed with reality and historical characters! |
THE SUFFERINGS OF LILIANA -Come inside Alex, we have prepared your baggage for the journey; said Liliana. But he did not answer. -Alex? Are you alright? Alex! Answer me ! But he did not answer. She strolled over and touched his breathless body. -What are you doing here?! Come inside. She turned him over, looked at him, and remained silent. His face was pale, emotionless. Upon gazing into his eyes, she saw how something was draining the life out of her child. He was still breathing. -What happened, my son? Alex tried to say something, but there as not enough vital force in his drained body. -No! Don't speak! You will be fine! I will call an ambulance. Breath, breath, breath!!! Alex touched her hand and opened his eyes. He looked at her for one last time. His mother was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Before falling into the eternal sleep he looked at his jeans, like he was trying to say something. Liliana looked into his pocket and saw a piece of paper, tightly wrapped. She looked into his eyes and saw a glimpse of light. -What is this Alex? What are you trying to tell me? Alex drew a last breath and closed his eyes forever. -NOOOOOOO! My child!!! Tears were now falling from her eyes. She could not understand what had happened, and was now in a state of shock. Her mind had collapsed and there was nothing she could do about it. She was standing in the front yard, by the side of her dead child's corpse. The pain was terrible, and she alone could not carry such a burden. The piece of paper fell from her hand, but immediately she grabbed and unwrapped it. Upon reading it's content, she fainted. In a blink of an eye the time changed. A storm started. It was like the sky itself was crying, and the nature was so filled with anger that it had decided to unleash its strongest winds. What had Alex written on that tiny piece of paper? What had shocked Liliana so much? What made her faint? Just before the water ruined it, the hidden information appeared crystal clear. There was only one word, one name, with too many feelings behind it: AMALASUNDA. THE CAVE OF SHEN'DIR -Oh thou old soul! Wake up, wake up and fulfill your destiny. I once called you Esau, remember thou? Rise, Alex! Rise and cometh to me ! -Samael, is that you? Where are we? -Say no more! Follow me! -Wait...Samael? I remember this place. This is the Black Gate of Hahn Kuhr, isn't it? Samael, wait! Didn't I die? I remember a powerful light entering my body and burning me on the inside. How can I be here? What happened? -Follow me and everything will become clear. Hold my hand, and never let go ! As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Samael spread his wings. Their immensity and splendor left Alex paralyzed for a moment. An yellow aura surrounded them, an aura filled with peace and harmony. He grabbed Samael's hand and together they took off. -Be still now, we will get there soon. -Where are we going? -It's called The Cave of Shen'Dir . During the old days, it served as a fortress for the great Dwarf King Shazzum'Dir. Thou will stay there until thou will remembereth. Day and night tou shall train, thou shall learn how to awake and control your spiritual energy. Finmor shall assist, aid, and protect thou. Alex listened carefully to Samael's words, but as much as he wanted to believe that everything was real, he just could not. -Who is Finmor?...actually nevermind that. This is just a dream. It cannot possibly be true. I want to wake up! I need to wake up! Let me go, Samael ! They were now standing in front of the cave's entrance. The kid began to struggle against Samael, and to hit himself so he would wake up from the dream. -CIOBANU ALEXANDRU IOAN, you think I am some sort of clown? You think this is a joke? You think I am not real? The sky turned black. Samael's aura changed. He drew his sword and pointed it to Alex. As soon as the blade touched his skin, an yellow energy surrounded it, making it deadlier than before. -This is the sword of Ragnar, the most powerful demon king ho stepped upon this lands. You and I fought him long time ago. Remember thou, oh Esau, when the wicked demons charged towards us? Hast thou no memory of that age? -Stop calling me Esau! My name is Alex! Demons you say?DEMONS? There is no such thing as demons. They are merely an invention that the church uses to control the population. Samael's sword pierced through Alex's chest. -Is this real, Esau? Can thou feel the pain? Can thou feel the vital energy being drawn out of you? Can thou feel the venom spreading throughout your entire body? Alex fell onto his knees, worn out of breath. -...but why? Why kill me now...? he murmured. -Oneth must feel in order to believe. Don't you agree? SERATH! MAMN RINK DUN, LIMN FOC! The blade turned red, and now, instead of drawing the life force, it seemed to give it back, to heal the body. Alex froze in time for a moment, but quickly regained consciousness. -What is this, Samael? I thought I was going to die. How come suddenly I feel better, even better than before? -SERATH! I summon Thou! Said Samael with a deep, powerful voice. -I must leave now, Esau. Serath shall remain here with thou, until Finmor's arrival. She will tell thou everything thou need to know. Listen to her carefully, and do not doubt her words, for Serath hast been with me since the Holy War. Listen to her, Esau. I shall return soon! That being said, he disappeared in an instance. -Samael, wait! You forgot your sword... and who is this Serath? Samael ! THE FORGOTTEN FRIEND As the boy stood there, the blade began to vibrate and shine. As the light emanated from the sword grew brighter and brighter, the earth started to tremble. -Oh come on, now what? The light was so strong that Alex had to close his eyes in order to maintain his sight. When the earth stopped trembling, he opened them once again. The light had vanished, but on the ground, in the place where the blade used to be, now a cloud of mist was standing. -Hello Esau! My name is Serath. I am the spirit that resides inside Samael's blade. -Come out of the mist so I can glance at you! -As you wish! The creature advanced towards Alex. -It cannot be true! You...you!!!I remember you! The boy bowed before her, and when he got up, he looked straight into her eyes. The same green eyes he had seen long time ago. The same curly red hair, the same angel appearance. -I have missed you so much! Are you really her...? All this time I have thought about you, wondering what had happened. -Esau...It's me. -Do not call me Esau. My name is Alex. Don't you remember, my dear Elena? Don't you remember us? You were my first love, you were the only girl for whom I would have traded my life., but I was only a child, despite of my feelings. I have thought about you every moment. I weeped, I despaired, I wanted to hear your voice again, to admire your beauty, to be part of your being, to share the same breath with you. Where have you been, Elena? Why did not you allow me to paint your essence with my dying breath? Have not my tears pierced through your soul? I have cursed the creature who broke our bond, and swore to have my vengeance upon him. -Elena, my dear nymph, where have you been all this time? What happened to you? How come you appear before me now? -So many questions Esau, and so much time to provide answers. Sit down, old friend. Sit down and we shall talk. The glow of her aura vanished, and she was now sitting next to Alex, holding his hands. -I've always wanted to hold your hand, to be so close to you. My biggest desire was to feel your skin, your touch, and let go of myself. -Time has cometh for you to know the truth, young Alex. As Samael may have already told you, long time ago during the Age of Kings there has been a tremendous battle between the demonic army of Leviathan, ruler of Hell at that moment, and the angelic army led by Lucifer, the purest creature who has stepped into Heaven. Leviathan took over Hell after destroying the High Council that used to take decisions. -We need to stand up to the filthy angels. They have been raiding and killing our kind for far too long; said Leviathan. Time has cometh for them to feel our wrath. Vengeance must be taken. -Madness! Madness! Have you gone mad Leviathan? Asked Belial, one of the High Council members. You know that they are led by Lucifer and his legions of Archangels. Don't you remember when your father, Shaitan, waged a war upon him and end up expelled from the Celestic Realm to Earth to live among humans? Don't you remember how Lucifer tortured our kind? Why do you think we are here? Can't you see that we are being treated like some sort of dogs? Don't you know that he made us his slaves and forced us to protect him against Those who live beyond the pits? -Upon hearing Belial's speech, Dagon raised his voice. -Non sense! Non sense! We have been their slaves and protectors for far too much time. Since our lord Shaitan has been expelled and sent to Earth, I have been involved into the mortals' world too. They have worshipped and looked at me as I was their God. I have found our lord and kept him informed. He wants to have his vengeance upon Lucifer and his kind. -But not even the Lord is strong enough to defeat the Light Bringer; said Lilith, the 4th and last member of the Council. -Maybe not, but I am his son, and I possess the same demonic energy. Together we can put an end to this. Tell me Dagon, where is my father? Where is The Lord of Hell? -His location is irrelevant, master. His return is forbidden! -Not entirely...mumbled Leviathan -No! Tell me you did not break the Human Seal. -screamed Lilith -Oh but I did! I have found a way to use the Forbidden Technique. -It must be done! Said Dagon -No! As Lilith said, you cannot use the Human Seal. It might disturb the balance. -Said Belial -It must be done, and it will be! My father will return, and all those who are against him, shall perish! Dagon, I will need your help. -At your command, my Prince! -In order for the Seal to work, the humans' world must suffer. Earthquakes, floods, thunder storms, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, wars. They must suffer and die. I believe in you Dagon, do not disappoint me! -I'll see it done! From that day on, my dear Esau, the humans' world, your world, changed. Most of the population died, so Shaitan could return. The curse that Dagon put on your world was supposed to last for 300 years, but it ended on 2nd of February of 1995. -But that's the day I was born. What do you mean, Elena? -When Shaitan faced Lucifer on the battlefield, at first he seemed to win. His energy was stronger than Lucifer's. In order to win, the Light Bringer asked someone to aid him. He asked a human for help. The Archangels were not happy knowing that a human is helping them, but it had to be done. His spiritual energy was tremendous. He had passed through the Soul Gate, and had achieved the rank of Ruler of the First Legion. A human led the First Legion of Archangels into battle. It has never happened since then. No human has managed to pass through the Soul Gate again. Now Alex, you know who that human is, you know him well enough. -That man...was it Esau? -Indeed he was. He charged fiercely against the demonic hoards, being supported by the strongest Archangel, by the one that he gave life to. -Was it Samael? -Correct! Esau and Samael helped Lucifer to defeat Shaitan and take control over Hell. Even though Esau had acquired a gargantuan power that gave him an unusual longevity in his mortal life, he eventually died, and Samael remained by Lucifer's side. As I was saying earlier, the son of Shaitan has waged war upon the Light Bringer. Dagon accepted to serve and aid him, while Belial denied it. As punishment, he got slaughtered and his energy vanished. Fearing for my life, I left Hell and headed to Heaven. On the way there I met Samael. I recognized him and he recognized me. Long time ago, when you created him, and he first arrived upon these lands, he charmed me and I charmed him. He was tall and strong, and I was young and beautiful. We spent days and nights together. He taught me what love is, and I taught him the true meaning of passion. During those days, we defiled our bodies with lust and desire. Eventually, he told me about Lucifer, Esau, and I revealed him the plan of Leviathan, and the upcoming war. He swore to protect me, but I, a demon, could not enter Heaven. Samael approached Samael and asked him for a favour. The Light Bringer allowed me to stay, but to be able to do that I had to change my appearance. I wanted to be with Samael forever, so I got rid of my body and forced my spirit to enter into his sword. He has been my Lord and I have been his Queen ever since. Upon hearing that Leviathan is summoning his father to aid him in battle, Lucifer knew that he had to bring Esau back, or at least, his spirit. On the 2nd of February of 1995, the Light Bringer finished the ritual and put Esau's spirit into a new born baby. That baby were you! But a human needs years to grow and develop, and someone had to protect you. Samael sent me first, to guard you. I took control over a young girl's body and mind, and I took care of you for as much as I could. I repelled all the attacks, but then, Leviathan sent his general to destroy Esau's spirit. Asmodeus defeated me and my young apprentice, Franci, but right before putting his hands on you, Samael arrived and pushed him away. -What about the day when I died? -You did not die. Lucifer summoned Esau's spirit and you had to leave the human world. -What about my family, and my friends? Have you thought about that? No, of course not! You only need me to defend your precious heaven. Why would I help you? I have nothing left to lose now. What else can you do to me? You took away my family, you took away my girlfriend, and all of my feelings. Why would I care about your little skirmish? She stood up and glanced at him! -Shush! She giggled. Come with me, Esau. Come and you shall receive answers. Drenched in confusion, and slightly annoyed, Alex grabbed her hand. -No! You shall stay here and tell me what I want to hear! -Let go, Esau! You are hurting me! -Oh, I am hurting you?! Is it you who recently lost everything, or me?! Think again Elena, Serath, Lilith, or whatever your name is. -Esau, what's going on? Have you gone completely insane? I am here to make you remember, to bring your inner self back to life. Stop hurting me ! -I need not your help, you filthy creature! You and your lover boy have taken everything from me, and now, now you want me to trust you? I think not! Why did you divulged this little story about you and Samael? You want me to be sorry for you and feel empathy? You're a monster!! A selfish monster who ruins lives and kills people just to protect himself. You do not care about others, you do not know how to love, you do not know what love truly is. Tell me, you miserable creature, it was you who pushed Corina in front of that bus, wasn't it? It was you who murdered the love of my life. It was you who took everything from me! How dare you speak to me? How dare you ask for my help? Get over here! Sit down and listen carefully, whore! -Stop it, child! Shut up or you will suffer unimaginable pains. I did nothing to you or to your precious girlfriend, but even if I had killed her, what would you do now?You are just a weakling, a weak mortal with a big mouth. You have no power here, you have no power over me! Upon hearing this, Alex mumbled an incantation and out of nowhere something appeared in his hand. It was an old dagger, worn leather wrapped hilt, with a simple straight blade, unadorned cross guard and simple round pommel, looked serviceable, if extraordinarily plain. He grabbed Lilith by the hair and placed the blade on her neck. The touch of cold metal sent shivers down her spine. -You need my help, so I must be stronger than you, otherwise you would not have summoned me. It is you the weakling, it is you the one who has no power over me. -So you have finally figured it out. What are you going to do now? You cannot kill me with that blade. I see that you're starting to remember the spells you once knew. I've laid eyes on that blade before, Esau. That is not a blade made for murdering, but... -You smell so good, and the reflection of your face on this blade looks so beautiful. You are very beautiful! I can see why Samael cares about you. I bet the sex is great, isn't it? You turn him on with those tiny lips and those perfectly shaped breasts of yours. -What are you doing?Don't touch me! Let me go, Esau! As he pushed his fingers through her hair, she started moaning. -Will you look at this? The slut enjoys it. -You are not Esau! You are insane! Samael shall punish you for this! The blade pierced her throat making way for the first drops of blood. -Shut up ! You talk too much. Stick your tongue out, I want to know how it tastes. Do it! Or else... The blade went deeper into her throat. -There we go! I never thought a demon could kiss this good. Lilith started to cry. -Why are you doing this to me, Esau? -I've told you to shut up! Alex pushed her back to a wall. -Turn around, facing the wall, and spread your damn legs! Let's see why Samael loves you so much. Let's see if you're enjoying this as much as I do. At that point, she started weeping. She had never thought that this could happen to her. -No! Don't touch me there. I beg you Esau, let me go! -Your body says something else. You are dripping, my dear Lilith. Let's take this to a further level, shall we? Finmor arrived early in the next morning. He was a dwarf-like creature with elvish appearance. His long, white beard gave away his age while his pointy ears gave away the kind he belonged to. He entered the cave expecting to find Esau and Lilith there, but what he saw left him petrified. Lilith was naked, on the ground, with blood pouring from her neck and with bruises on her entire body. -Lilith, what happened here?! -Esau...she managed to say. -Where is he? Did he do this to you? Lilith! -Call...Samael! While Finmor was healing Lilith's wounds, Alex wandered through the Celestial Realm, without a purpose. -What should I do now? The demons want me dead, and after what I just did, there's no going back to the angels either. Sauntering from one place to another, Alex stumbled across a valley. He stepped forward but an invisible force field pushed him back. He took out his dagger and tried to pierce it. Right before the blade touched the barrier, a sign appeared with the following inscriptions: “You are now entering the territory of the Gargoyles. Friend or foe, turn around and bother us not!” -Gargoyles? What's a gargoyle? - he asked himself. He passed through the barrier and gazed upon the valley. Unlike before, the sky turned black, while the rock-covered earth became red. In the distance, he distinguished a forest, but the trees had died. Some of them were burning, filling the atmosphere with smoke. Crows were everywhere, bothering Alex's hearing. The desolating image gave him chills. A vast territory appeared before him. In the interior of the barrier, another world existed. -What is this place? What kind of creatures live here? With that question in his mind, he slowly advanced. -Move no further! Speak your name and purpose! -I am Alex, the spirit of Esau. I have no purpose! A deathly silence covered the valley. The crows flew away. Something scared them. In the burning forest, Alex spotted two eyes staring at him. -Show yourself, beast! -Beast? I am no beast! Tremble and bow before me, for I am Zurbak, the oldest and strongest gargoyle alive, therefore, the leader of my pack. Behold! A slender creature, about a foot taller than him, with piercing eyes and a purple skin hue appeared before Alex. On his hands and feet he had sharp, talon-like claws, and on his back he had large bat-like wings. He had no hair on his body, nevertheless, the skin was decorated with painted runes, and his horns radiated a demonic aura. -I bow to no one, foolish beast! -How dare you? I should end your existence right away! Articulated the gargoyle. -You could try, but if I were you, I would be more cautious. You claim to be the strongest of your kind, but yet you failed to see through my disguise. Even now, when I have told you about it, you have no clue of what is going on. Look behind you, mighty gargoyle, but move not, for your life could end! The majestic creature turned around slowly. What he saw left him paralyzed. His world had turned to ashes. A black mist filled the air, isolating him and Esau from the exterior. There was nothing left, but dust and bones. -You, what have you done? My horde, my kind...they are all gone. He fell on his knees, trembling in fear. -But how? You were standing in front of me. You didn't even move! -I am Alex, the spirit of Esau. I have no purpose! -What? You have already said that! -Show yourself, beast! There he was again, hiding into the shroud of darkness, with his eyes focused on Esau. Within a moment, his world burned again, his friends turned into ashed, and the black mist rised again. -I am Alex, the spirit of Esau. I have no purpose! -This cannot be true! How is this happening over and over again? -Look behind you, mighty gargoyle, but move not, for your life could end. -Stop it! Make it stop! What have you done to me? The sky turned red. The sound of hundred of crows could be heard in the distance. A raven landed on the gargoyle's shoulder, and whispered into his ear. -A never-ending loop! -A time loop...but how did you do it? When? It cannot be! -I need the Key, mighty gargoyle. I know you have it. -So the Key is what you seek, you little bastard. I'm gonna kill you for this. Thou shalt pay! -I am Alex, the spirit of Esau. I have no purpose! -Shut up! -Show yourself, beast! -I said knock it off! -Look behind you, mighty gargoyle, but move not, for your life could end. With a swift movement, the gargoyle pierced Alex's chest with his claws. -I got you now! Alex turned into mist. -Where did he go? I'm sure I killed him. -Look behind you, mighty gargoyle, but move not, for your life could end. -Impossible. My claws are filled with venom. You should be dead! -I am Alex, the spirit of Esau. I have no purpose! The Key, mighty gargoyle, I need the key! Hand it to me and I shall spare your life. -The Key of Darinyl's Mausoleum is what you seek. But why would you want to open it? -That does not concern you! -Who told you about the Key? I heard what you did to Lilith. I know that you ran away Alex. How did you find out about the Mausoleum? -The Book of Bones. Lilith had it with her. -I see, but I still do not understand what you... -IT does not concern you! I need the Key, NOW! The spell that Alex had put on Zurbak, was draining all his energy. -I cannot give it to you, for It is not here anymore. -Where can I find it? -The Shrine of Tumdon. My son guards It, but please, do him no harm! -Have no fear, mighty gargoyle. As long as he hands me the Key, no damage shall be inflicted to him. Farewell for now! Alex turned around and left, but when he stepped out of the barrier, someone was there, expecting him. -We need to talk! -Really? Now we need to talk? Let me pass, Samael! - replied Alex -What has happened to you, Alex? Why did you hurt Lilith? -Hurt her? I think not! She enjoyed it as much as I did. I actually did her a favor since you were too busy with your little quests. Samael drew out his sword. -Never, never talk about her like that again! -I have no intention to fight you, Samael. Just step back and let me pass. -I'm afraid that's impossible. I've been sent to take you back. Lucifer wants to see you! -Lucifer? Why would he care so much about what I did? Why would he care about a filthy demon like Lilith? -It's not about her. It's about the book you stole from her. -Ah, the Book of Bones. I understand now. Lucifer is afraid that I could get too powerful and his precious heaven would be in danger. Correct me if I'm wrong! -Alex, just come with me and nobody will be hurt. -Was that a threat? -A promise! -I cannot help you, old friend. -So be it then! Samael spread his wings and whispered something into the air. The blade of his sword turned black. He charged at Alex violently, with no trace of remorse in his eyes. -I am the ruler of the First Legion now! I am the second most powerful creature in Heaven. You shall come with me, like it or not! Alex stepped back and dodged the attack. He knew that without a proper weapon he could not defeat Samael. -For how long do you think you can avoid my attacks? Look around you Alex! Glimpses of light appeared on the ground. -The earth is under my control. It's weakening you as time passes by. You cannot win! Come with me now ! -For how long I can keep dodging your attacks? Long enough for my spell to be ready! “Fugit irreparabile tempus”! KAI! Samael's movements ceased. He froze and dropped the blade. -Things have changed, old friend, now leader of the first legion. I remember, I remember my past, I remember everything. -Impossible! The most powerful and feared mage has returned once again. But how? How can you remember? -The Book of Bones. -The artifact that you stole. -I did not steal anything. I just took back what was mine. Can't you remember who wrote it? Don't you know who the author is anymore? -Remember? I stood by you in your carnage- replied Samael with disgust. -What carnage are you talking about? -Oh come on Alex. You slaughtered more than six hundred creatures in order to fulfill your wishes. -Non sense! There were no wishes. I needed flesh and blood to make my spells work. -So many deaths... -Only to serve a higher cause! Do you know why I have created you, Samael? Have I ever told you? -To defend and aid you in battle. To be your sword and shield! -That's a bunch of lies! The truth is I needed a friend, someone to be there for me. How many times have we fought each other? -Too many to remember.- said Samael -And how many times have you defeated me? -None. Regardless of how hard my sword struck, you have always had a spell to counter it. I do not understand how can you remember so many words and incantations. -How can you strike so hard? How can you defend so well? -That's an answer I don't have. It's just the way I am. Samael was still caught in Alex's spell. He could not move nor protect himself. He was defenseless. Alex took out his dagger, the same one that he had used to hurt Lilith. -Farewell, you've served your cause well, but for you, it ends here. -Do it! -One more page shall be added to the Book of Bones. Sweet dreams old friend! -Finish this! - yelled Samael In a blink of an eye Alex's dagger touched Samael's neck. First blood had been drawn. They both burst out laughing hysterically. -Nice fighting you again. You're even stronger now! -Nah, it is you who's weaker. KAI! Release! Alex shook Samael's hand. -It's good to be back! -It's even better to have you around. -Thanks, but what now? -Now you will be my prisoner and I shall take you before Lucifer. -...and Lilith? -She'll be there too, waiting for my return. -No...I mean... -I know what you mean. Don't worry about that. As you said, she enjoyed it too. -But I thought... Samael interrupted him. -Once again, don't worry about it! -You've changed! You're not the Samael I used to know. -Well, after you died, I was kind of forced into this. -Old friend, I am so sorry that I felt you- said Alex -My time in here has only made me stronger, so apologize not. Now, Lucifer awaits us! I'm afraid I can't come with you. Your beloved boss shall wait! Other business must be taken care of first. Darinyl's Mausoleum? Indeed! And the Key? The Shrine of Tumdon. The son of Zurbark guards it. So that's why you came here. But what good could come to you by entering the Mausoleum? It can only... We need to go! We're being watched! From the sky spheres of light began to fall. Who are they, Samael? They are called Nephilims. They are Lucifer's personal guards. So what do we do? Stay by my side. Speaketh not, for they are deceiving beings, and believe no word they say. As soon as the glowing spheres touched the ground, they morphed into angel-like beings. They were slightly shorter than Samael, but the aura surrounding them was tremendous. Their body was covered with a black robe, and only the hilt of their blades could be spotted. -What seek thou here, Nephilims? -Step away Samael! Hand us the boy! -Why would Lucifer send his personal guards to complete such a task? One of the Nephilims took out his sword. -The boy Samael! Now! -Lower your sword, you fool!- said another nephilim. Judging by his appearance, he was the leader. -Realize thou who this is?- he continued -Allow me to introduce myself! I am Samael, ruler of the First Legion of Archangels, and this is the Sword of Ragnar, now impregnated with the spirit of Lilith. The moment that Samael drew his blade, the sky shattered in pieces, the earth began to tremble, and the nephilim who had threatened him, now was standing on his knees. -So, why would Lucifer send his personal guards to complete such a task? |