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A nun is abducted and tortured by a psychotic criminal in an attempt to break her faith. |
Lighting the candles of the church where she was ordained Clair, saw her reflection in one of the vases that was set atop of a table. Looking at her reflection she could see her long wavy black hair that flowed from her hood down passed her shoulders and stopped just above her large bosoms that complimented her slender body, which was covered in an all black cassock. As she gazed into the vase at her reflection she hard foot steps come from behind her. Turning around she saw that it was Father Donovan, who was dressed in a dark grey hooded cassock. "Sister Clair, what are you still doing awake?" Asked Father Donovan. "I was praying to the Lord but then the candles burned out. So I replaced them with new ones Father." "That is my duty not yours." "I know. But when I saw them burn out I couldn't help myself. Forgive me Father." "There is nothing to forgive. Your dedication to this church and our Lord is most impressive. But it's late your sister retired hours ago you should join them. The lord would not want you to forgo sleep just so you can light candles" "Yes Father," Replied Clair, as she bowed and proceeded to walk towards the golden colored double arched doors of the church. Exiting the church she walked down the paved path to the rectory to join her fellow sisters who had retired for the night hours ago. As she walked down the path she heard a sound. Slightly frightened she started to walk faster. As she sped up she began to turn her head in all directions. As she did so she saw a figure shaped like a man emerge from behind a tree and begin running toward her. Panicked she ran back to the church only to be tackled to the ground by the man. She began screaming as she tried to get up from under the man. Continuing to struggle she felt the man begin to punch the back of her head. After several blows to the back of her head she begun to feel woozy and before she knew it she passed out. Seeing she was unconscious the man grabbed her by her heels and began dragging her away from the church grounds and loaded her into the back of his truck. Once she was loaded into the back of his truck the man entered the front and drove off going 80 mph nearly cutting off a semi truck as he drove. Arriving on a property in the woods twenty minutes later he Exited his truck,grabbed Clair, throwing her over his shoulders and brought her down into the open cellar of the worn torn farm house. Once in the cellar he brought Clair, over to a chain that hung from a mount on the celling, set her down, and began to tie the chain around her wrists. Having bound her hands together with the chains he hoisted the chains into the air causing her to rise up of the ground and hang from the celling by her hands. Satisfied the man walked up the stairs and out of the cellar closing the double wooden doors behind him leaving Clair, to dangle in the dark. Hours later Clair, awoke. Slowly opening her eyes she noticed that was unable to see anything, and felt an intense pain in the back of her head, followed by feeling her numb hands bound together above her head. Seconds later she began to remember the events that occurred just hours ago. The last thing she recalled was being hit in the back of the head. Realizing the man must have knocked her out and brought her somewhere away from the church. Tears began falling from her eyes as she began to think of what the man might do to her. She then began to silently pray in her mind. "My father who art in heaven please help me. Please let me live so that i may return to the church to continue serving you." As she continued to pray she heard what sounded like a door being opened followed by the sound of a light switch being flipped on. Within a second the cellar became flooded with light allowing her to see. Looking around she saw several white painted cabinets embedded into the walls that were covered with blood stains, and a small cage in a corner. As she continued to look around she heard footsteps coming down the stairs causing her to become filled with fear. Turning her head to look behind her she saw the man who had abducted her. She saw that he had short greasy orangeish red hair, 5 o'clock shadow, and a scowl on his face. His stocky body was covered in a dirty white muscle shirt and black jeans. Walking to the front of her the man looked up at her dangling body. Turning back her head she gazed down at her captor staring him in his emerald colored eyes. "What's your name?" Asked the man. "My name is Clair." Replied Clair, in a trembling voice. "Do you know who I am?" "No." "My name is Jedediah Wilkson." "Please let me go." "Now why would I go and do that, when I went threw so much trouble just to get you here?" "I have nothing of value for you to take." "You think I care whether or not you have any valuables? I could care less about such things." "Then what do you want from me?" "I want you to do something. If you do exactly what I tell you to do, i'll let you go." "I'll do anything you want. Just please let me go." "I want you to say God isn't real, I want you to say he's made up, I want you to say you don't believe in God or heaven, I want you to denounce your faith and burn the bible I have in the cabinet. Do that and i'll let you go." "I refuse." "Hahahaha. Your just like all the others. And just like them, i'll break you of your faith." "There's nothing you can do to make me lose faith in the Lord." "All the others said that too, yet within hours they did as i told them and abandoned their faith. You'll be no different." Walking to one of the cabinets Jedediah, opened it, removing a black coiled whip, uncoiling it as he walked behind her. Watching him walk behind her uncoiling the whip caused her to begin trembling. "What's it going to be? Are you going to do as i told you? Or am i going to have to whip you until you break?" Not saying a word Clair, bowed her head and closed her eyes. "I'll take that as a no. So be it!" Closing her Clair, began to whimper as she prepared for Jedediah, to whip her. Pulling back his right arm over his shoulder Jedediah, slung the whip forward as hard as he could sending the whip flying towards Clair's, back. 'CRACK' Having felt the whip make contact with her back, she let out a loud scream as she felt the stinging pain the whip inflicted upon her. Her eyes filled with tears as the stinging sensation began to feel as if her back was on fire. "Are you going to do what i told you to do? Or am i going to keep whipping you? The choice is yours." As tears rolled down her face she closed her eyes as tightest as she could while bracing her body for another whipping. 'CRACK' "Do it!" ' CRACK' 'CRACK' As Jedediah, continued to whip her Clair, screamed bloody murder, hoping God would send someone to come to her rescue. With each lash of the whip she felt her back begin oozing blood, as it became more and more numb. Feeling her body become weaker she passed out. Seeing she was no longer conscious Jedediah, threw the whip to the floor in anger, and walked back up the stairs and out of the cellar. Moments later he reentered the basement with a bucket of cold water which he proceeded to throw in her face. Having cold water thrown in her face caused Clair, to regain consciousness. Slowly opening her eyes she saw Jedediah, standing before her with a sadistic grin on his face. "Are you ready to do what i told you to do?" "Never!" "You'll do as i told you eventually. I guess I'm just going to have to step it up a notch." Walking over to the chain that he had used to hoist her into the air, he untied it, and began lowering her to the ground. Once she was on the ground Jedediah, untied her hands, walked over, pulled down the hood of her Cossack, and wrapped his right hand around her hair pulling it back as hard as he could. "This will all end if you just do what i told you to do." "No!" Having heard her say no Jedediah, smashed her head against the ground, breaking her nose. Letting go of her hair Jedediah, walked to the front of her. Looking up Clair, felt blood pour from her nose. "Had enough?" Not saying a word she began breathing threw her mouth. Getting on to his knees Jedediah, placed his left hand under her chin, forcing it up, and repeatedly slapped her with his right hand. Unable to tolerate the pain Clair, began crying again. Removing his hand from underneath her chin Jedediah, rose onto his feet, and flipped her over on to her back. Meanwhile back at the church. A cop car drove onto the church grounds responding to a call from Father Donovan, about a missing nun. Before exiting the cop car the man who was dressed in a light brown unzipped jacket, with a white t shirt underneath, and dark tan colored pants that stopped just above his black pointy toed shoes ran his hand threw his short black hair, rubbed his dark blue eyes, and itched his black mustache, while he glanced at the car radio seeing that it was 8:20 am. Exiting the car he walked up to the church and was greeted by Father Donovan, who was wearing the same outfit as the night before. And two nuns dressed in black and white cassocks. "My name is detective Morgan, I'm responding to a call about a possible missing person. I assume you're the one who made the call?" Said the man. "Yes I am." Replied Father Donovan. "What's the missing persons name, gender, and age?" "Her name Is Clair Monahan. She is an ordained nun here at the church. I believe she is twenty three years old. "She's twenty four." Interjected one of the nuns. "Alright got it! How long has she been missing? "12 hours." "12 hours? You're joking right?" "No!" "*Sigh* In order for a person to be declared missing they have to be gone for a minimum of 72 hours. Your friend is probably around here somewhere. She's not missing." "She did not show up for morning prayer and she is not asleep in the rectory. Therefor she is missing." "How do you know she didn't just leave? Or go visit a friend or something?" "To where would she go? She had no life outside the church. She lived, worked and worshiped the Lord. She would not just leave. Her life was the church." "Please sister Clair, wouldn't just leave. Something's happened to her. I can feel it. Please you have to look for her." Interjected one of the nuns. "Alright I'll look into it. When did you see her last? Did she have anybody who might of wanted to harm her?" "I last saw her leaving the church to retire for the night in the rectory. It was around 3am. I know of no one who would seek to harm her. She caused no one any trouble and thought only of helping others." "Alright I'll investigate the area and see if anyone in town has seen her." "We will pray for her safe return." "Don't get your hopes up. There's a chance she could already be dead." "Never the less we will still pray for her well being." "Do what you think is best. I'll let you know if I find anything." Having finished speaking Father Donovan, and the two nuns walked back into the church leaving detective Morgan to investigate the church grounds. Searching the grounds Detective Morgan, noticed a large patch of damaged grass with a several drops of blood. Following the blood droplets he came to the gravel road that led out of the church. Looking at the road he saw large tire marks that he concluded must of been left by an Suv or large truck. Having found this evidence he returned to the church to inform Father Donovan, of his findings, Entering the church he saw Father Donovan, baptizing a baby. Not wanting to interrupt he took a seat in an empty pew waited for him to finish. Handing the baptized child to his mother Father Donovan, saw detective Morgan, seated in one of the pews and headed toward him taking a seat beside him. "Did you find anything?" "It looks like you were right to be worried. I found a patch of damaged grass that had a trail of blood leading to the road. I've no doubt a struggle took place there. The trail of blood leads me to believe she was dragged to the road and loaded into a truck or large suv." "Do you think she is no longer with us?" If by that you mean do i think she's dead then no. Whoever abducted her brought her back to their vehicle and drove off with her which leads me to believe her abductor wanted her alive." "For what purpose?" "It could be any number of things. I've too little evidence to go on to give you an idea as to what her abductor wanted her for." "I see. This is troubling news." "I suggest keeping it to yourself until we know more. There's no sense in telling the other members of the church until I find out exactly what happened." "Yes. For now i shall remain silent until we know more. I do not want to worry the others more than they already are." "I'll head into town to file a report at the station and see if anyone has seen anything that might lead to her whereabouts." "I thank you for your help. I pray that our Lord watches over her in this darkest hour." "If you'll excuse me Father. Getting up from the pew detective Morgan, walked out of the church, got into his police car, and drove off the church grounds heading into town. Meanwhile back in the cellar of the farm house where Clair, had been taking. Having flipped her onto her back Jedediah, began ripping Clair's cassock off, revealing her white bra and panty's. "Are you going to do as It now?" Shaking and crying as blood continued pouring from her broken nose Clair, replied saying "No!" Hearing her defiance Jedediah, began removing her bra. As he did so Clair, began struggling and tried to fight him off of her as she screamed "No no. Please stop! No! Only to be overpowered in a matter of seconds. Jedediah, ripped off her bra and pulled down her panties leaving her sobbing on the cold ground as she begged him not to do this. "Are you going to do it?" Yelled Jedediah. "Barely able to breathe do to her broken nose and uncontrollable crying Clair, screamed out "No! Just please stop. Please let me go." Jedediah, unbuttoned his pants, pulled them down a few inches and pulled out his penis. Still struggling Clair, felt him grab both of her hands with his own pinning them down to the floor. "Unable to move her arms she began to kick as she begged him to stop. As she continued to struggle she felt his erect penis begin to probe her vagina. Screaming in pain as she felt Jedediah's penis enter her she continued to beg him to stop as tears poured from her eyes. As she laid pinned to the floor she felt her vagina being torn apart. She felt blood pour from it and run down her thighs. Minutes later she felt his penis swell and release his seed into her. Pulling out Jedediah, let go of her hands, and rose to his feet pulling up his pants. Looking down at her naked body as she cried, continuing to bleed from her nose and Vagina, he spit onto her face. Grabbing her by her hair he drug her damaged body to the cage in the corner, he opened it, shoved her in, and locked it trapping her inside. Without saying a word he walked to the stairs and went up them shutting off the light behind him as he exited the cellar leaving Clair, to suffer in the dark. As she laid on her side in the cage, she began to wipe the tears from her eyes. Feeling the blood ceasing to flow from her nose she licked her fingers and began to wipe her face clean of blood, followed by moving her hand down to her torn vagina. As she rubbed her vagina she bit her lower lip to keep from screaming do to the pain. Finished cleaning herself up. She placed her hands under her head to serve as a pillow. As she laid alone, hurt, and frightened in the cage she began to wonder why the Lord would let this happen to her. She began to wonder what she did wrong, she began to wonder why she was being punished. She then began to wonder for the first time in her life if the Lord was really there watching over her, she began to wonder if this was all just a test that the Lord was putting her threw to test her faith. Hours later she heard the door of the cellar opening, and then saw light flood the room, followed by the sound of Jedediah, walking down the stairs. Approaching the cage he opened it, reached in and drug her out of it by her feet. Grabbing her by the back of her neck he picked her up off the ground and sat her down into a metal chair and began tying her hands together behind it. Grabbing another chair he placed it facing her and took a seat in it. Looking him straight in his eyes she said. " Please let me go please, all I want to do is go back to the church. I won't tell anybody. just please have mercy and let me go." Jedediah, began to laugh as she begged him to release her. "I told you I would let you go as soon as you did what I told you to do. All this could have been avoided had you just done what I said from the start." "Why is me doing what you want so important to you? Why do you want me to turn my back on our Lord?" "You want to know why? I'll tell you why." Lunging forward Jedediah, grabbed her chin forcing it upward. "It's because I want to help you. I want to make you see that there is no bearded man in the sky watching over you. Do you honestly think if he really did exist he would stop all the killing in the world? Don't you think he would give food to all the people starving to death? Don't you think he would help all the people who suffer every single day of their miserable pathetic life? Don't you think he would have stopped the man who burned down my store and saved my wife and newborn son from being burned alive? He doesn't stop any of it because he's not real. That's why I'm doing all of this to you. I want to show you there is no God. Do you get it now? Well do you?" "The Lord has nothing to do with any of that. The things you mentioned are the work of the devil." "The devil? If God, is real why doesn't he stop him huh? Why does he allow him to do the things he does?" "To test our faith." "To test our faith huh? Hahahahaha is that what you think all this is? A test? Do you honestly believe your precious God, made me do the things I've don't to you just to test your faith? Anyone who would willfully watch one of their children be tortured simply to test their faith is a monster. Open your eyes. The man you worship doesn't exist." "My eyes are open and they see the truth." "The truth? And just what might that be?" "The truth is that you're the monster who has been led astray down a dark path by the devil. You've beat and raped me. You've robed me of my purity and innocence. But despite that I still forgive you and I still hope that you'll let me go so that I may pray for your soul." "I'm the monster am I? Me not him? Pfft. You're not going to leave here until you do what I told you to do." "I'll never turn my back on the Lord. You've beat and raped me already. There's nothing more you can do to me." "I can still kill you." Hearing Jedediah, say those words Clair, began to tremble uncontrollably. "What's the matter? Scared of dying are you?" "If I must die to prove my faith to the Lord then I shall do so." Infuriated by her refusal to break he smacked Clair, as hard as he could with his right hand sending her to the floor then proceeded to go back up the stairs leaving her lay bound to the chair on the floor. Meanwhile back in town. Detective Morgan, pulled into the local diner to see if any one had seen anything suspicious the night before. Entering the diner he walked up to the service counter and rang the tiny silver bell that sat on the counter. "What can I get you?" Asked the approaching middle aged woman whose slender body was covered by a white t shirt with a yellow apron over it and blue jeans. She had short greyish black hair rolled up into a bun, tootsie roll colored eyes, and a mole beside her pale cracked lips. "I'm detective Morgan, I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions?" "Whatever my ex husband told you is a lie." "My questions have nothing to do with your ex husband." "Oh. Well then what are your questions about?" "This diner is open 24/7. Did you work last night?" "Do you not see these bags under my eyes? Of course I worked last night!" "What time did your shift start?" "I clocked in for my shift at 12am like always. What's this about? Am I in some sort of trouble?" "No mam you're not in any kind of trouble. Last night at approximately 3am one of the nuns was abducted from the church grounds." "And I have to do with this how?" "I was just wondering if you might have seen or heard anything out of the usual last night." "I didn't see or hear a damn thing! Now if you'll excuse me I got work to do." Having finished speaking the middle aged woman walked back into the kitchen. "Any chance a speeding truck is what you're looking for?" Asked a man sitting in one of the booths across from the counter. Turning around to see who was talking to him detective Morgan saw a big burly man with a black beard wearing a red striped shirt and light blue jeans sitting in a booth holding a cup of coffee. Walking to the table detective Morgan, took a seat on the other side facing the man. "Can you tell me more about this speeding truck?" "Not much to tell other than I was driving into town to come and rest at this here diner for a few hours when I nearly went off the road swerving to avoid a truck that was speeding down the road." "What time did this take place?" "Around 3am." Did you happen to see the driver?" "Nope. He was going way to fast." "What color was the truck? Do you remember what direction it was heading in?" "The truck was white. It was heading west." "You're sure about this?" "Positive." "Thanks for the information. Excuse me." Getting up from the booth detective Morgan, exited the diner, got back in his police car, and drove back to the police station to see if any white trucks have ever been pulled over in the area for speeding. Arriving at the station he entered the building and began to pull up records on all vehicles that have been pulled over in the last year. Digging threw all the files he came upon a 1997 ford f150 that was white in color and had previously been pulled over seven times for speeding in just the last few months in addition to being a suspect in several other abductions. Opening the file he saw that the owner of the truck belonged to a 47 year old man named Jedediah Wilkson. Who lived in a country house twelve miles out of town to the west. Figuring he found his abductor detective Morgan, exited the building and began racing to the farm house hoping to find Clair, alive. Meanwhile back in the cellar. Still laying on the floor bound to a chair Clair, started to wonder if Jedediah, would actually kill her if she didn't do what he wanted her to do. Fearing for her life she closed her eyes and prayed in hopes that her life would be spared. As she prayed she heard the door to the cellar open signaling Jedediah, had returned. Moments later she heard him approach her. Grabbing the back of the chair he pulled it back upright onto it's legs. Having finished her prayer she opened her eyes and saw Jedediah, standing in front of her. Reaching behind him he pulled out a black 9mm hand gun and placed the end of it against her forehead right between her eyes. Feeling the cold gun against her forehead she began to shake. She knew she was going to die. "Is your faith truly so great that you think your precious God, will stop me from putting a bullet threw your skull?" "If I am to die in order to prove my faith then I shall. For the Lord is my Sheppard and he shall guide me." "The only place your faith in him will guide you to is your grave. You can still walk out of here alive if just do what I told you to do." "You've no intention on letting me live you never did. You brought me here to break me of my faith and kill me." "Hahahaha you're right I brought you here to break you of your faith and kill you. I wanted to watch your hope of someone coming to save you drain from your face, I wanted to watch you cry as you realize you've been brainwashed into believing an imaginary being, I wanted to see the look on your face as I put a gun to your head and told you you're going to die. You're not like the others I've done this too. They all broke and did exactly what I told them to do and once they did, I laughed as they cried and put a bullet in between their eyes. Before I kill you tell me why didn't you just do it?" "Because the Lord created me, and blessed me with the gift of life. It's for that reason I devoted my life to serving him, he is all that I have. I won't turn my back on him even in the face of death. " "Then you're a fool." Cocking the gun that was positioned between her eyes Jedediah, said "Let's find out if your God, really exists shall we?" "Knowing she was going to did she closed her eyes and begun to shake. Elsewhere. Detective Morgan, sped down the highway towards Jedediah's house, arriving on his property he exited his car, pulled out his black 45mm hand gun, and stealthily entered the unlocked front door. As he looked around he could hear a man's voice coming from in the cellar, figuring it must be Jedediah, talking to Clair, he slowly turned the knob off the cellar door. 'Boom' Hearing what sounded like a gun shot he slowly open the door, quietly walked down half the stairs, and saw the man he presumed was Jedediah, standing in front of a naked women tied to a chair holding a gun in his right hand. Being as quiet as possible he descended the rest of the stairs and snuck up behind Jedediah, placing the end of his gun against the back of his head. Feeling the gun pressed against the back of his head Jedediah, stood still clenching his gun in his hand. "Drop it! shouted detective Morgan. Doing as he detective Morgan, said he dropped his gun. "Now place your hands behind your head and get on your knees." Complying Jedediah, did as he was commanded. Putting his gun back in it's holster detective Morgan, reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed them around Jedediah's hands, then glanced over at Clair's naked body, walking over to her he placed his hands on her neck to check for a pulse. Not finding one and seeing the bullet hole in between her eyes he let out a sigh of disappointment as he realized she was dead. Walking back over to Jedediah, he grabbed the back of his shirt and hoisted him up onto his feet and walked him out to his police car placing him in the back. Entering the front he used his CB radio to call dispatch requesting an ambulance. Moments later the ambulance arrived, and retrieved Clair's body from the cellar, and brought her back to the hospital, placing her in the morgue, while detective Morgan, brought Jedediah, to the police station throwing him into an empty cell. Hours later detective Morgan, got back into his police car and drove to the church to inform Father Donovan, and her sisters about Clair. Arriving on the church grounds he exited his car and entered the church, spotting Father Donovan, speaking to a nun, he walked over, and waited for them to finish speaking. Having finished talking to the nun Father Donovan, looked at detective Morgan, seeing a look of sadness on his face. "I'm guessing you haven't good news for me?" "I'm afraid not." "Is sister Clair, still with us?" "No! Her abductor killed her. I'm sorry." "That is most disappointing. Do you know who killed her and why they killed her?" "His name was Jedediah Wilkson. He's a suspect in multiple other abductions and murders in other states. Apparently he abducted her wanting to break her of her faith. I interrogated after arresting him and according to him he had plans on killing her even if she had denounced her faith. If it's any consolation to you he said unlike all the others she refused to break." I hope she did not suffer." "I'm afraid she did. Her captor tortured and raped her in an attempt to break her of her faith." "But she did not and it is for this reason that she will find herself walking threw the gates of heaven and into the loving embrace of the Lord." "Her faith is why she was killed. Were she an atheist none of this would have even happened." "Were she an atheist she would never of known the strength faith gives." "Faith is a weakness not a strength." "I gather by your words you do not believe in the Lord?" "No i don't! If you've seen the things I've seen you would know there is no God, watching over us." "But there is. He was there watching over Sister Clair, providing her with the strength to resist her captors attempts to break her of her faith." "It doesn't really matter. Even if God, is real and even if he did give her the strength to resist him he still let her be tortured, raped, and killed. So it's like i said faith is a weakness, had she just given in and broke she would have been killed early on and wouldn't of had to suffer." "But it does matter for you see her faith made her stronger then the evil that sought to destroy her. She was stronger than her captor, that is why she did not break. Whether or not her belief and faith in the Lord are wrong doesn't matter. What does matter is her faith was strong enough to repel this man's attempts to break her. That my friend is why I see faith as a strength not a weakness." "I see your point but that doesn't change anything. She's still dead! You'll have to go to the hospital to verify her body then you'll be able to lay her to rest. If you'll excuse me I have to return to the station. Have a good day!" Having finished speaking detective Morgan, left the church heading to his car, as he did so for the first time in his life he looked up at the sky and wondered if there really was someone in that cellar with her keeping her strong, wondering if somewhere up in the sky Clair, was looking down from heaven watching over the church she devoted her life to. As he wondered he couldn't help but feel as tho maybe just maybe there really was a God. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OF THIS STORY. ANY FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED. |