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Plans for the year ahead. |
Dear Me, 2014 is finally here. And with it, comes the time to make our annual to-do list. Yes I'm still calling it that, and I hope you are too. Calling it a list of resolutions simply makes it something easier to back out off. It lets me know that I can forgo that task, if I simply do not feel like doing it. That is to say, there's an escape clause, a loophole. Anyway, as tempting as ranting on about the atrocities which are New Year's resolutions, I will start. Since this is for future me to refer to; I think you remember that I make the same to-do list each year, unless of course you are suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's, in which case, look up our biography by googling Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Jokes aside, our to-do list has only one item, and checking it off is an ordeal on its own. And that item of concern is: To be yourself. Sounds cliche, you say? A tad bit cheesy? Well it's you, you bastard! At present, society has no space for "anomalies". There is no space for the "weird kid". So, we constantly find ourselves in the position of pretending to be someone we are not, simply because we desperately desire to fit in with accordance to, what is the norm. In doing so, we often forget the most important thing, which is to be ourselves. While others around you may be planning on losing weight, getting smarter, gaining a bit more maturity, etc. I want you to just be yourself. Because that is one field you excel at. There is no point in wanting to achieve some silly little things; instead, achieve the things you want for yourself, not the things which society wants for you. Don't do things which make you more desirable to people. Instead do those things which you, and only you want. Whether it's to write a book, play a game, sing a song, fall in love, whatever it is; do it, only because you want to. Self-acceptance is the path to inner peace. Accept who you are, and learn to love yourself, no matter what changes come to you naturally. Don't let others change you; instead, bring about your own betterment. That way, you love what you become, and can be proud that you did it yourself. Remember, that people who try to improve themselves by imposing such madness as, lose 10pounds each month, go on a crash diet, etc. are dissatisfied with themselves. Don't be one of those people. Be happy with yourself, smile, do what you want, and I know you will get what you want. Yours lovingly, You Words: 449 |