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I found a website that generated ridiculous names, so I started a story using them. |
In the land of many creatures, there lived a young elf. He went by the name of 20-Gnome Horde. His father, 5-Gnome Horde, worked along side the king as his assistant while his mother, 15-Gnome Horde, cleaned houses in their small, lake town. The family lived prosperously in the main town of Middleport. The king, King of the Princesses, lived in a glimmering, white castle atop the large hill that separated the town with his forty daughters. 20-Gnome was somewhat content with his life, besides the fact that he rarely saw his father. His mother was also gone often, leaving the elf boy to his vigorous studies at home. 20-Gnome didn't particularly enjoy studying, but he simply did as his father wanted. His father always dreamed that 20-Gnome would enroll in the highly sought out academy on the continent, Endless Academy. The school rested in Autumnoak, which was only a day's horse ride away. The boy had no interest in becoming the scholar he was pressured to be. 20-Gnome was only bent on studying the otherworldly, or rather supernatural. Ghosts, demons, undead, anything from the underworld and so on. It all intrigued him. It was dusk when the elf sat curled up in the corner of his cramped room, nose deep in a book about Hellreek, the Demon Lord. His home was a simple, clean (obviously by his mother's work) cottage. Though it was dark at night, the light of the sun during the day that shone through the cracks in the ceiling made up for it. 20-Gnome's pointy ears twitched at the sound of the creaking, wooden front door, but ignored the presence that entered the house. His mother shouted from the entry way. "I'm home, darling. What would you like for supper?" she pried. The boy rolled his eyes and set down his book upside-down on his cot, open so he could remember his page without using a bookmark. Shuffling stubbornly out to the kitchen, he grumbled to himself. Once he passed through the intricate archway, he saw his mother scrubbing a plate at the counter. "Mother, I already had supper. I thought you were working late, like you said," he whined. His accent was much thicker than any other elves', but it was unknown to him why. 15-Gnome gave him one of those motherly looks as he hunched his shoulders at her, his eyebrows scrunched in a pouty face. "That's fine, sweetheart, I was just asking in case you didn't. I know I said I'd be late, but Lady Crackfilth said I could have the night off, since your father will be gone for a few days. She thought it nice to let me have some time with my boy." She smiled happily to him as she ruffled his starch, blonde hair. He snarled angrily and wriggled away as she attempted to kiss his forehead. His tall stature made it hard for his short mother to reach him anyway. "Disgusting." 20-Gnome stormed back to his room. The sun had lowered below the castle hill, leaving his room pitch black with the cracked door closed. Luckily for him, the elf had learned a few spells and witchcraft from his books. With a clap of his hands and few incantations, the wax candles that sprawled around his room lit suddenly. Smiling in his small triumph, he chuckled. His parents didn't really mind his obsession with the supernatural, as long as he kept his grades and studied as long as he needed. With a stomach full of fresh chicken and a small amount of mead and ale he'd stolen from his father's cellar, he shut his book (with a bookmark in, of course) and flopped onto his cot. Another day, another fit of knowledge that he'd live a boring and useless life. The next morning's light awoke 20-Gnome. The light shone directly on his eyes, making him squint and roll over. As he opened his crystal, blue eyes, he took in a deep breath. It was thirty seconds until he let it out. He stood a stretched, then followed the scent of eggs and biscuits. In the kitchen corner sat a tiny table with three chairs. He sat in one of the chairs, watching as his mother set a plate down for him. To his surprise, the plate wasn't the only thing she set down. She had a beautifully decorated paper, folded neatly into thirds. "This... came for you." Her eyebrows twitched upward in a knowing matter. In pure confusion, 20-Gnome opened the paper, reading the heading. "We hereby acknowledge the enrollment of 20-Gnome into the acclaimed Endless Academy. We presently await your arrival," was written in golden ink. The boy knew this day would come, but was still predictably indifferent about his enrollment. In all honesty, he had dreaded the day. Considering Middleport was the only elf town on the entire continent, 20-Gnome had no excitement in meeting new species. Of course, he loved the sort of species that occupied the academy, but he wasn't interested in meeting them face to face. Plus the pressure from his father and the lack of interest in studying wasn't much encouragement. Glancing up, he noticed his mother's gleaming face. "I have already told your father. He's so proud of you!" The boy gave her a hard glance. "Proud? In truth?" he questioned skeptically. The elf woman's ears fell slightly as her cheeks reddened with embarrassment. "Well, you understand, he is your father. He is proud in his own way," she attempted to reassure. 20-Gnome wasn't surprised. His father wouldn't be "proud" of him. He'd say something along the lines of: "Finally. You did something right in this family. Perhaps you'll succeed...somewhat." There was nothing in the seventeen years the boy had lived that had made any difference in his father's attitude towards him. Nothing he said or did made any sort of change. 15-Gnome rested a hand on her son's shoulder comfortingly and smiled hopefully. She probably noticed the sullen look on the boy's face. "Tomorrow morning you can take the court's ginger mare to Autumnoak. King won't mind." She simply dipped her head and left the room. After a few moments of disbelief in everything, 20-Gnome finished his meal and slid to his room. He only had a day to fill his head with the lore of demons before tomorrow. Ugh...tomorrow... Dawn broke through the cracks in the boy's walls, as usual. Rolling out of his cot that morning felt like being sat on by a giant. It took 20-Gnome almost an hour to ready himself for his journey. He definitely was not excited for the journey or the arrival. He kissed his mother goodbye and strapped his pack to the mare that stood prepared outside his cottage. The sky was orange with morning light, the green of the trees sparkling off the river that surrounded the town. Mounting the mare, Horse of the Hells, the young elf set off for his new home and school. The academy provided housing, but there wasn't much of a choice for anyone. The council arranged the housing by random decisions. Two completely different species, ones that could hate each other, could be put into a house together and there would be nothing to do about it. As 20-Gnome crossed the bridge to the Sick Forest on the outskirts of Middleport, he let out a long sigh. Onward and upward. Horse of the Hells lazily trudged through the ill and dying forest, hence the name. Hours passed before they exited the forest, reaching the pass to Autumnoak. The sun was already beginning to set when the boy stopped the horse at the edge of the yellow, orange, and red glinting city of Autumnoak. The main gate was tall and golden with speckles of orange up the sides of the crisp metal. Two skinny trees with colorful leaves curled around the sides of the gate like strong vines. 20-Gnome hopped off the mare, taking the reins in his hand and pulling her into town. A few armored guards, orc looking in golden armor, dipped their heads to them as they passed. It wasn't a long walk to the academy since it was the main attraction of the city. It was practically the welcome building. The majority of the homes behind the extraordinary monument belonged to students and staff. Even the janitors' houses were huge and brightly painted. The school itself had an old, rustic look to it, even though the continent wasn't that aged. A stable rested beside the academy, obviously for the population's horses. As the elf and the animal entered, they were guided to a reserved area by a hefty dwarf in dirty cloths. He took Horse of the Hells off 20-Gnome's hands and shooed him kindly to the academy to begin his new life. The academy was larger than he expected. It stood about three giants high with handmade banners hanging from windows. The glass in those windows were a harmonious red to the soft orange that covered the building itself. The steps to the front door were old and worn from thousands of students' feet trampling them. 20-Gnome climbed the steps carefully, making his way slowly to his new school. As he pushed through the doors, he was greeted by a plethora of adult and elderly scholars and professors that had waited for him patiently. Once the professors and scholars all departed, the elf noticed a tall man in pure white robes approaching him, a busty dwarf woman following at his side. The man was much taller than any elf, but not near as tall as a giant. 20-Gnome couldn't quite place a species on him. He had a sophisticated look about him. His dim, blue locks that gathered around his short antlers flowed down to the small of his back, a handful of it resting over his slim shoulder. Teal scales framed his face like a half mask and a visible battle scar slashed through his left eye. His eyes were a strikingly beautiful silver that sparkled fabulously in the daylight. The man bent over to shake hands with 20-Gnome and introduced himself. "Greetings, young elf. You may address me as Headmaster Hands. I presume you are our newest student, 20-Gnome Horde? Welcome to Endless Academy, where students can fulfill their dreams." As the headmaster spoke, 20-Gnome couldn't help but notice how kind he was compared to the grim and serious expression he seemed to hold perfectly. After a moment of collecting himself, the boy smiled softly and dipped his head. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance," he breathed. With something just short of a smile, Headmaster Hands motioned a hand towards the dwarf beside him, who perked up at the sight of her acknowledgement. "This is Fish Glyph, my wonderful assistant. If you follow her, she will prepare your paperwork and housing. If you'll excuse me, I have some ale-smuggling goblins to attend to." The man dipped his head and walked off. Once Headmaster had turned around and revealed his reptilian tail, the boy realized what species he was. Elmren. It was a rare species that had been endangered since its creation. They practically elk mixed with dragon, mixed with human. Fish Glyph's voice returned the boy's attention to her. "Thank you, Headmaster Hands of Tongue. Come with me, young elf, and we shall arrange you into our system," she said giddily. Unlike dwarves, she was very chipper and hyper, much more like a nymph. 20-Gnome followed her to a small room in the corner of the entry hall that was filled to the ceiling with scrolls. Once he signed his name on the enrollment papers, he was free to move in. Fish Glyph guided him outside the school and far back into the student housing. She stopped at a small house, bigger than his old cottage, and smiled happily up to him. "Here ya are, love. I would warn you though, your housemate is the one demon that goes to this academy. She's quite the looker, but a wild rebel." The dwarf shuddered over-dramatically and shuffled back to the school, mumbling things in Dwarven. His roommate was female? And a demon? 20-Gnome knew how he wasn't really interested in meeting the creatures of his hobby, but to be placed in the same home as the only demon known to the school was something rather... exhilarating. Apparently the dwarf from the stables had brought his bags from Horse of the Hells to his new home for him. They sat in a small pile next to the front door. 20-Gnome grabbed his bags and slowly opened the shiny door. He wondered if the demon was even home or if she was out socializing like most students. The house was dark though. She must have been out. The home had two bedrooms beside each other, a rather large kitchen, a den, and a study. Perfect. The elf set off towards the rooms, kicking one of the doors open. Decorations and furniture already occupied that room. Must have been the demon's. He turned to check the next room, but was startled by a sudden thickly accented, female voice. "Well excuse you! Blimey, ya 'aven't been 'ere a mere minute and you're already kickin' down doors! Bloody good guest you are." Out of the literal shadows appeared a young, red and black skinned girl with horns growing from the top of her head. Scraggly, black strands of hair encircled the horns, but didn't barely reach past her neck. Her piercing, bloody eyes glowed brightly in the darkness of the room. 20-Gnome jumped and dropped his bags. The demon girl squinted until she realized who he was. "Aayyy, ya must be the fresh meat. Next time you come runnin' in 'ere with the balls to be breakin' down doors, ya tell me first, ya hear?" She laughed and held out her hand. "Wind Thimble's the name," she said simply. The frightened elf was struck frozen from her strange personality, greeting, and rather amazing looks. Fish Glyph was right indeed, she was a looker. The boy's pale cheeks flushed a bright red and he gulped, stuttering. "I-I thought you weren't here... All the lights were o-off..." he said in a quiet, horrified tone. Wind rolled her eyes and forcefully grasped the boy's hand, shaking it violently. "Don'tcha know anythin' 'bout demons? Dark beats light in our book," she explained, a sly smirk on her face. Her blinding white teeth were a huge contrast to the darkness of her skin and hair. "Your room's to the left o'er 'ere." She took all of his bags in one hand, his wrist in the other and dragged him to the unoccupied room. "Ya got a bed, a table, and a window. Just pleasant. Aye, ya never told me your name. What do they call ya in elf town o'er yonder?" She set his bags down as she spoke to him, locking eye contact every few seconds. The boy just stood there in awe of her. It took a while for him to shake out of his trance. "I'm, um, 20-Gnome Horde of Middleport." He bowed shortly, in no state to be very formal. The girl gave him a bewildered look. "What kind of god bloody damn name is '20-Gnome'???" She swung her hands up in exaggeration. Insulted, the elf jumped back, his mouth gaping with pure shock. "Excuse me, it's the name my parents gave me," he rebutted. The girl snorted and held her stomach in her laughter. "What, are your parents 5-Gnome and 15-Gnome? Did they make them a 20-Gnome?? Ahaha!! Come now, elf, tell me yer real name." She jeered at him as she neared him, her stature just short of his. She was inches from him when his lips curled up in a snarl. "Yes, actually. Those are my parents' names. And 20-Gnome is my real name." His eyes narrowed down at her. They were neck and neck, like rivals, but it was Wind who pulled back. He could feel the heat of her embarrassment radiate off her before she left his space. It almost felt good, maybe if he hadn't been angry. Wind's eyebrows lifted as she realized she was in the wrong. "Aye, mate, I'm sorry, truly. I thought you were jokin'. Listen, I can understand. I don't particularly have the most perfect name either. I mean, what in the world is a Wind Thimble? Makes no sense, I tell ya. Don't take me too seriously, mate. I can go a li'l overboard." Her apology surprisingly calmed him. His eyes opened back up and he shrugged. "It's alright. Even though it may not make sense, I do find your name to be rather... pretty." He smiled as he tried to comfort her. "Rolls off the tongue nicely," he added. The demon girl slowly gained a smile and waved him off. "Ah stop it. It's gettin' late. Why don't ya set up yer quilt and get a good night's rest? To welcome ya, I'll make a big breakfast tomorra'. You'll need one for the mess of a day yer gonna face." She dipped her head to him then left the room, shutting the door behind her. The light sneaked out with the door, leaving the sunset as the only source of visibility in his room. 20-Gnome sighed and took a moment to asses what had just happened. Though reckless in her thoughts, he found Wind to be very admirable and funny even. It was kind of her to offer making breakfast. With a shrug to himself, 20-Gnome unpacked his sheets and blankets, arranging them on the clean mattress. The bed was much bigger than the one he used to have, which gave him a small spark of happiness. Everything seemed to be much bigger to him now, including his confidence. Perhaps it was because he knew his father was far away, unable to judge every moment of the boy's life. Once the bed was set up, the elf crawled under the covers and fell into a deep, relieved sleep. The next morning brought 20-Gnome conflicting feelings. He didn't know whether to feel excited for the new freedoms, or stressed from the classes he was about to attend. As he entered the kitchen, he immediately inhaled the scent of vegetables. He glanced around, finding Wind standing over the small dining table, shaking her hips and humming. The elf lifted an eyebrow as he watched her. After a moment of observing, he spoke up. "What's for breakfast, Cloven Duchess?" He snickered, amused by the little nickname he gave her. In surprise, Wind jumped and spun around, clinging back against the table. "Aye, don't scare me! Yer such a lunatic!" She shoved his shoulders, more playfully than anything. "And what's with 'Cloven Duchess'?" She eyed him carefully, her nostrils flaring. 20-Gnome ignored her as he slid past her, inspecting the food she'd prepared behind her. Two bowls of what looked like soup sat on the table. "Soup? But it's breakfast," he pointed out. Wind rolled her eyes and handed him a pair of chopsticks. "Is soup a problem for ya? It's a homemade recipe. Somethin' like Dim-sum. Dumplin's." After taking her own bowl, she went to sit at the table, her own decorated pair of chopsticks placed delicately in her fingers. The chopsticks had hand-painted cherry blossom designs on them, with bright red covering the rest of them. "Eat yer breakfast before it gets cold," she said with a mouthful. The elf sighed softly before sitting across from her. He stared at the bowl for a few minutes before attempting to snatch a dumpling with his wooden chopsticks, which took another few minutes. Finally, he finished his food, his belly full and happy. "That was actually better than I'd thought it would be. I never really imagined soup being a good breakfast food." 20-Gnome smiled to the demon and leaned back in the chair. She gave him a nod with a blank expression, then glanced out the kitchen window. "Good, great, but I think ya might wanna get yer tight butt movin' to the academy. It's pretty late in the mornin'. Go on, I'll handle your dishes." She shooed him out of his chair. He huffed at her and reluctantly snatched his satchel, making his way to his first class. The warm colors of the school comforted him slightly, but he was still nervous. He had a speck of wishing that Wind could have come along with him. She was his only friend as of then, besides his short acquaintance with the headmaster and Fish Glyph. On entering the academy, the boy found himself immediately pointed in the direction of his first class by one of the robed professors that wandered the entrance hall in the morning. It seemed there wasn't a class for him that morning and he usually took it upon himself to guide new students to their first classes. 20-Gnome approached the door to find half of the classroom seats filled. He had been told the seats would be filled in most classes. He felt relieved knowing he wasn't late. He chose a seat in the secluded part of the room, away from the others. The professor wasn't even in yet, which relieved him more. No one tried to converse with him, again to his relief, since they were too busy with their own friends. The room was bright and welcoming. There was a blank wall that all the seats faced, the professor's desk on the far side of it. 20-Gnome set up his books on his desk and sorted them like he wanted. Just a slight moment of OCD. The professor, dressed in robes similar to the one that had pointed the elf in the direction of the room, entered the room with a smile. He was bald, but had a long, grey beard hanging from his chin. His hands weren't visible, since his wide sleeves covered them. "Good morning, class," he began, "I am here to teach you the wonders of astronomy. For those of you that made it into this building with recommendations from your wealthy parents, that means stars. Now, shall we begin?" He glanced around the room, but stopped before he started the lesson as he noticed the elf. "Oh, my goodness. I apologize, young elf, my old brain can get lazy from time to time. Everyone, this is our new student, 20-Gnome Horde of Middleport. His father works for the King of the Princesses. Please treat him kindly. Now, as I was saying..." The man took a slim piece of wood from inside his sleeve and pointed it at the blank wall, artificial symbols of constellations and stars. The introduction had given the boy no recognition from the other students. Not even a glance. Just as he'd suspected. No one cared that he was there, especially since he was an elf. For some unknown reason, the other races never seemed to take a liking to his kind. The rest of his classes dragged on just as long as the first. From arithmetic, to biology, to current events, and so on. The end of the day healed his weariness by only a bit. Returning home healed him even more. The elf shoved through the door to his home frustratingly, dragging himself to his room. As he set his satchel on his bed, he flopped beside it. His noise must have attracted his roommate's attention, because the next thing he heard was the thick accent of his friend. "Long day, aye? That's expected. I figured though that it'd be nice o' me to make ya feel better. How's a time at the Dark and Summer Tavern sound?" She smirked at him as she leaned against the door post, a hidden expression behind her gleaming eyes. 20-Gnome glanced up at her, pursing his lips. "Tavern? But we're too young to consume ale," he rebutted. She simply chuckled. "Not in Autumnoak, we're not. Come on, let's go have some fun and relax, mate. Don't be a slugmoth." She left the doorway, leaving the boy laying tired on his bed. He grumbled rebelliously and stood, following after her. The tavern was dark inside and was occupied by a plethora of teenagers. People sat at tables, challenging each other to gambling games, drinking alcohol with their buddies, and telling ridiculous stories about the other continent. The continents didn't have names, so sometimes things could get confusing. Wind nudged him fully into the building and shut the door behind them. Dragging him behind her, she approached a table in the corning that held two other beings. One was a curvy, tempting faun with piercing, green eyes in a ragged dress. The other was a young hobgoblin, carrying an ebony bow on his back. Wind rested a hand on the elf's shoulder. "20-Gnome Horde, meet Rubydune Lexicon and Moons of the Runes. Ruby and Moons, meet 20-Gnome." Wind smiled, apparently amused that she'd introduced her new friend to her current friends. The two smiled and greeted him. "Nice to meet you, love," Rubydune said with a smooth voice, her curled ears perked up high in delight. The elf nodded to her. "Good evening, 20-Gnome. I feel sorry for you, being friends with Wind and all." Moons laughed, snorting in between them. Wind punched his shoulder with a growl. 20-Gnome laughed softly to himself. Rubydune rolled her eyes and patted the spot next to her in her booth for the elf. "Come, friend, make yourself comfortable. Wind told us a lot about you. You know you're the only elf to attend the academy in years? How does that make you feel?" Rubydune gazed at him, completely engulfed in interest and awe, while Wind fought her way into the seat beside Moons. The hobgoblin lost the fight, mumbling to himself as she scooted next to him. "Oh Ruby, stop that," Wind interrupted, "He doesn't want to be bothered by yer stupid questions. The lad had a rough day, leave 'im be. Bartender! Bring us a round o' yer best mead!" She shouted over to the bar, which was only a few feet away. The old bartender apparently knew her well, otherwise he wouldn't have playfully rolled his eyes and smiled. 20-Gnome listened to the chatter between friends for a few moments while he waited for his drink. He couldn't wait to try the mead. He'd only tried the bottles from his parents' collection and it was decent. He wondered how a real tavern's ale would taste like.It wasn't long before the bartender came over with four bottles overflowing with alcohol. The elf eagerly took his and stared at it, while the others took huge swigs. Wind glanced to him and motioned her hand to the mead. "Go on, then. No one's gonna judge ya...obviously." She looked to the two on the inside of the booth, swigging down their drinks as they sang a drinking song. Wind rolled her eyes then looked back to him. "Drink as much as ya want. Luckily for you, ya arrived here on the last day of the week. You've got a whole two days to rest, assumin' ya didn't get any homework," she said as she sipped her drink. The elf shrugged and smiled. "Nah, no homework." Raising his bottle to her, he laughed. "Might as well prepare for a long weekend!" He took a swig and painfully gulped it down. The mead was strong and stung as it barreled down his throat. Ruby glanced to him and hiccuped as she giggled at him, apparently absorbing the alcohol quickly. "Better get to drinking, Gnomey. We've got a whole night to waste away and you're slowing us down!" She laughed as she leaned towards him, a strange lust filling her ivy eyes. "Eh, heh... Right." 20-Gnome started sipping his drink carefully, noticing the blank look on the demon's face across from him. She was staring at the faun for a few moments before taking a deep breath and looking around the room. Hours passed, rounds were consumed. Having not had enough in his lifetime to form a tolerance, 20-Gnome had become intoxicated in almost a heartbeat. It was late in the night and the four creatures were the only ones left in the tavern, besides the amused bartender. He was making yet another round while a stumbling Moons slammed gold coins on the counter. "Fill 'er up!" he yelled joyfully, enjoying his drunkenness. The elf hadn't moved from his seat, just sat there staring into space and speaking in random phrases. Rubydune had fallen asleep in his lap while Wind sat unimpressed in her seat. Her gaze was into space as well, but she faced away from everyone. 20-Gnome hadn't had much to drink, but enough to leave him drunk for a while. As time went on, more drinks were passed around, but the elf had fallen out of his state. Wind was swallowing drinks like a depressed alcoholic while Moons and a now awake Rubydune sang more songs in slurred voices. Rubydune still clung to the elf, but he didn't pay much attention to her. He simply watched Wind until he found the voice to speak to her with. "Wind?" he started, his voice cracking from not speaking in a while. He was beginning to understand why she was acting so distant. She would give the faun looks every few minutes, but nothing more. In a hushed tone, the elf attempted grabbing her attention. "Would you like to go back home? It's late and I'd prefer not spending my first few days here with a headache." He smiled comfortingly to her. She seemed to lighten up as he made his suggestion and almost immediately stood. "Ruby, Moons, stay safe. 20-Gnome and I are headin' home. Long day tomorrow!" She grabbed her mead bottle and his wrist, bolting out of the tavern. The sky was dark, but the street torches lit up the path home nicely. The boy refrained from bringing up her attitude until they got home. Wind opened the door, tossing the bottle into the trash bin and heading for the den. 20-Gnome followed her silently, watching as she flopped onto the leather chair. He smirked and crossed his arms. "So?" he asked simply, an eyebrow lifted high. The demon looked at him confused, then sighed as she realized what he meant. She shook her head and looked away. "Nothin'. Just Ruby. She thinks ev'ry guy she meets is her new toy. I hate it. I would have said somethin', but I didn't wanna embarrass her, y'know? Sorry." She huffed and curled into the chair, yawning. She didn't sound like she was intoxicated or anything, but the glaze over her eyes told the elf she still was. He lowered his arms and sat on the ground beside her. "Don't worry about it, Wind. Maybe you should get some sleep. Get your mind off it," he offered, a smile creasing his lips. The girl looked at him with furrowed brows. "Sleep? Not happenin', mate. I don't sleep." She snorted, smoke puffing from her nostrils. He squinted at her. "Fine, then I'll stay up too." After that, he crossed his legs and relaxed, staying silent. Looking over the arm of the chair, the girl blinked. "No, ya gotta sleep. Yer a growin' elf. I'm pretty sure that's what they need." She pushed at his shoulder, her lazy and tired mind starting to let her words melt together. She must have been hiding the hints of her intoxication. 20-Gnome laughed at her and shook his head. "No, if you don't sleep, I won't." The girl growled at him and curled back, frustrated. She gave up much sooner than she should have. He chuckled at her and stayed sitting. A while passed before the girl got up. She didn't walked anywhere, just turned towards him and sat in front of him on her knees. He watched her curiously. "Hmm?" His head tilted. It took the girl a few minutes of squinting thoughtfully before leaning forward and pressing her lips to his. The boy muffled out a noise of surprise and widened his glistening blue eyes at the action. He couldn't find himself to pull away, but sat there in awe and confusion for the few moments that the kiss lasted. Without a word, Wind pulled away from him, stood up, and slugged off to her room. 20-Gnome did nothing. He was frozen, just as he was when he met her, except his feelings had escalated much higher. What had just happened? He was too tired to think. It must have just been a drunk kiss. She probably wasn't thinking. The boy stood and slid to his room, crawling into bed and falling quickly to sleep. He didn't want to think about it. If he did, he'd end up worrying himself and confronting Wind. He didn't want to. He just wanted sleep. A creek of the front door startled the half asleep elf. He sat up quickly, breathing quickly. Someone was in the house... No, no, it was just Wind. It had to be Wind. She said she didn't sleep. Maybe it was a way past midnight snack. Yeah, that was all. He went to lay back down when a muffled scream jolted him out of his bed. "No, no, no..." The boy crept to his closet, reaching for the steel sword that all tenants were given for self defense. Quickly, he ran out his door and to Wind's room, kicking the door open. He almost dropped the sword when he found the demon girl being tied up and bound by a huge creature--another demon. Bloody tears streamed down the girl's cheeks as she struggled, screaming through the cloth that was wrapped around her mouth. A sudden shock of courage rose in the elf as he held up the large sword, pointing it at the demon attacker. "Let her go!" The creature growled in a low tone as his eyes landed on the tall elf. It let go of Wind and stormed towards 20-Gnome with no fear. With a bolt of strength, the elf swung the sword, slashing it across the demon's chest. It roared angrily and went to grab the boy. His movements were too quick for the demon, leaving it with the sword stuck in his chest. It screeched in horror and retreated out the now broken window. Wind stared wide-eyed at the elf and had stopped struggling. Even 20-Gnome was surprised by himself. Ignoring whatever had just happened to give him the strength and courage to defend his friend, he help untie her. Once she was free, she tackled the boy into a hug. "Thank ya, thank ya, thank ya!!" She squealed happily as she crushed the elf in her arms. He gasped for air when she let go of him, his face red. "You're...welcome, I guess." He couldn't forget the kiss from earlier, but tried not to bring it up at all like before. "How did ya do that? Are you a secret assassin or warrior or what??" Wind pried him with questions as she neared him, her eyes wide with intrigue. He shrugged and backed up a bit. "I don't...know. But forget that, are you okay? Why was there a demon here?" He held her shoulders as he looked her up and down for any wounds. Finding nothing, he wiped the blood tears from her face. She watched him and frowned slightly. "I'm going to make this quick because I really don't want to explain it. Also, I won't be answering any of your questions tonight after I explain." Her accent was suddenly completely mild and faint, different from her usual tone. "I was born into a ruthless demon clan, well what demon clan isn't, but I was born a sacrifice to Hellreek, the Demon Lord. On a certain date, I am supposed to go through a horrible ritual to die for the wretched Lord. I left the clan because I had no intentions of being sacrificed for a Lord I didn't even worship. I made my life here and am accepted by the academy. Sometimes those of my clan still come after me, hoping to keep me captive until the ritual day. I usual escape their camp and return here, but tonight you saved me from that. And before you ask, the date is in a month. Now goodnight." She smiled, and with that shooed him out of her room. He stood outside her door, speechless. It was a lot to take in, especially after the crazy attack that had just taken place. Fortunately, 20-Gnome understood and could put his mind to rest. Returning to his room, he went back to bed, huddled into his blankets. It wasn't very long into his sleep that he heard a knock on his door. He sat up defensively, in case there was another demon. There was, but it was just Wind. Strange, she was so bent on not speaking to him about any of her mess, yet she showed up about an hour later at his door. She didn't say anything, so 20-Gnome spoke up. "Um...yes? What's wrong?" he asked, sitting up. He tried to stay under the blankets, considering he slept without a shirt on. For him, it shouldn't matter, but since he hadn't known Wind for long, he didn't want to feel strange in front of her. She held herself like she was cold as she slowly shuffled into his room. "Hi, um, this is gonna sound odd but... I've begun to feel a li'l paranoid 'bout the ritual day. Knowin' the demons, they'll be comin' after me more frequently since the day is nearin'." Her accent seemed to return suddenly. "I was wonderin' if you'd mind... if I slept in here tonight? I just... ya make me feel safer in this damned house and I would feel better if I could sleep where I felt guarded. If ya don't want me to, that's okay, especially since you must feel weird 'bout the kiss I gave ya earlier..." The elf blinked in shock. So she was conscious of what she was doing. It wasn't just a drunk kiss. "I... I suppose you can. I only want you to be safe." He stayed away from the subject of the kiss so as not to make things any more awkward. He scooted to one side of the bed to give her room. She shyly squeezed into the bed beside him. The bed may have been bigger than the one at his old home, but it was not meant to have more than one person in it. They were inches apart from each other, enough to see each other's burning cheeks.Neither of them had the guts or courage to try anything, even though they knew they both had the same sort of connection. Instead, the two races shut their eyes happily and slept. The silence of the morning was eerie and suspicious to 20-Gnome as he awoke. As his eyes opened, he noticed the absence of his friend. Wind's spot was made as if she had never even been in the bed. The boy sat up and patted down his bed head. Another day of school and nonsense awaited him. He found Wind in the kitchen, enjoying a bowl of her infamous soup. He waved happily to her as he set off for school. The smile she returned to him gave him goosebumps. The next few weeks dragged along rather slowly. 20-Gnome was doing well in all his classes, as well in his social life. He spent most of his free time with Wind, Moons, and Rubydune. Of course, he acquainted some of his classmates, but none of them could match the bond he'd created with his close friends. Because of his hard work and good grades, the elf thought he should inform his parents of his accomplishments. One sullen night, he sat at the kitchen table, quill in hand. He wrote a simple letter to his father, addressed to the King's castle. Sending the letter to the castle would be the easiest way to get it to his workaholic father. Footsteps approached 20-Gnome, forcing his attention span to flutter about until he settled on the demon that stood behind him. One of her delicate hands caressed his cheek and fell to his shoulder. "Good evenin', elfy. What's all this, now?" she inquired, leaning down to read his letter. The elf grinned and folded the paper carefully. "It's a letter to my father. He's never been very proud of me in anything, so I thought I'd let him know I was doing well." He set the quill and ink aside and turned to face her. "So, my Cloven Duchess, what's the agenda? Anything planned for today?" The demon placed a bright, red hand to her chin, pursing her lips as she thought. A sudden flash of something devilish smeared her face and gave her a sly grin. "I have an idea. Come with me...I think it's 'bout time I told you somethin' I've been wantin' to tell you for a while..." Her tone was soft and wispy, catching 20-Gnome completely off guard. His eyes widened, a little frightened by her change of attitude. Completely entranced, the elf followed her into her room, taking her into his arms as she spun towards him. Her smile only spread wider, her eyes filled with something 20-Gnome felt familiar with, but couldn't place. As her lips neared his, he felt his vision falter and fade before him, just her aura surrounding him. Her pure red lips parted slightly, her breath puffing out slowly. "I lo--" A knock at the door echoed through the hallway. Both creatures in the room flattened their ears, clearly frustrated. 20-Gnome sighed and detached from the demon. "I'll get it..." He departed for the front door, Wind keeping closely behind him. As he opened the door, he found himself at height with the Headmaster's torso. "Oh, greetings, Headmaster." 20-Gnome lifted his head with a smile, gazing up at the blank-faced elmren. "Yes, good day, young elf. It seems there is a package for you. Our delivery man is nowhere to be found so I have taken it upon myself to deliver the mail. Here you go. Nothing for you still, Wind. Sorry. Good day to you both." Headmaster Hands pulled a thick envelope from his robe and handed it to 20-Gnome. The elf blinked slowly at the envelope before backing up slightly. "Ah, thank you, sir. If you don't mind, I have a letter I'd like to send off," 20-Gnome said softly, starting for the kitchen. The elmren nodded, sending the elf off to grab his letter. He returned, but Wind was walking off to her room. "Here. Thank you." The two males exchanged nods before 20-Gnome shut the door, following after Wind. When he turned into her room, he found her facing away from him, the red skin of her back startling him. "I--Wind, what are you doing?" She turned her head with a smile, her arms crossed over her chest. "Aye, what'sit to you? Interested? Is that what ya are?" |