Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1968441-The-Princess-and-Cupid
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Drama · #1968441
Treacherous Knights doubtful defence of their King - then Cupid and Destiny team up...
Before cynicism grew from poison, dew
coating the brambles in droplets of fear,
we all believed in Kingdoms - in you,
though royalty watched, knights never galloped here.

Alas, no promised message from her came, until one
fateful scorching day thirst drove their horses further
in search of quenching, shaded from their sun,
men with swords, ill-gotten gold and beast, took fill of life preserver.

Idiot nocked arrow despite confiscation, and our gritted teeth,
with dropsy's twitch, and spinal paradox, astonished us with perfect flight;
to strike on vassal's armour, harmless fluke, yet wrath complete.
Treasonable chevaliers dragged older brother, witness of their deeds, before the King to fight.

Death, or living; pendulum the King, as guilty arching brows of accusation aimed
t'ward silly oaf's redeemer, pointing brother shouting forth her name. They break and run;
the clumsy handsome surf soon falls. The princess gazes unashamed.
Cupid's arrow speeds from Knight at arms, to halt the valiant son.

To separate, yet pinning hearts of both the youths; collision's destiny.
The dying, flailing fletcher, thorns of roses, briar, scratch of littered blacksmith's nails,
from intent arrow, satisfying wound in chest from Cupid - Knight's bulls-eye enemy.
Princess kiss to hold receding life, King crouching, whispers from the boy; blood trails

His Majesty commands not Cupid; arrows cannot nestle back in quiver.
Trust in tatters, The King boosts wounded heirs on sanguine covered horse.
With loyal men, a rush for village healer; darkness, erstwhile King, a father - beggar.
Hope fades; yet torpid youth retrieved from precipice, with ancient herb source.

Tandem wounded village boy, and daughter of the King - the Princess girl.
Pacing Sovereignty without, the snorting stallion draws his eye to errant Knights
Lacking zeal they mock him, where before they bow down mail and knee, the flag unfurl.
But now his fury comes, as truth, and dawn across the ridge, he sights.

His horse, and only trusted men return to castle on the cliffs of royalty.
As Princess and her lucky lad regain their strength in cave of Merlin's stone.
Apothecary's poultice loosens fever, Wizard's spells of loyalty.
King's round table gift, to boy and princess wed, restoring heir to Kingdom's throne.

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